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"MERB vs MERC vs MM" and "Vote To Ban All Reference To The Blueboard. "

Should all references to the blueboard and it's members be banned???

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New Member
Apr 5, 2005
Yes much bluster and school yard threats. A few members acting like 12 year old school yard bullies. This behavior is taking up more and more posting on this board and the moderators are even participating in it. Really pulling this board down.
As for rules didnt I just see one member ridicule another, isnt this against board rules?
Is the board going to implode due to the actions of a few with some personal vendeta?


Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
A few members acting like 12 year old school yard bullies.
Granted that it may look like this to the untrained eye. Believe me when I say this is not my favourite thing. Check my posting history and you will find nary a trace of bully in me. I am a reviewer...

However, without asking for it, I get nailed hard my personal information disseminated. The moderation there does nothing about it. Do not forget that these "bullies" were all members here at one point.

I can just imagine at this juncture the effect of MERB banning mention of MERC: an explosion of joyous defamation...

Do I want this? NO! I want it stop more than you do, believe me. But here is the only place I and other people have to talk a bout a problem that is affecting the Montreal Sex Work Community. Looking the other way will not alleviate the problem. We tried...
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New Member
Aug 29, 2004
Rive-Sud de Montréal
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Good idea Merlot,

MERB is a review board, let keep its mission at just that. If other board(s) owners/MODS let's people transgress their own rules and cause damages to an individual(s). He or she have the legal rights to pursue the legal route.

To will fully let cross board feuding diminishes this board credibility and reason of being, i.e. Mods need to clean this up, stop all threads on cross board feuding, earsay, comments, bitching and also most certainly refrain themselves from feeding the fire by lowering themselves by publicly cite profanity toward anyone even if he thinks the intended is a .......... whatever.

Put all this lessons learned and let's move on please, this is getting old and counter productive.
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Dec 5, 2005
It serves no purpose to argue with the imbeciles of that board; eventually they drag you down to their level and win with experience!

As mentioned in a previous post, not much useful information over there for hobbyists

jeff jones

Mar 23, 2009
At cleo's
What has always seemed like an easy solution to me is if you don't like a particular thread or think it is a waste of time then don't read it but allow those who want to read it to do so.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
I vote for letting the mods decide what's appropriate on a day to day basis. They not only see what is written over there, they also deal with information provided to them by pm. They are getting a more complete picture of the situation and are thus able to make better decisions. They have my trust.


New Member
Apr 5, 2005

If you are being harassed you have the right to ask them to stop, in fact you need to do this before preceeding with any further action. YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO ATTACK YOUR ATTACKER it only puts you in the wrong as well.
So your adult options are:
A. ask them to stop and if they dont look into legal action
B. Just ignore them

Participation just drops you to the same immature childish level.

I feel this board is being hijacked by a few with some personal vendetta against a few on another board. It is seriously affecting the creditability and usefulness of this board. I just dont care about what he said, she said, it is all just childish nonsense, that in the end can get the participants in trouble whatever side and in the extreme could case the service provider to cancel the boards account with them.

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Hello Merlot,

Unfortunately this feud has gone beyond simply member against member. It has gotten to the point where MERB content is being routinely copied and posted on merc without permission. This is a violation of MERB terms to which every person, member or guest, agrees to upon entering this board.

Postings on Merb are the property of Corporation and may not be reproduced or disseminated in any fashion without the expressed written permission of management.
The false accusations posted on merc directed at our members and advertisers cannot go unchallenged or unacknowledged. Do you actually believe that if we impose rules against our members defending themselves, that anything will change over there? Not only will it not change, it will worsen and the personal attacks will increase. For the first 4 months of this year, there was nary a mention of merc on this board. What did that achieve? It achieved nothing. They were being ignored so to get attention, Ziggy came back to MERB under a new handle and began to pick up where he left off. When that did not work, he posted an open challenge to myself regarding an event that is almost a year old and which would otherwise become a distant memory if not for his insistence in keeping it alive. Other members, former members at this point, enjoyed pretending to be honest members here while returning to merc to post insults and attacks directed at this board. These members have been banned, as others have been in the past and anyone who does likewise will be banned in the future. We have no room for hypocrites here.

No attacks have ever originated on MERB, other than one time a few years ago when a member posted personal information composed of newspaper articles concerning Tom, the owner of merc, on this board. That information was swiftly removed and the member suspended. It is interesting to note that that information was posted at the time by none other than Ziggy Montana, who now as Dissection Tool is one of the star members of merc.

Everything else that has been posted here has been in our members' own defense in response to falsehoods and personal attacks posted against this community. We will not stop defending MERB, our members or our advertisers against these false accusations and personal attacks. To do that would spell the end of MERB as a responsible and viable community. Unlike merc which makes claims of supporting free speech while at the same time removing any dissent on that board without notice, we do support our members and their right to defend themselves. We allow our members to openly question moderator integrity on MERB and will enter into a discussion about it. We truly allow freedom of speech here on MERB and will not censor our community's ability to defend itself.

Mod 8


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
That information was swiftly removed and the member suspended. It is interesting to note that that information was posted at the time by none other than Ziggy Montana, who now as Dissection Tool is one of the star members of merc.
I've often been known to comment that irony is the strongest force in the universe. Now I'm sure of it.

Thanks again, mod 8, for all your effort in this and for the care and good judgement that you've shown throughout this ordeal. For anybody who might think this is fun, think again.


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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I don't understand this poll.

Should all references to the blueboard and it's members be banned???

Yes, it's pointless.

No, it's necessary.

Shouldn't it be:

Should all references to the blueboard and it's members be banned???

Yes (all reference to the blueboard and it's members be banned), it's necessary.

No (all reference to the blueboard and it's members should not be banned), it's pointless.

Because of the confusing way the question is asked, I voted Yes, when I really think I should have voted No.


Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
Dear Tom

Mod 8 said:
No attacks have ever originated on MERB, other than one time a few years ago when a member posted personal information composed of newspaper articles concerning Tom, the owner of merc, on this board. That information was swiftly removed and the member suspended. It is interesting to note that that information was posted at the time by none other than Ziggy Montana, who now as Dissection Tool is one of the star members of merc.
Is there any way to make SURE Tom reads or knows of this ASAP ? :nod::lol::D:cool:


Time Traveler
Jul 29, 2006
Planet Earth
Initially, my point was to stop the whole non-sense between boards, once and for all.

Merlot's idea of allowing Mods to notice us with a closed threads sounds good. Although, I am not open to the idea of being specific to Blue, but more other boards in general.

As far as Sapman's concern, it will be hard to control the other board as seen in the past few months. Lets clean up our own yard and let them deal with theirs.

As for letting Mods deciding on what's appropriate clearly, that's what they had the chance to do, and didn't do anything about it on either side. I don't think we were better then them.

JJ you're probably right, but I personnally don't like what I see. Just a divergence of opinions.

Despite the wording, I vote in favor of the proposal. But I'd prefer to read any other boards than blue.


Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Tom is aware of it. He is the one who pointed it out to us and requested it be removed as we were already in the process of doing so. He also banned Ziggy from merc permanently.

Is there any way to make SURE Tom reads or knows of this ASAP ? :nod::lol::D:cool:


Time Traveler
Jul 29, 2006
Planet Earth
So what you're saying is that if someone doesn't know the holocaust happened, then it didn't. If someone didn't hear about the tsunami in Japan, then it didn't happen.

Dear Rumple,

What I say, and what you want to understand are actually a mile apart.

Go back to what you have quoted and this time read: "in the mind" and then "for them".

I don't think I can be clearer then that. Otherwise I would start thinking that you like to twist whatever suits you, leaving besides important details that would change the interpretation.

Then again, have a nice day.

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Mod 11

Active Member
Jul 28, 2009
2 mods, 2 opinions guys.

Personally, I think those who feels like thew were wronged and think it's worth paying attention to those attacks should do it like adults should do it, not like school children in a dark alley: take legal actions against MERC. This will be the only possible action that, in my opinion, will have any effective results. Talking about it here won't change anything or if would have already have a positive effect. As it stands, it's certainly not getting better.

These stupidities (And I agree with you guys, you have every right to be upset!) did not happen on MERB and MERB should not be used to retaliate against MERC, this isn't our mandate.

** As far as I'm concerned, those wanting to discuss actions against MERC or share their adventures should do so in a MSN group, Facebook or similar. I would see no problem allowing ONE link to this discussion in such site but, it would be the ONLY mention of this feud here. **

Besides, these discussions are bringing negative energy to MERB and are dragging us down to the same level as those we despise. This is not where I want this board to go and this is not the type of energy I want to be stuck dealing with when moderating.

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