Montreal Escorts

Mini GT

Mini GT - What is your preference - March 10th or March 17th

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Retired Ol'timer
Nov 19, 2006
Nice evening

The evening started with a dinner CaptRenaud and I had, our first time meeting after many years of exchanging information on the business, the girls ;) and other subjects by email. We discussed about a number of things, had many flashbacks. It started the evening great and we later decided to head to the GT. Why not?

First impression when I got at HDLM was the lack of familiar faces, except for Tom who I recognized right away. He was sitting with a cute black woman who didn't seem too drunk when I came in, only when they both came out! A date from hell? Investing for the future Tom? ;)

Candy was a great host. She walked in front of us and introduced herself when she saw us coming. She took me by the hand (hmmm soft hands! lol) and presented me to everyone at the table. Thanks Candy!

The setup was a bit too static IMHO, too much table seating. I preferred the way HDLM had this area setup in the past, with higher tables. It helped people communicate with each other, and we could more easily walk from one table to the other and engage conversation more freely in the past. Maybe it has to do with the fact other people were already by the piano, sometimes having glances at us and slowly figuring out what we were all about?! Oh well...

Unfortunately I got to speak to a few merbites but not too many. In attendance when we initially came in were Tom and his black cutie, Darrel (Magnetic Escorts), the unique Candy, the very cute Morgan, and... the breathtakingly beautiful Bianka! And her every movement is sooooooo feminine! Oh my! ok ok CA, focus, you're retired... focus, FOCUS! CA!!!! (lol ;)). Ooops I almost forgot...there were some guys too! Sorry, she must have gotten all my attention. LOL... shijak, champs1000, algol, rex kramer, rook01, forever newbie, and a few others I forgot the handles. Sorry guys.

While CaptRenaud, Rex Kramer and I were talking (I was more of a listener than a talker at this point), three very well known ladies came in: Anabelle (of formerly Celine's Fantasies), Sweet Maria, and Anik (just-ass-weet). We pulled chairs from other tables and we all sat together...

The discussions were very interesting, ranging from Anabelle's new studies to Maria's trip to Thailand, and eventually the business in general. I know I got kinda carried away with some loud argumentation with Maria about differences of work styles as an Indy vs being part of an agency, the rates, the security, etc, but it all made the evening more enjoyable.

All in all it was a very nice evening. Although it was not a full-fledge GT yesterday, it was very nice to attend and meet new faces. I hope the next planned GT (April 28?) is far enough so that more long time posters will be able to attend.

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Rex Kramer

New Member
Nov 28, 2004
Thanks also for being such a good host. It was a pleasure to finally meet you in person.

Not that there is anything wrong with it, but I did notice that you stared at Bianca (of Magnetic) longer than any other ladies there.. (oh, yes, and more than any guys too ). Bianca can make such graceful moves, and those jet black hairs are just stunning. You better watch out..ladies like Bianca can be such mortal danger to your retirement status!

I got to meet and say hi to most people, except for Morgan, Shijak, champs1000, Tom and his date. It was nice to put faces with handles, and got to meet 2 of the Montreal heritage hobbyists. It was nice to meet everyone, including newman and mike(?).


New Member
Aug 26, 2005
Another fine evening...

After a very, VERY busy 2 weeks previous, a night out to down a few alcoolized drinks added with some light conversation was exactly what the doctor ordered.

i did see you nearby Rex, but we both ended up enthralled by our respective tables' bewitching ladies, so we missed each other this time. I give you a late hello.

Thanks to everyone who showed, I had fun. As I usually do, here's a few of the evening's highlights:
[1] the ladies, of course. I got to chat with Morgan and Bianca of Magnetic Escorts (Bianca making a repeat appearance at our little evenings), and got to boogie a bit with Candy. At the other table I spent not enough time with Anik, and the dynamic duo of Maria & Annabelle.
[2] If I don't mention the fact that Candy showed up at a quarter to 10pm, i was promised severe bodily injury. no fool am i so there you go! :)
[3] I got to experience a touch of primo BFE from Darrell of Magnetic Escorts (so how much was it that I owed you, stud?).
[4] My wallet got mugged when i found out soft drinks as well as shots cost 5$ each at the Hotel bar. YIKES!!
[5] Tom's face when he left early with his date was priceless...

I'll probably return for more fun this coming saturday (y'all do remember we're having ANOTHER GT then, right?)... peace out 'til D-day!


New Member
Jan 22, 2005
Sorry I missed this one, sounded like fun. Was caught in a late dinner and couldn't leave early. Will most probably be at the next one, the 17th....ummm, there is another one on the the 17th, right?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
shijak said:
My wallet got mugged when i found out soft drinks as well as shots cost 5$ each at the Hotel bar. YIKES!!

You should have seen the mugging my wallet took when I was buying double shots of Baileys on the rocks for Crystelle at the July 2005 Orallover-organized HDLM "party". My wallet was so badly bruised by the mugging, that I had to get a new one!:eek:

Sorry I could not make it to this GT, the way it usually works is these things get planned when I am not in town. Eventually the dates will coincide.
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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
I also have to apologize for missing this one. I was kind of in a miserable mood due to various things lately and decided not to risk bringing the mood of the GT down to my level. The last thing needed at a GT is someone who isn't up for a party. Sounds like everyone had a great time as usual and I'll try to make the next one on the 17th.

Bye the anyone planning to attend the St.Paddy's day parade on Sunday?


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Last Saturday night was the highlight of my 5-day trip to Montreal. Cool Amadeus and I finally met each other in person and we enjoyed a great 3 hour dinner at a very typical French bistro (Le Paris) just down the block from the HDLM.

Over an excellent bottle of Côtes du Rhône-Villages Rasteau (and some good food), we talked about anything and everything to do with women, Montreal, and the meaning of life. :D Despite the fact that CA speaks English with native fluency, he indulged my desire to speak French and so I got more practice speaking the language in one evening than I have had over the last 6 months--merci, CA.

After dinner we walked over to the HDLM where we were warmly greeted by the alluring Candy. Candy did a great job of making everyone feel welcome. I was introduced to most everyone and it was a genuine pleasure to meet all of you. The ambiance at HDLM is wonderful, but as usual it was a crowded place on a Saturday night, so that it made it a little hard to mingle. I enjoyed talking with Rex Kramer and we found that we have a few things in common--small world.

I also enjoyed making the acquaintance of Annik and Maria--deux femmes très charmantes et sexy. After awhile I was very pleasantly surprised by the arrival of the angel Annabelle. She looked even more beautiful than I had remembered her. She is one of those rare indivduals who has genuine charisma--you just feel great when she's around. She is cheerful, animated, and very warm-hearted. Quelle femme extraordinaire!

I finally had to take my leave so that I could seek out the company of another woman whose beauty and personality had captivated me the night before. But that's another story that I'll relate in a different thread.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
It's true that Cool Amadeus speaks excellent English. Sorry I could not have joined you guys for dinner, even though Le Paris is not really my kind of place.


Amor est vitae essentia
Nov 25, 2004
In the depths of Dante's Second Circle
So, the guys who voted for the 17th, you guys still coming to the mini GT ?

Hope to see ya all there !!!


Amor est vitae essentia
Nov 25, 2004
In the depths of Dante's Second Circle
PrimeTimeEscorts said:
Me too... :p

Oh Damn, the guys are gonna come running now !!!


New Member
Mar 16, 2007
I'vebeen wishing I was there

Did I miss anything?

How was the GT? Any reviews?

Who's up for a GT on Monday 19th. I will be in town for a short stay and wouldn't mind meeting some of the posters, I have been reading for some time now. I know noone knows me, but we are all strangers only once.

I thought I would hit Cleo's among others. Suggestions?



The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Seeing as how I missed the GT on the 10th I decided to make up for it by stopping by last night. It was a small gathering as GT's go but a lot of fun none the less. It was nice to see Asami, Shijak, Dee, Joe, Rook1, my buddy Paul and the others whose names escape me at the moment...I guess my memory isn't what it used to be, especially after a number of drinks, and no one, at least not me, was taking notes. Candy was her usual beautiful self and spent a lot of time on the dance floor as well as making us all feel welcome, and all eyes turned to look as Michelle arrived just after midnight with her lovely photographer Chantal who would not be out of place in front of the lens instead of behind it! What can be said about Michelle other than she brightened up everyones mood with her sexy vivacious character and her beauty. Rook for one, had great difficulty tearing himself away from her side as did I. People started drifting off around midnight while a number of us stayed until being asked to leave at around 3:30 am so that the hotel staff could start cleaning up. A few of us stayed around keeping Michelle and Chantal company until their ride arrived and then we said our farewells and went our separate ways. All in all a very pleasant evening with friends both old and new. Thanks to everyone who stopped by, hope you all had an equally good time. Thanks to whoever ordered the snacks before I arrived, thank you to Candy for the idea of having two GTs on consecutive weekends. And a big thank you to Michelle for the last round of the evening. See you all soon I hope!

Rex Kramer

New Member
Nov 28, 2004
shijak said:
i did see you nearby Rex, but we both ended up enthralled by our respective tables' bewitching ladies, so we missed each other this time. I give you a late hello.

And a late hello to you also Shijak!

I agree with you completely... these ladies can be so bewitching and hypnotizing.


Wide Open

Mar 18, 2007
First post; First GT

Hi fellow Merbite,

So this is my first post, I've been lurking around for the last 6 months, reading you all, getting all the needed information on the hobby.

I haven't register before, because I did not think I will have any need to post in any of the thread, but I've been otherwise convinced to register yesterday at the GT, by the charming Michelle and her lovely friend and photographer, Chantal (they also found my handle).:cool:

I arrived aroung 10:30 pm, presented myself and sat for a good 15 minutes listening to the conversation taking place around me... so to make a story short read Techman, as much have been said in his post...

Thank you all for the pleasant evening, it was nice to finally place some face on some of those handle, I hope to meet you all again sometime, chat with you, dance again with you ;) ... (you know who you are). And I will continue to read you all.

To the next time.
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