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Mojo escort = fake review???

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Sep 27, 2003
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My respect to Delta 123
100+ girl per year at average of $200 per girl = $20000 after Canadian income tax (40%)
Wich means Delta 123 spends around $35000Cdn of his hard earn money....
Re injected in the Canadian economy.
Canada needs 100 Delta 123 to get out of this never ending recession lol.

With time, i learned to read his reviews carefully and get the information i need.
IMHO i would say his reviews are at ''worst'' a little embellished (8 to 12%).
This is a normal situation, as Delta123 seems to be quite ''adiicted'' to sp's.

I understand looks so beautiful after a good session.

DELTA 123 was suspended for reasons mentioned before.
Information he gives on this board are still 70% + accurate (from my point of view)

Which is good enough to make a choice and see what happens.
I am not a fan of Delta123..but i do DEDICATION to the
Merbite cause

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Really? I have read through previous posts and Delta123 was banned because he was a shill and got discounts.

If I recall Delta was not a shill but asked for discounts to review the girls since he was a very good customer ( If I buy products from a store in great volume I would expect a discount, if you see an Indy SP many times you get little perks also )


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Hi all

When you are a agency owner you are glad that there is guys like Delta123 willing to toftt on a a regular basis.
He loves newbies and there is nothing wrong with that .
He calls all agencies and there is nothing wrong with that also .
Most of the time Delta123 has a fair opinion on the SP he has much experience reviewing and it shows .
Following reviewers often agree with him ,it shows that he does have credibility and is reviews aren't tainted or bias ,but each reader must exercise his or her judgment, its the same for all reviews .
And Mojo are doing many things right




Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
This is unfair to Delta123. I am glad that he is able to TOFTT. I wish I could spend as much time "in country" as Delta. If I did, I would be accused of the same thing.
I am thankful for Delta and all the reviews he writes.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
If I recall Delta was not a shill but asked for discounts to review the girls since he was a very good customer ( If I buy products from a store in great volume I would expect a discount, if you see an Indy SP many times you get little perks also )

I wasn't going to bring this up but since you did i would have to concur. I was also a member of the Eleganza club. You would have to tell John your handle when booking and then they would take 20$ off. And then John removed the discount. I would come to town and see at least 2 or 3 Eleganza girls a trip. The 60$ paid for wine and dinner. IMHO, John should have comped Delta a free girl every Christmas for all the money that Delta spent there.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
It is extremely unfair to The Great Delta, but fear not D123, jealousy leads to stress and when you are the King of the throne many try to knock you off. The best way to deal with the adversity i would assume since i have never been "king" would be to give yourself a pat on the back, look in your wallet to make sure all is well for the next weeks encounters and laugh it off and pay no attenton to the haters and like i said previously, take the negative energy as compliments because in theory, that is exactly what they are my brother from the great white FAR north. Let the haters stress and dont lose precious time over them.

You have always been totally honest with me about any lady i have ever asked you about and i can see i am not alone, you are a genuine man and for those who know you, agree.

Here is your new theme song Dman, Shake it off by Taylor Swift

"haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate" Shake it off :thumb:

This is unfair to Delta123. I am glad that he is able to TOFTT. I wish I could spend as much time "in country" as Delta. If I did, I would be accused of the same thing.
I am thankful for Delta and all the reviews he writes.


New Member
Feb 4, 2011
Living in the now
Hi Everyone,

I always told to myself: if for each rev I wrote it helps one guy to make the right choice and have a lot of fun in a respectfull way with a lady: Mission accompli.

Notez que je suis pleinement conscient que faire un premier rev implique une part de responsabilité vis-à-vis ceux qui vont utiliser cette information, en tout ou en partie, pour arrêter leur choix sur une demoiselle.

Have a great day everyone.

Wildtime Escorts

Active Member
Apr 8, 2013
Should you be added to a list of agencies that give rebates for good reviews? Do you not see how the integrity is lost?

Don't you see that since we started.. almost 2 years ago, we always had a special price for merb members. So put us on that list if you want but it wont change anything, we always been happy to work with merb members and give all merb members a rebate. I think you are just taking things a bit too seriously here..

As concerned as I am in this business, I can still say I'm here for having fun, can you say so?

Add : Since the new regulations are effective in Canada, we are unable to give details by phone, by text or by the website, don't bash on guys who write reviews because they are becoming more and more important for the 2 sides. And as for the guy who started this thread, he didn't reviewed really often.



Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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I'm not an insider, so maybe my scenario is as nonsensical as a trade decision by the Maple Leafs.

An agency gets a new recruit. As a good customer, Delta is given the opportunity to be one of the first to see her. She is aware before their meeting that her client is a merb maven. Delta is a gentleman and a gentle man, so he is is neither extraordinarily demanding nor critical.

Nothing dishonest, but Delta's experience may not be a perfect indicator of the type of the service the next guy gets.


Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
I'm not an insider, so maybe my scenario is as nonsensical as a trade decision by the Maple Leafs.
An agency gets a new recruit. As a good customer, Delta is one of the first to see her. She is informed before their meeting that her client is a merb maven. Delta is a gentleman and a gentle man, so he is is neither extraordinarily demanding nor critical.

Nothing dishonest, but Delta's experience may not be a perfect indicator of the type of the service the next guy gets.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Don't you see that since we started.. almost 2 years ago, we always had a special price for merb members. So put us on that list if you want but it wont change anything, we always been happy to work with merb members and give all merb members a rebate. I think you are just taking things a bit too seriously here..
HI all and Jimmy
It seems you are doing a great job.
However we are talking rebates we do not infer to rebates applied to all merb members but special rebates .
I have been asked in the past for does types of rebates and have always decline.
Some members seems to believe they are entitle to additional rebates for whatever reasons ,the original question was legitimate but maybe poorly worded ?Maybe he lacked credibility to ask ?
But each member has right to be concerned ?
As concerned as I am in this business, I can still say I'm here for having fun, can you say so?

Add : Since the new regulations are effective in Canada, we are unable to give details by phone, by text or by the website, don't bash on guys who write reviews because they are becoming more and more important for the 2 sides. And as for the guy who started this thread, he didn't reviewed really often.


Obviously reviews are so important for the SP money stream but also for clients to help them find the service .looks and attitude they are looking .
I have not yet had the pleasure of doing business with you ,but its only a question of time .
Keep up the fun!:thumb:




Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
An agency gets a new recruit. As a good customer, Delta is given the opportunity to be one of the first to see her. She is aware before their meeting that her client is a merb maven. Delta is a gentleman and a gentle man, so he is is neither extraordinarily demanding nor critical.

Nothing dishonest, but Delta's experience may not be a perfect indicator of the type of the service the next guy gets.
I forgot to say: same applies to many other MERB members. I could include myself in part of this, but I have also had the occasion of posting less than glowing, honest reviews.

In any case, many agency operators are keen enough to recognize a poster by his review. I have said it before: I always call the agencies using my real name. If they later deduce who I am, so what? Restaurant reviewers more or less operate that way, as do wine critics. There may be those who will intervene in the name of anonymity at all costs. Good for them if they truly stand up to that standard. My (very) brief stint in the industry tells me that those so-called righteous hobbyists are the worst offenders, bandying their handle about and booking by PM.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I'm not an insider, so maybe my scenario is as nonsensical as a trade decision by the Maple Leafs.

An agency gets a new recruit. As a good customer, Delta is given the opportunity to be one of the first to see her. She is aware before their meeting that her client is a merb maven. Delta is a gentleman and a gentle man, so he is is neither extraordinarily demanding nor critical.

Nothing dishonest, but Delta's experience may not be a perfect indicator of the type of the service the next guy gets.

This is probably a fair statement. I can imagine this being true. And it is probably true for many of us.

I forgot to say: same applies to many other MERB members. I could include myself in part of this, but I have also had the occasion of posting less than glowing, honest reviews.

In any case, many agency operators are keen enough to recognize a poster by his review. I have said it before: I always call the agencies using my real name. If they later deduce who I am, so what? Restaurant reviewers more or less operate that way, as do wine critics. There may be those who will intervene in the name of anonymity at all costs. Good for them if they truly stand up to that standard. My (very) brief stint in the industry tells me that those so-called righteous hobbyists are the worst offenders, bandying their handle about and booking by PM.

I wish I were a professional writer and I wrote SP reviews for a living. If I were a professional reviewer and if I were paid a salary by the New York Times to write reviews I would take more of a stealth approach. I would take glee in the bad service I received from the SP's because I know that it will make good copy when I write my scathing review. However, the reality is I am not a professional reviewer. I hobby in Montreal because I love the great service and value that I receive from these young ladies. My primary concern is my selfish enjoyment. I also enjoy writing reviews and chronicling my adventure in Montreal and elsewhere. I like to write reviews (especially good reviews) and I also hope that my reviews are helpful and entertaining to read. Lastly, I want to expose SP's and agencies that are rip-offs or just not concerned with providing a good experience.

In conclusion, I would say that my primary concern is my enjoyment and my secondary concern is to write a review. I think this would be opposite if I wrote SP reviews for the New York Times. Therefore, I see no problem with booking an SP by PM. I hope Jimmy or Mike/James or whomever is running MTLGFE whispers in the girls ear before they show up. I want a good experience. I am not going to act like a rube that just fell off the turnip truck just so that I can see how the average hobbyist is treated.

I made my first visit to TJ's full-service bar Hong Kong's earlier this year. I studied Smuler's notes carefully before the trip. I asked for a tour of the club and I asked the rules and how things worked. While I freely admitted that this is my first time in TJ I told the owner "This isn't my first rodeo." He got the message.


Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
Therefore, I see no problem with booking an SP by PM. I hope Jimmy or Mike/James or whomever is running MTLGFE whispers in the girls ear before they show up. I want a good experience.
I never said this was wrong. I was just pointing out that sooner or later the "holier-than-thous" would creep up and say it is wrong to be known to the agency management by your handle, while my experience has taught me these are precisely the people who leverage it the most. Just saying .

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
DELTA 123 was suspended for reasons mentioned before.
Information he gives on this board are still 70% + accurate (from my point of view)

I may be wrong, but i believe that Delta123 himself asked to have his account permanently deleted that time & explained his reasons why. Later, he changed his mind, but learned he couldn't get his account re-activated. I remember everyone chiming in on whether or not he should be reinstated. If he got banned for accepting discounts, i don't remember this. But let's be real and admit he wouldn't be alone to accept discounts....i mean, someone wants to give you money and you're supposed to say no? Come on!

I have no problem with Delta123's reviewing style. Some may say that he embellishes some of his reviews, fine. Everyone does that once in a while. No one can read his mind, so they can't tell for sure if he purposely embellishes some of his reviews or not. But any intelligent person can read between the lines when reading a review, so it's no problem.

Let me tell you something: Delta123's style is a lot better than many others' styles of always being constantly negative who often will bash an sp (or the environment she works in) for stupid little unimportant things and will say at the end of a review that they will not be seeing her again after giving her high numbers in the matters that count the most. I'm just generalizing.

This board would be a better board if we'd have more Delta123's around.

We lost a valuable member in ManApart when he stopped posting reviews. It's a good thing there are still other well-known reviewers left, among them Delta123.


New Member
Sep 11, 2014
Food for thought, but Delta123 has never posted a review for an independent.

An newcomer agency can profile prominent reviewers and contact them and agree to give them a rebate (their cut) and it is worth it because it's promotion of their agency and their girls so taking an $40-80 hit for good reviews is better than buying an ad.
Think about it. Mojo debuted this time last year. No reviews. Nothing. I am not sure if Delta123 was still banned then. All of a sudden they return and almost every girl is reviewed by Delta.
Yes he likes fresh meat but not all of Mojo's girls are "debutantes".

Wake up dudes.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Hey all4one, outside of asking annoying questions and taking pot shots at popular reviewers...what are you doing on this board?
In your 47 posts you`ve bad mouthed the 3 most popular agencies but have not as yet written a significant review.

Wake up dude...get real bro.


New Member
Sep 11, 2014
Delta123 is a popular reviewer but I didn't for anyone else. I haven't bad mouthed popular agencies either.
Newbies writing reviews are brought through the mud. Why help you bros? Speak the truth and post a thread about Delta123 ADMITING his fault and you "senior" posters seem to think you have the right to protect your friends despite evidence that he was a shill.

You wake up bro


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Simple answer as he and I were having this conversation just yesterday, He does NOT see Independents plain and simple. Not saying he has never seen any at all but he will be the first to admit he see's almost exclusively, agency ladies.

Wait, STOP THE PRESS here a second, are you telling me I can save $40-$80 per encounter simply for writing a good review? Why by golly miss molly had i known this i would have been writing the best reviews you could ever imagine for the last 6 years now! :rolleyes:

Cloudy, it does seem familiar with the same old thing we see from time to time around these parts, doesnt it? New guy joins, posts a few normal posts, then all the sudden after a few posts to make us think he is legit, the true colors really come out as to why one is here and then comes the sarcastic then controversial and then the shit disturbing post all within a short period of time. Sorry but a newbie rarely comes across that way but a former and/or currently suspended or banned member does and or one who suffers from Blue-Fever does. It is so obvious. Just wait, next comes a new thread trying to call out the next good member of the community or join forces with whomever does.

I agree with him on one thing, everybody should "wake up" (about him)

Food for thought, but Delta123 has never posted a review for an independent. .
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