It seems like it will be a star studded event this saturday night at Le Centre Bell. Mike and James have both signed a contract to have a MMA style grudge match to settle things between them because they hate each other so much (haha)
Come early and fill up on Molson's and Popcorn because the event's proceeds will be donated to charity (they passed on a huge payday) which is a nice gesture on their behalf since they are broke do to mismanagement. (bwhahaha)
-----The undercard will be a star studded affair as well as the rest of the nights guests. In the opener it will be Nazem "the dream" Kadri vs. Brendan "top of the morning to ya" Gallagher in a battle of lightweights.
-----Next up, Hungry101 vs. SpecialK, the winner gets a date with the famous Brittany/Liz (asservissante/eleganza) both of these guys loved that girl as did yours truly, can we make this a three way battle royal guys?
-----After that we have Smuler vs. Joe.t in the "Great Smokeout" last one standing that can walk a straight line without laughing and getting the munchies is declared the winner! (sorry bro, my $ is on Smuler in this one)
-----The final match before the grand finale is Doc Holliday vs. Joel Cairo in a "Leafs Suck or Leafs Rule" match for the ages! I think you know what the loser has to put in his Merb Signature for all of next season, good luck to the Dr.
And finally, The Main Event, the biggest event in the history of Montreal, MMA, Merb, Cats and Dogs, Poutine, Public Toilets, Future Shops, Student Riots and All Mankind!!! Mike vs. James because they can't stand one another :lol:
In Mikes corner we have the one and only, Rumples!, In James's corner we have Captain Scarlett! Guest Referee none other than Alexandre Le Grand. Ringside commentary will be done by BookerL and ringside reporting in French
and English will be done by Lougazebo. Special Guest's in attendance, Hornyforever and Oh Yes Oui (Chloe, you stand next to me)
The National Anthem will be sung by the Great Ginette Reno!! Wow, this really is the Big Time!
So get your tickets, (only $
69 each) it's all for charity and afterwards you are all invited to go to Cleo's to celebrate with us in style!
PS..... Still looking for a Ring Girl so if anyone has any ideas it would be much appreciated, but since M&J mismanaged so poorly, all that can be offered is a poutine and half a diet coke from the Montreal Pool Room but I will splurge for the other half so make that a whole diet coke.... (a can, not none of this 2 liter stuff either, geesh)