Montreal Escorts

Mood killers ?should their be a common blacklist ?


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Hello Ladies and Gents

This happen to me about 2 1/2 years back .
I have a call at Ideal Lajeunesse for a young cute SP ,those where the criteria provided by the client .
Needless to say all of my SP's met those conditions .
I called one of my close friend booker ,strangely he is at Ideal Lajeunesse same room same guy .He had provided a lineup of 5 cuties and the client didn't retain any of them and no drivers fee .
I then called a few other bookers they all had paraded 2 or 3 girls each without drivers fee .
Looks like a abusing client ,so I call him back to say to him that its the last agency going because I had spoken to many other bookers and the bookers I didn't know where contacted ,so we made a chain of infos .
When he realized it ,he confirmed one of my young cuty actually the first one that I have sent .
Problem was solve because of inter agency collaboration .
Whatever the experience we have in this business ,their is always a new event that may surprise us !




Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Hi Merlot

As we noted previously, there are databases being kept anyway. Aside from the problem of general fairness, balance, equal accountability, and who is deciding those standards, I do feel that the case of the ladies is more difficult to be making fair and firm judgements about who should be black listed. Remember that they are providing a service that is more intimate, more intrusive, more full of random risks than pretty much 99.99% of anything else one can imagine. They see some guy who in the real world he could have any one of a thousand negatives that might turn any other "regular" lady away and yet the standard is that she needs to be at a high quality GFE level every time. That's a hell of a lot of pressure creating a huge potential for being OFF just enough to get a bad report. All the client has to do on time, pay what's owed, be clean, and behave well enough, when she has to be able to create a great presentation as well as all the dressing, acting, chatting, be charming, be beautiful, be sexy, be arousing, provide options and much more without being able to choose who this is all accomplished with. If something goes bad she's still expected to get herself together and still be a goddess again in 15, 20, 30 minutes. That's some damn tough job.

What I'm getting at is the great inequity of pressures between clients and escorts. How then can the same standards be applied to a black list. The client doesn't have nearly half the list of details that can go wrong for her that would give her a poorer report. So how can anyone balance that fairly? A bad SP is a bad SP but a black list has a lot of inequity problems unless standards are going to be scaled dramatically to match the big variance in responsibilities...especially when the guy is doing things once a night and the escort is working 3, 4, 5 times or hours a night. She has so much more risk that something can lead to a bad report day after day, and he has what, one or two hours a week. Geeeez.

And of course guarded securely.

Bisous and CHEERS,


I do agree with what you say ,since I am not talking of a clients Blacklist ,but a telephone number or email blacklist with no names and further more the list would be temporary .
The purpose of the list would be to avoid false calls and telephone numbers or emails that are known to cancel at the last minute
A experience

I have a client that that pre books one of my three most popular girls, a beautiful blonde with big breast .The booking is on a night that she was supposed to be off , the SP had also a day job,which she needed to leave early work to be on time to the appointment ,the client even confirmed a lunchtime that all was ok has per agreed in the emails l!

We are traveling to his location its a 50 minutes an hour drive to make it!
15 minutes before our arrivals he cancels !Hummmmm

The life of a escort and booker is not always fantasy
He was a first time client that seemed ok

kind regards



Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

I have a client that that pre books one of my three most popular girls, a beautiful blonde with big breast .The booking is on a night that she was supposed to be off , the SP had also a day job,which she needed to leave early work to be on time to the appointment ,the client even confirmed a lunchtime that all was ok has per agreed in the emails l!

We are traveling to his location its a 50 minutes an hour drive to make it!
15 minutes before our arrivals he cancels !Hummmmm


Yeah, I don't know how the ladies can do this job. The guys can plan long range or if he has some free time and the urge he can just make a call. He may have some trouble finding his preference, but he's got a large selection of choices and the option to go for it now or try again soon. If the ladies want to make money consistently they have to be on their game, and it doesn't matter if it's 50 or 10 minutes to get on their game or they if might start to feel unwell. That's very tough especially whe she has to be what the clients expects. Add in dealing with cancellations and I really don't know how they can do this and still live up to the GFE standards so much in demand.

Myself, I've cancelled maybe 6 to 7 times since 2001, and never with less than 2 to 3 hours notice, usually the previous day. I guess even with that kind of margin the pressure gets to some owners and bookers. One guy gave me heel though it was almost 3 hours before the appointment and it was only about 10:15 in the morning for an appointment at 1:00.

I then called a few other bookers they all had paraded 2 or 3 girls each without drivers fee .
Looks like a abusing client ,so I call him back to say to him that its the last agency going because I had spoken to many other bookers and the bookers I didn't know where contacted ,so we made a chain of infos .
When he realized it ,he confirmed one of my young cuty actually the first one that I have sent .


It's sounds to me like the guy hadn't done any checking into which lady and really didn't know what he wanted.

I don't get the other guys who make phoney calls and seem to get a kick out of playing games or trying to cheat the ladies and the agency out of a paying opportunity. Still, I did take a little risk once. I called an agency to send a lady for my best friend in Montreal without his knowledge. The previous night I had met one of the most beautifully and physically stunning ladies I had ever seen in Montreal who happened to be from Xxxtase. I knew my friend was looking for someone that night and I gambled he would be so into her he would forgive the imposition of making a choice for him. I let him know what was going on a little before she got there so he wouldn't think there was some trick. He was pissed off, but he loved her. He still thinks she was one of the hottest ladies he ever saw, never mind limiting it to the ones he was with. That was the one time I took such a risk. I was lucky it worked out. But it was dumb of me, considering a number of things...his trust, and all the complications it could have created for the agency. But from the start I knew my buddy, and I had already known he was interested in the lady because we had breakfast earlier that morning and he got the "full report", which he found exciting. So it was to make a real appointment, not to trick or cheat anyone. Still, once...and never again.

To wiser decisions,



Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Hello all and Merlot

In certain cases the client did not do is homework in other cases
It's sounds to me like the guy hadn't done any checking into which lady and really didn't know what he wanted.
Read Tianna "funny" story
I have a funny story - about a guy I call "the runner". He booked an incall, comes to the door, tells me he forgot the wine in his car and will be right back. He never returned. I thought maybe he just didn't like me or something but didn't know how to tell me that. A couple months later I get another booking, different name, number, even in a different language. I open the door and guess who is standing there? The same guy. What does he do? Says he forgot the wine and takes off, again! Bizarre!
When you do have enough girls and incall places its a phenomenon you go through every day !




Nov 12, 2007
I've never canceled on someone. Once an apointment is made I have fanitacal devotion to making it. Up their with the Spanish Inquicition's fanital devotion to the pope, only without the sazzy red outfits or the element of suprise and the soft cushy chairs. One time it took me 2 hours to make it from the Hammer to North York a trip that should only have taken 45 minutes as the Gardner was shut down diverting all cross town traffic to the 401. I still made it in time because I allowed for the extra time. I'd rather sit someone and cool my heels for an hour than risk being late and the drive over had me distressed.

However I have had a no show and it sucks. Backpage, in the Missagausga. I got a text about 15 minutes before our meeting purshing it down an extra 15 which is fine. I answer 5 minutes before our time [was in the car, texting while driving is both illegal and fucked up]. I wait the 15 extra minutes at timmies. Then another 15 and send another text. Never heard back. That sucks.

I think once I was 5 minutes late. I called in the neighbourhood [airport] as a last minute thing on the drive back home but I don't know the area well and the hotel was not well marked. I did make it to the parking lot in time though. However she kept texting and texting. Here I am trying to find the place not knowing the area at all and constantly getting nag texts which by all rights I can't answer because I am driving.
That was fun. Everything was fine when I showed up though. Except for the zombie attack but that is another story.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
I've never canceled on someone.
Compliments on never cancelling ,
I think once I was 5 minutes late. I called in the neighbourhood [airport] as a last minute thing on the drive back home but I don't know the area well and the hotel was not well marked. I did make it to the parking lot in time though. However she kept texting and texting. Here I am trying to find the place not knowing the area at all and constantly getting nag texts which by all rights I can't answer because I am driving.
Imagine a experience hobbyist that relies on reviews and makes reviews can still have bad encounters ,
What do Indies and agencies rely on ?

Good luck to all




Nov 12, 2007
Imagine a experience hobbyist that relies on reviews and makes reviews can still have bad encounters ,

I did say everything was fine, except for the zombie attack which wasn't her fault.

Actually there were two oddities, not enough to make me not want to go back but only one of which was in previous reviews. The other mentioned in a rather long thread started after I saw her where others pointed it out. However I'd still go see her, so I couldn't call it a bad encounter.
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