In the last year I've had exactly two cold calls, both from the same woman, saying "Hi, how are you, haven't seen you in a while, whatcha doin'?" type calls, trolling for business. Someone I know well enough that she might just write to say hi on occasion anyway. I'd answer back and she'd say"well, everything's fine except that it's a bit quiet.....". So of course she's trolling for business in a friendly way. In the past two weeks I'd had three of these types of cold calls from three different women (yes, including the first one I mentioned). Of course I suppose it's normal to have a post holiday slump in January, but I've never gotten so many in such a short period in years past, even in January. I'm wondering whether it's just an anomaly I should just ignore or whether others among you are also seeing an uptick in these types of calls. Is it slowing down more than normal this year compared to previous years?
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