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Most Embarassing moment with an SP?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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That practice of making the client undress completely before he is touched may be unusual in Canada, but it is actually quite common in the USA and it has been requested of me in the past.

As far as being suspected of being a cop, another practice I have seen in the USA (in Boston) is the SP walks in and immediately requests that you touch her tit. A Boston cop will not do so. Or at least that is what I was led to believe.

I recently met an SP who told me that I looked like a cop or a bouncer and she refused to believe that I was an avocat, because according to her I do not look like one.
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New Member
May 24, 2005
EagerBeaver said:

That practice of making the client undress completely before he is touched may be unusual in Canada, but it is actually quite common in the USA and it has been requested of me in the past.

As far as being suspected of being a cop, another practice I have seen in the USA (in Boston) is the SP walks in and immediately requests that you touch her tit. A Boston cop will not do so. Or at least that is what I was led to believe.

I recently met an SP who told me that I looked like a cop or a bouncer and she refused to believe that I was an avocat, because according to her I do not look like one.
what does 1 look like ?


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Oct 3, 2004
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Board Stiff said:
Did you have a syringe of semen, how does a guy fake?


I'm surprised at you. You've never had sex with a girl for so long that you wanted to stop but couldn't cum? Do doggie style, pull out, and spit on her back! Fortunately I've never had this problem. My problem is not wanting to cum so damn quick so I think of something disgusting and repeat it in my head over and over again like "Barbara Bush, Barbara Bush, Barbara Bush."
"Rush Limbaughs' Ass" works well too. Try it, it works!


New Member
Nov 15, 2004
My most embarrasing moment was quite weird, but could have been worse, real worse. I was with this gorgious but inexperienced young girl, cute as a button. Her body was on the petite side, and she was very tight.

Come to a point where it's time to do the deed. She pulls a condom, tear the bag it's in, and put it on my hard member. Then I ask what position she prefers and she positions herself for a doggie...

Damn was it good! I banged for about 10 minutes, until we both came... Then I pull out. DAMN! WHERE IS THE CONDOM? For some reason it got off and stayed in her vagina, deep deep inside... Now imagine yourself, you have to take one's courage with both hands and look for that thing in her body with the tip of your fingers. Was I embarassed? OH MY GOD YEAH! Almost as bad as her. It took me a good 2-3 minutes to reach it deep inside (looks like my fingers are shorter than my member which pushed it deep deep down :eek: ) and pull it out.

Then STD tests all over (at least for me, I don't know about her since she asked if I was "clean")



I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Gentle2her said:
...Then I pull out. DAMN! WHERE IS THE CONDOM? For some reason it got off and stayed in her vagina, deep deep inside...
LOL!! At least you took the time to mount a "search party"! Hey! That's "explorative pleasure!" :p
I read another thread somewhere a few days ago where the guy found a condom while doing DATY. Now, THAT's a show stopper! :eek:


New Member
Nov 15, 2004
metoo4 said:
LOL!! At least you took the time to mount a "search party"! Hey! That's "explorative pleasure!" :p
I read another thread somewhere a few days ago where the guy found a condom while doing DATY. Now, THAT's a show stopper! :eek:
It's actually this other guy's story that reminded me about this one, that I had forgotten about a while back. "Explorative pleasure"? That's a good one :D



Aug 10, 2005
A bit of fun at my expense!

Hi everybody

My mother always said that if you're not worth at least a laugh then you’re not worth much, so here's my story!

It happened to me this summer; I was going to get a massage from Miki at Sophie's place. It was my first time there.

I always want to make a good impression so I groom very well, cut my nails, shave beard and balls, I even pass sandpaper on my fingers so I'm not scratching the poor girl skin instead of lightly caressing her since my work makes my hands like permanent scratching apparatus.

So here I go with casual clothing but well dress, I plan to take the metro then a taxi. Halfway to the metro which is 15 min. from my home I feel a like passing a gas and well, I indulge myself...

It’s a bit hot but my first impression is that it's ok. I could have not given any second thought and kept going. I was wiser then that and turned around. And god, am I happy I did so!
After verification I had effectively shited my pants, yes I did!
It had not happened to me in years!

I felt so relieved that I've turned around, I can bear to think about the first impression I would have make! A smelly one that’s for sure!
I don't think the service would have been great!

Shit Happen :)
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