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Most famous ever Quebecer worldwide?

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
When I said her popularity was based on nothing I meant NO TALENT. She is a lightweight as an artist. All her songs sound exactly the same, and her lyrics are those of a lovesick 10 year old. And that is exactly who she is popular with. Her songwriting talent is negligible. She writes syrupy pop songs that resonate with young mindless kids.

I wholeheartedly agree with the beaver......Taylor Swift sucks goose eggs! :)

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Correct me if i'm wrong, but wasn't one of Bill Shatner's first movie roles in the classic movie "Judgement at Nuremberg"? I'm surprised i didn't think of this sooner, since i've watched that movie at least 3 times in my life. It starred the great Spencer Tracy. The great Montgomery Clift had a supporting role, but a very memorable on portraying a former jewish prisoner in a Nazi death camp.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Octavian, Shatner's 3rd wife was an ex-model who drowned in the swimming pool. She was an alcoholic. He has since married a horse trainer 28 years his junior:

""His third marriage was to Nerine Kidd-Shatner, from 1997 until her death in 1999. On August 9, 1999, Shatner returned home around 10 pm to discover Nerine's body at the bottom of their backyard swimming pool. She was 40 years old. An autopsy detected alcohol and Valium in her blood, but the coroner ruled the cause of death as an accidental drowning. The LAPD ruled out foul play, and the case was closed. Speaking to the press shortly after his wife's death, a clearly shaken and emotional Shatner said that she "meant everything" to him, and called her his "beautiful soulmate." Shatner urged the public to support Friendly House, a non-profit organization that helps women re-establish themselves in the community after suffering from alcoholism and drug addiction. He later told Larry King in an interview that "... my wife, whom I loved dearly, and who loved me, was suffering with a disease that we don't like to talk about, alcoholism. And she met a tragic ending because of it." In his 2008 book Up Till Now: The Autobiography, Shatner discusses how Leonard Nimoy helped take Nerine to treatment for her alcoholism. Shatner writes in an excerpt from his book:

"Leonard Nimoy's personal experience of alcoholism now came to play a central role in my life and it helped us bond together in a way I never could have imagined in the early days of Star Trek. After Nerine [Kidd] and I had been to dinner with Leonard and Susan Nimoy one evening, Leonard called and said: "Bill, you know she's an alcoholic?" I said I did. I married Nerine in 1997, against the advice of many and my own good sense. But I thought she would give up alcohol for me. We had a celebration in Pasadena, and Leonard was my best man. I woke up about eight o'clock the next morning and Nerine was drunk. She was in rehab for 30 days three different times. Twice she almost drank herself to death. Leonard took Nerine to Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, but she did not want to quit."

In 2000, a Reuters story reported that Shatner was planning to write and direct The Shiva Club, a dark comedy about the grieving process inspired by his wife's death. Shatner's 2004 album Has Been included a spoken word piece titled "What Have You Done" that describes his anguish upon discovering his wife's body in the pool. "What Have You Done" was also sampled in the Concord Dawn and Chris Su Drum and Bass track "Scream to the Stars.""
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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For any person I ever talked to about music, if they don't like the music of a specific "artist" they nearly always make a claim like hit wonder ...lightweight ...too pop real skill ...the fans are just stupid. Music fans are very territorial about what style is best and usually dismissive of what is not on their list. I know people who think one style is all there is that's worthwhile. The point is too many people react with prejudice against someone because he or she is not a rock, rapper, hip hop or whatever, and it's usually out of ignorance.

Au contraire Merlot, I listen to and enjoy music of all genres. I even posted a review during the Jazz Festival of the Disco Band "Escort" which I felt was the top performer at this summer's Jazz festival. What you are saying is that somehow I am not entitled to my opinion. But I am just as entitled to have an opinion as anyone else, and it is not for you to denigrate my opinion by suggesting I only enjoy one type of music and it is not pop.

In terms of pop music I think Michael Jackson was very talented. I think Lionel Richie was very talented. I think Smokey Robinson was very talented. I think Taylor Swift, Celine Dion, and One Direction are examples of lightweight pop artists. To me Lady Gaga and Adele are more talented as a I previously mentioned. I have not bought their albums, but a few of their songs I like and I find very creative. I don't particularly care for or listen to pop music on a regular basis but to me it is apparent who is talented and who isn't based on what I can hear.

To me the real heavyweight musical artists are John Lennon, David Bowie, Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain, Neil Young, Paul Simon, Jimi Hendrix, Jimmy Page, Duane Allman, Roger Waters, Elton John, Billy Joel, and Bruce Springsteen. Although I am not a huge fan of Prince, I acknowledge his talent. These are all musical talents that are on a different level, a Hall of Fame level.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

Although you have repeatedly mocked this episode involving the Gorn, here is an article praising the quality and intricate detail of the Gorn's mask by an artist who attempted a replica and found it to be very detailed:

Are you serious??? Really? Are you serious? How does intricacy matter if the concept doesn't work. A supposedly living being with super strength that can barely move with a stone stiff head that has no functional movement at all, yet has the intelligence for that race to achieve intergalactic space travel. There was little sense in the concept of that being except in a general way, never mind the fake look and movement. The original Planet of the Apes at the same time (1968) elevated the real state of sci-fi art.

Correct me if i'm wrong, but wasn't one of Bill Shatner's first movie roles in the classic movie "Judgement at Nuremberg"?

Early, but far from first.It had big stars and was a great classic movie. Spencer Tracy the lead judge must decide whether to stand on ethics and morality versus the validity of obedience to authority and the right to judge, or yield to current political pragmatism at a time right around the pressures of the Berlin Airlift confrontation. Maximillian Schell as the unrepentant German defender of Nazi authority principles, Richard Widmark the moralist prosecutor, Burt Lancaster a former key German judge who had put Nazi law above human ethics and morality, Judy Garland, Montgomery Clift, Marlene Dietrich the German citizen excusionist seeking understanding for moral failure. Shatner had a small part.

He will scare the shit of Shatner if he ever do that!

Especially if he sends it with heart-shaped chocolates. :D

The big question is this: Is HAM or CHEESE more famous?

I prefer to think of it as Easter dinner with a fat ham dominating something more substantial. :thumb:

Au contraire Merlot, I listen to and enjoy music of all genres.

That's fair and I believe you. It goes without saying that your opinion is as valid as anyone. But, it is an opinion and sometimes you seem to infer your opinion is better.

Still, I find fewer average people have very broad musical interests. It's often I like this but don't like that. Many are very closed or dismissive about some forms, often multiple forms. Not that I enjoy all myself.




Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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A supposedly living being with super strength that can barely move with a stone stiff head that has no functional movement at all, yet has the intelligence for that race to achieve intergalactic space travel. There was little sense in the concept of that being except in a general way, never mind the fake look and movement. The original Planet of the Apes at the same time (1968) elevated the real state of sci-fi art.

I merely commented on the quality of artistry in developing the Gorn costume, something you did not mention. Your comments are directed at the movements of the Gorn and some logical inconsistencies regarding his strength in hand to hand combat vs. ability to hurl 1000 pound boulders. I think the whole point of the episode was to demonstrate that Kirk could outwit this semi-intelligent lizard in 1 on 1 combat. Although the writing could certainly be faulted, and I never disputed that, the episode did have some redeeming qualities. One way to interpret the Gorn episode is as a rare campy episode because the writers had to know that this creature with the strength demonstrated to throw around massive boulders like footballs should have been able to snap Kirk's neck like a twig.

However, if you watch the fight carefully, this apparent illogic can be explained. The Gorn never attempted to put his hands on Kirk's neck. He wrapped his arms around Kirk in a misguided effort to crush/suffocate Kirk, but he made a critical mistake, which was to leave Kirk's arms free to give Gorn a double karate chop in the temples, a very sensitive part of the Gorn's body. Kirk's quick thinking double karate chops to the temples freed him from the Gorn's "death grip". Watch the scene again Merlot:

Bottom line, the Gorn was intelligent enough to figure out intergalactic travel, but in hand to hand combat he badly underestimated Kirk, and as a result, he got his ass kicked. Defeat of the Gorn:
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New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
It is amazing to me that a post can go so over your head.

Nop ! Simply because even if beauty helped her, she had to go through a lot of screening to be able to be picked as a singer.
It was so easy to discard her and yet she went thru it all.

She is now 8th overall this year for revenues as a female singer/musician. (and only 22 years old)
This year she's ahead of Katy Perry, Gaga, Adele and Beyonce.

It takes a lot more than syrupy song to get there.

Same case with Dion which is not really my kind of music... she still get's a lot of respect from me to be able to pull that off despite thinking at the beginning when I saw her first vid that it was so cliche.

Problem is... fame and being on top requires some sort of talent and usually a mix which others don't have.

Now for instance her new song forever ever, ever... bla bla bla... I don't like it but this freaky song gets stuck in my head same as the PoPOPOPOker face of Gaga. Is this talent ? yes. It's the art of writing a song, singing and coming up with arrangements which will stuck in a lot of people despite their race, color, religion, etc...

If Taylor swift would only be popular to 10 y.old kids and their parents... she wouldn't be way up there !
I guess you're just too old EB.

Here's a run down of some of her clips on Youtube :
You belong with me (over 200 Millions)
Mine (over 100 Millions)
Love story (over 100 Millions)
We are never ever.... (over 88 Millions in 3 weeks only)
Our song (over 62 Millions)
Fifteen (over 55 Millions)
White horse (over 53 Millions)
Mean (over 44 Millions)
Teardrops on my guitar (over 43 Millions)
Back to December (over 34 Millions)

That's a whopping over 700 Millions clicks for 10 songs. and only on youtube.
A lightweight as an artist ? :lol::lol::lol:


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
To me the real heavyweight musical artists are John Lennon, David Bowie, Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain, Neil Young, Paul Simon, Jimi Hendrix, Jimmy Page, Duane Allman, Roger Waters, Elton John, Billy Joel, and Bruce Springsteen. Although I am not a huge fan of Prince, I acknowledge his talent. These are all musical talents that are on a different level, a Hall of Fame level.

Ok lets see... tell me if Garth Brooks is heavyweight or lightweight !
And tell us why.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
You want a heavyweight ?
How about the 2nd best-selling solo artist of the 20th century in America ?
And yet retiring from 2001 to 2009 from doing concerts.

And all this by making country music.
Yep ! you got that right... not rock, not pop, Hip Hop, or even freakin Rap music.

But anyhow, Bowie, Cobain (You might as well put Boy George since youre at it) and MF Jimmy Hendrix are all beside the point...

Have fun !


Nov 12, 2007
You want a heavyweight ?

Jon Lajoie.

Kinda makes the rest, Shater, Swift, Dion, etc look like shit.

Lajoie was born in Longueuil, Quebec, Canada, and raised in the South Shore of Montreal. His father is Québecois and his mother is English-Canadian. He graduated from Dawson College's theatre program in 2001

he is very super famous

In the planet of Earth I am the most famous person of the world
Everybody knows who I am even the people who don’t know who I am
All around the world people know who I am
Even in the Chinese countries like Japan
North South East West to East
I make their panties wet like basements in New Orleans
In the France language girls say "Montre moi tes genitals! "
Spanish girls also say things but I don’t know
What they are talking about cause I don’t speak Spanish at all
They are probably talking about how my penis is super not small
I led the vaginist revolution in Russia
They call me the cockodile hunter in Australia
Wait that sounds like I hunt penises
I don’t, I do chicks
In Iraq they found "WMD's", women on my dick
I am Osama Bin Semen the vaginal terrorist
On 69/11
I took down two chicks
And the third girl inexplicably collapsed on her own
Sorry I just watched loose for change, the pornspirasy video
German girls devoured my frank-squirter in Germany
I raised my rod in Egypt and I split the Red Sea
By that I mean I had sex with a girl on her period that’s right
I don’t mind ketchup on my hot dog as long as the bun is tight
In England girls ask me to be or not to be
The person who will take their anal virginity
I always do but
I still make sure to wear a condom
Cause my sperm's so famous it could make you pregnant in your bum


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Here is the 911 transcript from that fateful night. He seems like such a loving husband.

I remember hearing the Shat's "my beautiful wife" spiel on the news after his wife died. I remember thinking at the time that the speech was in the same hammy cadence as his usual acting and I thought that was kind of strange.


Active Member
Jan 13, 2004
The Da of the Dasein
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How about Geneviève Sabourin? Last week she was probably the most famous ever Quebecer worldwide...


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
I love the dirty look Tracy gave him at the end. Old Spence was probably thinking "What a ham this kid is."


Nov 12, 2007
Mwahahaha ! this is so douche !

Lajoie is bad like the movie attack of the clones
he is dangerous like a fire in a nursing home
Old people burning, old people burning put your hands up.
Old people burning, old people burning. that is messed up.
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