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Most famous ever Quebecer worldwide?


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
This thread is making a few of you crazy, or "crazier", can we just give the title to Mike4u and be done with it :noidea:

Alyssa, we need a voice of reason here, what do you say?
Feb 24, 2006
go all over the world outside of the US and Canada, and ask someone in their native tongue, if they know who either one is and do not show a picture of either,
imho, more people will recognize the name Celine Dion.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
go all over the world outside of the US and Canada, and ask someone in their native tongue, if they know who either one is and do not show a picture of either,
imho, more people will recognize the name Celine Dion.

Careful Morris - EB will attack if he sees such heresy.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
This thread is making a few of you crazy, or "crazier", can we just give the title to Mike4u and be done with it :noidea:

Alyssa, we need a voice of reason here, what do you say?

Who'd have believed it but Iggy is the voice of reason here. Well done sir! ( I humbly also refer people to point 6 in my post 157 - yes EB, 157 - which notes: "Take a chill pill people.")


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Oh the irony: someone has deleted a post, so NOW there were 155 before my original post here, and my original post here is now # 156. Gotta love it eh, Beav?


Nov 21, 2010
Who'd have believed it but Iggy is the voice of reason here. Well done sir! ( I humbly also refer people to point 6 in my post 157 - yes EB, 157 - which notes: "Take a chill pill people.")

Once again EVERYONE is entitled to their opinions and no one is the BOSS including you. You don't like what you read then move on.
No one is right or wrong but some are showing a lack of respect towards others. Don't try and push your agenda on the rest of us.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Once again EVERYONE is entitled to their opinions and no one is the BOSS including you. You don't like what you read then move on.
No one is right or wrong but some are showing a lack of respect towards others. Don't try and push your agenda on the rest of us.

Maybe you had difficulty understanding what I wrote? YOUR post is basically saying the SAME as mine.


Nov 21, 2010
Maybe you had difficulty understanding what I wrote? YOUR post is basically saying the SAME as mine.

You state that 155 posts don't make any sense and that people should move on. . Also you state that Iggy is the only voice of reason. That's insulting to the rest of us and totally uncalled for..

We are simply having ourselver a little fun. No chill and no pill required.

Don't worry be happy.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The problem with your analysis of Shatner is that it focuses exclusively on the Star Trek success. It's true that Kirk remains Shatner's iconic character, but if all that Shatner ever did was the Star Trek TV Series and movies, I would vote for Celine Dion.

But Shatner continually reinvented himself. First with supporting actor movie roles like Angie Dickinson's boyfriend in Big Bad Mama in the 1970s, then a starring role in TJ Hooker in the 1980s, and then possibly his greatest success as an actor with the Practice and Boston Legal in the 2000s, while becoming the world's most famous - and wealthiest - pitchman for Priceline (which ironically won him the role in The Practice after David Kelley saw one of Shatner's Priceline commercials). He has had a very rich career and success in 6 different decades. Compare this to Celine Dion who is well known based on one 1997 hit after which her career was shifted into neutral, allowing her to slowly fade from the world's spotlight.
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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Uhhh, Merlot...the title of the list you linked to is the most "interesting" Star Trek characters, not the most popular or most well known. And no matter whether it's 'interesting' or 'popular' or 'most well known', none of those terms has anything to do with which actor is more famous.


New Member
Aug 26, 2005
While I respect all of your various opinions on this matter, it just seems to me like too many of you just cannot shake your ''north american'' P.O.V. on this whole matter...

So I went to ask various friends and acquaintances I have made over the years that either live far away or live here in NA but had them contact their peers...Here's what they had to say:

Longtime friend now living in Canada, but hailing from the german section of Switzerland: Admittedly he loves William Shatner and Captain Kirk, and he confirms he watched him on television from a young age in both Switzerland AND Germany. He knows who Celine Dion is from having lived in Canada since the late 90's. He graciously put a survey up on his Facebook eligible only to his Facebook friends in Europe (he has over 750 people on it). He confirms what I said, those 20 years and younger had no idea who she was until they googled her. Many had seen the Titanic movie but had no overwhelming fannish devotion to Celine, some actually thought Whitney Houston was its singer.

He put pictures of Shatner (in his 30s and civilian clothes) and Celine on his facebook and asked them for comments...Shatner wins 40 to 11.

His older acquaintances knew of Celine and that she is canadian, but since she toured Switzerland-Germany-Austria like once over a decade ago, she is about as relevant to them as Cindy Lauper...David Hasselhoff gets much more of a buzz over there...

Not to be outdone, I asked my friend in the Phillippines, whose wife works at a school and student center...She kindly played along, and got the same reaction towards Celine: (who is the white girl? well they don't say it as nicely there:))
Predictably, they are all 16 and younger, they care more about asian singers, Justin Bieber, and bizarrely, rap music with Snoop Dogg gets more of a stroke...

Oh, and Shatner as Kirk? Not much life out of the girls, but the boys knew of Star Trek at about 30% of them...
Her husband put up a big note on his studio wall in Manila with both their photos... Zip recognition except for very few of the older ladies (late 30s) who loved the Titanic movie and devoured the magazines back then. As for the men? well the place employs about 500 people-95% men, and it triggered a doodle frenzy over there of Kirk jokes, Philippines style!!

Should I talk about my friend in China as well?

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Great post, Shijak!

I also agree with EB's last post. There's so much more to Bill Shatner than just Star Trek!! He has indeed re-invented himself throughout his career. He also happens to be the main actor in two classic (and among my favorite) Twilight Zone episodes. I watch Boston Legal mostly because of him...and of course, the very talented James Spader. But i loved T.J. Hooker (mostly because of my major crush on Heather Locklear at the time) and other stuff he did. And now, i find him hillarious whenever i see him on one of those celebrity roasts being shown on the Comedy Network (or Comedy Central).

Lily from Montreal

What bugs me is the insistance on the Priceline money Shatner made,who gives a damn about the wealth ?
That's irrelevant,actually in my book make him less important,same way as seeing Paul McCartney (!) makings adds for insurance , is selling out.
And no, EB I am not ignorant about Shatner, I am as much as a trekkie as you , if from the next generation, I even saw Shatner live at the Just for laughs festival when he was hosting , he presented his ''I am canadian'' piece... I admit it was funny, but because the guy is a caricature of himself...
By the way I am french but cannot stand Celine when she talks, she does sing has a bird but has the brain that goes with it... but fair is fair and she is allover the world.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Shatner is more famous by a lot, sorry. And while others brought up the wealth issue I will say in Shatner's case the wealth is indicative of his fame because the PL people ran to him like frightened chickens when their stock dropped and brought him back as the pitchman. And of course he obliged to protect his investment. Shatner is pitching for them because he is famous, people recognize him as a ham and that is why he gets the big bucks.

Celine's fame IMHO has faded. When did she last have a big hit? In the entertainment business it's what have you done for me lately and her fame is not being driven by any recent productivity.

On the other hand Shatner has been far more active and productive than Celine since 1998 and this is fact. People keep blurting out conclusory statements about her fame but these are only supported by a song that came out in 1997 and frankly I cannot recall the last time I heard that played on the radio, or her other songs.

On the other hand I see Shatner's face every time I log on to Priceline. Everyone knows that face and his hamming for PL.
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