While I respect all of your various opinions on this matter, it just seems to me like too many of you just cannot shake your ''north american'' P.O.V. on this whole matter...
So I went to ask various friends and acquaintances I have made over the years that either live far away or live here in NA but had them contact their peers...Here's what they had to say:
Longtime friend now living in Canada, but hailing from the german section of Switzerland: Admittedly he loves William Shatner and Captain Kirk, and he confirms he watched him on television from a young age in both Switzerland AND Germany. He knows who Celine Dion is from having lived in Canada since the late 90's. He graciously put a survey up on his Facebook eligible only to his Facebook friends in Europe (he has over 750 people on it). He confirms what I said, those 20 years and younger had no idea who she was until they googled her. Many had seen the Titanic movie but had no overwhelming fannish devotion to Celine, some actually thought Whitney Houston was its singer.
He put pictures of Shatner (in his 30s and civilian clothes) and Celine on his facebook and asked them for comments...Shatner wins 40 to 11.
His older acquaintances knew of Celine and that she is canadian, but since she toured Switzerland-Germany-Austria like once over a decade ago, she is about as relevant to them as Cindy Lauper...David Hasselhoff gets much more of a buzz over there...
Not to be outdone, I asked my friend in the Phillippines, whose wife works at a school and student center...She kindly played along, and got the same reaction towards Celine: (who is the white girl? well they don't say it as nicely there

Predictably, they are all 16 and younger, they care more about asian singers, Justin Bieber, and bizarrely, rap music with Snoop Dogg gets more of a stroke...
Oh, and Shatner as Kirk? Not much life out of the girls, but the boys knew of Star Trek at about 30% of them...
Her husband put up a big note on his studio wall in Manila with both their photos... Zip recognition except for very few of the older ladies (late 30s) who loved the Titanic movie and devoured the magazines back then. As for the men? well the place employs about 500 people-95% men, and it triggered a doodle frenzy over there of Kirk jokes, Philippines style!!
Should I talk about my friend in China as well?