The porn dude
Montreal Escorts

Muffinbuffer's Spring 2012 Trip Report

I`m recently back from an impromptu 3-day trip to Montreal, during which I saw 10 escorts. Reviews will follow, but rather than repeatedly explain things in each of the reviews I prefer to make some general comments here and to specify some of the prejudices that will show up in my reviews. Feel free to offer feedback on the reviews themselves in the relevant threads.

I ran into significant technology problems that resulted in my needing to scribble notes on the hotel notepad, so many of my reviews this trip are disappointingly vague. It`s also meant that I can`t say for sure who had the intriguing lower back piercing or to whom I told my one escort-related joke, and so on.

My wife is abroad for an extended period and told me I should head to Montreal to avoid Deadly Semen Buildup. Far be it from me to argue this point. By the time I`d left my office Thursday afternoon I had 10 appointments pre-booked, but expected some to fail. Indeed, one had fallen through by the time I arrived at my hotel, another the following day and a third by Saturday morning. In two cases agencies were able to provide a replacement of varying suitability ranging from "meh" to fantastic.

One of my failed pre-bookings was from a board advertiser agency that has let me down on each and every one of the 3 times I`ve booked with them. I`m not dumb enough ever to book with them again. Well, I say that... I`m not currently going to say who it was in case I get weak and try yet again, since they`re sure to blackball me.

Some agencies are much easier to deal with than others, especially when it comes to pre-booking. Overall, I`ve tended to use the same group of agencies year after year based both on my general experience with their girls and on their customer service. I avoid booking a majority of my appointments with a single agency on any trip.

Overall, my pre-booking went a bit better than on previous trips.

As always, my wife screened all of my proposed pre-bookings and made suggestions for whom else to see. She was also invaluable when I needed to find a girl on very short notice, and did so from overseas in a different time zone. Her overall track record in this regard is superior to mine. My theory is that she doesn`t get nearly as distracted by the boobies as I do and pays attention to covert girly cues. She`s tried to coach me, but I`m unteachable. Girls without pictures usually don`t get considered.

Some interesting things came up with regards to girls` restrictions. Three girls told me not to bite them. What`s up with that? Has Montreal had an infestation of vampires or something? One very cute girl cheerfully told me her restriction was "don`t shit in my mouth" but made clear that anywhere else was just fine and suggested that I might like to pee in her mouth. This makes me wonder just what is wrong with guys. I`m sure some people think my interests are perverted (`cause they are), but still...

For whatever reason, I got nobody with big tits this year and an unusual number of tiny A-cups. That`s surely in part due to my preference for very slim girls, but I usually find a couple of D`s for completeness` sake. This year I enjoyed a very nice pair of small C`s, but otherwise nothing above a B.

Girls always seem surprised when they ask why I`m in Montreal and learn it`s entirely to see them. It seems sweetly naive, given their line of work, that they appear not to realize there are horndogs like me out there.

My wife enjoys sending me off to Montreal to meet with escorts and later reading my emailed reports of my experiences, but she no longer hires them for herself as she`s become more self-conscious with age. She has 2 rules for my adventures: no kissing and no anal, which are for her alone. Anything else that I`d like to enjoy she wants me to do. Thus, I can`t comment on DFK, LFK, or indeed any sort of FK. When a girl specifies that she doesn`t do anal or if she offers me her ass I`ll include that in my review. Otherwise, it`s not really something I ever ask about. I get to go down all I want at home and rarely do so with escorts because I`m selfish so DATY is not usually going to be anything I`ll know about.

I stayed at the Hotel de la Montagne, possibly for the last time given its planned demolition. I was upgraded to a nice large room with a great bathroom via membership in Expedia`s elite program. The furnishings were very appropriate for my purposes. It was a consistent challenge to have enough towels for me to shower before and after each encounter and for each of my guests to shower. It was even harder to get enough washcloths to use for cleaning up the results of some of my predilections.

My prejudices include:

- I speak several languages, but not French. Communication issues with francophones are common with me.
- I love slim, willowy girls. Ballerinas are my favorite body type.
- I love tits. Love `em! All sizes. I always seem to end up most enjoying the tiniest and the most massive as opposed to mid-range.
- I only like natural tits. I hate fakes.
- The smaller the nipples and areolae, the better. The paler they are, the better as well.
- I`m not a fan of tattoos.
- I`m a big fan of piercings, especially nipple piercings.
- Not a proponent of doggy in general (my view of the tits is obscured), so won`t usually be able to comment on how it was unless a girl insists.
- I prefer my balls and butt left alone, so usually can`t comment on BLS or rimming.
- I`ll practically always request a facial, CIM, or COB, and in that order.
- Although I enjoy being swallowed, it`s not important enough to me to request it specifically or to pay extra.
- My appointments are always for one hour.
- My wife`s a libertine who`s ready to do all sorts of things that many escorts won`t. Thus I`m very picky about things such as blowjobs that might not be at all disappointing to the next guy.
- My reviews are written primarily for my wife, then edited to remove stuff nobody else would be interested in or that provide personal detail. Sorry if they`re too graphic or insufficiently so, or if they omit data someone finds vital.

In summary, my reviews are unlikely to include anything about DFK, LFK, DATY, BLS, rimming, or Greek. If it`s not in the review, asking me won`t do any good at all, so please no PM`s about those questions. If my review does not list facials or CIM, it`s unlikely that this is a routine service for that girl.

Here are the reviews in the order of when I saw each girl:
Mela of Eleganza:
Keli of Eleganza:
Lily for You, Indy:
Cassie of Eleganza:
Catalina of Chloe`s:
Vanessa of Chloe`s:
Coralie of Ferrary:
Jenevieve of Eleganza:
Darcy of Eleganza:
Molly of Chloe`s:


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Great report. Can you rank them 1-10 in the order of your preference with 1 being the best session?

Never mind - I think I can figure it out.

Molly is #1
Great report. Can you rank them 1-10 in the order of your preference with 1 being the best session?

Never mind - I think I can figure it out.

Molly is #1

I think it's clear from my reports who my favorite and least-favorite girls were.

However, I'm not much of a numbers guy since I think that's entirely subjective. Ranking, for me, would serve little purpose. Since we all value different things, the subjectivity of such a ranking probably wouldn't be much help to others, either.


Respect & Honour
Jul 4, 2011
On The Front lines
Great stuff muffinbluffer. I just finished reading every one of your reviews. I really enjoy your candor and honest details. Very helpful indeed! I just don't understand how you have so many SOGs in you. It really is something. I can get down and last as long as I want really, but could never bang 10 girls in 3 days. My penis just wouldn't have it lol.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
>>> Annoying useless quote deleted. THE QUOTED POST IS IMMEDIATELY ABOVE!!! Mod 11.


That is three girls a day and in one of those days there are four girls. Depends on how long he sees the girl plus how many shots were released. If it is one shot per girl then things are manageable.
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It occurs to me that nowhere have I made clear that all my appointments are for 1 hour. I'll fix that.

I really don't think I had more than 6 SOG per day on this trip, but I haven't counted. Besides, is a "day" the period between successive midnights or the time between arising and going to bed? Going by the first definition I saw 2 girls my first day, 3 the second, and 5 the last. By the second definition it was 2, 4, 4.

I understand that the way I present the numbers might seem like some sort of bragging, but it's an important variable. It's useful to know what's preceded an appointment when one is reading a review. For example, I saw Molly at the end of a long day after a number of other activities. If I'd seen her first on my trip, things would have gone quite differently. I saw Keli on the first evening of my trip, so I was more ... um... active. They were both fantastic girls, different in many ways, but I was also different when I saw them.

To me this is similar to knowing what time of the day the appointment was, whether it took place on the day of arrival after hours of travel, and so on. Knowing the context helps in understanding what happened.


Fun n games til some1...
Dec 29, 2010
always a great read, muffinbuffer!

reading your trip report is like reading a good adventure story... lots of different characters involved. :)
inspiring stuff.

what technology glitch did you encounter? the adapter blew out? computer crashed?
i certainly noticed the uncharacteristic writing style which was missing the usual detailed descriptions of how breasts jiggled, moaning styles, facial expressions, etc. that are part of your signature style of writing reviews.

nonetheless, great reviews and thanks for sharing.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Can you do this? A duo with girls from different agencies? This would be risky stuff trying to coordinate and work out the logistics and then hoping that the girls would interact. I guess MB could tell John of Eleganza that Molly is his GF and he could hire Keli as his 3-sum escort. I think Molly would do it knowing that she idolizes MB.

MB - you are my new hobby hero displacing Banger and Ricky Bonds. Have you ever been to an FKK? I am afraid you would fuck yourself to death.
What technology glitch did you encounter?

It started with having left part of my laptop charger at home and not noticing until my battery was dying just before my first girl arrived because I was Skypeing with my wife. By the time I had a moment, Futureshop was closed. I figured I'd make notes on my phone but it was glitchy and I ended up having to reflash a stock ROM and restore a backup from SD. I wear contacts during appointments because otherwise my glasses get covered in nipple prints, but I can't read worth a damn without reading glasses and my tiny pair had rolled into a corner of my bag and I didn't find them until my last day. It was really one thing after another. The upshot is that I tried making hand-scribbled notes that ended up light on detail. Usually I'm on Google Talk with my wife right after an appointment (or during if the girl does much interim cleanup) so I typically have some notes from that, then I start writing my report for her right after the girl leaves when details are fresh. In this case, I was really only able to do that late on my last day.

I can't imagine what your trip would've been like if you had booked those 2 back-to-back. yikes!

I might not be here to tell the tale. Wow.

I think I feel a bit overwhelmed just thinking about a duo consisting of those two. Not, mind you, so overwhelmed that I'm not trying to figure out if there might be a way to make it possible...

I think Molly would do it knowing that she idolizes MB.

What makes you think Molly idolizes me? I'd be honored if she did, but I'm plenty happy that she didn't simply run as soon as she saw me.

Have you ever been to an FKK?

I was too young for the type you're thinking of when I lived in Germany. Freikörperkultur meant something a bit different then, so I did go to FKK-Strände.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
What makes you think Molly idolizes me? I'd be honored if she did, but I'm plenty happy that she didn't simply run as soon as she saw me.

When you told her your rules she squeeled "Muffinbuffer!"

Then you said the following:

"She acted as if every suggestion I had were a stroke of genius and that she'd been hoping I'd want just that very thing"

I have yet to have have anyone have a drink with me and yell "H101?" I think you could get her to do the threesum.


Fun n games til some1...
Dec 29, 2010
it's not tough to have a 3-some with 2 girls from different agencies.
2 methods, though one would be underhanded by the agency's standards while a welcome bonus tip to the girls involved.

Method 1:
Book a girl for 1.5hrs or 2hrs from separate agencies to allow for the inevitable delay (traffic, extended prior booking, etc.) and time for activities advise those you are booking the girls for a couple... pay the agencies the couple fee.

Method 2:
Knowing those girls are open minded, book them straight as solo acts for the same time slot for 1.5 or 2hrs
when they arrive, announce your intention for duo play with girls from different agencies and tip according.

not challenging whatsoever.

Kansas Frank

Muffinbuffer -- you and your wife are my heroes in life and in Hobbyland! :hail: I just hope I'll be lucky enough to find a lovely life-partner life you guys. :) Thank you so much for your fantastic reviews and reports. Keep hope alive by keeping up your annual marathon in Montreal's Hobbyland. :thumb: Now, I've got a find a way to return to Hobbyland later this year. :nod:

Lily from Montreal

Me too they are my heroes !
loll I was very happy to hear about another lady like me, loll I was feeling lonely loll
If ever she accompany him next trip I might break all my rules and see her for free loll
Maybe we should start a official fanclub loll


New Member
Jun 11, 2012

Just joined up here. My son is having his bachelor party in Montreal in August. I came across your statement of Hotel de la Montagne. This is where the best man booked the rooms for us. What is going on with this hotel if you can expand on. They have a pool on the roof I was told. Any information would help. Thanks. Luv your reviews.
Tri (Smitty)
Toronto Escorts