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Music Thread


Nov 15, 2005
Juliana said:

Chef Marina Lima sings Brazilian music which can be rock, pop, jazz, bossa nova, Samba etc.................
Okay, I'll check out her other stuff. I just did not care for the rock (pop?) stuff to which you provided a link.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The Yardbirds - "Heart Full of Soul"

I found this AMAZING video on youtube:

Fans of Led Zeppelin and the Yardbirds will need no introduction, but there is an extensive introduction to this video in which Jimmy Page simulates Jeff Beck's guitar lead on "Heart Full of Soul." This video is about 42 years old, and is a very, very rare glimpse into classic 1960s rock. Almost exclusively on the basis on this song, Beck was named guitarist of the year in 1966 and was also ranked #14 by Rolling Stone in their list of the 100 greatest guitarists of all time:

(note all 3 Yardbirds lead guitarists are in the top 14 - Clapton #4, Page #9 and Beck #14).

What the viewer is not told in the intro is that Keith Relf, the Yardbirds' lead singer for all of their great hits who is prominently featured in this video, would later die tragically in 1976 when he electrocuted himself with his own electric guitar, which was not grounded. I can't really think of a more tragic way for a rock musician to go - God rest his soul.


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Jan 13, 2004
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Beleza! I like this thread...

A lot of person seems to enjoy Brazilian music.

One of my all time favorite singer is Tim Maia. I've just received as a gift from my Brazilian girlfriend the biography of Tim Maia : Vale tudo!

For those who don't know Tim Maia, he was like Barry white....música pra foder!

Sometimes I also listen to the music of Tim Maia's nephew: Ed Motta.

I like him in his intepretation of Rita Lee's Caso Sério:

I'm crazy about this song of Martinho da Vila : Mulheres!

My favorite Brazilian rapper: MV Bill

Very good mention to this group of São Paulo : racionais MC. In this sing they refer to the former Carandiru jail.

Gabriel o pensador, a rapper from Rio:

One good song by Alcione:

Marisa Monte:

Jorge Aragão and Jorge Vercilo


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
One i really like, Seu Jorge.
Maybe more rockin', though far from hard rock at all. Very popular too. Found out about him on World Aquatic of Steve Zissou soundtrack... Can be folk, funky, rockin', full of energy. Socially counscious. Came to the Jazz Fest 2 years ago, maybe at other times too? Last link is one of my fav's from him... (all links here are accoustic performances)
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New Member
Feb 11, 2005
Hormone, Thank you!

Hormone thank you for all the Seu Jorge's Video!

He is very sexy, handsome and his music has substance hummmmmmmmm!

Plus he is a very friendly easy going guy!


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Jan 13, 2004
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Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
more latin style...

If you like gypsy-flamenco mixed with a modern hip-hoppish flavour...
From Barcelona, my favorite city in the world... Ojos de Brujo
A collective from the precious city, one could say a spanish Me-Mom & Morgentaler, flamenco style instead of ska influences... Very danceable too! This is clearly feel good music!

This next ones are really fav's of mine...

Que disfruten y aprovechen, amigos!


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Jan 13, 2004
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Nega Gizza

This clip is hardcore....:eek:

This Nega Gizza song is called Prostituta. There's no need to translate here. Eita pô! This clip was not censured in Brazil. I guess that it would have been banned in North America.


New Member
Feb 11, 2005
Protagoras!!! Thank you sooooooooooo much!

Protagoras, Nega Giza singing Prostituta it is the best song you have ever posted here!

How do did you found out about her? Your are truly growth oriented person because most north americans only enjoy bossa nova, but bossa nova has been over for the last 60 years in Brasil!

For a sex worker as myself this is the best song one could ever hope for.
This song for someone who understand the language it is so powerful!!!!!

Thank you Protagoras, you have won me over!:) ;) :p


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Jan 13, 2004
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Nega Gizza, pois é.

Here'a quick translation (mine) of the lyrics of that song.

Juliana, by the way, Nega Gizza is MV Bill sister. You know, MV Bill was the voice behind the film Cidade de Deus. He is well know figure down there and he wrote several books on different subjects related to the life in this favela, like kids and the drugs and the role women play in the drug trafic.

Um abraço a todos e um beijão pra você Juliana.

Ontem vi um anuncio no jornal,
Vi na tv, no outdoor em digital,
Pediam mulheres com o corpo escultural,
Pra dar prazer a homens, mulheres e até casal.

Hier, j’ai vu une annonce dans le journal,
Je l’ai vu à la télé, sur des panneaux extérieurs inscrit en digital,
On demandait des femmes avec un corps sculptural,
Pour donner du plaisir à des hommes, des femmes et même des couples.

Mas na real o que eu quero é ser artista,
Dar autógrafo, entrevista,
Ser capa de revista, quero se vista.
Bem bonita na televisão, role de carro e não mais de camburão, não

Mais en réalité je veux être une artiste,
Donner des autographes, des entrevues,
Faire la couverture des magazines, être vue.
Être belle à la télévision, rouler en voiture et
Plus jamais dans un panier à salade, non.

Tô deprimida ambiente de desgraça, traficantes, parasitas, viciados, psicopatas,
Um baseado pra afastar essa fadiga dessa noite sedentária de orgia e mal dormida.
Não choro mais, sei que me perdi tô consciente o meu destino eu escolhi.

Je suis déprimée dans ce milieu peuplé de trafiquants, de parasites, de drogués, de psychopathes,
Un joint pour éloigner la fatigue de cette nuit sédentaire
D’orgie et d’insomnie.
Je ne pleure plus, je sais que je suis perdue, j’en suis
Consciente, mon destin je l’ai choisi.

Das pragas sociais sou a pior, cocorococo eu sou efeito domino.
O lenocidio ofusca e nos coage e atrai o marinheiro aventureiro, sorrateiro desembarca e trai,
Sou de quem me ver primeiro sou a ausência do amor com a presença do dinheiro.

Des plaies sociales je suis la pire, cocorico je suis un effet
Le proxénétisme nous répugne et nous contraint, il attire
Le marin aventurier, débarquant sournoisement en trompant [Sa femme],
Je suis à celui qui me voit en premier, en présence d’argent,
Je suis absence d’amour.

{sou puta sim vou vivendo do meu jeito, prostituta atacante vou driblando o preconceito} 4x.

Oui, je suis une pute vivant à ma manière, prostitué attaquante
dribblant les préjugés (4x)

Os crentes dizem que eu vendo a alma pro capeta,
Sei muito bem que não sou mais mulher direita,
Não sei se é certo mais faço parte do bordel,
Um "redevoir" que mais parece a torre de babel.

Les bigots disent que je vends mon âme au Diable,
Je sais très bien que je ne suis plus une femme comme il faut,
Je ne sais pas si c’est juste mais je fais partie du bordel,
Un “trou” qui ressemble plus à la Tour de Babel.

Sinto sintomas da fadiga no meu corpo,
Mas sedativos aliviam as conseqüências desse aborto,
A perversão deixa profundas cicatrizes,
Em desespero já tentei vários suicídios.

Je sens les symptômes de la fatigue dans mon corps,
Davantage de sédatifs soulagent les conséquences de cet avortement,
La perversion laisse de profondes cicatrices,
Désespérée, j’ai souvent tenté de me suicider.

Quem me vê aqui sorrir assim tão inocente,
Não percebe a malícia da serpente,
Dou mais um dois e alivio essa tensão ou não,
Na madrugada toda puta é imagem do cão ou não.

Qui me voit sourire ici si innocente,
Ne perçoit pas la malice du serpent,
J’ai fait encore plus pitié et j’ai soulagé cette tension ou pas,
À l’aube chaque pute ressemble à un chien ou pas.

Sem carteira vou guiando sentido contra mão,
Artigo 59 lei da contravenção,
Vou despertando a libido de um velho ou de um menino,
Considerada aqui na zona a rainha do erotismo.

Sans sac à main je conduis dans un sens unique,
Article 59 de la loi sur les contraventions,
Réveillant la libido d’un vieillard ou d’un petit garçon,
Ici dans ce quartier, je suis considérée la reine de l’érotisme.

Santo Agostinho e o meu santo protetor,
Contradição e minha marca na reza e na dor,
Sou retrato 3x4 desse povo brasileiro,
sou a ausência do amor com a presença do dinheiro.

Saint Augustin est mon protecteur,
La contradiction est ma marque dans la prière et la douleur,
Je suis un portrait 3X4 de ce peuple brésilien,
En présence d’argent, je suis absence d’amour.

{sou puta sim vou vivendo do meu jeito, prostituta atacante vou driblando o preconceito.} 4x.

(Oui, je suis une pute vivant à ma manière, prostitué attaquante
dribblant les préjugés (4x))

Sou meretriz triste e feliz
Codinome vagabunda entre o mau e o bem,
Vou deixar de ser inunda,
Você acha que é falta de moral promiscuidade excessiva,
Seja puta 2 minutos e sobreviva.

Je suis une prostitué triste et heureuse
Surnom vagabond entre le mal et le bien,
Je vais arrêter d’être inondée,
Tu trouves que c’est un manque de morale, de promiscuité excessive,
Alors sois pute 2 minutes et survie.

Tenho um sonho amor e vaidade,
Um teco, ajuda a suportar a enfermidade,
As famílias me odeiam por causa da luxuria,
Mas só vendo minha carne e meu carinho a que me procura.

J’ai un rêve, de l’amour et de la coquetterie,
Un joint m’aide à supporter la maladie,
Les familles me haïssent à cause de la luxure,
Mais je vends uniquement ma « viande » et ma tendresse à celui qui me recherche

entre logo e feche a porta meu cliente,
Tire a roupa lave o sexo,
Tome a pasta escove o dente

Entre tout de suite et ferme la porte, mon client,
Enlève ton linge et lave ton sexe,
Prends la pâte et brosse toi les dents.

Não pense no pecado tenha decisão
Sou seu vídeo game ligue aqui nesse botão,
Goze logo o tempo é curto o preço é justo
Outros homens me esperam vá sem susto.

Ne pense pas au péché, c’est ce que tu as décidé.
Je suis ton jeu vidéo, presse ici sur ce bouton,
Jouie tout de suite, le temps est court, le prix est juste
D’autres hommes m’attendent, va sans peur.

A policia é apenas nosso risco,
A justiça é apenas nosso cisco,
A necessidade me leva a sobrevivência,
A miséria me leva a indecência

La police n’est que notre danger,
La justice n’est que notre poussière,
La nécessité me porte à la survie,
La misère me porte à l’indécence.

As duas a loucura intenso devaneio,
Sou a ausência do amor com a presença do dinheiro.

Les deux, la folie d’une rêverie intense,
En présence d’argent, je suis absence d’amour.

{sou puta sim vou vivendo do meu jeito, prostituta atacante vou driblando o preconceito} 4x.

(Oui, je suis une pute vivant à ma manière, prostitué attaquante
dribblant les préjugés (4x))

Sou prostituta na boca do povo conhecida como puta,
Obrigada a conhecer as posições do kamasutra.
Se meu filho chora sou eu a mãe que escuta
Seu deus desculpa não tive culpa só fui a luta

Je suis une prostituée, mais les gens m’appellent pute,
Forcée de connaître les positions du Kamasutra.
Si mon fils pleure, c’est moi la mère qui écoute
Si Dieu pardonne, alors je ne suis pas coupable, je me suis seulement battue.

Não sei se tenho o valor que mereço
Mas pra deita comigo tem um preço,
Pela minha mãe pelo meu filho tenho muito apreço,
Fui no prostíbulo que achei meu endereço,

Je ne sais pas si j’ai la valeur que je mérite
Mais pour coucher avec moi il faut un prix,
Pour ma mère, pour mon fils j’ai beaucoup de valeur,
C’est au bordel que j’ai trouvé mon adresse.

Não me orgulho mas me assumo menos mau,
Quem não roda bolsa ou faz programa pra mim é tudo igual.
Das cinzas as cinzas, do pó ao pó, sem pó,
Os meganha chega e o tempo fica bem pior,

Je ne suis pas fière mais au moins je m’assume,
Qui ne se prostitue pas ou couche avec moi est pareil.
Des cendres aux cendres, de la poussière à la poussière, sans poussière,
La police militaire arrive et tout devient pire.

Vem de menor, vem comigo pra o xilindró
Estar em casa com meu filho agora seria bem melhor,
Não estou só tenho deus comigo,
Mas corro o risco de deitar com o inimigo.

Viens, viens avec moi en prison.
Être à la maison avec mon fils serait bien meilleur,
Je n’y suis pas, j’en ai deux avec moi
Mais je cours le risque de coucher avec l’ennemi.

Bate o sino meu filho deve tá dormindo,
enquanto eu inicio a vida sexual de um menino.
Aos 16 só curtição, pensava em nada.
Hoje aos 23 neurose a mil só transa angustiada.

Sonne la cloche mon fils doit être endormi,
Alors que j’inaugure la vie sexuelle d’un jeune homme.
À 16 ans je jouissais, je pensais à rien.
Aujourd’hui à 23, avec milles névroses je fourre angoissée.

Aos 33 quem sabe velha arrependida.
Aos 43 só no esqueleto recordo a vida.
Minha puta vida reflete o desespero,
Sou a ausência do amor com a presença do dinheiro.

À 33 ans, qui sait vieillit repentant.
À 43 ans, seuls mes os se souviennent de la vie.
Ma putain de vie reflète le désespoir,
En présence d’argent, je suis absence d’amour.

{sou puta sim vou vivendo do meu jeito, prostituta atacante vou driblando o preconceito}

(Oui, je suis une pute vivant à ma manière, prostitué attaquante
dribblant les préjugés (4x))


New Member
Feb 11, 2005
Protagoras you got to be the most cool guy in MTL!

Protagoras voce é o Maximo, valeu meu!

This awesome, i cannot get enough!

Lately i have been doing a research on Rap and Hip Pop to open up
my music repertoire and get me away from Samba, and i cannot believe how cool, interesting and thoughtfull Nega Gizza is, not only that her lyrics are complexe and no one in Brazilian Music has spoken about
Brazilian Black living with so much insight! She reminds me of Jay-Z.

Ca pra nos, isso é musica pra bom entendedor

Protagoras you have win me over!
Thank you so very much!


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Jan 13, 2004
The Da of the Dasein
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Brasil : a mosaic of music

You're damn right, there's more than samba and bossa nova in Brazil.

Among the musical styles well alive there I can mention the following ones: Forro, frevo, axe, baile funk, rap, hip hop, pagode, samba, bossa nova, MPB, jazz, maracatu, rock, house, etc.

One interesting attempt to blend hip hop with traditional samba is done by Marcelo D2.

I hate axe and baile funk...but good mention to the dancers!


New Member
Feb 11, 2005
Protagoras you are sooooooooo cool!

Voce tem razao Axé sucks!


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Thread has not been updated in a while, and I came across a rare video worth sharing.

This is an incredible live performance by Johnny Nash of his classic 1972 hit, "I Can See Clearly Now." Contrast this live 1973 TV version:

With the studio recording:

A truly amazing, uplifting song. By the ways, Nash essentially discovered Bob Marley in the late 1960s, created a record company to record demos by Marley and his band the Wailers, and got him exposed to Eric Clapton and other great musicians who covered his songs which in turn led to international superstardom for Marley.

Nash left the music business in the late 1970s after writing and recording a few more hits, and never returned. He is said to have hated the business.
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
For the Doc, it's Alizee.....

Watching an Alizee videoclip always brings a smile to the Doc:

Same song in french version:

Singing her #1 hit "Moi, Lolita":

Her recent hit, a cover of Madonna's "La Isla Bonita":

Alizee nude at the beach

Man, this woman's hot!!! :D :D
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Active Member
May 23, 2005
I've always had a crush on her and she's no longer jail bait :D
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