I find it refreshing that we have an SP who is authentic and honest in her posts and wants to make things better.
I doubt she has missed many of the negative tones lately and complaints about deterioration of service and escalation of prices.
It is still however a place for SP to advertise and clients to get a better picture of who to see as long as they are capable of sifting through all the bullshit and self promotion of many reviews.
You and I are reading two different things. We have all been reading and discussing the lack of reliable information, the bias and lack of candor in reviews, the limitations, bias and lack of relevance of some of the award threads, the relative merits of different types of business models and board formats, strengths and weaknesses etc.
So here comes the OP, and what I'm reading is: "I will be inviting new people to sign up to MERB, and since the people I know to invite are my clients, that's who I'll be inviting. I'm also coaching other SPs to do the same". So, the clients in question are of course going to be positive supporters of the SP who invites them. I actually don't see an inherent problem in this. If it were just an invite to MERB then sure, why not? However, the obvious subtext here, quote: "This creates many missed opportunities for reviews" unquote, to me is reading as if these people will be pushed/encouraged (let's call it that) to provide reviews. Well, who would then be reviewed? Of course the SP with whom they already have a positive relationship. Guess what kind of review we're going to read?
Now, as for the SPs pay to be here thing, yes of course we all know that. Are they entitled to privileges for paying to be here? Sure. If there wasn't a benefit then why would anyone pay to be here? However, if the "add-ons we want as features" comment doesn't scare you, well.....
This one is a particularly fun quote: "please help us
SPs out by leaving reviews & interacting from time to time. There’s a lot of fake engagement out there, it would help
ALL OF US SPs. Especially in times of a “contest”". This reads "hey, please leave us a bunch of positive reviews, especially in contest times, because, well, better scoring in these awards threads translates into dollars for us. Please though, only genuine positive reviews, none of those fake positive reviews that other SPs get. We're not twisting your arms at all, you, our favorite regular customers who we have steered to MERB. Also, I'd like to thank God and the Academy of for this award."
Look, I have nothing against Valentina or any of the other SPs here, but the way this reads to me and what I infer is not that we're bringing a bunch of new, fresh faces into MERB to help energize and diversify the site, which I would quite frankly love. What I'm reading is that the SPs are being encouraged en masse to each bring in their personal cheerleading squads. It's like Youtube saying "would you like to see more ads?" and you go "no, not really", and the Youtube says "great! We're going to give a whole new whack of ads, personalized just for you!". The people that newly come into to put in reviews are not going to be a random sampling of people providing objective reviews. They're going to be loyal customers already. There's going to be such a large inherent selection bias as to make all of those reviews completely worthless. They're effectively just going to be extra ads for the SPs. On top of that, because we won't won't know which of the "new" people coming into the site are going to be direct SP referrals any new person's reviews for the supporting members need to be essentilaly ignored because we won't be able to separate the wheat from the chaff. And what is fake engagement exactly?
So, TLDR, SPs do many things that are interesting and helpful on this site, but this isn't one of them. It's helpful to the board, and to the SPs, but not to the general membership, to the contrary in fact. The SPs pay to be here and are entitled to a benefit for that payment, but there has to be a balance otherwise the relentless self-promotion escalates and becomes not just an inconvenience but an active impediment to contributing here.
Yes, I know I'm making few friends on this and am also prepared for the backlash. And yes, it's tone deaf. Still, I suspect that the cheeleaders will be louder despite being outnumbered and I will be chastised accordingly. Again, Valentina, despite my obvious disagreement with your post and its aims I have absolutely no personal animus against you or any of the other SPs here. I'm totally against site creep though.