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New Montreal Restaurant Thread

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
they both had a regular poutine and I had one with fresh onions and portabella mushrooms and mine was off the charts! What was the name and address again, Gentlemen?

My friend, if u aren't more careful with what you put inside your body, you'll have an infarct before the age of 50. Either that or you'll soon need stents to unclog your coronary arteries. :rolleyes:

Stop eating poutine now! :rolleyes:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
It was the "Fameux - Viande Fumée Et Charcuterie", at the corner of Saint-Denis and Mont-Royal East. The place has the look and feel of the old dinners, and the staff was really nice.

I just had the standard poutine, regular size, and it was more than enough. One of the best poutines I've had in a long time.

Poutine! It'll be a cold day in hell before i'll ever have one of the most unhealthy foods on the planet! Think of all the damage you are doing to yourselves, gentlemen! Think of all the future parties you might end up missing because you ate too much of this crap! :rolleyes:

Stop eating poutine now! :rolleyes:


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
ROFL! I might have 5 poutines a year, if that haha.... and the last 6 weeks before that poutine i had nothing but fish, turkey chicken and salads, and water, no soda... and many miles on the new road bicycle... i think one poutine was ok but thanks for caring bro :thumb: now you go easy on those greasy 5guys burgers and those horribly unhealthy greased out fries! ;)
My friend, if u aren't more careful with what you put inside your body, you'll have an infarct before the age of 50! :rolleyes:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Italian : Daemma
Steak : Gibbys
French / Trendy : Le Local

Da Emma: very good resto to take a date to & a good way to brush up on your italian. Good thing my date at the time i went there was somewhat fluent in italian or else i would have been lost.

Gibby's: Great place to eat steak or seafood! I can't wait to go back!

Le Local: Never heard of it until now, but i'll add it to my list.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
i might have 5 poutines a year, if that haha.... and the last 6 weeks before that poutine i had nothing but fish, turkey chicken and salads, and water, no soda... and many miles on the new road bicycle... i think one poutine was ok but thanks for caring bro :thumb: now you go easy on those greasy 5guys burgers and those horribly unhealthy greased out fries! ;)
That's great to know! :smile:

As for the fries, i hate the ones at Five Guys. As a matter of fact, i havent had any fries over the past two months since ive went on a health craze. Gotta run! :D


Sep 12, 2008
I agree that Gibbys is better than the Keg but both are for different settings, Gibbys would be for a date or business meeting as the Keg is for a group of friends ( IMO ). Tried La Queue de Cheval once and found it not as good as Gibbys in all aspects and the 2 person meal cost $420 compared to the $250 at Gibbys. ( Cheval added a lobster tail @ $105 ).
Still trying to find a good Thai place.

trai phayathai on guy or on laurier in the plateau. both are very good


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
My friend, if u aren't more careful with what you put inside your body, you'll have an infarct before the age of 50. Either that or you'll soon need stents to unclog your coronary arteries. :rolleyes:

Stop eating poutine now! :rolleyes:

You have over 12,000 posts. This is definitely the wisest.


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Jul 16, 2004
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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2012
Cool, give it a try Panthere and let us know what you think. By the time I ate the plate of chicken and fries my friends got me, it was cold. But it was still so yummy, I devoured most of it. Gotta try it fresh and hot next time.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Alternative to La Patisserie Belge???

Hello all,

Maybe this has been addressed before but:

Between where I was staying last weekend and where my best Montreal friend has lived there had always been this wonderful largely pastry venue at 3485, avenue du Parc called La Patisserie Belge where one could find some of the best high quality French style pastries and sandwich meats at very reasonable prices. I the hey day of my splurging on Champagne and fine desserts I always went here to have something special for the visiting ladies, who when they saw the name of the large box of assorted delicious treats nearly always got very excited about what was inside. According to one reviewer from Manhattan: "I am devastated to see this place is closed. I hope it is temporary. If Quebec truly cared about preserving the French culture, the Provence would have made sure this place was around forever. Almond Croissant here was the gonzo croissant 20 yrs. bf DAB. The meats, bread and sandwiches were so good they could have charged twice as much in my mind. In a great food town, this place still shined." Another from Vancouver said: "The pastries here are SO good. My suggestion to you is to say that you want one of EVERYTHING. Then eat them all one by one in the comfort of your own home. And pick the ones you like best. And go back again and order more than one of those ones. And then go home. And eat them all one by one. Repeat. Endlessly."âtisserie-belge-montréal-3#5IJIAyEWZUrTkrjJwE6Wfw

I hadn't been to this place in years, but when I went by the location last week it was sad to remember this great place had closed. I wanted to get some of the same quality treats for my guests without paying through the nose, but now I didn't know where to go. Other places I have seen are not as good in quality and they are pricey as well.

Any suggestions?




Sep 19, 2005
Hello all,

Maybe this has been addressed before but:

Between where I was staying last weekend and where my best Montreal friend has lived there had always been this wonderful largely pastry venue at 3485, avenue du Parc called La Patisserie Belge where one could find some of the best high quality French style pastries

I have passed in that area recently and saw the desolate pastery. They filed for bankruptcy last summer (McGill students are not into European pastery, it seems)). There is [was] a french pastery shop on St-Denis in the Quartier Latin (the strech between De Maisonneuve and Ontario). I had a hot chocolate there. It semed to be Ze French Pastery shop in Montreal. I googled French Pastery St Denis, though I only found a place close to Mont Royal. Google search also revealed another one on Sherbrooke. I am very interested in a french bakery/pastery that makes good baguettes, the bread I have to buy from my grocery store is just horrible.


Sep 19, 2005
I have never been to Patisserie Belge, so I cannot say anything about quality. My comment about McGill students was kind of a joke, though I find that area of town is being severely Hipsterized. Just look at the new Hipster coffee shops around.

Are degascogne related to the Boite a lunch coffee shop on Laurier. If so, I am not really willing to take a combo of parisian/hipster arrogance (God save us). If not, I am willing to try their baguettes and viennoiseries. Thanks for the tip.

I hadn't been to this place in years, but when I went by the location last week it was sad to remember this great place had closed. I wanted to get some of the same quality treats for my guests without paying through the nose, but now I didn't know where to go. Other places I have seen are not as good in quality and they are pricey as well.

Any suggestions?


Hello Merlot,

if you do not mind the 15 minute drive, East from the old La Patisserie Belge's location, you will fall in love with some of the patisseries, fresh bread, cheeses, ect. they have:
15 Simon Valois Pl, Montreal, QC H1W 1S4
(514) 526-4662

It's a very good thing I live nowhere close to it and have a friend that brings me treats only once in a while...

Enjoy! :)

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
LOL - all this over poutine, and just a few days ago you were extolling the virtues of a Five Guys burger and Gibby's steaks, both of which will put you 6 feet under much faster than a poutine.

All i said was that Five Guys makes great burgers. And they do. Plus you don't have to spend your paycheque for a hamburger there. By the way, the best burgers were the ones i used to cook on my own barbecue on my pool deck before i went into this recent healthier-eating binge.

As for Gibby's, Eagerbeaver was the one who made the review and mentionned that i was in attendance. I loved the salad that was served with my meal, which consisted of three lobster tails.

But i only slightly indulge when i'm in Mtl. At home, i'm mostly a salad, carrots, cucumbers, nuts & fish kind of guy and it's done wonders for my health. Beverage of choice is bottled water with the occasional Bud Lite when i want to relax at the cottage.

If i don't have time to cook or need to eat on the run, it's off to Subway where i'll have either the roasted chicken or some other sub with chicken, on wholewheat bread with lots of veggies and no dressing. I also had this every second day when i was in Mtl recently. The key is to avoid the processed meats and NO dressing, which contains tons of unhealthy calories.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
Five guys burger are not very good. If you want to eat good burger in Montreal, go to l'Anecdote, Maam Bolduc or Zazium.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Five guys burger are not very good. If you want to eat good burger in Montreal, go to l'Anecdote, Maam Bolduc or Zazium.

I think tastes are a personal thing. Personally, i love the Five Guys burger. Unfortunately for me, i no longer eat burgers or hot dogs. But i guess this is a good thing. I want to lose 30 lbs by the end of the year & this means no burgers, no hot dogs, no fries & no pasta, among other things. Basically, no more eating crap! I don't want to get to a point where i can't even see my own dick when i'm pissing or need a mirror to trim my own pubic hair! :eek:

As for the places you mentionned, are their burgers under $7? If not, i'm not interested. I will not pay a crazy amount of money just for a fucking hamburger!! I can make the same fucking hamburger on my Napoleon barbecue grill for under $2. I will not be a victim to grossly overpriced burger joints! It's just a fucking hamburger, for christ sakes! :rolleyes:


Oh soooooo Passionate xox
Sep 22, 2009
I love Thai and I discovered a new place not far from me on Maisonneuve..It's called Pick Thai
5221boul. de Maisonneuve Ouest...The food is fabulous and ambiance is chic ...don't be afraid to try new things. The owner gave us an eggplant salad to try {something i would have never ordered** and believe me i will be having it again. Have fun and enjoy!

website Pick Thai
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