Montreal Escorts

Newbie introduction with a few questions


New Member
Mar 28, 2017
Thank you so much for you insights! Some amazing answers in here for sure.
I will read them all very carefully as soon as I return to Montreal in a few days. Will definitly stick to the advertisers until I am more comfortable that is certain.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Don't freak out, and understand you can turn a girl away. But you should consider giving the girl a tip to at least cover the the driver fee (20$-40$).

I would not be in the habit of turning away girls, because you will get a rep for that, and guess what, girls will not want to take the call, especially if they are otherwise busy. Not worth it. Especially not worth her time if you try and tip $20-$40 which BTW $20 only pays the driver. Then, you would have this newbie working on a rep for being fussy and a cheapass, when he has no rep at all with the agency starting out.

There is a separate thread on this subject in which it is encouraged to turn girls away. If it is a bait and switch situation that is one thing, but with the top 3-4 agencies they don't want or need clients who send girls away with nothing. You do it a few times, either the agency pulls the plug on you, or the girls just tell the driver they don't want the call. Clients who are regulars at any one agency do develop reps, both with the girls and the agency. I have heard of clients getting banned for pushing the envelope on this.

In 15 years I have never turned away a girl in Montreal. If you do your research and know what you want, it probably shouldn't happen except in rare cases.


Active Member
May 27, 2004
Boston, MA USA

A new hobbyist should really try to never turn a girl away. Develop a reputation as a good customer towards the girls and the bookers and you will reap rewards later on. If a girl shows up and it is clearly a bait and switch that is a different story, but that just won't happen with a reputable agency or a merb advertising indy.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Never bored,

Those situations are very rare. And yeah, a girl should be refused if she is high regardless of where she comes from. But most of those reliable agencies quickly can girls who have substance issues. You probably got that lady early on in her career before the agency realized she was a problem. However for this newbie those kinds of things (although they do happen) are rare with the top agencies. It's more likely on Craigslist or the equivalent and less likely with a top 5 agency.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
Writing BAD or SO-SO Reviews:

Should you decide to share by doing reviews as suggested by many members, you may end up eventually writing a less than stellar review...

Doing bad or so-so reviews is IMHO more delicate than doing positive reviews.
Some guys are pretty rude and they write bad reviews driven by a strong frustration I guess.
Maybe you better wait to cool down a day or two before writing such reviews...

I still strongly encourage the writing of reviews no matter they're good od bad.


Active Member
May 27, 2004
Boston, MA USA
Absolutely if a girl shows up high you should refuse her - or ask her if she has any to share. But seriously, that would never be a problem and I think consensus is that it is exceedingly rare.

As for writing bad or so so reviews I agree that it is delicate. First of all, I try to separate looks from service. If I don't find a girl hot, that is my taste, but others will always disagree. As long as her appearance matches photos, then I don't say that I find a girls face unattractive. If it was covered in warts and she was missing teeth, that might be a different story. When it comes to service I try to be objective. I try to describe what I like and whether her service matched that. Just because jane from agency X doesn't give head the way I like, doesn't mean she won't do it the way you like.

I also try to keep personality different from looks and service. Your friendliness and engagement are it the same as how well you do cowgirl. Again I try to be objective and describe what happened in the context of what I was doing. If things are less than perfect, I do look for reasons why she might be a good fit for others. Maybe this girl didn't like kissing me because of my facial hair; maybe things didn't click with that girl because she was waiting for me to direct her and I wasn't doing that. I try to give the benefit of the doubt while also giving readers accurate information to help them find the best matches because the reviews on this board have been so helpful to me.

I never see any reason to be mean or personal. I have written one review the was totally negative because the session was horrible, but I still tried to keep it professional. Since I visit from out of town, I write all my reviews immediately after the session, but I do not post until I return to boston. I re read everything and make edits before posting all reviews at once. It helps to make adjustents after a day or 2


New Member
Sep 27, 2017
Hello all,

First time poster and I had some newbie questions too. Didn't think it warranted a whole new thread and this one seems active. Like El Toro, I'll be going into the Montreal escort scene for the first time in a few weeks. I've been reading (a lot) regarding all of the etiquettes, but I am also seeing some out of date information. Everyone in this thread has been providing some great information. I had a few questions that seem basic but couldn't find a correct answer to.

Do the women accept Canadian or US dollars? I assume CAD, but because every agency uses the dollar sign, just wanted to be sure.
When booking, do you book only the same day or ahead of time through an agency like XO? It seems the women are fully booked frequently and not sure if they are being booked ahead of time or just early in the day.
I'll be staying at a hotel downtown, but will be doing incalls. Where are the incalls generally located? Are they in downtown Montreal or further out?
How are the escorts generally with newbies? I don't want to offend or not do something I'm supposed to when meeting for the first time. It seems it's best to dive in and I should get a feel for it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2015
Welcome! They accept CAD. The dollar sign is used by Canada as well. With XO you can prebook, but since you’re brand new I would probably give them your merb handle as well just so they can know you’re serious. With Euphoira it would be same day booking. Some agencies only do outcalls but XO and Euphoria both have incall locations that are close to downtown. The girls are pros so in general they will be just fine with newbies. Just tell her you’re brand new at this and she will most likely take the lead.


Impeccable hygiene is a must to get good service. If the girl asks you to shower when you arrive go ahead and do it even if you just showered prior to arrival.

If she tells you something is a restriction, don't try to convince her otherwise. I've found that some SPs will lift their restrictions only after you've seen them multiple times and she likes you though.

Never ever ever try to get BBFS. You will get kicked out and the agency will ban you.

Be respectful and kind to the girl. Don't treat her like you own her just because you're paying.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
And do like me, say to the girl you daty just like SSJ. Even if your miles from him in daty the girl will get so excited you will win her over ;)

Be early. Have a plan B (tell the booker other free time you have) as change and cancellation happens. Be fun and have fun you are about to enter wonderland ;)

Ho and like SSJ said keep the rubber on the pole!



Active Member
May 27, 2004
Boston, MA USA
All good tips: pay canadian, be clean, be nice, have fun.

Do the first 3 and the girl will almost certainly make sure you experience the fourth.


New Member
Mar 28, 2017
Wow, leave the board for a few days, and back to pages of info. You guys are real gentlemen and I thank you for the great tips.

I think I've set my mind to start with Amy at Elite. I will see what the schedule is like and take the plunge and will be sure to report back here. I have a lot of catching up to do following my divorce.

Again, thank you so much for the wonderful tips. Will most definitly help me not feel like the nervous newbie walking in.


New Member
Sep 27, 2017
Thank you guys for answering my questions and the tips! Very excited to visit! I'll be sure to post reviews too even though my reviews won't be based off that much experience haha


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
In fact, American $ is generally accepted, but at par.

Do not make the mistake of paying with American at Par. And do not make the even greater mistake of changing money at the airport. You just need $10 Canadian for the 747 bus that takes you downtown from the airport. Then you can go to Calforex and change your US cash to Canadian and make a 25% premium. I see an extra girl just because of the exchange rate. Also, do not make a mistake of renting a car when the hotels will charge you 30-40$/day to park it. You can take a lot of cabs/Uber for that. Do not try to save 20-40$ bucks by using BackPage or Announce 123. Save this for the locals like UB and Snoodle that know the ropes. You need to use the established agencies and indies that advertise in this forum.

Also, be prepared. When the girl comes to your room she is not going to give you the third degree and ask for your plane ticket etc. and the money up front and act like she is ready to bolt. I'll never forget the first two girls I ever saw in Montreal. Both said "let's order a bottle of wine." My experience in the US up to that time was so different than Montreal. The US girls would not drink anything that you offered for fear that you were going to drug them. Today, my first stop after Calforex is the SAQ wine store and buy a bottle of wine for each dates. You can ask for wine glasses from the hotel if they do not provide them or you may have to buy a couple. I lug a wine opener in my luggage.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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If you paid in American $ at par for Canadian at $220 for a one hour outcall date, you would actually pay, in equivalent Canadian $ at the current $1.25 exchange rate, $275 in Canadian. That's $55 pissed down the toilet like all your combined urinations today. With $55, you could probably buy a very good meal at a downtown restaurant, with drinks, apps and dessert.


Active Member
May 27, 2004
Boston, MA USA
I am similar to hungry101. The first thing I do after checking in to my airbnb is to go the saq to pick up some wine. I come prepared with bottled water, wine, plus some nice cheese and crackers. Not only do the girls think it is sweet, it's also a conversation starter.

It always comes back to this: be a good client and the providers will make you happy. Nothing guarantees that every single session will be like a trip to valhalla, but in montreal, friendliness is generally well rewarded.
Jun 15, 2015
Who knows
One of the things people don’t over stress is don’t joke around verbally or by text when setting up appointements. This may seem obvious to most , but I have a chronic disease of joke arounditis and flippantitis, and it has gotten me into trouble more than once with sp’s I wanted to repeat with. Don’t assume anything, particularly that they appreciate jokes, especially since most of mine are bad ones. Also when texting don’t be assertive, I also do this on a joking level. It’s not going to get you any browny points. Ask questions instead of being flippant.
Anyways good luck!

Kinky Cinderella

Fantasy Fulfilling Minx
May 24, 2012
Doing bad or so-so reviews is IMHO more delicate than doing positive reviews.
Some guys are pretty rude and they write bad reviews driven by a strong frustration I guess.
Maybe you better wait to cool down a day or two before writing such reviews...
I couldn't agree more...I started a thread to talk about Ashley at GG...the review all in all wasn't bad: I admitted not listen Mike's advice by taking her because he told me he saw me better with (forgot her name but a small spinner), and I wanted someone taller....I ended up to realise I was definitely more a PSA than a GFE; I need intense stuff and she was just too sweet for me.,..I said at the end I'm sure she will satisfy a lot of sweet men so I wanted to talk about her etc...

Next thing I knew was another merbite posting in the thread he was happy not rely on my words because she is such a sweetheart blablabla...what thge hell?? I never said anything wrong about her!! If I would have posted a negative thing I wouldn't have post at I became the mean one....

You are getting into a mines fieldwhen posting something more or less poisitive...

Kinky Cinderella

Fantasy Fulfilling Minx
May 24, 2012
LOLLL just check Angela's review thread...I started it and had a blast with one merbite said in PM "First time I get a boner by reading a review".. Here, just for you: :cheer2: Angela from Elite Agency: sexy, kinky, little bomb

Anyway, I wanted to edit my post just to add that when I said "I wouldn't post if I thought it would be negative.." just because I knew opinions are soooo subjectives from one to another, and because I know I am one of a kind under the sheets and my review wouldn't be reliable to be a thread's starter (which usually gives a good idea of the girl, IMHO)


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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That's his decision, but for a 3 hour date that's $165. Just better to exchange the money also from the standpoint of respecting the currency of the country you are visiting. Better to tip in Canadian$ anyway so the girl knows what she is getting. It's also inconvenient for the agency/girl to have to exchange foreign money.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I don't believe in giving every girl and extra 55$. To me that is ridiculous. I have had one girl thank me for paying in US currency when the exchange rate was about 15%+ for US. Many don't know or really care what the exchange rate is they just want the convenience of the CDN$ least that is my experience. Most likely the girl won't even realize that you are tipping her. You are just creating an inconvenience for her by paying in US.

Why not take the extra money from the exchange rate and squeeze in an extra girl? Why not make a few dates 3-sums or try something that you may not have done in the years when the exchange rate was less favorable? I have been using the advantages in exchange rate to do this everywhere. I can stay home and pay 300-500$ or more for escorts. Why go out of the country and overpay when you do not have to? The girl has a rate and I pay it without haggling. She doesn't pay tax on it already. So get an extra girl or have a 3-sum and spread the money around a little.
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