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Newer iPhones


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I have a iPhone 6+ and went to the store yesterday looking at the newer models, the 8+ and X. The X looks pretty good but doesn’t come in the + size I favor. However the salesman told me a new iPhone will be out in September so I am electing to wait until then as the 6+, which I bought in November 2014, still works okay but is getting slow.

I know some of you guys and are in the tech industry and have been leaked info on the new iPhone. If someone leaked the info to you anonymously, it’s OK for you to now re-leak the information here on MERB anonymously. So please spill the beans on what you know. Other than that it’s being offered in + size which has already been leaked to me.


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Jan 28, 2004
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I've had my 8 for a year and the Iphone still has the same issues with their batteries. I have to charge the phone at the minimum 2 x per day. Saturday when I hadn't used my phone at all I was with friends and we were discussing the iphone and I looked at mine at the battery was at 51% with zero usage during the day. Add to that the Trump administration and their tarifs I have stopped buying anything made in the U.S. and will not vacation in the U.S., so the next phone will not be an Apple product for a number of reasons.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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If you go into settings and switch to low power mode, the battery doesn’t need to be charged as much. But out of low power mode, the iPhone battery sucks juice like a vampire and does run down quickly.
Oct 5, 2017
I have the X and I can say that I am not completely satisfied with the facial recognition feature. I prefered the fingerprint. I have been considering going back to the 8


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Sep 11, 2015
My old iPhone 6+ had awesome battery life and my X which I have now is pretty good with the battery as well.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
And Doggylover, I thought that Apple stuff is made in China and Apple’s profits are stored in Ireland. What does the U.S. have to do with Apple?

Not anymore...
So the few dollar per day they pay chinese workers are transformed into about 200$ per phone (the profit margin they aim) which will be brought back to enrich them more. When they calculate the trade deficit between countries these are never taken into account right? Just thinking out loud...

By the way I have the new iPhone 8s. I previously had Samsumg and Acer phone. iPhone beats them for overall quality by far...



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Dec 27, 2005
I have the X and enjoy it. Camera, speed, battery and screen are pretty good. The screen is supposed to perform from corner to corner but I’ve found that a lot of the apps still use a reduced setting. This sucks because I went from and old plus model thinking or believing Apple that the new X has a bigger or more utilized screen. At the gym with my old plus I could watch hockey games and be able to see most of the action. With the X and having most of my sports apps not filling up the screen has made this enjoyable pastime a nightmare. Rumor has it that there will be an iPhone X plus that I will consider buying specifically for this reason.

Facial recognition is pretty cool so you don’t have to stick your finger on the phone all the time. Just an FYI regarding facial recognition or fingerprint scanning. I personally use the feature to unlock specific banking apps, notes, etc. I do NOT use it to unlock the phone. If for some reason you are made to open your phone you can always “forget” your pin code. You cannot forget your face or finger print.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I knew someone who was fairly high up the food chain at Blackberry's CT office, who told me around 5 years ago the company was hurtling towards oblivion in the tech world. That person go out at just the right time- was in a dead end job at Blackberry.

I had hoped this thread would take a different direction, towards speculation and leaks on the new iPhone which comes out in September. I heard there was + size coming - this info was leaked to me by someone in the industry. I was interested in hearing further leaks. What advantages will the next iPhone - whatever they call it - have over the 8+ that will justify me shelling out another $1000 on a phone? Surely there will be some upgrades/new features to justify and prop up sales?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Thanks for posting that! That article says an X+ is coming out in September which is interesting because I could not understand why they previously did not release one. If they had, I would have bought it. I was told the X did not come out with a plus size simply because it was an "anniversary edition." But now it seems like Apple must have realized a lot of people were pissed at no + size so now they release it but better late than never.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Okay Jalimon, maybe the U.S. haters can lead the revolution by re-energizing BlackBerry. But is Blackberry even Canadian any more. Did it get bought by the Chinese? I wonder if they pay their own workers more than Apple does?

No that's the thing. America first seems to want to bring back those jobs to America. Just like car plant and many other factories. Thing is if an iPhone currently cost about 600-900$ how much will it cost if they have to manufactured it in America? 1500$? Or they keep it at same price but then get 20$ profit of each instead of 200. This is pure capitalism and represent exactly what's wrong with Trump's way of thinking.

There is so many Blackberry in the technology industry. My first video game was an Atari, which was also short lived...

Back to subject. Best deal to have is just before a new product will come out. So if you can get a good deal on an iPhone 8 now go for it. It's a dream product!



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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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It’s hard to believe that my 6+, purchased in November 2014, fully paid, still working and giving me my money’s worth, is nevertheless now a technological dinosaur in just 3.5 years. It’s amazing at how fast technology is moving and how quickly all our electronics purchases, phones and TVs in particular, become dated and technologically inferior.

The new iPhone X plus is said to feature an OLED display. Does anyone have a phone with this feature? Is it superior?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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A couple of years ago at the Fairfield, CT train station, a young guy waiting on the platform for a northbound train dropped his cellphone on the tracks. He jumped off the platform and onto the tracks and successfully collected his phone. At that moment a northbound Amtrak train approached at high speed. I know the layout of that train station pretty well and the move to have made was to run towards the opposite, southbound tracks, presuming no train was stopped there (and it was not clear if there was). Instead however, according to witnesses, the dude tried to scramble back up on the platform. This requires grabbing the platform with one’s hands and pulling one’s weight up and over. According to witnesses the guy tried to pull himself up and couldn’t get onto the platform and the train crushed him at around 70 mph. He must have thought he could make it up but I really believe the safer play in that situation is to run onto the southbound tracks. He made a rushed decision but it was the wrong one.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
I wonder what that last picture looks like. And if they preferred the OLED screen compared to the LCD.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The trend at funerals is to put lots of pictures up, either of the deceased and/or ones the deceased took. Funeral homes go all out for this, sometimes temporarily replacing the funeral homes art with paintings or enlarged photography done by the deceased.

I recently went to the funeral of the mother of one of my high school friends, who died at age 83. I had known this woman for many years. When I got to the funeral home, I was started by the pictorial history they had put together of her life- in a slide show on a big screen TV mounted on the wall of the funeral home. She was only ever married to the father of my friend, who died very young in the late 1960s, leaving her a widow for most of her life. I was started to see many photos of her late husband, who was never spoken of by my friend, or his family, almost ever. I saw my friend's two parents on their wedding day, and at various apparently happy moments in their lives before he passed away suddenly and rather tragically. There was a photo of my friend's Mom on her youngest daughter's wedding day, watchfully picking up the tails of her daughter's wedding gown. I was extremely impressed. I thought it was just a wonderful way to remember her life. I was later told by my friend that he and his siblings had assembled photos which, they believed, showed their mother at the happiest moments of her life.

Interestingly, I had never seen any photos of the late husband/father and was shocked to see so many of them at the funeral. He was a remarkably handsome man, and I mentioned this to my friend, whose only comment to me was, "it was his only good quality." It was the only time he had ever said anything to me about his father, good or bad. I had heard of the man's tragic demise through a mutual friend, and was told not to bring it up with the family, so I literally had zero info on the guy until I saw his pics at the funeral.
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