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Next Party


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Oct 18, 2003
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I'll be in-town August 13th/14th and then again September 2nd/3rd/4th.

Any chance I'll get lucky this time and get to attend a party?


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Man in Tights said:
Leave the for-profit people out of this and put the emphasis on the ladies. Otherwise you may in effect depriving yourselves from meeting real gems... like the two ladies who showed up impromptu last week. Placing controls on the true spirit of hobbyism crosses the line many times over.

But the only reason the two hotties did show up was due to the fact one of them had previously seen one of the hobbyists attending. If not for him, it would have been a 100% wienner roast! How about, in the future, every male who wants to attend MUST see someone just before showing up? He also has to inform her about the upcoming gathering at HDM and invite her over. In the past, i've met several 'ladies' from LDL agencies who've asked me to advise them in the future about an upcoming party, since they'd like to show up and hang out with some of their favorite clients. They were surprised to hear that their boss knew about a party & hadn't told them about it. I wasn't.


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Jun 6, 2005
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Doc Holliday said:
But the only reason the two hotties did show up was due to the fact one of them had previously seen one of the hobbyists attending. If not for him, it would have been a 100% wienner roast! How about, in the future, every male who wants to attend MUST see someone just before showing up? He also has to inform her about the upcoming gathering at HDM and invite her over. In the past, i've met several 'ladies' from LDL agencies who've asked me to advise them in the future about an upcoming party, since they'd like to show up and hang out with some of their favorite clients. They were surprised to hear that their boss knew about a party & hadn't told them about it. I wasn't.

Actually one of the attending members stepped outside for a smoke and came back with two ladies.

Fat Happy Buddha

Mired in the red dust.
Apr 27, 2005
Doc Holliday said:
If not for him, it would have been a 100% wienner roast!
Hee, hee. Wiener roast. I've never heard that expression. My vocabulary has really improved since I've been lurking on Merb. I'm going to try to us at least five new Merb terms in everyday conversation each day. Let's see, for tomorrow I have weiner roast, sugar tits.......


New Member
Dec 23, 2005
I Got The Answer

Last weekend, I went to the "When should the next party be?" pole thread, and asked the question "When will it be?". When I went back to check, it was deleted.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I deleted that thread. I was the thread starter. The dates discussed in that thread are no longer viable. Feel free to start another thread or poll.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
orallover said:
August 17th? that's Thursday night... are you sure you got the right date? :D

Just wanted to see if anyone would notice. ;)

I'll post a link to OL's 'Next get-together' thread in the post below:
Last edited:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
orallover said:
and another reminder that this is a Get Together, not a party.
so if any girls show up then that would be a bonus to us and we (guys) should be thankful and treat them with most respect and maybe buy them a drink.

I've been to several of them in the past & from my point-of-view, they were more like gatherings than parties. I've actually heard the same thing from many of the attendees of the past. There were some women at those gatherings in the past, but not as many as hoped.
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