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Nominations for the Best Reviewer of 2013


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Rumples, you forgot Igna69XXX's name in your list. I'd also like to add Eagerbeaver's name, since his reviews are impressive.
iggy has no votes. You cast two votes in your post, hence neither was counted.

I also nominated Special K, sort of. If my vote for Cloudsurf is counted then so must my vote for SK.
Choose one. Or do you get two, since you're a veteran of the Golden Age of Hobbying. Or three since you gave Fred $15? Or four, since you gave a couple of used suits to Goodwill?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I go with Cloudsurf over Special K but only due to age and seniority, because in my mind it's a tie. Seniority is the coin flip that breaks all ties. Cloudsurf is a man who is as wise as his years.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Should a 'reviewer' with a past history of admitting to getting discounts for reviews qualify?? Would he review if he wouldn't be getting a discount? Does the fact that an agency pays for a review affect the type of services he gets? Just wondering.
Doc, I'm with you on this, but I don't see where I have the authority to render a unilateral judgement. If the mods want to weigh in on this, I'll follow their lead.

Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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This is a great point but Delta sees a ton of women. That is why I mentioned Delta. I bet you and I probably get a little better treatment than Joe Schmoe too.

Well, i never mentioned Delta by name but since it's now out there yes he does see a ton of women, new gals especially, very toftt oriented which is very rarely my M.O.

I would estimate in the past year that 90% of my appt's have been repeats with gals I've met and enjoyed numerous times. Very rarely now do I venture into the unknown. So I already know that I'm going to have a good time almost all the time.

PS. I couldn't care less about being nominated for anything here so please discount any mentions of me in the running.
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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Eagerbeaver, Special K has more seniority than Cloudsurf when it comes to hobbying.

Doc is right,

As far as my intelligence IQ is roughly double my age.....well below Amelie`s IQ of 167

Now guys I`ve run out of popcorn and there is no fuckin way I`m going out in this weather to buy lets get back on topic.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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How are you helping fellow hobbyist's and SP's who absolutely treat us like kings by B/C is beyond me, If everybody B/C this board would be useless and a lot of people would suffer, my hat goes off to the people who write open reviews.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
How are you helping fellow hobbyist's and SP's who absolutely treat us like kings by B/C is beyond me, If everybody B/C this board would be useless and a lot of people would suffer, my hat goes off to the people who write open reviews.
That's definitive. Any time Joe.T and I are in absolute agreement about something, that something must be true. This hasn't happened since 1894.


Jul 28, 2011
Woah... so this thread got pretty crazy pretty fast, what was that? 5 pages worth of posts of bickering in a day? Kind of sad honestly... I won't get involved more than to say that when you read Beav's writing its obvious he's a reasonably smart person, but I question why he'd be participating in an escort review board only to admonish those who post reviews. Not posting reviews is his prerogative, but saying people who do so are only doing it for ego is insulting. Personally, I try to post reviews whenever I'm up to see some lovely Montreal ladies (not nearly as often as I'd like), for the simple fact that I use reviews as my preeminent method to make my decisions in order to have the best possible time while I'm here and so I return the favor by writing reviews for others whenever I can.

My only problem with the reviews we have now is that you rarely get the whole truth, as it were. Too often have I met a girl and things didn't go as expected and other times I was pleasantly surprised when I made a choice based on limited options, surely there is a YMMV factor at play, but if I wish that some guys would give it a day or two for the "OMG OMG I just came and have to tell everyone about it" effect to wear off. I personally appreciate when someone shares something that didn't go perfectly, even if the encounter was an overall positive and you don't want to share some of the negatives that happened to avoid "hurting" the girl. I'd rather someone give me everything that can be shared so that I can make the best decision for myself (what wasn't a big deal for you might be for me, or vice versa), it would end up saving a lot of people a lot of hassle.

I actually started to try to be much more critical of my own reviews recently, and I think I might understand why few people actually do this. To put it mildly, this approach doesn't always work out for the best. I posted a less than glowing review of a girl who had a few reviews that were rather positive. Nothing hugely negative, just some aspects of the encounter that didn't go as I expected, I didn't throw out any insults, there was nothing crude, just an accounting of what happened. Two things happened afterwards, the lady in question blasted me over email, saying I was damaging her revenue, etc etc. That much I knew was something that could happen, but the second thing was not expected. The motherfucking white knight brigade. A bunch of her "loyal" clients come out of the woodwork and dumped on me pretty hard for daring to say anything less than 100% positive. Seriously guys, I don't write these reviews for fun, I write them to give back. If I take the time to write out am extensive review, don't jump all over me because you like the girl and I didn't, I'm trying to do you and whoever comes next a favor. If you can live with what I wrote, then go ahead and see, if not then I'm glad I could help.

There's too much hypocrisy from the reviewer contingent, people complaining that reviews are only positive, but those same people will jump in to save a "damsel in distress" (trust me guys, these girls are tougher than you give them credit for). I don't mean to vent like this, but what's the point of having a reviewer of the year, when only positive reviews are accepted (and later lamented). Am I the only one who gets pissed when I read a thread for a girl who has 5 pages of good reviews and then finally when someone has the balls to say that they didn't like her 7 more guys come out of the woodwork to corroborate? I mean seriously, where the fuck were those people before? Why did they have to wait before they could tell the rest of us that they didn't have so great a time?

And to the ladies and agencies. A respectful negative review doesn't have to be the end of the world... You don't have to automatically insinuate that the customer *must* have been a dirty, smelly, old man who was super disrespectful to the delicate flower of a lady that is the SP. Hygiene and respect from the client are important, but that goes both ways. Sometimes a girl will come in to work in a bad mood and might give a bad service, it CAN happen, denying it and trying to discredit the reviewer is a disservice to you and the hobby community (and does anyone even believe it when that accusation is thrown around anymore?). Showing that you're willing to work through issues is a lot more important than trying to protect your ladies' reputations, because ultimately if you show you're willing to work with the clients you'll find that the reviews will be much more fair and balanced than if its the only tool at the client's disposal. In the end your original goal will be accomplished, the ladies reputation not be damaged beyond repair and you'll have shown that one client (and possibly quite a few more, thousands according to Mod 8, if it was done on the board), that you can work with your customers to resolve issues which in turn gives you more repeat business. I know that's an overly simplistic way of looking at it, but reading some of these agency/SP responses, you have to wonder...

Blam! That was a lot more than I expected to post. As for my own vote, I'd have to say muffinbuffer, I don't share all of his preferences when it comes to ladies, but I always look forward to his trip reports and enjoy his writing style, clear and concise, to the point, yet still descriptive enough to get a general sense of what to expect beyond just the available menu.

Edit: I figure I should mention, if you're looking for my review where I got blasted its gone. It was lost when all those reviews were delete earlier this year.
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May 3, 2004
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Very well said Smart,

Please continue to share your experience and say the thruth.

And the best reviewer title is more for the member who write the most. Not very the best.



Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Smartnsexy - I agree. I have had really good luck with the agency girls in Montreal. During a trip in May I decided to see a particular girl from a particular agency. She had several pages of stellar reviews. She turned out to be the coldest fish I have ever met in Montreal. She raced in and out without saying hello or goodbye. I was forced to write her first negative review in her review thread. It seems like I started a war with the booker. I pissed off a few of her favorite clients who incredulously doubted the truthfulness of my story. A few other hobbyists who had luke warm experiences surfaced. They wrote reviews in support of my review. I received several PMs of support. Some were from fellow hobbyists that had previously written good reviews for this SP. The worst part is that I haven't used that agency since. I had used the booker's co-agency at least once per year since I joined MERB. That's over. So if you write a negative review be prepared for repercussions. It is far easier to only write good reviews.

I take my earlier nominations back. I nominate Man7777.


May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
Interesting question regarding the value of reviews.

I get quite a bit of business from TER and I know it's because of my reviews there. Merb I'm not so sure. Is is the reviews, or my ads and my website that drive my business here? I know my review thread has had far less views than my ads and website. One problem with the review threads is that there are so many that yours quickly gets buried in the pile unless you are getting reviewed often, so there's not a lot of exposure. Although I have linked my review thread on my website, and on some other sites as well.

I once had a client who requested that our session copy exactly a session I was reviewed on. That was a little unusual. I find that each session is different, I don't tend to have a routine service, but rather tailor it to the individual client.

I also find the majority of clients do not review me. Most of my best sessions have not been reviewed. Maybe the guys don't feel like making the effort, maybe they find the experience personal and don't want to share it, maybe they want to keep the SP to themselves, I'm not sure. As much as I like having reviews, I completely respect their decision.

What do I enjoy most about reviews? The pleasure it gives me knowing that I've made my partner happy. (I've been fortunate enough to have only good reviews so far.) The opportunity to see a session through the client's eyes, to have an insight into their reactions, know what they liked best. And some of the reviews are hot, it's like reading erotica, but hotter because I know I was there!


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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My nominations are:


Just out of curiosity, how can you nominate someone as best reviewer who doesn't ever write reviews? (I suppose one can say that he never wrote a biased review.)


Active Member
Jan 13, 2004
The Da of the Dasein
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Just out of curiosity, how can you nominate someone as best reviewer who doesn't ever write reviews? (I suppose one can say that he never wrote a biased review.)

After all it tells everything about the validity of this so-called poll.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth



So with all the accusations of shady favors and discounts you're still nominating an exposed shill.

As far as reviews for perks it is a fact that it happened in the past.

As far as "perks", what do those who organize very profitable private parties get? Are we to believe you and others were just happy to see members get hooked up and the agency make a lot for itself...alone? You did run interference with the hotel representative putting yourself out front at risk of personal identification in connection with sex for money. Such a big risk...for nothing???

Are we to believe that since his return he gets no discounts from agencies?

I'm happy Delta is back and contributing. But there's still a stain because of the past that makes his nomination questionable. For myself I would be interested in what he says but verify through others. But, his credibility is for each member to decide.

It'a baffling to me how you can defend your very general accusation as "simply your opinion" and then tell me my own words are worthless and "asking you to pretend something never ever happens" because i'm saying it's something I do not condone...

Let's not forget his profession is double-speak and staining people with twisted meanings hoping others will buy it. Obviously he's gotten used to thinking he will get away with this and believing he's invulnerable. My only question is does he see his disconnection with the real world or has he sunk too far into his own game to see it.

EB, I was a little bothered by your comments. You review everything from hotels, restaurants, movies, and the actual reviewers that write reviews. In fact, I noticed that you review everything on this site but SP’s I hadn’t noticed that you have ever reviewed an actual SP. Why is this?
He does have the habit of being supercritical...when it can't affect him, yet no reviews, maybe because being supercritical of ladies and agencies would definitely affect his personal interests.

Also, how is it that you are so sure that reviews do not contribute to the bottom line of the SP?

It's a ridiculous notion. For myself, my number one reliable resource is reviews, and I know many others who feel the same way. Many ladies and agencies have improved, lost or made their reputations based on reviews. The fact that Delta123 got discounts for reviews proves their profitability from the view of the owners who count the profits.

Reviews are for you guys to use to stroke your egos

Simply saying this on a review board in a thread nominating the best reviewer is tantamount to trolling. Stuff of that ilk is often read... elsewhere. You disappoint me.

Exactly! If one doesn't believe the essential attraction and purpose of the board has any value then there is NO REASON to be here...unless the purpose is trolling/disturbing...or some B/C benefits that would be questionable.

I also vote for...Igna69XXX, Eagerbeaver

An exposed shill and one who not only doesn't write reviews but has been making a huge effort to say how valueless reviews are?????????? :lol: Funny.

How are you helping fellow hobbyist's and SP's who absolutely treat us like kings by B/C is beyond me, If everybody B/C this board would be useless and a lot of people would suffer, my hat goes off to the people who write open reviews.

If we followed EB's advice the board would have none of it's mission purpose.

My hats off to all who come here with honesty to see escorts and return the great favor of free reviews with their own honest freely given contributions.




Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I ran interference at that party because Iggy and Joe asked me to and in my judgment Iggy was not in the right frame of mind to do so. I was asked to help at that moment and I tried to help. They obviously asked me because they thought I could. It did not seem that risky at the time. I was dealing with a grunt building manager, not the cops. I think I managed to defuse the situation a bit. Cops were not called and the party which was winding down was not busted up. Your inference that I somehow got something out of this other than helping 2 guys who asked for help is way out there, even for the board's resident shit disturber. Maybe you should talk to people who were actually there.

It was a party and last time I checked there is no law against being an invited guest at a party. The issue that arose was noise, not anything else.
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Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

I'll give you that. Iggy has never had the frame of mind to be conscious of the need to be diplomatic, never mind do so.

You have been using this thread for pouring out a lot of shitty innuendos at people and imposing your view as the only one that could be right whenever there is a disagreement, and the terms you've used have been as bad as can be. This thread WAS just some people offering names for nomination until you decided to start demeaning people and create a pissy crap disturbing thread. Now we have 6 more pages of basically YOU against the

The party is not the issue. It's you using the smallest appearance or fantasy of impropriety to create smearing innuendos. Maybe you just imposed yourself to control the party situation because that's who you are, but you sure don't like getting back the same questioning of situations you constantly impose on others. If you want some slack on implications try giving it instead of always accusing.




Try not to have another apoplectic insult meltdown.
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