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Non-publication and MERB

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Possum Trot said:
Except that you re-titled the thread and made it so

This thread is, the original thread is not. That is why the posts were split.


Possum Trot

Apr 19, 2008
Quite right, I apologize for the momentary confusion :eek: must have been the old lady thing. Or is that directed towards the people salivating over the juicy details of drugs, money and sex. I'm so confused :) Since I'm still sitting under the dryer......

It would appear that the courts largely ignore blogging per this article


The exception might be the Gomery trial.
Last edited:
Jan 14, 2009
Mod 9 said:
After reviewing the law books, I must inform members that anyone revealing the names of the parties involved in this case can be prosecuted in Criminal Court.
So, if you have not been arrested for hobbying yet, this is something you might want to think about. Sure you can hint and tempt the system, but if we do receive any court order, be advised that you are not posting anonymously. 3 months ban is minor to what you might receive from a bailiff.
I also edited the post I did in this thread.

Isn't it safe to say that the publication ban in this case is good for Merb? IOW no member who posted information here could expect to be prosecuted in Criminal Court but Merb would be liable for allowing that information to stay up? One problem is bringing a board handle to court. I don't remember reading anywhere in the law books (not that I read them) that bord handles constitute persons under the law. Another prob is lots of handles across Canada posting this information on the web... Poor bailiff. Only reason I'm asking is because your post appears to suggest we should be worried instead of Merb's owner whose alot easier to identify that joe_blow posting here. I understand why you delete the information just I think the reason given is a little in your dreams.

0,02 worth,


C Dick

New Member
Mar 1, 2007
I hope my post does not break the rules, if so, I apologize, please delete it. I went looking for the identity, because after all the discussion, I was curious. When I googled on the specifics, I got many pages that referred to it, but they all made reference to the publication ban, and did not contain the names. So then I looked for Montreal billionaires, figured out who it was, and then googled with the name. Then I found plenty of US sites that included the name. These sites should have showed up in my initial search, but they didn't.

So that made me wonder, was that random, or does google.ca tailor its search results to try and respect the ban? I used to have a PC with satelite internet, so I could try google.com and see if the results were different, but now I don't. Google respects China's censorship demands, could it be that they do the same in Canada?


Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
rewindedforward said:
Isn't it safe to say that the publication ban in this case is good for Merb? IOW no member who posted information here could expect to be prosecuted in Criminal Court but Merb would be liable for allowing that information to stay up? One problem is bringing a board handle to court. I don't remember reading anywhere in the law books (not that I read them) that bord handles constitute persons under the law. Another prob is lots of handles across Canada posting this information on the web... Poor bailiff. Only reason I'm asking is because your post appears to suggest we should be worried instead of Merb's owner whose alot easier to identify that joe_blow posting here. I understand why you delete the information just I think the reason given is a little in your dreams.

0,02 worth,


We've been through this before.

It is trivial for the cops to contact MERB. MERB would give up the IP being used to post materials. Figuringg out the ISP would be about 5 seconds work. The ISP would give up the user data about said IP. Unless the user could prove reasonable doubt as to his/her participation on MERB (say, a shared IP or a shared computer), it wouldn't be safe to say the MERB member would not be prosecuted.

And, indeed, it has happened in the past.

MERB is doing the responsible thing and respecting the law in this instance, so as to avoid ... additional attention.


Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
C Dick said:
does google.ca tailor its search results to try and respect the ban? I used to have a PC with satelite internet, so I could try google.com and see if the results were different, but now I don't. Google respects China's censorship demands, could it be that they do the same in Canada?

If Google is made aware of them, they certainly do. They were censured and reacted technologically to adjust Streetview to PIPEDA standards.

I'm not certain why you can't use .com and .ca for google searches, I do it all the time. What ISP do you use? Perhaps they are doing some internal redirects.

C Dick

New Member
Mar 1, 2007
YouVantOption said:
I'm not certain why you can't use .com and .ca for google searches, I do it all the time. What ISP do you use? Perhaps they are doing some internal redirects.

If I key Google.com into my browser, it redirects to google.com. I have observed this with a number of Canadian ISPs, and never seen one that didn't. I assumed that it was a Google thing, that if they saw a Canadian IP address, they would redirect to Google.ca.
Jan 14, 2009
YouVantOption said:
We've been through this before.

It is trivial for the cops to contact MERB. MERB would give up the IP being used to post materials. Figuringg out the ISP would be about 5 seconds work. The ISP would give up the user data about said IP. Unless the user could prove reasonable doubt as to his/her participation on MERB (say, a shared IP or a shared computer), it wouldn't be safe to say the MERB member would not be prosecuted.

I guess you missed the part where I said that another problem was lots of handles across Canada posting this information on the web so enjoy the years of waiting ahead to see the news headline BREAKING NEWS: merb member arrested for violating publication ban. Assuming the people who arrest publication ban violators have the resources to get the IP used to post the banned material, figure out the ISP in "5 seconds" and call the ISP provider to get the user data if they were so lucky that the user was writing from his home or work computer I assume those resources are limited and would think they'd probably start the hunt at the news websites that have allowed readers to post that banned information even though those readers' posts are supposedly moderated because if some people ought to respect publication bans for lack of the I didn't know card it'd probably be the media. So yea, I'll stick to my guns and say it WOULD be safe to say a merb member arrest in this case isn't going to happen but could be nomitated for an oscar in the most imaginative scenario that never got funding category. Merb members getting prosecuted in CRIMINAL COURT when all they're really doing is pointing to websites including media websites where the information was already posted? Yeah right. But if you want to get into the nitty gritty about what people can get arrested for because I've read my law books and can pull up a google page about Jamie Baillie but have no ability to be pragmatic or use common sense at all then by all means go ahead.

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Possum Trot

Apr 19, 2008
There was clearly a lot more going on with Jaime Baille than there would be here. Don't think the cases are comparable at all. I'm with rewindforward on this.

Without plowing through a lot of crap did anything ever happen about the Gomery leak? Anyone ever get convicted?


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
C Dick said:
If I key Google.com into my browser, it redirects to google.com. I have observed this with a number of Canadian ISPs, and never seen one that didn't. I assumed that it was a Google thing, that if they saw a Canadian IP address, they would redirect to Google.ca.
I never realized this before but, you are right!

I think here's why I never realized: http://www.google.com/advanced_search?hl=en

I always use the "advanced search" and it look like if you do so, you go where you want. Just go to the ".ca", select "advanced search" then, in the address bar, replace the ".ca" with ".com" and bingo!

C Dick

New Member
Mar 1, 2007
metoo4 said:
I never realized this before but, you are right!

I think here's why I never realized: http://www.google.com/advanced_search?hl=en

I always use the "advanced search" and it look like if you do so, you go where you want. Just go to the ".ca", select "advanced search" then, in the address bar, replace the ".ca" with ".com" and bingo!

Yes, you are correct, you can get google.com that way, I was not aware of that before. It could be useful, thanks.

I used it with the same search terms as I did with google.ca, and I basically got the same results: Canadian sites respecting the ban. So perhaps it is not that Google.ca is censored, more just that the story is of more interest here than in the US.


Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
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