Montreal Escorts

On the Economics of Hobbying

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Kaempferrand said:
Heehehehehehehe.... I didn't know you swallow.

LOL, oh yeah, I've swallowed a lot of shit in my life but I am not going to feel pressured to see any lady who charges outrageous rates!

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Nov 21, 2004
I don't think there is any pressue at all since she is not forcing you in any way or putting a gun to your head to see her. It is more about your own perogative.

I am sure it is more of her past regulars who have fallen under her spell before she raised her rates who would continue to see her I think.

Yes when I was first saw her new rates I was like Whoa! No way!

But I give her credit though to able to pull it off plus she does have great tastes in hotels and the restaurants.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Kaempferrand said:
I don't think there is any pressue at all since she is not forcing you in any way or putting a gun to your head to see her. It is more about your own perogative.


You are right, it is my prerogative and right now I say NO WAY! In the past, I have felt pressured (entirely my own pressure) to see some ladies even if they charged a little more than I was comfortable with.

I still see some ads of ladies out there charging $500 for 2 hours that I desperately want to see. But it's that psychological barrier in my head - a little alarm rings in my head saying $500 for 2 hours...ARE YOU NUTS?:eek:

I guess sometimes I am just too horny...:p



New Member
Nov 15, 2004
Kaempferrand said:
I am sure it is more of her past regulars who have fallen under her spell before she raised her rates who would continue to see her I think.
For most independent who raise their rates, it's probably a way to reduce their client base. The old clients stay at the same old lower rate and they're still happy, while new clients have to pay unreal rates, keeping them away.

Exactly the desired effect. They are not nuts, and it's no pressure... Economics 101

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Gentle2her said:
For most independent who raise their rates, it's probably a way to reduce their client base. The old clients stay at the same old lower rate and they're still happy, while new clients have to pay unreal rates, keeping them away.

Exactly the desired effect. They are not nuts, and it's no pressure... Economics 101


I completely agree with this, however, while some SPs can easily do this, others cannot. This is a reality and even the best SP out there cannot charge exhorbitant rates without suffering the consequences.

But as you stated, quite often they want to limit their client base to a few regulars and deter new clients from pestering them. This is completely understandable for indies in high demand.


Lion Heart

Missing in action...
Jan 5, 2005
My views...


Because of your recent fixation with the $ figure, I'll give as promised my input in the hope you'll keep your crusade here and stop hijacking other review threads with this subject. Do a search and you'll see that this is a very old debate. I doubt that my personal perspective will bring something really new but at least you (and others who may be interested) will know where I stand and why.

To start with, I'd like to point out that I'm still hobbying on both sides of the so-called HDH fence, which is generally recognized as being around 200$/h and which correspond to your own psychological $ limit. In light of the wide SP offer from many reputable agencies like CF, SD, Devilish, CD, Asservissantes, Eleganza or XXXtase within the 140$-180$/h range, I think it's fair to put the limit there for the sake of discussion. I don't care much and won't comment about LDH-MDH limits others may want to put below this 200$/h threshold.

As you and many others, I have my own $ limit. I'm not all that crazy about throwing more money than necessary on the hobby but I personally think it's worth paying for HDHs for various reasons I'll get into. By how much? I'd say my own comfort limit is currently 250$/h. In only a few occasions in recent years, I went little over that. I don't think it would be worth going over 300$/h considering the wide choice of quality SP available at lower prices. Everybody has their benchmarks to compare value, we have common ones - Samy in particular - just to let you know that I may share your sense of worth.

So, why pay a premium when they are so many LDHs available? For me at least, advance booking is part of the reasons. Besides a very limited number of LDH agencies (Céline's Fantasies and Candy's Delights in particular), only HDH agencies and indies can reliably do this. I want to hobby on a scheduled basis and I no longer want to call agencies at 6 or 7PM and resort to pick whoever happens to be available that night. I get tired of calling many agencies like DC/Devilish without being able to see who I really want to see. Unfortunately, CF and CD have a limited choice of SPs and I have to look elsewhere.

Another reason for paying a premium is the quality of the encounter. I won't dispute the fact that they are some gems in the LDH segment. I've met some and happily repeated with them until they vanished into thin air or move to the HDH segment. For one such LDH gem, I get many average and under average SPs as well, some I'm happy of having met but would not repeat because they are not outstanding enough, some I wish I would have never met, which is rarer since I joined MERB in early 2005 thanks to the existing reviews and backchannel info I get. My satisfaction average is much better in the HDH segment but there are occasional disappointments as well. In general, I find refined ladies with the level of education, maturity and sensuality I'm looking for. From my own personal perspective and preferences, my encounters with these HDHs are just more satisfying than with the average LDHs.

From the SP perspective, do you really wonder why a lady would decide to stop seeing multiple clients, frequently for only 1 hour and at 1/2 hour interval, and start seeing only 1 or 2 clients per day and make as much money? From what these SPs told me, many are doing just fine and have enough new/repeat clientele to sustain their $ expectations. We have both met and discussed these issues with ladies like Hélène/Karma.

So, I'm ready to pay a premium to meet a refined lady on a scheduled basis at a convenient time for me, and spending quality time (2-4 hours in general) with someone who haven't met 5 other clients before me. FYI, bringing back the discussion to the $ figure, those I currently see have fees averaging towards the 200-225$/h range, which I found is reasonable. If you don't share my pre-booking requirements and preferences about the quality of an encounter, if you're satisfied paying 200$/h or less for those you are seeing, please continue to do so but stop being jealous or implying that it's worthless to pay more.

On the specific issue of FKS, I know that you are pissed off by the high rates they put for their services on their public site. These high rates are meant to incite membership. Whether you like this approach or not, this is the way they have choose to go. You either play along if you think this is worth for you or go play somewhere else. Again, no one is forcing you to see an FKS lady or to become a member. Would I pay 700$/2 hours as posted on the FKS public website? Not at this time! All the FKS ladies I've met so far were at member prices of 500$/2 hours or less (including Mia, Béatrice, Lilly and Sophie), only a few were at 550$/2 hours (Rebeka, Emma, Lauren, Elle). Considering all the FKS ladies who are still available at 450$-500$/2 hours (most of whom are not showed on the FKS public site), considering Samy at 400$/2h and considering the LDH gems, of course I'm hesitant in paying more than that. But it depends on the lady. I will probably meet exceptional SPs like Mia or Béatrice again, even at 600$/2h, but I may not see others when they reached that level.

Whoever or how often you choose to meet at whatever price is someone's own business. The most important thing is to spend within your comfort zone, feeling you get YOUR money's worth (this may be different between you and me) and keep your overall expenses within reasonable limits considering your disposable income.

My 2 cents and a half!

Lion Heart
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John Legend

Aug 16, 2004
Albany, NY
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I don't usually comment on Lounge threads but I wanted to put my 2 cents in here. Being an Economics major in college I am familiar with supply and demand. I feel strongly that we on this board have enough power to keep costs down, and in many cases even force prices down. I have stated previously about the high costs of escorts. I think us talking about costs have helped Devilish to keep their prices at 160 for an hour this year. I am willing to bet you that the other agencies that have kept their costs at 180 or 200 have suffered as a result. Look at Devilish's website, and see all the hot young girls they continue to hire. There is a huge demand for these girls. Of course if they lowered to 140 or 150 the demand would increase. The agency owners should wake up and relaize this. Look at JDM. I have had well publizied problems with Jacques, but let's be honest, how can you beat his price (130 last I heard). A lot of you guys have plenty of money and prefer High cost escorts, that's fime keep doing it. I am writing this for the working slobs who are not made of money. We need to get any bargin we can come up with. To me it's all about shooting my load, and having some fun doing it.I am a one hour escort guy. I like to get right down to action and prefer to chit chat after my SOG. Many times I don't go for a 2nd SOG, but when I do I feel one hour is more then enough. I love to DFK and DATY so that's what I am looking for as well as price when I schedule an escort. I haven't used Eleganza in months because Devilish is 20 dollars cheaper. This is the same economic approach I have chosen with strip clubs. I am so anti Kamasutra and Solid Gold because of the 15 dollar a dance costs. Like I have said many times, the strip club scene on island in Montreal is not a whole lot different then what we get in the States (besides Cleo's) so I won't beat a dead horse here. Economically speaking incalls in Montreal are a good buy if you are just looking to fuck without DATY or DFK. I go for one incall the morning I leave Montreal everytime I stay. Most incalls open at 10:00am and for 80 bucks you can get a nice goodbye fuck to send me on my way. I like Cloud 9 or Sexy4u because of the locations. Massages accomplish the same thing, but can be more expensive, more frustrating, and too much of a waste of my money for a big question mark. I do like one once in a while if the girl can rub you down and not just HJ you. Incalls you know you are gonna fuck, and get off so why waste time getting a massage.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I tend to agree with much of what Lion Heart said above, and he is right that this is a somewhat old debate that has been rehashed in this thread. I think the HDH market in Montreal has lost some of its luster, and accordingly the debate has lost much of its edge. At one time I exclusively used HDH agencies like Allissa, which at one time was the best, Aleeva and Friends, IN, CN, FKS and the French companions. These agencies now seem more focused on touring, primarily in Toronto, Boston, New York, and LA, because that is where the money is.

Recently I have been please with the LDL offerings at agencies like Eleganza, Celine`s Fantasies, and XXXtase. While I respect John Legend`s decision to make a statement as a consumer and choose Devilish over Eleganza, to me $20 is not a dealbreaker IF I really like the lady in question and want to see her.

As far as where I draw the line, I don`t have any hard and fast rules and it depends on the lady and how much I want to see her. I have paid $600/hour to see a lady in Miami. Turns out I got a great deal, because the same lady is now $1,200/hour in New York. In Montreal, it seems like $550/2 hours should be the outermost limit, although I must confess that I paid $700 to see Elle as an FKS non-member. I liked Elle and I would see her again, but not for $700. Right now agencies like Eleganza, Devilish, CF and XXXtase have too much talent on their rosters at much lower prices, and that talent cannot be ignored. So basically my whole take on the HDH/LDL debate has in fact changed over time. Although I agree with Lion Heart that the advance booking and the stronger likelihood of a quality lady remain advantages for HDH agencies that entice those with, shall we say, more fortunate financial circumstances.
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Oct 12, 2004
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We are discussing VFM: Value for Money :cool:
Maybe it is an old debate, but it is not bad for merbites to do a "sex cost audit" once or twice a year.

There is little more frustrating than to have your testicles dictate your spending habits and waste your time and $$ on a poor SP experience. (LH: thanx again for your famous "bait n switch" sticky!)

We are lucky in Montreal to have many hot/liberal/good-looking SPs in the $150-$ 180/hr range. Check out the SP fees in Toronto, NYC, or London,UK for comparable service :rolleyes: Double, even triple the rates vs MTL. Why do we receive many horny U.S. and Euro hobbyists here? One reason is great SPs at reasonable fees.

I agree with LH that sometimes paying $ 200-250/hr is well worth it for the VALUE of the SP experience. I do. Scheduling is much easier for sure, less likely to bomb out. But, I can't see spending more than $ 500-$600 for a 2 hour session in MTL, unless maybe my testosterone overules simple economics. Simply, there are too many good options.

It is easy to know when you have received VALUE. You keep dreaming about the SP and having erections in the middle of the day for weeks afterwards, and can't wait to repeat! :p

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Jealousy? Please stop right there!

Lion Heart said:
So, I'm ready to pay a premium to meet a refined lady on a scheduled basis at a convenient time for me, and spending quality time (2-4 hours in general) with someone who haven't met 5 other clients before me. FYI, bringing back the discussion to the $ figure, those I currently see have fees averaging towards the 200-225$/h range, which I found is reasonable. If you don't share my pre-booking requirements and preferences about the quality of an encounter, if you're satisfied paying 200$/h or less for those you are seeing, please continue to do so but stop being jealous or implying that it's worthless to pay more.

On the specific issue of FKS, I know that you are pissed off by the high rates they put for their services on their public site. These high rates are meant to incite membership. Whether you like this approach or not, this is the way they have choose to go. You either play along if you think this is worth for you or go play somewhere else. Again, no one is forcing you to see an FKS lady or to become a member. Would I pay 700$/2 hours as posted on the FKS public website? Not at this time! All the FKS ladies I've met so far were at member prices of 500$/2 hours or less (including Mia, Béatrice, Lilly and Sophie), only a few were at 550$/2 hours (Rebeka, Emma, Lauren, Elle). Considering all the FKS ladies who are still available at 450$-500$/2 hours (most of whom are not showed on the FKS public site), considering Samy at 400$/2h and considering the LDH gems, of course I'm hesitant in paying more than that. But it depends on the lady. I will probably meet exceptional SPs like Mia or Béatrice again, even at 600$/2h, but I may not see others when they reached that level.

Whoever or how often you choose to meet at whatever price is someone's own business. The most important thing is to spend within your comfort zone, feeling you get YOUR money's worth (this may be different between you and me) and keep your overall expenses within reasonable limits considering your disposable income.


First off, I am not jealous of you. Never was, never will be. Leave these infantile comments off your replies with me or else I will blast you next time. You have no clue about my income so please spare me with the jealousy snipes. For all you know, I make way more money than you and have a lot more disposable income. You are a reviewer that I always appreciated but the jealousy comment above is pure nonsense. (BTW, I can easily afford FKS and my money is just as good as yours.)

Now, like you, I too have always preferred indies and have payed up to $500/ 2 hour encounter. I like the fact that I can pre-book with them directly and that they are not rushed to leave when our time is up. But I can also easily plan ahead with a few agency owners like John or Celine.

As far as the quality of the encounter, I cannot say that it is generally better BECAUSE she was an indy. I usually book 2 hour encounters, regardless if it's an indy or an agency lady. I try to book them as early as possible. (Tonight I called Devilish and Kim was working but I refused to wait until 1:00 a.m. to see her. If she was available at 7:00 p.m., I would have jumped on the opportunity to book her for two hours.)

But I know the quality of the encounter can be just as satisfying with LDLs if you find a mature SP and book her for at least two hours. Alexia of Bodylicious and Michelle of Celine's (formerly of FKS) are two prime examples. They are my current benchmarks for real value.

Miss Samantha's rates are what I believe are the fairest rates for an amazing indy to charge a client - i.e. $400/ 2 hour minimum encounter. She is well worth that money, if not a little more.

As far as FKS is concerned, I really do not care about their membership and I find the premium is unreasonably high. I can argue with you here, but I believe the premium for being a member of this "club" isn't really worth it.

I might try them in the future but with a little research, you can find enough gems in the LDL market. Just make sure you book them early and for multiple hours.

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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Declining rates???

Hello all,

I was flabergasted when I heard the rates at FKS were going up to 700 for two hours. I thought...they have got to be out of their f..king mind. Then I was told there are many clients who go to this agency and readily setup 6 hours, 8 hours, overnighters, weekends, and trips. I wish I had the means for this too but I don't. Unfortunately there are a lot of gentlemen out there who don't have to worry about rates and they are pulling rates against any natural economic forces. Then there are those of us like me who used to balk at a rate of 180. Haven't you noticed how common the 150-180 rate for an hour is today. I remember when I passed on Stephanie of Montreal because she asked for 180. Now it has become within the average norm so much that I laugh in pain at the idea that I passed on Stephanie at that rate. If a rate conscious guy like me will accept 180 even when the value of the American dollar has decreased in Canada by over 30% in two years, then can we expect the rates to drop appreciably?

My point here is, there are agencies for every type of client, and there are many different ladies to suit every "need". General Gonad's logic about economic conditions and how prices should match is very reasonable. But too many are too willing to go to the agencies where prices are higher and rising and I think there is a certain apathy about the rates that will continue to keep them very much the same, even if they stop rising for a while. Besides, like GG, we all have some favorites we will follow no matter what and that affects rates too.

IMHO...don't expect falling rates. I think current rates are here to stay, leveling off for a while, but consistent. Maybe some new agencies will be a bit lower for a while until they make a reputation for themselves. Then they will join the norm. I hope I am wrong. It waits to be seen.


Mr. Big
Jan 2, 2004
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what do the girls do between the calls?

Guess ive always wondered about this question... Im sure some agency's have them sitting in a car or van waiting for the phone to ring to get them some work. Ive been told by some girls that in the winter when its slow they had to sit in a cold van waiting sometimes an hour or more just to make their 'hourly wage' when called upon. I know some have offices and enough distractions that make the waiting seem tolerable.

And im sure there are agency' guessing mostly those with higher rates that might allow a girl to call in when she's free late at night in order to make a call or two. Im also going to assume some of these HDH's go about their normal routine until a sucker, I mean a customer, calls in for a high priced two hour booking.

So on one hand you have LDH's trying to make 3 to 4 hundred a night by going from call to call...and then the HDH's making the same doing only one call that came in while they shopped.

Am i 100% correct? Have no clue...just rambling.

Lion Heart

Missing in action...
Jan 5, 2005

My appologies if some of my remarks offended you, the wording exceeded the intent. As for the rest, keep your sense of commodity and value, I`ll keep mine. If the FKS shoe don`t fit, there are many others to take a walk into. I find good value within that group, but I have no problem with those who don`t. And contrary to what Breadman might think, I don`t feel that I`m a sucker either...

EagerBeaver mentioned that he saw Elle Duval from FKS at 700$/2 hrs, liked her but would not repeat at that price. I saw Elle at the member price of 600$/2h last fall. Though she`s undoutebly gorgeous, it didn`t clicked between us and I would not repeat at any price. I`ve met Mia, one of my ATF, about 10 times successively at 450$ and 500$/2 hrs. She proved to be an exceptional value at these prices. Will I see her again now that she has gone up to 600$/2 hrs? Probably, but may be not as often as I would like to. You know, I have to keep things under budget as my disposable income is somewhat limited...:rolleyes:

BTW, I just saw one of your benchmark, Michelle from CF, whom I had met through FKS last fall. She has somewhat changed physically since then but I found the same good spirit and level of services. If what she told me is right, she intends seeing no more than one client per night, two per day if the first one is in the morning. I`m glad to see that this is fine with an agency like CF. Even though Michelle represents undoubtebly a great value at CF`s prices, I still find it`s worth spending more to see the FKS ladies and other indies I`m seing.

As for your other benchmark, I tried many times to contact Bodylicious to see Alicia over the span of a 3-week period without success. I won`t be calling back this agency, which is just a PITA to try to deal with. I have much better things to do. I`ve almost reached the same point with Devilish but I have no problem dealing with agencies such as CF, CD, XXXtase, Eleganza, Asservissantes or the Harem. I would not do business with ClassXXX/Extacy, Mtlhotgirls, DC, the companions or I-N, for different reasons, regardless of who would be working for them at whatever prices.

Overall, that`s how my sense of commodity and $ value translate into my hobbying ways.

Lion Heart


Psychiatric help, 5 cents
Mar 22, 2005
Value for the money

300, 400 $500 for an hour? Just a little to rich for my blood. At these rates I think that I'll stick to the palm sisters:eek:

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Lion Heart said:
My appologies if some of my remarks offended you, the wording exceeded the intent. As for the rest, keep your sense of commodity and value, I'll keep mine.


I accept your apology and I still stick by my benchmarks: Michelle of CF and Alexia (not Alicia) of Bodylicious. You simply cannot find better value for a two hour encounter than these two ladies.

As for FKS, if they drop their rates to $500/2 hour minimum, waive their membership fee and stop asking me to provide them with personal information, I might see them.

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New Member
Jun 19, 2003
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Don't hate the players, hate the game!

I am always surprised by the amount of posters I see whining and complaining about HDH prices. If you can't afford it, just keep going your own way and ignore it.

As many stated, there are many LDL's out there who are good at what they do and provide excellent service. The main differences between LDL's and HDH's are this :

LDL : Younger, less education, often worn out strippers (or lazy strippers)meet about 6 people a night, make 1/2 the money you are actually paying them (they give 60$ to the agency but they also have to pay their driver about 35$). They usually get burned very quickly wich explains the big staff rotation. They are under pressure, make sure to give 2 services before the time is up. If you keep them 5 minutes overtime, their nice driver calls you up or knocks at your door. Many of them on drugs (you have to understand a woman's mind here, men are able to have sex with anyone anytime, women's minds do not work the same way and often drink or do drugs to be able to meet with so many different people). LDL's are perfect for Montrealers with a Montrealer's salary, a wife at home and a few kids, who can afford to meet at a nice motel on a 4h room budget. If you like to be the 6th guy in line to put your pecker in that girl, they are ideal for you! Or if you want it badly right now, they do the quick delivery!

HDH : Often older (25-35yrs old), educated, independent women with their own mind. They can hold good intelligent and intellectually stimulating conversations. Take between 1-6 appointments a week. Often sexually open minded and enjoy their sexuality hence why they take that direction. All the $ you give them goes to them. Class, style, beauty, good sexual skills. Lots of them will go an extra mile to satisfy your special requests (a particular outfit, a particular pedicure etc). Often drugs and disease free. They are perfect if you are looking for a good companion who will give you a great time rush and stress free. Most of them are GFE.

FKS at 700$ for the beautifull intelligent women they have is not that terrible if you are not only looking for a quicky. In the US, the average price for 2h is 1500$ and there is even one girl in an Australian agency who spends the night with you for 35 000$ and comes with her own private jet.

I see the pricing of the HDH as a way to filter the good clients from the bad clients. People who can afford paying their prices, going on vacations with them, taking them out to Cavalli are usually people who have more education, a decent life and will treat them in a good respectfull way. And the market is big, in the summer, some independent do get enough requests to be busy as many times as they want to.

Lots of LDL's busy time are on the 1st of each month (Wealthfare checks) and they go to not so interesting appartements meeting some not so interesting not groomed men who only wants the longest fuck for their bucks.

If I were a woman, there is no doubt of where I would be. But not every LDL out there has what it takes to provide that kind of quality companionship for a long sustained period of time.

Just my two cents (for what it's worth). But please, stop the whining and complaining, because it's not with pity that you will get to enjoy one of these beauties. They are not about to drop their prices for you. ;)

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
More stereotypes....

Odacova said:
The main differences between LDL's and HDH's are this :

LDL : Younger, less education, often worn out strippers (or lazy strippers)meet about 6 people a night, make 1/2 the money you are actually paying them (they give 60$ to the agency but they also have to pay their driver about 35$). They usually get burned very quickly wich explains the big staff rotation. They are under pressure, make sure to give 2 services before the time is up. If you keep them 5 minutes overtime, their nice driver calls you up or knocks at your door. Many of them on drugs (you have to understand a woman's mind here, men are able to have sex with anyone anytime, women's minds do not work the same way and often drink or do drugs to be able to meet with so many different people). LDL's are perfect for Montrealers with a Montrealer's salary, a wife at home and a few kids, who can afford to meet at a nice motel on a 4h room budget. If you like to be the 6th guy in line to put your pecker in that girl, they are ideal for you! Or if you want it badly right now, they do the quick delivery!

HDH : Often older (25-35yrs old), educated, independent women with their own mind. They can hold good intelligent and intellectually stimulating conversations. Take between 1-6 appointments a week. Often sexually open minded and enjoy their sexuality hence why they take that direction. All the $ you give them goes to them. Class, style, beauty, good sexual skills. Lots of them will go an extra mile to satisfy your special requests (a particular outfit, a particular pedicure etc). Often drugs and disease free. They are perfect if you are looking for a good companion who will give you a great time rush and stress free. Most of them are GFE.


Your shallow assessment highlighting the difference between LDL and HDH markets just demonstrates your ignorance. There are plenty of young and educated ladies with first class agencies that prefer to work for an agency for many reasons. Chief among them is that they feel more secure knowing someone will check up on them. Also, an average SP with an LDL can make considerably more money than an average indy.

As for married guuys, they generally prefer booking with indies because they can easily pre-book them and even specify that they prefer meeting them during the day. I should know.;)

Odacova said:
I see the pricing of the HDH as a way to filter the good clients from the bad clients. People who can afford paying their prices, going on vacations with them, taking them out to Cavalli are usually people who have more education, a decent life and will treat them in a good respectfull way. And the market is big, in the summer, some independent do get enough requests to be busy as many times as they want to.

Lots of LDL's busy time are on the 1st of each month (Wealthfare checks) and they go to not so interesting appartements meeting some not so interesting not groomed men who only wants the longest fuck for their bucks.

Again, you are generalizing and spreading ignorant stereotypical views of the LDL market. Having met enough clients that enjoy the LDL market, I can assure you that you have no clue of what you're talking about.

Of course, there are enough rich guys with huge insecurities out there to believe that HDH is a "high class" escort who only sees rich, sophisticated (read disease free:rolleyes: ) clients. They take great comfort believing this and even like taking their dates to flashy restaurants like Cavallis, which I cannot stand (all flash, little substance).

Most of these rich men, or men with average incomes incurring huge debts, are so insecure that they actually believe the premium for HDH is well worth it. They find psychological solace in paying outrageous premiums.

Well, it might be worth it but it might not be. Not all LDL ladies and agencies are built the same. There are enough gems out there worth exploring and I will repeat what I stated earlier: if you book them early and for multiple hours, it will make a huge difference in your encounter.

Odacova said:
But please, stop the whining and complaining, because it's not with pity that you will get to enjoy one of these beauties. They are not about to drop their prices for you. ;)

I am not whining but injecting some reality into the pricing debate. All the rich men I know can ascertain value when they see it. That is why they're rich.;)

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Nov 21, 2004
Looks like this HDH vs. LDL debate will always carry on with no end in sight.

Honestly, money shouldn't mean shit in this game since it can always be made back. What is important is time because that you can never get back once it is gone.

So... it is important to get the best and most memorable experience there is whether you find it in HDH or LDL.

Remember, money makes a great servant but a terrible master. Never have your life dictated by it. It is something not worth getting too emotional for. It is a tool to open doors helps you get to where you want to go but will never put you in the driver's seat.
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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Kaempferrand said:
Looks like this HDH vs. LDL debate will always carry on with no end in sight.

Honestly, money shouldn't mean shit in this game since it can always be made back. What is important is time because that you can never get back once it is gone.

So... it is important to get the best and most memorable experience there is whether you find it in HDH or LDL.

Yes GG, *cough* Lyla Karina *cough* is coming after your wallet. You can yell and scream all you want, there is going to be a big hole there coming real soon.


LOL! I agree with you, time is a lot more important than money and in the end, if I pay a little more for an HDH lady but have a great time, I do not care.

All I am writing is that we shouldn't dismiss LDLs so easily. There are so many stereotypical views out there similar to the ones Odacova posted above.

Again, there is nothing wrong with an SP that charges a little more to see a few clients per week. (or at least this is what you think; she might be seeing several a week and you wouldn't have a clue).

But when I read stuff like HDH ladies are better in the sack because they are more intelligent, sexier, more sophisticated, blah, blah, blah, I take all this with a grain of salt, if not a shaker.

If you're too lazy to properly research the type of lady you're looking for, then you shouldn't post stereotypical views of the LDL market. This just spreads false information on the boards.



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Jun 19, 2003
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Poor GG...

Believe what you want to believe, my point is pretty valid. Have you worked with escorts? I did, I still do actually. I've worked in all fields in the sex industry, even as a male escort and driver. I've seen it all. Believe me, there are a few gems among the LDL has much as there are some screwed up bitches amongh the HDH.

To be a LDL, you have 0 responsabilities and can decide to work tonight without previous notice, quick cash, and that is what those girls are (really) looking for because most of them couldn't honor their engagements or be disciplined enough to own their own business. I've seen many girls going down the drain in a second.

On the HDH level, you have some who are feeding their coke habit, their high maintenance selves and boyfriends but I can assure you, they do not last too long and soon enough people complain about them canceling appointment after appointments. Those are the girls who were better as LDL.

Get away from home for a while, drive some girls around town, and you will see what I mean. You should realise for yourself that you are seeing the best actresses in town, for whatever price they are. Some do not act too well, but many are just plain lying to your face and you will never figure it out because they are so use to it. I know this girl who smokes on average 1.5 pack of cigarettes a day and guess what, too many people on here have talked about her as a non-smoker. Most girls I know, HDH and LDL alike will still meet you during their periods and you will not even notice a thing. They hide, cheat, lie, even the most innocent looking ones, just like most human beings but at a better level.

Wake up! The world of escorting is not all pink and roses...
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