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On the Economics of Hobbying

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Kaempferrand said:

What is offered for free or at bargain rates often comes with a psychological price tag - complicated feelings of obligation, compromises with quality, the insecurity those compromises bring, etc. The powerful learn early to protect their most valuable resource: independence and room to maneuver. By paying the full price, they keep themselves free to dangerous entanglements and worries.


I gather you are talking of a mistress here and I agree with you, we pay SPs precisely to avoid any sort of emotional entanglement. Not that a mistress is free - they can be more expensive depending on who you fall on.

My view is that when you allow yourself to get emotionally involved with someone, you are cheating on your significant other on a different level. But GG aren't you cheating by seeing SPs? Of course I am but ask yourself this: don't women cheat us men when they use sex as a weapon and deny us sex for weeks or months depending on their moods?


P.S. One thing I disagree with K-man on is that the best things in life are still free. I walked early this morning in the fresh air, hearing the birds chirp, well it made my day!:) As long as you have your health, everything else is irrelevant.;)


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Free and Expense vs Investment

Kaempferrand said:

What is offered for free is dangerous - it usually involves either a trick or a hidden obligation. What has worth is worth paying for. By paying your own way you stay clear of gratitude, guilt, and deceit. It is also often wise to pay the full price - there is no cutting corners with excellence. Be lavish with your money and keep it circulating, for generosity is a sign and a magnet for power.

What is offered for free or at bargain rates often comes with a psychological price tag - complicated feelings of obligation, compromises with quality, the insecurity those compromises bring, etc. The powerful learn early to protect their most valuable resource: independence and room to maneuver. By paying the full price, they keep themselves free to dangerous entanglements and worries.

So who ever said that the best things in life are free are truly fooling themselves and others. Talk about the blind leading the blind.

One of the best and most stimulating posts of the year K.

Free is a very misleading concept and open to abuse.Drug dealers get future customers hooked with a free sample.Politicians tell us about the "Canadian tradition" of free health care.In the first example free translates into a significant future cost - money,health,lifestyle,etc.In the second example - free overlooks indirect taxation and does not mean the best health care.Free health care is very easy to identify.The best health care is not easy to identify.In many similar circumstance free tends to slide towards worthless.

Best things in life are free - subjective and trite.From a cynical point of view it may be argued that certain things are free because no one has figured out a way to make money from them.Conversely because certain things are free they are not cherished.Education falls into this category.Up until a certain age students get a free education(overlooking their parents taxes) but fail to take advantage.Same students when they pay out of pocket value an education.

Still the process comes down to reason and a persons ability to make the right choices regardless of the cost factors.

Independence and room to manouver is another way of saying that you let reason decide what is the best option at any given time.Whether something is free or not it usually comes with obvious or implied links to something else and often these links prevent a reasoned decision.How these links are evaluated comes down to the EXPENSE VS INVESTMENT question.

The key point in the whole discussion is the Expense vs Investment issue and to which end of the spectrum does one lean and how far?

If the wife/SP question (setting aside jurisdiction,tradition,pre-nups,etc.) is viewed strictly as an expense issue then the debate becomes tilted in one direction.If the investment factor is introduced then the direction shifts.After all I do not think that many men would want an SP looking after their interests in times of illness or injury nor would I recommend hiding assets with an SP in times of financial stress.

The concept of conjugal or wifely duties or the transactional nature of sex within marriage is a mix of old religious views mixed with modern legal and financial realities.If the relationship is strictly expense oriented then should either party expect sex to be anything other than a bargaining chip? At the other extreme you have the view that holds marriage to be an emotional investment implying that both parties have an interest in enhancing their love life as time marches on.
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Oct 12, 2004
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There is no free ride!

General Gonad said:
As long as you have your health, everything else is irrelevant.;)


You got that part right.
It also helps to have the bucks to indulge your healthy sex life, n'est-ce pas? ;)
There is no free "ride".
That's why we have SPs. Youse pays fer wat youse gits! :p


FREE = no money, no time, no hang-ups

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Would you invest in this biz?

Today I was looking to invest in a "sin" fund - you know the type of fund that invests in all human vices (cigarettes, beer, sex, etc). Unlike other stocks, these stocks have historically performed extremely well relative to the overall market and paid out some great dividends.

But tobacco companies are now facing some major lawsuits and I just cannot invest in these companies for ethical reasons.

I was also thinking on how profitable it would be for coporate America to legalize prostitution and incoporate brothels! I even have a name for this venture: Tempatation Inc.- Once you try us, you'll yield to your every temptation!!!:p:p:p


P.S. I do not know who owns the Chablis but what a cash cow this place is! CACHINGO$$$$!!!
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New Member
Nov 9, 2003
robertpal said:
This is so offensive to me that i wanted to vomit. Does an sp go to school for 8 years and then do 8 years of training. Have huge risk, liability, and such. Overhead! give me break! any pretty women can sp. Not just anyone can be a neurosurgeon. Go to eastern europe, thailand, women there do it for 30 dollars.

Yeah you are right it is not a fair comparison but I was trying to make a point.

No not any pretty woman can be an SP. Just ask any group of pretty women. If fact I would go as far as to say that most women do not have it in them to become SPs. Also educated SPs can command higher $s than less educated ones. (By the way, SPing is what is putting me through university.)


Gone Geico

Sep 22, 2008
General Gonad said:
The winds of fortune are shifting and I believe we are going to get a lot more supply and a lot less demand for SPs. In this type of environment, it's hard to see rates going up and the high end agencies and indies will need to rely on their regular clients to survive.

Dude, you can say that again. I am too scared too look at my monthly statements.:eek:


P.S. Who are the geniuses that thought now is the time to raise rates in Montreal?:rolleyes:


Jan 18, 2006
General Gonad said:
The winds of fortune are shifting and I believe we are going to get a lot more supply and a lot less demand for SPs. In this type of environment, it's hard to see rates going up and the high end agencies and indies will need to rely on their regular clients to survive.
I wouldn't say that statement came true since you made it two years ago, huh? Wishful thinking perhaps...talking $hit, more likely.
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