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Montreal Escorts

Over rated and underated escorts


Selective hobbyist
Apr 10, 2004
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I agree with Ronnie,

Who are we to judge someone's taste ... specially in this hobby where you might find as many different tastes as there are customers. There is a whole world of different options and thank God for that. As long as honesty is there: for instance I would be extremely pissed if someone supposed to be in her twenties would rather be in her forties.

With experience, and for fortunately or unfortunately depending how I wake up ;-), I found that I am more comfortable with SP's in their very early thirties. Of course there are exceptions but generally this is where I can experience the most enjoyable moments. I have friends about my age who would give everything, and sometimes they did ;-), to be with very young women barely 18. To each one their tastes.
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Aug 23, 2004
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Frederic of Asservisante is overated. She gets a 5 in all categories. I give her a 3.75 overall. She has a pretty face but the body is a bit thick


Mr. Big
Jan 2, 2004
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I'll second that call on Frederic Bigdaddy....decent service, just didnt live up to expectations.

Different tastes though...myself, im looking for that girl next door look up to an elisha cuthbert look. Turnoff's are those large fake DD's that look too oversized for the girl.


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Jul 15, 2003
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Quote by bigdaddycumbuck:
Frederic of Asservisante is overated. She gets a 5 in all categories. I give her a 3.75 overall.

I agree with you about the often given 5-5-5. As such, I no longer refer to the spreadsheet for any major source of information. In the past, I would only try to book a 5-5-5 at various places.

Inevitbably, I would second guess those ratings afterward. That's when I learned that I am a very stingy guy when it came to rating a girl, particularly in the looks department.

That's why I prefer a 10-10-10 rating. That way, there would be more room for distinctions. For example, a couple of ladies who may get a 5 in looks on a 5 scale may either get a 7, 8, or even a 9 on a 10 scale.
While the subject is on ratings:

1) I believe they are very subjective and should serve only as a guideline.

2) One should always consider the source of the rating.

I have read some of the reviews(sorry I forgot his name), this guy seems to be getting around quiet a bit.
After I have read through some of his late reviews I have noticed that he was given mainly 5-5-5 with some exceptions, but even then it barely went below a 4.
He seemed also to be very well known amongst some of the "operators".
This made me think about the following:
Does anyone believe he is getting a preferential treatment? Knowingly? or unknowingly?
Judging by the size of this board and a small city market like Montreal bad reviews can seriously hurt your business.
If I would be an owner and aware of the power of that particular reviewer I would make dam sure i send the best girl possible. Even pay her a little extra out of my pocket to make sure she delivers an extraordinary service.
Let's get this straight...i am not trying to give the guy a bad rap. I wish i could command such, it was only wondering in how "real life" those reviews are?
Or..maybe I just read too much in to it.
Thanks for listening.


New Member
Mar 11, 2003
Whoever your forgotten reviewer is, I'm certain the conspiracy theory you've dreamed up has no connection with reality. If you are new to this board and to Montreal, the high ratio of reported good experiences over bad ones may seem unbelievable. And on the subject of too many escorts getting a 5 for looks, some hobbyists (including myself) are more easily satisfied than others, and you will have to take this into account when reading reviews.
QUOTE]Originally posted by langeweile
While the subject is on ratings:

1) I believe they are very subjective and should serve only as a guideline.

2) One should always consider the source of the rating.

I have read some of the reviews(sorry I forgot his name), this guy seems to be getting around quiet a bit.
After I have read through some of his late reviews I have noticed that he was given mainly 5-5-5 with some exceptions, but even then it barely went below a 4.
He seemed also to be very well known amongst some of the "operators".
This made me think about the following:
Does anyone believe he is getting a preferential treatment? Knowingly? or unknowingly?
Judging by the size of this board and a small city market like Montreal bad reviews can seriously hurt your business.
If I would be an owner and aware of the power of that particular reviewer I would make dam sure i send the best girl possible. Even pay her a little extra out of my pocket to make sure she delivers an extraordinary service.
Let's get this straight...i am not trying to give the guy a bad rap. I wish i could command such, it was only wondering in how "real life" those reviews are?
Or..maybe I just read too much in to it.
Thanks for listening.

Since I posted my comments above I had two people pm me, and asked me if I meant them.
I have attached the link were I saw those reviews. I have also done a NON- scientific poll to see if there is a basis for my thoughts.

In 2004 this person posted a total of 30 reviews

Out of those 30 reviews:

19 received a perfect score of 5-5-5
5 received a score of 4-5-5
2 received a score of 5-5-4
2 received a score of 4-4-5
1 received a score of 4-4-4
1 received a score of 5-3-3

I am merely throwing up some points for discussion.
I let you draw your own conclusions.

If he can get this kind of treatment from all his SP's more power to him.
I had to post this so some people stop worrying

P.S. After typing this I realized I have way too much time ony hands..LOL


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
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Let's not forget that in large part the ratings are rather subjective. Exampl, I like tall, thin small breasted women with a great ass. If I met someone like this and rated her looks and body 5-5 but you are a breast man or are short and don't feel comfortable with tall women you would think I was out of my mind regarding my rating. We all have different appetites and remember YMMV in each and every case.


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Jun 27, 2003
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It would be nice if El Bueno Samaritano (EBS) was around to weigh in on this topic, but he seems to have moved on. He coined the Quebecoise Platinum GFE Standard and his tough-but-fair grading scheme was first-rate.

All of us who dabble in this hobby, both male and female, have our individual strengths and weaknesses. It would be interesting to see how the ladies evaluate us guys. But message boards obviously focus on the women. Who is considered the prettiest, who is the most skillful/dedicated, and who gives the most mileage. As to who is overrated or underrated, it`s highly subjective. My all-time favorite lady in this business is Melanie, formerly of FKS. I`ve seen her on both sides of the border, and while her USA rate was $550US/2 hours (significantly more than the Montreal rate), it was always worth seeing her whenever I could.

Hobbying in Montreal at the HDH level has become much more expensive since 2002. Fee structures have exploded in price. A four hour dinner date with Melanie ran $600CDN in 2002. Nowadays, the agencies/ladies pronouncing themselves as GFEs often charge $800CDN for a four hour dinner date. Two hour minimums are commonplace for purported HDHs and those 2 hours often cost $500-550CDN. The problem, from my vantage point, is that a great many agencies/ladies want the HDH fees but very few are truly elite when it comes to walking the talk and possessing the looks, physique, skill, dedication, and performance. Message boards tend to be politically correct and grade inflation is rampant. The 5/5/5 scale would have you think that a young Raquel Welch can be easily found. Many ladies who are 6/10 or 7/10 on looks are graded as 8s and 9s. Very few women in this business have 24`` waists but most worlwide agencies are reluctant to state a true waist size. Thus you get a 34B/C-24-34 set of stats as the industry standard. As for the ages of some ladies, they are routinely 4+ years older than their advertised ages. When Alexandra of Montreal Girlfriends was running that agency, her age was listed as 23. It wouldn`t surprise me if she was between 30-33 years at the time. She looked great and age was not an issue. But my point is that few people are willing to tell the absolute truth in this hobby. You`d think that some of Asservissante`s girls never age or even become younger when their webpage is updated. Experienced hobbyists get used to such tricks of the trade and after 50-100 data points in this pursuit, tend to know what kind of ladies they like and where their parameters lie as far as value for the money (VFM).

What is underrated is honesty and character, on both sides of the fence. Style and individuality make a big difference. Giselle of FKS provides a superb striptease, as her fans know. Eye contact from a woman is extremely underrated in this pursuit. Acronyms are important (DFK, DATY, , etc.) are important but what`s an eye-opener is when the lady provides virtually every acronym under the sun (greek included) but won`t utter your name and acts emotionally distant. The great character trait about many Montreal ladies in this business, IMHO, is how they`re often down-to-earth, kind, giving, feminine, gentle, and very appreciative of acts of generosity. I can`t say that about too many of their sisters south of the border. The true Quebecoise HDH ladies are also known to write thank-you notes after an appointment. And that is simply unheard of in other markets, such as Amsterdam.



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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There is a lot of truth to the post above by Jim 2004. Prices have gone up dramatically since 2002, and I'll be the first one to admit that I have been paying the increased fees. For me, it is a very simple equation. I gave up hobbying in the USA a long time ago because of LE concerns, and I am able to afford coming to Montreal and paying even the inflated fees. I do it because I can. Sir Edmund Hilary once was asked why he climbed Mount Everest. "Because it is there", he said. And for us, Montreal "is there."

A lot of the natives look at this and say to themselves (and sometimes even in so many words on this Board), "goddamn fucking out of towners are coming up here and spending irresponsibly, driving up the prices and ruining it for us. Stay home, you spendthrift bastards!" Fortunately for us irresponsible spendthrifts, there is absolutely nothing that they can do to stop the market from being the market. I recall one Montreal hobbyist at one time calling for a boycott of all out of town hobbyists. That one went real far.

However, we now have the collapsing US dollar which, if one is to believe that the consumer behaves rationally, should incentivize us to stay home. But we continue to come to Montreal, we continue to pay the inflated HDH prices, and we continue to piss off the native hobbyists. Why?

I respectfully submit that this is an industry where a large supply actually triggers demand rather than leading to a cutting of prices. It is an anomaly in basic supply-demand theory, to be sure, but the facts are what they are. And I believe the reason why is the non-repeat HDH hobbyist. He is looking for choices, not the best price.

So, are the HDH agencies in Montreal overrated or underrated? Well, compared to the high end available in major US cities, there can be no question that: (a) even at the inflated levels prices are much cheaper in Montreal; and (b) the service offered by the Canadian HDH ladies is generally better than service offered by American high ends. A lot of you may not know this but there are SPs in New York City charging $700(US) for covered blow jobs. More than a few.

Again, I really believe that we must understand the Montreal market and understand the other North American markets before we can intelligently answer the question posed by this thread generally.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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If Elf has self confidence issues and sees himself as a loser, he would not be the only one. There is no doubt that a large number of hobbyists fall into this category. However, a lot of us simply do it because we can and because it's fun, and for no other reasons.


New Member
Mar 11, 2003
Originally posted by ElfGoneBad
You ask if the ladies have a scoring system? Yes they do! One digit: 0. We are all losers in their eyes.

Are you ElfGoneMad? You are trying to destroy our cherished illusions. Lets at least say escorts use a binary system: 0 for those they will never see again and 1 for those they will welcome back.


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Jun 27, 2003
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This pursuit is a "contact sport" and it`s interesting to see what perspectives people bring to the table. One lady on made a comment that I found most striking. She said that married women provide sex in return for security: "the mortgage and the kids", as she put. She said something to the effect of, "As for me, I prefer cold, hard cash".

So I get your point that this can be a tough game where successful gals in this business might sometimes acts as chameleons, being able to change with the circumstances and demonstrate a survival instinct. There are different shades of grey in this hobby and I always find others perspectives very interesting and refreshing.

I`ll argue that there are plenty of guys in this pursuit who are anything but "losers". A fair number make six-figure incomes, have advanced degrees, professional achievements, and are well-respected. Proverbial "marriage material" for the matchmaker or the lady who feels her biological clock ticking. From my anecdotal impressions, there are a wide variety of guys who dabble in this hobby. Some are married or have a girlfriend; they might "hobby" on the side. Some are divorced and are not dating anyone; I fall into that category. Some are guys who have no desire whatsoever to get married and enjoy travelling the globe and sowing their wild oats. Some are single guys in their 20s and 30s and would consider marriage if the right lady came along. Everyone has their own reasons for journeying to Montreal, enjoying the city and all that it has to offer, and indulging in pay-for-play as they see fit.

There are plenty of pros and cons to this hobby. It can be an addictive pursuit and it`s critical to stay within budget and keep costs down. And also keep an even emotional keel. Hobbying between October and March often obtains deep-discounted airfares and hotel rooms. If I don`t have a girlfriend in my life, I figure that $7,000-10,000+ of annual expenses are NOT being made for wining and dining, travel, overnighters, flowers, gifts, and miscellaneous expenses on account of maintaining that relationship. Therefore my rough budget for hobbying, all expenses factored in, is somewhere in that $7-10K annual ballpark. While escort fees have risen considerably, it`s worth mentioning that the cost of a good divorce attorney often runs $350/hr. to $550/hr. (and up) in many major American cities nowadays. And that`s up about 100-200% over the last 7 years in many cases.



New Member
Nov 9, 2003
You ask if the ladies have a scoring system? Yes they do! One digit: 0. We are all losers in their eyes. No matter what you have been led to believe while naked in bed with a hot girl next to you smiling while sucking your cock, or what thank you notes you have received after. Former, current, future escorts see only the money (are we clear about this?). The moment they walk out of that room they spit behind them and regret every moment of it while they double check the loot and hope that next week is going to be as good as this… or that special sugar daddy comes along for a clean sweep of his entire fortune or a boost to their (fake) careers. Too tired to type up all facts/references to backup all this. Furthermore, if I do type up the details I’ll get into so much shit that I will be voted off the island.

I am really sorry that you feel this way...I for one actually enjoy my job and for the most part LIKE my clients. Some I even consider to be my friend. Yes I can become friends with my clients, just as a lawyer can become friends with his. Just as the lawyer doesn't all of a sudden stop charging you because you are now his friend, I still charge those clients who are now my friends. Just like a friend of a lawyer may get more for his money than a stranger, my friends tend to get more for their money also...especially in terms of time...Yes I do this for the money, but I do not know of anybody in any career who does not work for the money. You also work for the money...does that automatically mean that you see your clients as losers? While you are probably right about some SP's, not all .

As for a scoring system? well I can only speak for myself. I do not score my clients with a number system but there are those I like more than others, and some I refuse to ever see again, and others I look forward to our next date. Believe it or not, generosity is not the main factor in wether I want to see someone again. Not even looks. It has more to do with the way he treats me, how much fun I had, did we laugh together, can he make me cum(notice this wasn't the first thing I mentioned).

I'll argue that there are plenty of guys in this pursuit who are anything but "losers". A fair number make six-figure incomes, have advanced degrees, professional achievements, and are well-respected. Proverbial "marriage material" for the matchmaker or the lady who feels her biological clock ticking. From my anecdotal impressions, there are a wide variety of guys who dabble in this hobby. Some are married or have a girlfriend; they might "hobby" on the side. Some are divorced and are not dating anyone; I fall into that category. Some are guys who have no desire whatsoever to get married and enjoy travelling the globe and sowing their wild oats. Some are single guys in their 20s and 30s and would consider marriage if the right lady came along. Everyone has their own reasons for journeying to Montreal, enjoying the city and all that it has to offer, and indulging in pay-for-play as they see fit.

You only started to describe the types of guys out there who hobby... professionals who work too many hours to have a relationship , since relationships take up time also. The widower who still loves his wife, but still needs that human contact, cuddling, and so on, guys who want to explore parts of their sexuality that their wife or girfriend is too "vanilla" to even consider, virgins and those with little experience, who want to gain confidence, to name but a few more...I don't think any of these guys are losers...

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We are still talking about sex? Right?
It is getting very heavy and philosophical here, aargh make me wanna stop having sex. Depression is not good for your sex life.kinda like Viagra in reverse.
But since we are on the subject..I am married for the last 17 years. While she is a great person and I love her...well even "Chunky Monkey" icecream from Ben and Jerry's gets boring after a
That's when all the "ladies of the night" come in. Thanks to all of you in putting up with the good, the bad and the ugly.

Now, to put Elf even into a deeper tailspin, does anyone believe that too much of a good thing can be boring too??
How many 10"s can you see before you even get tired of that?

A good friend of mine used to say, everytime we saw a gorgeous girl on the street, " Just imagine, someone is sick of her already".

Or are we soo proned to procreation, that our drive will never let us down?
Just wondering......


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Aug 16, 2003
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Several SPs have told me what they honestly thought of the men they saw. "Loser" is common, perhaps the most flattering and certainly not the worse. "Infantile" was mentioned.

And Train, this includes an SP you wrote as seeing regularly. And EB, this includes an SP you flipped over. So let's not think this is just an LDL attitude.

There may be some SPs who think otherwise but, face it people, its rather well known what escorts think of johns. If you want to dream, dream on.
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