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Over rated and underated escorts


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Jun 27, 2003
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The psychology of this pursuit can be fascinating stuff. Some guys are very uncomfortable seeing escorts. It unnerves them to write an email note, to wait for her knock on the door, and deal with the possibility that she may not be attractive to him. A guy I know who was into the Amsterdam windowgirl scene but now craves the German FKK Club action put it this way. He prefers, ``See, Buy, Fly`` (the motto of the duty-free shops at Schipol Airport in Holland) when it comes to picking the ladies.

I`m of the belief that if you`re going to enjoy the fruits of this hobby, then you have to be brutally honest about your sexuality. As Giselle of FKS aptly put it in one of her posts, ``This (hobby) is adult entertainment``. It`s not about choosing a mate or spouse. Everyone has their quirks in this business, both the guys and the gals.

One acronym that gets tossed around a lot, without a lot of exaggeration, is GFE. Ronnie (NaughtyLady) made an excellent point about one group of hobbyists: “Guys who want to explore parts of their sexuality that their wife or girfriend is too ``vanilla`` to even consider”. And what might be “too vanilla” to many a wife or girlfriend? The doggy position for one. At least in the USA. It scares the hell of some women to have sex in that position. And some are quite uncomfortable in cowgirl. Yet at the same time, particularly during the hot-and-heavy romance stages in a relationship (pre-marriage), the same ladies who recoil at the doggy position will sometimes insist on providing a TC/CIM/S. And we know what the “S” stands for.

As an aside, I ran into a couple of married guys in Amsterdam RLD a few years ago. Each guy talked about how he loved his wife and his kids but the infrequency of sex disappointed them. So they were like kids in a candy store in the Amsterdam RLD. No-kissing is the cartel standard there but sweaty gymnastics in multiple positions with a bonafide 9/10 for face and/or body is pretty damn amazing. Imagine doing it doggy style with a lady whose world-class body is as good or better than ubermodel Heidi Klum in her prime. Two words: SENSORY OVERLOAD! You’re holding her waist or hips from behind. Her waist might be 22-24” flared to 34-36” hips and, as one guy put it, you can reach down to fondle her at the same time. It’s living a fantasy for a brief period. But there is a downside to clubs and windowgirls. Closed eyes, lack of enthusiasm, often many restrictions, occasional ripoffs, and sometimes horrible chemistry. The escort pursuit, as I’ve experienced it in Montreal, is much more satisfying.

With Eastern Europe opening up to more airlines, I see many more guys headed to that region to indulge in 24 hour companionship at $300-600US or thereabouts. That’s a mere fraction of what other markets, including Montreal, charge. And some of the women in Eastern Europe are drop-dead gorgeous and for a fixed rate provide a “SuperGFE” (virtually all the mainstream acronyms plus Greek in some cases), as one fan of the Riga (Latvia) scene put it.


Aug 18, 2004
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Originally posted by naughtylady
Just as the lawyer doesn't all of a sudden stop charging you because you are now his friend, I still charge those clients who are now my friends. Just like a friend of a lawyer may get more for his money than a stranger, my friends tend to get more for their money also...especially in terms of time...Yes I do this for the money, but I do not know of anybody in any career who does not work for the money.

There is a major flaw in your argument.

Would you ever do pro-bono work like a lawyer? Would you lower your prices based on ability to pay like doctors? Where are the neighborhood volunteer sex workers? :D

Food for thought,
- Salinar


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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You have no idea how much pro bono work lawyers do, as well as "au gratis" work for friends and family. The analogy does not work, unless you agree to have a session with Stripper Lover "pro bono."

Maybe you should have a "pro bono" day one day per year. All SPs in Montreal give free sessions to past paying clients. That would at least get you in the door with this analogy. Right now you are not even in the door.
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Dec 15, 2003
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Aren't lawyers over rated in the above two comments?
Free legal work for friends and family must be the worst possible scenario, contrary to all the rules a lawyer work by! No fees!!!
"Pro bono" legal work and large legal firms? Unless the benefits are in sight, in one form or another!
Sps charging a good friend to have lunch with! Any friends left to dine with?
They are all chasing the same thing after all!!


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I am out here trying to get you some free sessions and you are complaining? Don't you think you are coming across as a wee bit of an ingrate?


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Nov 9, 2003
Lawyers mainly do pro bono work if there is something in it for them....payment after the settlement...glory, fame recognition...

As for sliding pay scales, first you have to prove your income with those professionals, and secondly yes I have negotiated rates...

Even legal aid lawyers get paid. Even Doctors Without Borders pay their medical professionals, just less than what they COULD make.

On the other hand, just as some other professionals may choose to work occasionally for free in specific circumstances, with certain people, it is always their decision wether or not to give away their expertise for free...There are people out there who I fuck for free, just because I want to, you may call them a girlfriend, boyfriend, lover or whatever...but the fact is there are people I just don't charge...

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Jun 27, 2003
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I`ve probably posted several hundred times on the ignatzmice.com website over the years, which follows the Amsterdam scene primarily. But I`ve largely moved away from that scene and focus a lot more on Canada. Proximity to the USA has become more important over time, plus staying within the same time zone in North America avoids those ghastly red-eye flights.

A person with very few posts on a particular message board isn`t necessarily a rookie in this hobby, although many people quickly jump to that conclusion. Some who dabble in this hobby take occasional sabbaticals and may ``loft`` on the message boards at times. What I like reading are new perspectives. That`s how we all share experiences and insights. And perhaps learn something new in the process. Vive la difference!

Your comments about the EE ladies in Toronto are interesting. I explored that path with indie Lea of Toronto, a gregarious Russian lady in her mid-20s. We didn`t have good mutual chemistry outside the bedroom, which made thinks awkward at times. As for her lovemaking skills, she`s out of this world in some regards. Her hummingbird-like tongue seemed to flutter at 10,000 RPMs during a and she`s offers a very acronym-intensive GFE in the sack. In all candor, I felt she was downright rude at times. A ``Russo arrogance`` was how one guy aptly put it on TERB, and I can understand why he said that. Manners do matter a lot to me in this pursuit and because of the ``chemistry`` factor, I seriously doubt that I would repeat with her. This is a contact sport and not every encounter is going to be a winner. Lea has her fans and for those who connect with her well, I understand why they rave about her.

I haven`t seen Bobbi in Toronto or the former Eva (of the departed evaescorts.com), who are two well-known EE ladies. I did see indie Elizabeth (Russian) a few years back in Toronto. A pleasant enough lady but not memorable in my eyes. I keep an eye on the Toronto scene but I haven`t found anyone these days who has me salivating to see her.

One frustration I`ve often had about certain posts, especially in the Amsterdam scene, is a lack of detail. ``Hot blonde halfway down that alley, but can`t recall which side`` doesn`t cut it for me. I`m looking for model, celebrity, or actress comparisons when I describe a lady`s face. I figure if I`m blind and on my deathbed someday, I want certain Technicolor images burned into my memory banks from my hobbying days.

Any Playboy Playmate fans out there? As an aside, 55 year-old Billy Joel just married a 23 year old brunette, Kate Lee, who facially looks like a dead ringer of Playboy`s Miss April 1981, Lorraine Michaels, one of the hottest petite Playmates ever, IMHO. It make me wonder whether Billy just happened to pick up that Playboy issue back in 1981, then a generation later have a major case of the hots for Lorraine-lookalike Kate.



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Mar 20, 2003
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Some thoughts

As a thread on under and over-rated escorts, this thread has certainy devolved into a very different place.

First the Montreal scene ...

One of my very first Montreal experienes was with Sabrina and Angie of Sensual Delights, many years ago. Sabrina is still on the scene and is a highly intelligent and skilled performer. Probably under-rated. (Angie --oh those ice-blue eyes -- has since retired).

Samantha the indy. Sweet as can be, fun to be with, great lovemaking skills. One of my ATFs. Under-rated as well.

Emma. At one time, I had some very serious hots for Emma, more because of her mind than her performances, which I thought were average to good -- but NOT out of this world. Just goes to show that the brain is the most erogenous zone in your body. Would I see her again? Probably. Would she want to see me again? Probably not. Over-rated for the sex, under-rated for her brain.

Serina. Very cute girl. Hot sex, but you can keep the little cutesy voice and baby talk. Over-rated.

Miss Alex. Great the first time; spiraled down in later meetings. She's in the Far East the last I heard (one year ago). Hope she is well. Quirky personality that pissed off some. Me, no. Probably over-rated.

As to the Toronto scene, I agree with EGB that there are some gems there, but three merit comment as they are mentioned above.

Eva. WAY over-rated IMHO. Too much world-weariness. Body a bit too flabby for me. Too much self-involvement.

Michelle (now retired). THE body to die for. Always a delight. Now married (or so they say) to gain citizenship. Oops, did I give something away?

Lea, the Russian Indy. Yes, she really ticks off some people. She's smart and she is a smart-ass. Give as good as she gives and she is a pussycat. As to her service, as good as some have said she is, IMHO she is even better than that. One of my ATFs. The hummingbird tongue is NOT to be believed and is one of the wonders of nature. She WILL find places to put her tongue that are ... interesting. Under-rated because some don't like her act. You guys can go elsewhere. She's mine.

To overseas ...

Amsterdam. WAY OVER-RATED. Too much money for a disinterested, disgusted, bored, plastic, overly made-up bitch. Dutch people are great. Whores in Amsterdam? You can have them.

Buenos Aires. Great girls. Great service. Money goes a long way. Too far, though and I don't speak Spanish that well. A disappointment overall.

Germany FKKs. Over-rated. Great place for the wham-bam, thank-you ma'am crowd. Wanna f*ck four different girls in four hours? Go right ahead. Better yet, save your money and buy a rubber pussy. Elsewhere in Germany, for that once-in-a-lifetime very special treat, see Yolanda at Venus Escorts.

Prague. Nirvana. The top-end girls for overnights are fantastic -- excellent value for the money. Choose wisely and you will be rewarded.

Finally, my #1 place ... London. Unfortunately it is too bloody expensive. But for those splurges, THIS is the place to be. Selection and service are without peer in the world, IMHO. Who is my ATF there? No question. Caprice of Caprice Escorts.


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
How we rate you guys...

Things we like, or things that will tend to get you more mileage:

People who treat us like real people with feelings, lives out side of work and so on.

Good Hygiene.

Considerate gentlemen who ask if we would like something to drink... even water, it is still nice to be offered. Manners never go out of style, hold the door, take our coat...

If you have some talent in bed that is a bonus! If you don't but take good directions that is good too.

Generosity... and this doesn't necessairly mean tips (which of course are always appreciated) but in the sense of not taking advantage of our time.
If we go way overtime at least offer something for it. I once had a client who when I pointed out the time (we had already passed the planned time by 45 minutes but time really does fly when you are having fun!) he asked if I had other plans or if I could stay the night. The next morning he did not offer me any more money and when I asked he tried to tell me he didn't have any more and could not go to a bank machine. Not being paid for 45 minutes is one thing, for an overnight is another story. Needless to say, next time he is back in town he will not see me again...
Aug 23, 2004
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I saw Roxy, formerly, Chevonne. I had a good time with her. She receives and is a great host. Offers you a pop or whatever. Plays some music, A little safe. Nice body but a bit older. She works out so is quite toned. Most people are not that crazy for her. my experiences have been OK.

Claudia of Luxure:

No Kiss. + $40 for . No kiss for any $$$$. Says it`s too personal. it`s for her boyfriend only. Has a stretch marks because she has a daughter. The looks and body for her are overated. Just slighlty above average. Fucks above average. Give he a 3.5-4-4 and not 5-5-5 on the spreadsheet. Luxure
has some gems. There price is cheaper than most, but when you add the extras the girls charge for DFK and , it`s little better, or no better deal than Satin Dreamz or Asservissante.
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