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Paying for “extras”


Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
Let's say it's 280/hr and 20 for CIM, so CIM is extra. Now if the exact same provider charged 350 for an hour including CIM, you'd repeat, but not under the former, lower, pricing.
Gotcha i don’t see indies. Only agency so usual cost 240-250


Active Member
Apr 27, 2016
It is mostly the turn-off factor.

Nothing kills a boner like having her remove your dick from her mouth and inform you of the additional fee for CIM. I actually had that happen once. I think she expected me to truly find my pants and fish out the extra cash.

Same with anal sex. Sometimes it works perfectly, at least for me. And sometimes it doesn’t, either for me or for her. Once she makes you drop down those extra 80 loonies, you feel obligated, and what is worse, she does too. The last thing any of us should be doing is forcing that particular act. That is how it gets removed from her offering list.

While I prefer to have CIM available, if she says she just does BBBJ, it isn’t that big of a deal to warn her. But if she does CIM for some, why not all? Sex workers talk a lot about respect, boundaries, communication, and repeat customers. But an anal surcharge is the opposite of that. If you see her regularly, isn’t it much better for both parties to see if she us up for anal sex and see how it goes, instead of “pay me $80 more and it will be okay”?

That is why I prefer a higher price, regardless of what services occur, instead of pricing for each activity.
Exactly, at 400-600 with the indy , i hope they don't ask us for extra! I will repeat only with indy give me better services . For me, it comes naturally the CIM or Greek when i become their regular client ! It depends really on mood and vibe.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Agree, nothing else matter.
No, it is how the lady treats you that matters.
I see Indies and only a select few, if I was so worried about the cost I would stick to agencies.
Some allow CIM, some don’t . I don’t have a problem either way, I would however if one of them all of a sudden decided it was an additional cost not because of the cost but because of the turn off.
For me it is always about how she treats me and the connection we have.
I genuinely like the ladies I see, it is not just about sex , they are not only gorgeous but fabulous women, smart, funny, interesting and above all kind and thoughtful.
The first time she treats me like an ATM is the last time I see her.


Active Member
Oct 29, 2013
Sex Prison USA
Opinions of opposites spectrum expressed on this thread. On one end, “if charge for extra is not mentioned, it is implied to be included.” On the other end, “bringing up a charge is a mood killer.”

What’s a girl suppose to do? Mind read which school of thought this client subscribes to?
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
I agree with you that nobody wants an endless list of extras and that being clear on what are her limits is the ideal situation. No baiting...
If an SP pretends GFE I have some expectations but there are multiple shades of grey and yours might be different... and I don't care having some choices of extras. Do all GF provides BBBJ with enthusiasm?


Jul 5, 2008
All she needs to do is be clear with the dos and donts, then fix her rates according to what makes her happy and not having to show an endless extras listing.
Exactly, and the John also should be mature enough to clearly state, when booking, what he is looking for instead of whining after the fact that "duh, she didn't tell me".


Active Member
Oct 29, 2013
Sex Prison USA
All she needs to do is be clear with the dos and donts, then fix her rates according to what makes her happy and not having to show an endless extras listing.
So how does that work in practice? When does/should she state her do and don'ts and when does/should she communicate the rates for the extras? I'll referring to a agency girl and no fee schedule published.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
So how does that work in practice? When does/should she state her do and don'ts and when does/should she communicate the rates for the extras? I'll referring to an agency girl and no fee schedule published.
One of many reasons I prefer seeing Indy’s and repeating with them
I do not want to bargain for condiments like for a hamburger, plus I don’t like dealing with a booker/middle man nor being one of maybe 5 or 6 on that day.
I keep seeing “l love Lucy “ working on the assembly line when I think of agencies,
I don’t want to be one of the donuts being dropped or whatever they were working on.
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Active Member
Dec 25, 2021
One of many reasons I prefer seeing Indy’s and repeating with them
I do not want to bargain for condiments like for a hamburger, plus I don’t like dealing with a booker/middle man nor being one of maybe 5 or 6 on that day.
I keep seeing “l love Lucy “ working on the assembly line when I think of agencies,
I don’t want to be one of the donuts being dropped or whatever they were working on.
A lot of indys have assistants handling the booking, and you have no way of knowing how many clients they see in a day anyway


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
A lot of indys have assistants handling the booking, and you have no way of knowing how many clients they see in a day anyway
Yes I know,
I haven’t seen any of them either.
You are also right about the number of clients although I know for a fact that the ones I am seeing are low volume and due to them having a regular career they do not have time for an assembly line of clients.
I don’t really mind whether I am first that day or the 10th if the hygiene is there and the connection is there, but these ladies are human and get tired.
To each their own I prefer Indys that I know and have a long standing rapport with and I deal with them not their bookers or assistants.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I may be totally wrong about this & of course there are always exceptions but my personal philosophy over the past two decades is that if a lady charges extra to perform or allow whichever ‘service’ it has always given me the impression that she isn’t comfortable doing that particular ‘extra’. Which is why i’ve rarely willingly paid for extras. I never felt like requesting something that the girl was uncomfortable doing. I’d rather reward the lady in the form of a tip for having provided me with a very good, satisfying time.


Active Member
Oct 29, 2013
Sex Prison USA
A lot of indys have assistants handling the booking, and you have no way of knowing how many clients they see in a day anyway

I would argue there's more transparency with an agency girl since her schedule is published. If she is working multiple agencies, it will likely be picked up by MERB.

Just because a girl is agency doesn't mean she is high-volume. I've pretty much only see agency girls and my ATFs are not high volumes. Yes some agency girls show up on predictably on the schedule multiple times per week and multiple weeks but there are also those that show up only twice a week in a month (maybe to make rent. LoL).

I may be totally wrong about this & of course there are always exceptions but my personal philosophy over the past two decades is that if a lady charges extra to perform or allow whichever ‘service’ it has always given me the impression that she isn’t comfortable doing that particular ‘extra’. Which is why i’ve rarely willingly paid for extras. I never felt like requesting something that the girl was uncomfortable doing. I’d rather reward the lady in the form of a tip for having provided me with a very good, satisfying time.

I can't say I subscribe to that. Let's assume she is in the industry for the money. If that is the case and the industry norm is to to charge extra (like greek as an example or even CIM), I don't think she should leave money on the table even if she enjoys it. Again I'm referring to agency girls as indies have have full control of their business model (eg all-inclusive vs a la carte) while agency girls don't.

Furthermore I would even argue that the girls who list out prices for extras (the ones whom some here are saying it is such a turn off for doing that) are the result of being taken advantage by prior johns who didn’t pay extra because she didn’t talk about money up front.

Those johns wrongly assumed it must be free and rationalize not paying with “she must have been comfortable/enjoyed it” when in reality what she didn’t find comfortable was having to talk about how much and potentially having to haggle for the extra.

IME the new girls are the ones who don’t like to talk about how much. Sooner or later they wise up and start listing prices up front.
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Active Member
Sep 15, 2011
I used to have a roaster of civilians, but I wouldn’t wish that even on my worst enemy. The roaster barely produced enough fucks for me keep it up. Any girl that fluttered her eyes at me or needed help with something, was immediately added. I didn’t know how to distinguish between good vs. bad leads.

If I ever get a Tinder account, I would hire a virtual assistant from the Philippines to swipe and message, a professional photographer, and a social media expert to get me followers and engagement on my account. An estimated cost of $5,000 over a span of 6 months, and I can generate X number of leads. Then there’s the conversion from leads to dates, and then dates to fucks.

For the same investment, I can bang 20 outrageously smoking hot chicks in fully furnished condos. And, the best part, I don’t have to arrange or manage shit. XO and @Euphoria Girls have completely changed Hobbying. They transformed brothels and whore houses into Palacios Harem for the Kings. They made it classy. They made it cool. They changed my life.

Paying money for sex makes it visceral. In fact, it makes it too real. It’s like finding out for the very first time that all professional athletes are on steroids or that professional wrestling is fake. Fucking is no longer some coveted mysterious fairytale achieved by the Chads and Tyrones. For a small and affordable price, you can fulfill your fantasy and move the fuck on. I am not going there to find a partner to get a 30-year mortgage with and breed children to feed to the indoctrination centers.

I never tip and I never pay for extras. I never have and I never will. For me, the monetary funds are exchanged to bypass the bull shit. I never ask the booker if the girl offers any particular service. If a girl ever pauses in the middle of the act to mention price then I always opt out. I use my 60 minutes to hone my game, not check-off fantasies from a bucket list. This allowed me to learn how to speak without opening my mouth. I'll get services without ever asking or pausing. It is seamless. Again, this took years to learn. Sometimes, I only say “Hi” after I’m done fucking. And, all of these skill sets are fully transferable to other areas of your life.

For those that just want to get their money’s worth, ask the bookers. They are usually very helpful. However, it’s still YMMV. And, if you go see girls from Ann123 or LL, then you’re a brave soul and my prayers are always with you.
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