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Penis size


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Alyssa Roze,

Exactly my point and what I tell everyone else. We live in an image obsessed society. Most people are superficial. My point that I was trying to make is how much power the media has. It determines current fashion trends, what new gadgets people buy and what is considered to be an attractive woman and man. In TV they always show a tall dark handsome man in for example the Bachelor shows or in Soap Opera as Mr.Rico Suave and the beautiful woman is usually White with blond hair, thin with big breasts. I for one am not a follower. I like what mainstream society does not like.

Back in the 50's during an era when rock n' roll came was in men tucked in their shirt tails, greased their hair etc... And now you got hip hop with guys like 50 cent, Drake, Lil Wayne and now guys walk around with their pants hanging down, sneakers, huge oversized shirts and the shirt tails are never tucked in. This is power of the media. It determines mainstream attraction. So ultimately blame the media. Women during the 70's had a bush on her vagina and was considered very attractive now it is considered considered disgusting by the majority now most women shave the hair all off. Most men are turned on by a bald vagina.

Quite simply put the short man has no respect. A successful man is expected to be tall. Why? Cuz that is what the media shows. All human beings are born innocent free of biases and interests then it gets formed by their life experiences and what they watch on TV. Why not show a short man as the one that women are fighting for in the Bachelor show? Watch how women,s opinions towards a short man would change.

And BTW I believe you about men talking shit also. I guess I never read anything like that on dating sites since I never look at mens profiles.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
The look has nothing to do actually...You problably already had a friend you wish you could love her as much as she loves you because she is so nice to you...but the feelings are just not there and you can't force it to happen...I already lived that situation and it isn't fun, but i simply couldn't love him and i knew soon or later i would break his heart because i would fall in love and that too i couldn't control it (since i wouldn't havebenn in love with my bf).

It is funny you bring this up. I remember once a pretty lady on Facebook added me. It was a random add. She liked my pics and wanted to meet me. We meet but she was disappointed cuz I was not tall enough. She likes my face, my body shape but just was not tall enough for her. I tell her what difference did my height make. She was not even a tall girl she was about 5'2". Me I am thinking what these women got against height? I changed my criteria on the women I date. I am extremely picky with weight and only go for exotics. I no longer except women that weigh more then 115 Lbs and taller then 5'4". I want them small and thin and no fake breasts. I now select women in much same way as those the superfical women do. And why should I not? I know what I want!

Moral of this is that an overweight woman is just as bad as a short man. Both has the same results.

However you want to sugar coat it no matter what it does not change the fact that those people are superficial.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Yeah, basically, people are shallow. Fair enough when it comes to picking a partner as its a personal preference. I got my teeth straight at the age of 31 and feel great about it but it just reminds me of how shallow this world is.

Exactly. You nailed it right there. No matter what people say I always said the only thing that matters is looks. And it shows. If as a man you were six foot full of muscles. Walk into a club and watch how many women's attention you would be getting. I kid you not. I have a friend who is 6'2"... he works out has broad shoulders., large biceps, wide back. Whenever I go clubbing with him the women are usually chasing him. Me on the other hand am small and am 5'7" the women do not notice me. I got to go to them and seek them out. I got to work much harder then my tall friend to score.


Jul 21, 2005
Interesting thread. Just thought that I would add my 2 cents. I'm about 5'7 with average build, and based on feedback I've gotten over the years, consider myself to be fairly good looking. I would tend to agree that when out with friends and acquaintances who are 5'10 or taller with similar or better physical build/looks, the attention of females goes to them first.

However, I find that when I start a conversation with an attractive woman, things usually start to flow naturally, and in many cases (though not always), she seems to forget that I'm 5'7 vs 6'0. We start to enjoy each other's company and one thing leads to another. If there is good chemistry, the height factor doesn't seem to come into play. Certainly, there will always be some women who will just focus on superficial things like height, but that's no different from some men.

In terms of sex, I'm glad to say that I've never had the situation where I didn't get a second date after a fun first date. In that respect, I have what would be considered an average size penis, and that has never been an issue. If anything, some women that I have been with who had better endowed boyfriends previously, actually mentioned how an "average" size penis actually felt better than a "large" penis. A couple even went so far as to say that with a smaller penis they felt they could be more agressive in bed, not worrying about the pain that a larger penis might cause with certain movements and more vigorous activity.

My conclusion is that, while we shorter men are at a disadvantage initially in trying to "connect" with an attractive woman, this disadvantage quickly disappears once the initial connection is made and there is some chemistry. At least, that's been my experience ... so gents, we might have some extra work to do up front, but there is hope :)


Active Member
Jan 5, 2011
Hello I started this thread called Penis Size and someone changed the title to (and our "image obsessed" society)Can anyone change a title??


Active Member
Jan 5, 2011
I don't think everything is based on Media. I believe when we are born (50% of our brain is like rom memory and 50% is ram memory)As we grow up when our dad says look at the nice(( tall girl)) across the street we associate tall with nice .Then someone says ''when you travel the states the troopers there are like 6'6 and 250 pounds don't fuck with them,in Montreal the cops are 5'2 105 lbs so you can tell them to fuck-off ''All this info is being processed in our brain every second of every day.People say it's not nice to compare but hell we do it 500 times a day.When you say it's pretty cold today,you compared with other days,when you see a girl that is 5'5 90 lbs you find her skinny (compared to a more normal size) if she's 5'5 and 200 lbs then she fat .My mom always told me not to compare but it is genetic.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

You made some very good points. Okay I exaggerated the influence of media but no doubt it is still a very significant contributing factor. If I were living in Asia or South America I would be average height :)


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
My conclusion is that, while we shorter men are at a disadvantage initially in trying to "connect" with an attractive woman, this disadvantage quickly disappears once the initial connection is made and there is some chemistry. At least, that's been my experience ... so gents, we might have some extra work to do up front, but there is hope :)

You are now talking about swagg -- the way you carry yourself, the way you talk, dress, etc.. That is what makes the difference between keeping a woman or not. So whenever I am in a club I got to go out there and be proactive and seek out the ladies. But yes I got to work extra hard then my taller friends. Too bad also cuz a fat woman can go to the gym and be slim. There is no gym exercise that can stretch you to be taller. You are basically stuck with your height for life :( .

What is your opinion or comments on this. Do you think that if a short man would work out to build muscles... would that balance out his lack of height? Would he be noticed more by the ladies? I am talking initial contact here. Would that make him more competitive to the taller men? Opinions, comments?


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Alyssa Roze,

They kids probably made fun of you cuz you looked very different from the rest of the other girls. An unfortunate situation by high school kids. They usually ostracize what is different and not mainstream including people who are not following fashion trends defined by the media.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
but instead of following the other kids at school, people follow the fashion, the stereotype... Just to avoid the embarassment of being seeing with someone that doesn't fit the society's standard.

This statement confirmed just what I was saying all along. Okay I know I exagerrated things. But on TV usually a tall man is shown as the ladies man with the beautiful women. So in womens eyes tall men become attractive. Also a woman's choice of man is strongly influenced by her friends and peers. More often then not she will listen to what her friends say.

Here is an example and I learned a valuable lesson from this. When I was 16 years old my friend set me up with a girl. He showed her my pics. She wanted to make sure that I was taller then her and she found me a bit skinny. But she accepted to meet me. She invited me to meet her at a get together with her other friends including my friend who set me up with her. Big mistake. I was too young and inexperienced to realize. Her move was to show me to her friends to see if they would approve of me or not. I also became the third wheel. The girl obviously accepted my looks but also wanted her friends to accept me. One of the girls there was extremely superficial. She was hating on me and talking against me. So that girl was no longer interested in me. All the girls followed the one girl that started the hate.

Moral is most people are followers.


Active Member
Jan 5, 2011
Alyssa Roze & Cloud 500
First let me thank you for for your feedback,then let me explain what I lived being 6'4 .First day on the job, 19 years old,in an office with about 60 employees ,my boss 5'3 sees me and brings a chair next to me ,stands on it,then looks at me face to face and tells me, I don't like guys being taller than me.All the 60 employees started laughing.For the next 6 years I always had problems with this boss.Then, next boss 6'1 for 4 years (no problems he even liked me)then new boss again 5,4 problems started again etc etc I worked 35 years and had almost 14 bosses and 95% of the small ones hated me.What can I say?


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Is it the media or just the fact that people are influenced by the others who are sorrounding them?

Hello Alyssa,

We develop certain preferences for tastes in food, sounds in music, smells, colors, and so much more from birth? In my view, it's an oversimplification to give too much credit/blame to the media for our preferences. Much of our preferences are just a natural innate reaction. Our friends and immediate surroundings also have influence, as well as the media and it's attempts to push us toward the imagery they try to sell. But much is as innate as natural selection...and still there is free will too.

I do blame the media for trying to impose an ideal that few can match, and attempting to make others feel like less and feel bad about not matching their superficial ideal. But that's all about business and profits, not about what is really important or preferable. Still, no matter how much the media tries to hype it or sell it, there's no denying that there is a natural preference for beauty, fitness, vitality, and charisma. It's only natural some have more and others less. Preferring more is not a sin, crime, or a wrong as long as we treat all others with respect and caring.



spinner addict

pleasure hunter
Mar 2, 2012
Hey guys, the fact that we are all different in shape, size, height, looks etc... makes it fun.

just image that we would be living in a perfect world were everybody is blond, guys 6'2" & muscular, lady's perfect slim & perfect breast, you would find that very borring because there would be no challenge at all. :noidea: :D

Anyways like 2t2q sayd & he's the one who started the thread, it's getting off track, we are talking about PENIS SIZE btw, not about media & men height



Jul 21, 2005
You are now talking about swagg ... What is your opinion or comments on this. Do you think that if a short man would work out to build muscles... would that balance out his lack of height? Would he be noticed more by the ladies? I am talking initial contact here. Would that make him more competitive to the taller men? Opinions, comments?

Cloud ... this is a tough question. If a woman is superficial and not open minded, she will just focus on the height and probably disregard the fact that the short man is very physically fit. Thus, in terms of initial contact, I don't think that anything would change in this case. However, if a woman is more open minded and height is just one of many criteria, I would hope that she would place more weight on overall good looks and fitness versus a man's height. I guess that we would need the ladies' perspective on this.

On the flip side, in my case, as a 5'7" fellow, most of the girls that I date range from 5'2" to 5'4". In general, I have a bias towards petite women in good shape. Don't know if that makes me "superficial" but that is what I am naturally attracted to. Nevertheless, I once dated a 5'11" former model briefly. We were both in our mid-30s. At that point she was in the media industry and I met her in a business situation. We hit it off very well, and I suggested that we continue our discussion over dinner. Honestly, initially I felt very self-conscious in public with her (especially since she was wearing high heels). I figured that everyone would be staring and thinking that I must be rich and that's why she was with me or that she was an escort. In any case, we enjoyed each other's company, so I quickly got over my self-consciousness and asked her out on a real date before the end of our dinner (to which she said "yes"). Still, it just goes to show that we all have biases be they justified or not. While I had never even asked a tall woman on a date before because of my preference for petite ladies, in this case it was the "whole package" that made this woman attractive to me. I imagine that her perception of me as a "whole package" also allowed her to put aside the fact that I was "only" 5'7". Our brief romance only lasted a few weeks, but that had nothing to do with physical attributes (as always, in the long run it's what's inside that counts).


Active Member
Jan 5, 2011
Fellow merbites,always keep in mind that sex is for reproduction,and that deep down in a woman's genes she is looking for a male that will make a good solid baby.Look at the animals for instance when a cat has 5 kittens and one is sick and weak,she will push him away and keep her milk for the other 4 to keep them strong and solid to go hunting.Humans ignore the 4 strong ones and concentrate on the sick one,are we really smarter?


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Yes but a short man is anything but sick and can be much stronger then a tall man through proper nutrition and weight training. Furthermore only humans have created a complex social ritual around sex which its sole purpose is for reproduction. By complex social ritual I am referring to courtship, relationships, coupling, and marriage. We are anything but animals and are not only driven by primate instinct.
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