Montreal Escorts

PERBite visiting for Grand Prix. Hotel+S/C Parlour help?


New Member
Nov 3, 2005
Bonjour. Hello.

Let me introduce myself. I am a frequent punter out west on Just look for SlimShady posts.

I will be visiting Montreal for the Grand Prix June 22-26, 2006. Is it possible to use this thread to help out a few PERBites that will be coming down to enjoy some Montreal pooning while we are visiting.

I`ve done some searching on Hotels and what not but I am unsure of where the best place is to stay.

I would like to spend more money on pooning and less on hotel but as you know that weekend will be a zoo.

I`ll post some questions if you would be able to help out if you could.

What hotel or general location would be the best for price and proximity to the action? I mean we have to get to the track. I`ve read that it has a station on the Metro that we can use to get there. I would like to co-ordinate the best all around location to reach all the good spots without putting us too far away from some must visit action.

Are there locations that are better to stay near to have access to the Metro and decent clubs? I want to hit a FS club or at least a high-mileage one but I feel we won`t have a rental and will use the public system. I hate walking so I want to keep this as simple as possible.

If I need to rent a car to get to a must visit club please let me know either here or PM me for suggestions if you could be so kind.

I really want to plan this out and have a great time and maximize my time in Montreal. I`ve always wanted to poon there and finally found an excuse to get out there.

If someone that knows the areas well and poons like I do out here could throw a few tips on this thread to help us out. It would be greatly appreciated.

I don`t want to have a hotel too far that outcalls will charge extra or not come out that way.

Is the area around the airport any good? We can get rooms for about $100 a night. Staying downtown I think we are looking at $250+. Is it worth it to save on the money and take the Metro in?

I`d like to visit a few MP`s, have some incall and outcall and do the FS S/C`s.

It would also be great if other MERBites were having a meeting that I could drop in on and share some stories. I`ve got quite a few from PERB.

If there is anything I can help you out with from my area let me know.

I look forward to some helpful banter to help make my stay a great one!



The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
The Metro is not available from the airport area and public transit from there would take too long to be of any practical use. Everything you want is within walking distance from pretty much all of the major downtown hotels, except for a FS club. For that you will definately require a car. Next year's GP also coincides with Quebec's St-Jean Baptiste, or Fete Nationale for the separatists :cool:, which could make the hotels even busier but will definately make for one hell of a party weekend in Mtl!! Book your hotel well in advance, stay downtown and enjoy the most beautiful women in the world. Crescent street to Peel street is GP central with events pretty much everywhere.


New Member
Oct 3, 2004
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Run don't walk

Book that hotel ASAP as most of them are already sold out, some were sold out the week after this years Grand Prix. The coinciding holiday this year is going to make this week an absloute madhouse. Hilton Bonaventure has access to the underground city/metro within the building, just an elevator ride to the basement away so you don't have to walk outside to roast in the heat either. The rooftop pool and patio bar are kickass as well.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts