Montreal Escorts

Pervasive lies in in Hobbyland


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Just as many bosses in the normal business world have dipped their pen in the company ink. I've known many cases of department heads, managers and who knows what, having sexual affairs with co-workers or subordinates. Why should the sex biz be any different?

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Techman said:
Just as many bosses in the normal business world have dipped their pen in the company ink. I've known many cases of department heads, managers and who knows what, having sexual affairs with co-workers or subordinates. Why should the sex biz be any different?

Why? Precisely because it is the sex business, you need to keep a cool head and avoid fucking around with the ladies making you money. The difference between the coporate world and here is that the owners and drivers rely on the ladies to make money. For every $160, $100 goes to the SP, $40 to the agency owner and $20 to the driver. If an SP sees on average four clients a day, working three days a week, she is bringing in $480 a week to the owner and $240 to the driver. Why would you risk losing this steady stream of income to get some pussy, knowing full well you'll end up pissing her off when you dump her for the next hotty that offers you a BJ? It's a dumb business move.



The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
The same thing happens in the SC business. Every club owner, manager, and most of the doormen and dj's I've known have had sexual relationships with dancers working in the club. It never lasts and the girls end up moving on to another club most of the time. And there is never a shortage of girls waiting to take the job as well as the girl's place in the guy's bed. It's pretty much irrelevent to the business's bottom line.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Techman said:
The same thing happens in the SC business. Every club owner, manager, and most of the doormen and dj's I've known have had sexual relationships with dancers working in the club. It never lasts and the girls end up moving on to another club most of the time. And there is never a shortage of girls waiting to take the job as well as the girl's place in the guy's bed. It's pretty much irrelevent to the business's bottom line.

I disagree, I think that there are huge costs, not to mention frustration, to keep introducing new SPs to your agency. Owners have to invest a lot of time and money. Any way you look at it, low turnover is better for the bottom line.



The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
I guess it depends on how often this would be happening. If this happens twice a year or something, with one girl at a time, it wouldn't make much of a difference. If the guy is banging most of the girls working for him like his own private harem I could see it becoming a serious problem. It would also depend on the size of the with 20 girls would be less affected than an agency with 5 or 6. Any way you look at it, it's a part of the business that I doubt will ever change.


New Member
Nov 17, 2003
Visit site
back to the top 10...soon to be top 20 list

Agencies like FKS that make it seem like all the girls know each other so well and meet weekly for neck turning lunches and pillowfights...Gag me. I know for a fact many of them have not even met. Thanks Gonad...this is the thread New Yorkers need to express their hatred of bull.

Next on the list is sp's who pretend not to speak much english...then they wait on you at a restaurant and sound like a friggin' Harvard English major. (Oh happened)

I guess I am torn on the fantasy issue. Those who do fantasy baseball know deep down they can not hit an El Duque fastball, but the thrill is still there somehow when you hit his 20 mph fastball...Yes I did that too.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
sticksave said:
Agencies like FKS that make it seem like all the girls know each other so well and meet weekly for neck turning lunches and pillowfights...Gag me. I know for a fact many of them have not even met. Thanks Gonad...this is the thread New Yorkers need to express their hatred of bull.

Next on the list is sp's who pretend not to speak much english...then they wait on you at a restaurant and sound like a friggin' Harvard English major. (Oh happened)

LMAO!:D FKS ladies in pillowfights....I'll pay HDL rates to see that!:D


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
The best for last!

Doc Holliday said:
"I love this job, to be honest. I love meeting new people. Most of my clients have all been very nice to me." (I hate this fucking job and i hate these fucking losers who see escorts since they can't get laid anywhere and most of them are fucking around on their wives! I swear, if one of them forces me to do anything that i don't want to do again...i swear i'll castrate the sonafabitch!!)

:D:D:D I am crying of laughter! RALFMAO!:D That last one was priceless, fucking priceless!:p


P.S. I guess I shouldn't expect any emails any time soon, especially from you know who.:rolleyes: :D
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Jan 5, 2007
13) pimp: I will never send my girl to a room with 10 guys

14) pimp: I will never send my girl to a guy who is stoned or drunk

somewhere in the middle:

27) Bikers control the business. Lie! Some drive 4 door family sedans.

and finally:

45) all dancers at cleo's give handjobs (lier lier pants on fire: some only do bjs :) )
Last edited:

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
LoungeLizard said:
all dancers at cleo's give handjobs (lier lier pants on fire: some only do bjs :) )

Are those the ones with wieners in between their legs?:eek:



Retired Ol'timer
Nov 19, 2006
Doc Holliday said:
I thought i had heard them all, but i keep hearing the best of them as i'm typing this. Here are a few good ones i've heard over the years:
Your examples make a very interesting reading. Let me add some variations from some twisted man-woman relationships I heard about. :cool:

"Oh my! I never cheated my BF like this, what an adrenalin burst it was! But please don't EVER tell anyone we did this!" (turns out she's banging every new guy on the block, cheating on her BF over and over again, the poor guy)

"I can stand my boyfriend anymore, he's so boring (behind his back)" (How about she keeps him around because he's useful, takes care of the kids and all, and she screws every live bone around anyway? lol)

"I get along great with most women" (They all think she's a great friend, until they hear all the crap she tells everyone about them behind their back).

"I'm sorry I couldn't meet with you. I'm very busy these days" (In fact she's doing everything she can to avoid you)

"You know my dear (to a man), she really likes you very much (about one of her friends)" (When in fact the man is so caring about the women friend that he'd do anything for her, without counting, but she couldn't care less about him and she uses him as much as she can while joke to her women friend about how stupid he is).

"You're one of my closest friend, you should never doubt that." (When in fact she used every possible way she could to get all kind of favors from you, is badmouthing you like crazy behind your back, trashed you like an old sock and seduced another dumb ass to start all over again once you discovered her game)

"It's lucrative but I'm sick of this sex business! I'm out of it as soon as my new project is profitable" (it could have been profitable if she really had invested in it, but she was pennyless and borrowed hundreds of thousands from every "friend" around, that she will most likely never be able to reimburse)

"I just bought myself a car and i now own a house." (She had a "best friend" get a loan on the car she wanted, kept missing her payments, also had a friend sign for her rents as well, on which she also kept missing payments, and her new house is another rent, not a loan. Why tell the truth when it's so easy to show off!).

OK Girls, now it's your turn! Please tell us about some very bad lies you heard from clients, friends, boyfriends, or husbands. Let's see how twisted human nature is sometimes. :eek: I'm sure you could make this thread be many many pages long!


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Indecent proposal

The biggest lie I recently heard was that I offered a sexy MILF a "sick amount of money" to sleep with me. I am still hoping she'll do it for free.:rolleyes:


Big Daddy Cool

Emperor of Earth
Jul 20, 2005
69 Hard-On Ave
Doc Holliday,
Your list was so accurite and funny.

Speaking of having your ass lick. This happened to me once and it shocked the hell out of me. No shit. We were doing the "funky nasty" and she pushes me up and starts liking. Those who are familular witha particular massage parlor will know who I'm talking about.


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
dirtierasigetolder said:
Ok I know I'm a new guy and that I'm not the most sensitive man on the planet but why do you care? Your story about the girl coming in and the guy telling her to lick his ass seems like a reasonable request. She's not there to perform open heart surgery, her job is to lick that guys ass.

Here's what I don't get, they're hookers...we pay them to have sex with us, why do we need to treat them like our wives? I want to be able to let loose with her, not have any inhibitions. I'm there to have sex with a perfect stranger, not make a friend.

I'll be honest, if I walked in and saw a 400 pound fat fuck that wants to get his ass licked I'd probably walk right out and rip my eyes out but I don't think it would shock me if I was an SP. I mean I wasn't going there to play poker.

Ass licking is not considered a "usual service" and not al girls will do it. In fact most don't and of those that do, most will charge extra because most won't.

Yes, we are hookers, but we still get to decide what is and is not on the menu; and if you are looking for something a little out of the norm, you are better off letting us know in advance than be dissappointed when we get there.



Just another fool
Dec 27, 2006
On a big ROCK
General Gonad said:
Come on, are you serious?!? While I understand the need to let loose, there are some things that are simply out of the ordinary and imho, degrading. I mean, if you are clean and you get off on having an SP lick your anus, I guess you can take a bath together and discuss this with her (most would refuse).

Didn't say it wasn't nasty but if he's paying to get his ass licked and she accepted to take his money then she better get licking. She should put a snorkle on and get to work, there are bills to pay.

General Gonad said:
But a guy who unrobes himself and orders her to lick his anus right when she walks in the room is a real loser in my books.

Well he's not paying you a $160 so he really doesn't care what you think of him.

General Gonad said:
I have nothing against overweight people. There is nothing wrong with someone being overweight as long

You see again we disagree....If your a fat fuck then you don't care about yourself. I don't mean having a little poncho, I'm talking about bitch tits and all. Hookers were invented for you buddy, by all means enjoy them.

I had a friend who was always the wingman, he's favorite line was: Fat chicks need loving too.

You know we're forgetting, she can always walk away before accepting the cash or refund the guy.

General Gonad said:
I personally couldn't care less of personal info on other clients. The only question I often ask is whether or not he was a nice guy. I do not care about anything else. It's irrelevant gossip.

I don't know, you seem to care about this guy getting his ass licked. Maybe it's cause you DFK with SP's. If I did that then I would care also. Last thing I want is friggin fat mcdonald eating ass in my mouth.

Personally getting my ass licked is not my thing, but that's a thread in itself

Have fun guys, that's why we're paying


Just another fool
Dec 27, 2006
On a big ROCK
naughtylady said:
Ass licking is not considered a "usual service" and not al girls will do it. In fact most don't and of those that do, most will charge extra because most won't.

Yes, we are hookers, but we still get to decide what is and is not on the menu; and if you are looking for something a little out of the norm, you are better off letting us know in advance than be dissappointed when we get there.

I agree 100%...Let the girl decide if she wants to munch on some ass or not. It's our job as johns to tell the girl we want XYZ before we start the session. She says no then we walk or we play by her rules.

That much I agree 100%


Just another fool
Dec 27, 2006
On a big ROCK
ass_lover said:
My best lies/jokes I like to use with SPs to break the ice after they ask me what I do as a living (I'm actually serious until a few seconds after telling them because most of the time they burst into laughter):

'I'm an exotic male dancer. I'm responsible for doing the last number of the night to clear up the room... :p '

'I sell bibles, do you want to be converted?'

'I've been working for the past 5 years manually punching holes in 35mm film rolls'

'Huh..., I'm a male escort ?!?! Isn't this room 125 and didn't you call for Pedro?'

'J'ai un garage.... un GROS garage!' (Elvis Gratton 1)

Oh jeez..I'm not the only one that gives them stories...I personally like to go through the whole session with my cover story and let me tell you some of them are outrageous. It makes the session more fun cause they always ask questions and you gotta react on the spot

I work for canada post, I clean mailboxes

I work at granby zoo, I'm the guy that cleans the teeth of the animals. There are only 7 of us qualified to do that in Canada

I'm a professional masseuse and like to try different MP to learn new techniques This one always stresses them out

I'm gay but am fed up of this lifestyle and am trying to see if a woman can do it for me

I stroke horses off before they race at blue bonets

Think I'm gonna steal your bible selling job...Might try it on a 30 minute session first...seems like a killer

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
ass_lover said:
There's an image I don't want to have in mind next time I'm about to kiss an SP...

That makes two of us. I prefer to think that the ladies I've been with would never lick some guy's anus. I guess these are the same guys who enjoy prostate massages. I hope they have no hemorrhoids!:eek:



Just another fool
Dec 27, 2006
On a big ROCK
General Gonad said:
That makes two of us. I prefer to think that the ladies I`ve been with would never lick some guy`s anus. I guess these are the same guys who enjoy prostate massages. I hope they have no hemorrhoids!:eek:

Hey GG, next time you DFK think about why we we have the TCCIT acronym?

Your fat guy story just confirms why I don`t kiss. Nasty ass shit

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
dirtierasigetolder said:
Hey GG, next time you DFK think about why we we have the TCCIT acronym?

Your fat guy story just confirms why I don`t kiss. Nasty ass shit

I love DFK and I try to avoid ladies that do CIM. I prefer the YMMV hotties that I have to work hard for mileage.:p

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