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Pervasive lies in in Hobbyland


Just another fool
Dec 27, 2006
On a big ROCK
General Gonad said:
I love DFK and I try to avoid ladies that do CIM. I prefer the YMMV hotties that I have to work hard for mileage.:p


Hey GG, you and I should go tag team an SP. Let me tell you she'd be one confused whore. You'd have one guy talking and kissing her while the other guy is bronco riding her.

Man haven't had a bronco ride since university


New Member
Jan 9, 2006
General Gonad said:
1) SPs that say they don`t do drugs (the majority abuse drugs and some are a lot worse then others);

2) SPs that claim to be single (the majority have boyfriends and/or pimps and want the clients to think they`re single);

3) SPs that claim they save their money (the majority blow it all);

4) SPs that claim they go to school (very few are actually in school);

7) Agency owners that claim they never have sex with their ladies (almost all male agency owners have dipped in the cookie jar at one time or another);

10) Clients raving about how beautiful and SP is (very few real beauties out there; most clients exaggerate, especially if they get a TCIM).


Who the hell cares? Since when is it so important that you delve into an SPs personal life? You are NOT her BF, and you`re damned right you are not special - it is a freakin` fantasy! Get a grip!

If the girl is not stoned (or you cannot tell), drunk, fucked up, or being dragged out by her pimp, and her BF is not calling or bothering you, then honestly, it is none of your f-in business! The last one is subjective and that is your opinion and as such, that doesn`t make the other person wrong.

And I won`t even get into why the heck are you even sending Helene one last email?! You should have left the girl alone a long time ago.



Just another fool
Dec 27, 2006
On a big ROCK
Just-ass-weet said:
Who the hell cares? Since when is it so important that you delve into an SPs personal life? You are NOT her BF, and you`re damned right you are not special - it is a freakin` fantasy! Get a grip!

Hey sweet ass, your a man that thinks just like me...who the hell cares about what she does Sunday afternoon, unless it`s me. That said, GG is a softy. He`s what I`ve recently discovered to be a sensitive man. To each his own, it`s one of his things. Don`t try and understand it, there is a whole thread on it ( where him and his emotional friends try and explain it to me. Still mind boggling but he`s a good guy so no need to pick on his gonads

Really don`t try and understand`s a special gentleman thing...I don`t get it...something to do with your hidden vagina


Just another fool
Dec 27, 2006
On a big ROCK
metoo4 said:
Do you mean you're a gal? JAS is a lady, buddy! LOL!!:D

Serious...dude I'm such a fag!!! GG you were right I'm a loser!

Hey sweet ass, can I interest you in a bronco ride? :)


Jan 5, 2007
I forgot one, sorry:

34) Girls always have a picture or their dog in their cell phone. (actually that is true!)


Just another fool
Dec 27, 2006
On a big ROCK
LoungeLizard said:
I forgot one, sorry:

34) Girls always have a picture or their dog in their cell phone. (actually that is true!)

Shit that confirms it, I'm gay...I have one of my dog

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
spare me

Just-ass-weet said:
Who the hell cares? Since when is it so important that you delve into an SPs personal life? You are NOT her BF, and you're damned right you are not special - it is a freakin' fantasy! Get a grip!

If the girl is not stoned (or you cannot tell), drunk, fucked up, or being dragged out by her pimp, and her BF is not calling or bothering you, then honestly, it is none of your f-in business! The last one is subjective and that is your opinion and as such, that doesn't make the other person wrong.

And I won't even get into why the heck are you even sending Helene one last email?! You should have left the girl alone a long time ago.

Please spare me with the SP solidarity, knee-jerk reaction. I like you Anik but you have no right to question me on why I sent Helene an email. My experience with Helene taught me how lies pervade this biz. SPs and agency owners will use you and chuck you out like garbage once they don't need you. They are your "friends" as long as they can squeeze that extra marginal dollar from you. Some are sweeter than others but that's the bottom line.

As far as drugs are concerned, it all depends on how fucked up they get. If they come to the room stoned out of their minds, it is my business!!!! I hate it when a lady is incoherent and fucked up. She is the type of lady that turns me off completely.



Just another fool
Dec 27, 2006
On a big ROCK
Maxima said:
Btw, clients lie too.;)

Damn straight we do...I tell them I jerk off horses at blue bonets for a living. And that every session I get requires me to jerk off 4 horses.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
false expectations & false accusations

Ziggy Montana said:
SP's can lie all they want, it only bothers clients who are raising false expectations.


Clients are responsible for false expectations up to a certain point. But we are not responsible for false accusations, many of which can be vicious.

The biggest lie of all was that I ever fell in love with any SP or that I was "obssessed" with any SP. I got too close for comfort - that much I will admit - but at the end of the day I know where my heart lies.

I also know that I was very decent with a certain young lady. The key word is YOUNG lady. While many here do not consider the age gap, I often feel it, especially with the younger ones. Say what you want, but the fact remains that any guy who gets involved with a lady 15 or 20 years younger is begging for trouble. And I am not just talking about SPs here.

In my mind, now more than ever, you're lying to yourself if you think you can cultivate a meaningful relationship with a working girl. If you go down this illusory path, you'll get caught up in an emotional quagmire. It sounds romantic but the reality is that it is hopeless.


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
femaleluver2 said:
I used to tolerate that in my early years of hobbying, but not anymore. If such a girl showed up now, I'd show her the door ASAP.


That makes two of us. A little buzz is fine but shitfaced drunk or stoned out her mind makes me sick.



I'm certainly no expert on the matter either. I only hobbied for 7 years and never made it a full time study. I do know, however, that in any field of knowledge there is rarely, if ever, any absolute truth, other than, of course, the story of creation. :D

I personally have had "meaningful," though never romantic, relationships with more than one working girl. And I do have a friend who had a multi-year romance with a working girl; this relationship ended, though more than a decade later they remain close friends.
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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Ziggy Montana said:
The verdict you're carrying out stems from your own experience but yours doesn't reflect everyone else's. What you're describing is reasonable. On the other hand, I've witnessed similar experiences reaching much happier outcomes.


What do you mean by happier outcomes? I am skeptical of anyone claiming to have developed a meaningful relationship with any SP. I mean anyone, especially if there are pecuniary interests at stake.



Just another fool
Dec 27, 2006
On a big ROCK
General Gonad said:

What do you mean by happier outcomes? I am skeptical of anyone claiming to have developed a meaningful relationship with any SP. I mean anyone, especially if there are pecuniary interests at stake.


Hey GG should win some sort of award for using the word pecuniary. Come on GG, admit it you got burnt cause you got emotional and you can't imagine anybody else being able to build a relationship with one of these girls. Personally I agree but quantum physics disagrees. If it's a possible outcome then in some universe it should happen....

That's it close this thread, anytime some idiot mentions quantum physics while speaking about getting some ass then you know something is wrong

ooooh honey your so entagled with me....oooh your weak force is incredible...ahhh you qbit mamoth beast....oooohh


The biggest lie of them all

The biggest lie of them all is that any one posting here is an expert in the sociology, anthropology, morphology, philosophy, anthroposophy, cosmology, geography, or climatolgy of "hobbying" or client/provider relations.

The second biggest lie is that there exist any absolute truths relating to any of the above.

The third biggest lie is that the second biggest lie is the second biggest lie. Maybe it is actually number 1.

The biggest truth of them all is, of course, you pays your money, you takes your chances.


chef said:
Your use of the English tense is such that you are implying that you have given up hobbying. Is this correct?
Yes, chef, it is true. And that ain't no lie. (Though as my occasional presence in the chatroom makes evident, I still spend time with friends I made while hobbying.) And, yes, there's a woman involved.


New Member
Nov 19, 2004
Star Trek geeks are so obsessed that they spend most of their spare time analyzing every minute aspect/detail of the fantasy world the characters inhabit. While a casual fan might watch a scene and go "wow, that was cool!", the Trekkie would go "wtf??? how the hell is that possible without inertial dampeners! (or some other mumbo jumbo)". While a certain level of coherence is needed to pull the casual viewer into this fictitious universe and induce "suspension of disbelief", the Trekkie isn't satisfied with that and requires realism in order to derive satisfaction from the experience. Since fantasy and realism clash, he will therefore never be fully satisfied, his obsession/frustration will only grow and his enjoyment will be reduced to even more whining, bitching, analysis and criticism.

I'll let you ponder how this is relevant to "hobbying" and to certain members of this forum. :)


JustBob said:
I'll let you ponder how this is relevant to "hobbying" and to certain members of this forum. :)
Not much pondering required; nice analogy. BTW, do you know where I can get me one of them inertial dampeners?


New Member
Nov 19, 2004
regnad said:
BTW, do you know where I can get me one of them inertial dampeners?

Haven't got a clue but apparently, their usefullness when hobbying would be limited to PSE encounters. :D
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