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Police crackdown on Merb: Only a matter of Time?


C o n s u l
Aug 22, 2006
wilko26, sorry hadn't read your post attentively and didn't see your response to LeGuy.

How does China block access to websites then? With a kind of NetNanny software?


Feb 24, 2005
Agrippa said:
wilko26, sorry hadn't read your post attentively and didn't see your response to LeGuy.

How does China block access to websites then? With a kind of NetNanny software?

I think china block site thru keyword filter, I went china and asia couple time and they block adult website thru such filter (I did couple test and seem they analize the webpage), thoses are router based. My Linksys router at home have this feature but I guess the one used by the china datacenters are a bit more developped.

Mod5 I didn't know that the url I posted wasnt allowed here but like Leguy said anyone can find such service thru google. I got in contact with this site especially to be able to work when I'm in asia and cant acces some adults site I work with. You can check my log IP on merb btw and it all show local ISP in Quebec.

En passant Mod5 merci d'avoir démontrer le temps réponse rapide que je parlais plus haut dans ce thread à propos des sujets interdits ici... et j'ai retirer le url en questions... ça pourrais donner des idées à du monde en fait...

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I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Simply put, why would MERB, TERB, PERB and all get closed by LE? Nothing illegal happening here.

Liberty of opinion, liberty of association. No criminal gang brewing here, no mafioso planning on taking control of crime syndicates, nothing! Only perverts talking about sex! Now, if sollicitation would be admitted here, this would be different but, as we all know it, it's not tolerated on any of the _ERB boards so, LE have no ground, and no cause to shut down these boards.

And besides, why in hell would LE shut down one of their source of information? Might not be much and the most reliable but for them, if MERB can be of assistance to catch just 1 sex abuser, we're worth it.


Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
Let's talk some facts here

There`s been a lot of incorrect stuff said in this thread - I`m not going to qualify specifically, but trust me, I know what I`m talking about (no, I`m not LEA, but what I`m about to say might make you think that).

* A domain can be removed. A registrar can be convinced or court-ordered to do so. It happens all the time without any law enforcement involvement. If disappears, so does the site (at least, temporarily).

* There is a court case going on at the moment in Illinois about exactly that (and other things), e360 v The Spamhaus Project. has been threatened, but there are jurisdictional complexities the judge didn`t consider, and frankly, can`t control. (the registrar is in Canada, the registry in Ireland)

* LEA cooperates cross-border regarding spammers, phishers, kiddie porn, and so on all the time.

* ICANN, the people who control all the top level domains are awarded their contract by the U.S. government.

* The porn industry in the U.S. is undergoing a huge shake-up as AG Gonzales is going after them hammer and tong. See for tons of articles on what is happening down south, legally.

* Yes, there are plenty of offshore places to host the thing, and provided there are offsite backsups of the content made regulary, it could spring back up easily enough. As it is, it isn`t too hard to determine that the operators are in Toronto, and were they threatened, they would have to decide if it is worth the bother.

Anyway - there are few if any underage girls being discussed here, I`ve never noticed any, so this really is a whole lot of smoke over not much fire.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
It seems that people have been spending too much time indoors and are starting to get a little paranoid. I seriously doubt that LE would shut down any of the boards as they have much more important problems to worry about. What's been happening to the boards lately anyways? It seems like we've lost track of why we came here in the first place. Get over it people and lets just have some fun here. The way things are going, LE won't have to shut the boards down...they'll self destruct.

As a side note: it is possible for countries such as China and others, to block internet servers and content from entering their 'internet space' so to speak. It's just a matter of filtering and it's not very difficult to do when the gov't controls all telecommunications in the country. It even happens here with e-mail, when ISPs block out specific domains that are known to be major sources of spam.


Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
Esco! said:
LOL.........I just tocuhed the screen, can LE take my fingerprints????

No, but a cooperative board owner might turn over your IP address to LEA and they can then go to your ISP - find out to whom it was assigned and arrest them.

Under the new 'Lawful Access' bill, they wouldn't even need a court order to make such a demand.

I'm glad some others are dismissing things as impossible - I do wonder where they got their law degrees, though. If I recall, one of these geniuses made statements to the effect that Hep. C. is curable. If that is someone you want to be taking legal and medical advice from, well, good luck with that.

If you want to be completely safe surfing here, use a wireless connection or a proxy service (google for them) which at least makes it harder to track you down. Or, just don't give a damn, like me. I know this is a very thin layer of anonymity, but if push comes to shove, I'll deal with the consequences of my actions.


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
YouVantOption said:
... I'll deal with the consequences of my actions.
What actions? Are you planning to abuse childrens? Rape old ladies? Beat-up Mr. Bush? Downing planes all around the world? All of this using MERB as a base to communicate information between your terrorist cells? :p

I doubt it...:rolleyes:

We're not doing anything bad, stop worrying!:confused:


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
There isn't going to be any police crackdown on MERB. Several years ago the operators of TBD were VERY unsuccessfully prosecuted in Tampa, Florida. They had to pay probably $$$$$ in attorney's fees but the charges for promoting or facilitating prostitution were thrown out due to constitutional rights to free speech. Therefore a precedent has been set and no two bit police chief is going to lose his job over a dog's ass prosecution.

I really wish you guys paid attention to events in the real world which matter. It doesn't seem as though any of you do. You live in a fictitious world dominated by paranoia and false notions of what LE can and cannot do.

Educate yourselves and remove the ignorance!
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
EagerBeaver said:
There isn't going to be any police crackdown on MERB.
I really wish you guys paid attention to events in the real world which matter. It doesn't seem as though any of you do. You live in a fictitious world dominated by paranoia and false notions of what LE can and cannot do.Educate yourselves and remove the ignorance!

Very well said, Senor El Castor. A Merb crackdown is unlikely to ever happen. It would be both pointless & useless, in my opinion. Not if it involves a Mtl-related board, anyways. They'd first start cracking down on agencies & street pimps and not much is being done about's classic Laissez-Faire. I also happen to know that a few Merbites happen to be cops & they're laughing their guts out right now reading this since they likely believe this is total nonsense & they're the last people that would want boards such as these shut down. Plus, it would be so easy to start another board over and over. Hey, cops get horny also! And yes, there are many cops just like most of us who have a lot of trouble getting laid in the free world. :rolleyes:

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
John Legend said:
I heard the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus were going undercover posing as John's to try to crack the case. Way to stay on top of things GG!!!

Geez, I start a thread and everybody gets all hot & bothered.:rolleyes: Me thinks everyone needs to get laid.:p



New Member
Dec 6, 2005
General Gonad said:
But cops will shut it down if the politicians get involved and see it as a way to score points with the public that is fed up with the sex industry in Montreal.
G.G. you're changing the "ground rules" at that point. It sounded from your original post that you feel that under current law you feel MERB will be shut down. To which I'd say can I get in on a piece of the lawsuit because the Crown (City of Montreal or Feds - or whoever would loose) . Now however you appear to be saying that you feel that Canadian law regarding the internet will be changed. Those are entirely different things. I don't think the later is likely, but will concede it's more likely than the former.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Wombat2 said:
Now however you appear to be saying that you feel that Canadian law regarding the internet will be changed. Those are entirely different things. I don't think the later is likely, but will concede it's more likely than the former.

Regulation will seep through the has to. Don't be surprised if one day, we in North America get tighter controls over what we see and access than they do in China. All we need is another White House run by Christian fundamentalists.:rolleyes:


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Utah Mom Sells Sex Online At Free Classifieds

Utah Mom Sells Sex Online At Free Classifieds

Fields Moseley

(KUTV) SALT LAKE CITY Love on the internet, it seems you can buy it by the hour these days, of course, it isn’t true love, we’re talking about prostitution.

So, is the computer replacing the “street corner” when it comes to hiring a call girl?

Nope, you can still find them on State Street, despite the efforts of police.

But prostitutes with access to the internet and a little marketing skill are doing business online.

And we’re not talking about porn sites. They are on free ad sites most people use.

CraigsList is an internet phenomenon reaching more communities all the time.

You can buy or sell everything from cars to cats, houses to guitars…with free ads, people are even selling themselves.

We met Eva during her recent visit to Salt Lake City.

“It’s got the most volume. That’s the bottom line right there,” says Eva. She says advertising on CraigsList attracts all kinds.

“It’s a hobby from what I understand,” says Eva. “Some are married, some are single…the whole spectrum is represented there.”

But there are rules; CraigsList doesn’t want ads for anything illegal.

Putting too much information can get an ad flagged or attract cops.

“You can’t say anything about sex. It’s all for time and companionship. That is a given, and anything that happens after that is between consenting adults, that’s the bottom line,” says Eva.

She continues, “What it’s supposed to be is you spend some time with a lovely lady and you want to leave her a gift.”

But some of the ads on our local CraigsList are quite explicit even including half-hourly rates and pictures.

They don’t say the money is for sex but certainly suggest it.

“They want to make it known what they’re going to do, they put prices. They’re explicit about the sex acts they’ll perform. They act with a sense of impunity,” Says Detective Jeff Bedard with the Salt Lake City police.

Police often use stings with hidden cameras in a hotel room to catch escorts willing to offer sex for money.

But they say these days, anyone who thinks cops aren’t trolling chat sites and even CraigsList is living in a fantasy world.

Detective Bedard says vice officers spend a lot more time targeting prostitutes and pimps using websites, arresting 76 prostitutes in the last two years. He says fewer women are coming to the area because of their efforts.

“If a john or customer of prostitution can see it online so can the police. We’re looking for it, we’re going to find it,” says Detective Bedard.

While going after prostitution is time consuming Bedard says it’s more reasonable than targeting the websites themselves.

CraigsList founder, Craig Newmark, says they always work with the police. But, few people using the site ever complain about prostitution ads.

“People within our community are telling us, the problems we have with illegal stuff have to do with scamming and spamming,” says Craig Newmark.

The bottom line is: if the ads weren’t on CraigsList, they’d be somewhere else.

And as long as there is money to be made someone like Eva will be working in the world’s oldest profession with the latest technology.

“I want to pay off my house, and not be buried by credit card debt. This is the fastest and easiest way to do it and still have fun,” says Eva.

Police agree it’s all about the money no matter what that money is for, drugs, or a house.

I asked Eva if you she was worried about being caught by the police she said it is a concern. She says it’s a calculated risk she’s willing to take.

(© MMVII, CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved.)

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Samy said:
I also have the impression that police do this only for the promotion at the end and really not for the well-beeing of the poor young girls. It is a buisness for them too and no chik a chik ! ;)

So , don't worry.... If they are reading the boards, it is only for information and it would not be good for them to close it.

Hi Samy,

Yes, I agree with you, cops like promoting themselves too.;) Nice to hear from you.:)



2-2 in bans... loser...
Dee said:
You guys who have been doubting GG on this quote and the question of the police crackdown are forgetting about his posting of his short meeting with Stephen Harper. For ease of reference I'm pasted it below:

But the big surprise with Stevie came in our long discussion that ensued. Stevie has an amazing attitude on life. I can't begin to tell you how really, really amazing it was to talk with him. He effortlessly switched to English and we talked about some personal stuff. He is very easy to talk with and as he told me that he rarely opens up but he felt comfortable with me.

As he spoke, I found him increasingly more wonderful. I was so wrong to have judged him when he first walked in. This gentleman has more depth than most of the men in the biz. In fact, he has a lot more depth and I was very lucky that he felt comfortable enough to open up with me. He told me some amazing things that helped him cope with some difficult times in his life.

Stevie is an incredible guy. The lady that married this man is very, very lucky. His beauty is way beyond "Stephen Harper, the politician." He has positive energy which emanates from the inside out.

The stars aligned today and I met this amazing man. I am so glad I did. He made me realize that the answers to the hard questions I've been asking were always within me. He made me realize that no matter what my struggles, life is beautiful and I need to get on living it.

Merci beaucoup mon beau; je suis tres chanceux de t'avoir rencontrer.

He was talking about Rael, not Harper. I know it's easy to get cnfused between the two.


New Member
Dec 6, 2005
1) The article discusses U.S. not Canadian law enforcement efforts.
2) Outcall is legal in Canada and I for one don't see any politcal will to change that.
3) the political and cultural climates in Salt Lake City, Utah and Montréal, Québec are dramatically different.

General Gonad said:
Utah Mom Sells Sex Online At Free Classifieds

[Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A.] Detective Bedard says vice officers spend a lot more time targeting prostitutes and pimps using websites, arresting 76 prostitutes in the last two years. He says fewer women are coming to the area because of their efforts.

“If a john or customer of prostitution can see it online so can the police. We’re looking for it, we’re going to find it,” says Detective Bedard.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
General Gonad said:'s only a matter of time before the cops shut down Merb. What do you think?

I think this is another example of Gonad's whining. He constantly pleads for somebody or something to make him stop his dysfunctional behavior. Since he can't stop himself from whining 10 times a day about his "addictions," he fantasizes that the law is going to shut down MERB, thus forcing him to stop. Sorry, Gonad, but you will have to find another way to cure yourself. :rolleyes:
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