Mr.Jean.Chretien said:
You have 2 friends that don`t provide BJs? How sad...
I`d bet money that their BF`s/husbands do indeed get BJ`s - probably from other sources... no man will do without BJ`s.
Imagine the sense of rejection they must feel... CIM is a whole other story.
I wholeheartedly agree that a gf not giving head at all is very sad and extremelly unfortunate for her companion. They are wonderful women in other ways but sexually very reserved and conservative (lights out, missionary and maybe cowgirl once in a blue moon, not in the mood often or ever, etc).
I`m sure you know the type I`m talking about and it`s not uncommon, especially outside of the province of Quebec

Both the women I know who are like this were married by their longterm bfs and are still together today. I know for a fact that one is getting his needs fulfilled elsewhere, he had the nerve to approach me! (She has been my friend for over 20 years, the pig...)
Anyways, I just think the term girlfriend is too subjective for describing sexual services. That`s my opinion of course and obviously many share a different one.
When working, I heard stories about my client`s girlfriends endlessly and it was always the same story. Not happy with sex life, too conservative, never wants to, etc. That`s why I think it`s hilarious that clients decided to use the term to describe
great services,
so many complained about the crappy sex they were getting from their girlfriends!!!
Just an observation from my perspective.
Regarding LFK vs. DFK
I think expecting DFK to certify an SP GFE services in your terms is asking a bit much IMO. Kissing until a few years ago (5-6 years) was in no way standard practice in any appointment. It`s been a long time ``general`` rule for escorts not to kiss their clients because it`s too personal.
A few started to change the trend and included as part of their GFE service (original definition) because it was very much in demand and some were comfortable to offer the service including myself. However, it is the most ``demanding`` service for an SP to provide. It`s so much more intimate than an BJ and FS and hard to just come up with the chemistry for someone you haven`t met before.
Try to think of it this way, would you be able to kiss someone that you didn`t really want to, and then do it well while making sure you look into what you are doing?
For those reasons I strongly feel that DFK being necessary to identify an SP as being GFE by your terms to be asking a bit much. LFK yes.
Also, IMO to qualify for DFK service you
1. Have impeccable oral hygiene
2. Be a decent kisser
I`ve encountered many clients that hadn`t taken care of #1, then get pissed at me for not wanting to kiss with tongue! Excuse me! If you didn`t reek, there wouldn`t be a problem.
Problems with #2 also came up very often... I tried to do my best and understand that people enjoy different styles of kissing but it`s amazing how many men are just bad kissers. This is a more frustrating problem for an SP to deal with as it`s not a hygiene issue but it`s still grossing you out. You can`t say it to the client without hurting his feelings and killing the mood for the rest of the appointment...
LFK would be a much more reasonable expectation IMO, more is great but shouldn`t be
My take:
- DATY - LFK - available MSOG if time permits (5 minutes left doesn`t count)