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Post-Thanksgiving GT blowout announcement


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
Looks like I missed out on a great party,
Damn this cold! :(

Oh well, I will do my best to see you all at the next one.

Apr 16, 2005
Great party!

What a great “do” last night. Definitely worth the drive. Can’t remember when I have been in such great company. There was such a turnout that it was a challenge to spread oneself around.

Anik, you are most welcome. I enjoyed our chat very much. Now I truly understand the “sweet” part. You charmed my socks off!

Tracy, yes we finally did get to meet. Such a wonderful blend of class and passion. I enjoyed every minute. We still need to finish our, uh, discussion.

Juicy and Bianka, didn’t get to chat with you, the time flew by so quickly. My loss, for sure.

Candy and Darrell. Very impressed with the great attitude. You two are at the top of your game.
Enjoyed meeting the guys, Oliver, a real upbeat guy - loved the stories. They were a riot. Rook, buddy, great gesture with the snackers. My turn next time. Shijak, Salmacis, a real pleasure and the rest of you. Wish I could have found the time to sit and chat at length with all of you. Such a personable bunch of guys is a rare find. Look forward to the next one.


Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
Can't get much better'n that

Same time same venue, 3rd time around for me. But what was different? Many of the same people showed up, and certainly there were more ladies than usual, spending more time too. And Shijak sure knows hows to invite, and then follow through with great hosting! Enjoy the credit, it`s well deserved, buddy. But also, there was something intangible in the air, maybe Friday the 13th in our crazy world, I dunno. It was a blowout, I luvvvvvvvved it!!!!!

I think Ollie`s recap was great and right on the money. Nice to see you followed through and decided to rejoin our bunch. Life as we know it will be better with you here, friend. And it was nice to meet Mr. Ballz, hopefully we`ll get to talk more next time.

rook01: nice to meet you guy, and looking forward to ``check`` some of your posts.

salmacis: classy guy who seems able to defuse a tense situation with a well-placed look. Always a pleasure to exchange with you!

eastender, techman, ElBastardo: great guys, hope to talk more next time.

Joe.t: nice to talk again, hope you enjoyed that little game of ``guess my perfume`` with JuiCeY/Maria. I was jealous as all get out

Roland: You look exactly like your board persona, it`s VERY eerie!

Hojo: didn`t talk much, but as usual, I get really good vibes. Keep up the good work, you lucky dog.

Mystery guy who walked by our table with an insistent stare and smile: :D:D:D:D.

Now, the ladies. Yé!!!!!!!!

Candy: can we go to dinner together? Please? I had so much fun talking with you and looking into your eyes, I want more more more...

Maya: nice to share a laugh about a certain someone who ``has shown a lot of escorts around town everything they know``. Maybe if he can show girls how best to do , it`s because he`s done a lot of it in his time????????!!!!!

Naomie: what a smile. What a sweet voice. What a sweet, everything, damm. What a sweet girl....

Tracy: Tu peux me coller tant que tu veux, chère. Pis mon bec, moué?

Anik: So, now you know what a sapman really is ;). And I know why ``sweet`` is in your handle. It was very nice talking with you a little bit, but not enough. There will be a next time!

JuiCeY/Maria: Kept you for last, position of honour. Nice to see you overcame your overwhelmed 1st impression (all those males staring in your direction when you arrived). You`re pretty, you have class, you`re seductive as all get out, smart and aware. I`m charmed, almost speechless :eek:.

Shi, already looking forward to the not-so-mini GT you`re sure to put on very soon again. Those of you who didn`t show up, you know what to do next time. And those that are sure to come back after last night.


New Member
Aug 26, 2005
regnad said:
Oliver, you forgot to tell us what Shijak was wearing.
Sounds like I missed a great time. Hopefully, I can make the next one.
I would have had my birthday suit on...the doorman just wouldn't let me in...:)

Reg, don't worry, there will be other, it's Celine's turn at bat...


New Member
Aug 26, 2005
i'm really glad everyone seems to have had a great time, but it also takes a great crowd to have a great time...

Thanks to everyone who showed up, my only regret is to not have had as much time to chat with many as I would have liked. A Cleo's buddy, El Bastardo, made up for missing our last GT by making it this time, then gave me the bittersweet news that he will be returning to his home land the next day :( . Vaya con dios, amigo.

Special thanks go to Rook 01 & CK_NJ for tag teaming and providing me with a much-needed cold one, and Rook 01 for the above-and-beyond service of providing some snacks to all. (note to Rook: i still don't know the answer to that question you asked me at one point, but I can tell you it feels GREAT!)

Extra-special thanks go to CANDY and Darrel of Candy's Delights for showing up and bringing two of their ladies along for a meet-and-greet. Extra-cuddlish Naomie, formerly of the Devilish agency, and Maya the bee my longtime friend:) (both looking yummy last night). You're the best, Candy!

Not to forget the other gracious ladies that charmed our gathering : Anik of Just-ass-weet fame, Tracy ma colombe et ange cornue :) , and our future star-in-the-making Maria of Celine's stable...

And how could I miss mentioning the triumphant return of the Big Guy himself, totally stole the show, big man.

To all the others who missed out on our evening, no worries as there likely will be another gathering in a few weeks.
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