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Posting on it a contest for you or what????


Active Member
Jul 16, 2004
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Booker...Booker...Seriously !!!!...Cause i have to say...i did never have a argument yet with you!!....So please....Feel free to ignore me if you want!! :thumb:

For respect or else.. i didnt say or name a person in the thread that i did start...So the logic you know...:rolleyes:

P.S.For your infos...You could askkkkkkk ANY OF THE LADIES..That i did see...I neverrrr use my merb handle for getting power over them,or agency,or bookers..etc....NEVERRRRR...So just be careful of what you are asking...Thanks!..For the rest...a pm is always better if you have more deep question...

,I did not even exist ,it seems that the bullying never stops .


Trust me YOU are not the only one....Who did receive bullying from other merb members from in front of their computer!


May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
For respect or else.. i didnt say or name a person in the thread that i did start...So the logic you know...:rolleyes:

Seriously? You posted a direct quote. Removing the name did nothing to hide the identity of the poster. Maybe it's not your intention, but this thread does come across as a direct shot at Booker. Just saying...


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

If any of this thread has anything to do with taking a shot at Booker it's ridiculous. There are others who have 80 to 90% of their posts attacking one member off subject. There are those doing constant agency promotionals who starting with a long history of instigation, and there are people who attack others just for having a contrary opinion. Booker has never done any of that, and he avoids negative issues comments as a matter of habit. If anyone thinks he care about post counts I'm sorry you got hurt falling out of that tree.

There's plenty of others using posts for favors, some make it very obvious. Go after them.




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Jul 16, 2004
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Seriously? You posted a direct quote. Removing the name did nothing to hide the identity of the poster. Maybe it's not your intention, but this thread does come across as a direct shot at Booker. Just saying...
Tiannas...i did post a direct quote to specify the meaning of the thread....If i want to take A SHOT...Like you say...TRUST ME ..i gonna do it directly...Disapointed that you didnt know me that well!!...Anyway that thread is not to say...AH HA...i got you...etc ..It was perfectly a way to say...Do you cares about the total of the post of someone etc...Cause some reallyyy do...And for the person who post also...

Btw like i said...i never did have a argument yet with Booker and did meet him in person at the GT of MTLGFE!......So the problem is???

Hello all,

If any of this thread has anything to do with taking a shot at Booker it's ridiculous. There are others who have 80 to 90% of their posts attacking one member off subject. There are those doing constant agency promotionals who starting with a long history of instigation, and there are people who attack others just for having a contrary opinion. Booker has never done any of that, and he avoids negative issues comments as a matter of habit. If anyone thinks he care about post counts I'm sorry you got hurt falling out of that tree.

There's plenty of others using posts for favors, some make it very obvious. Go after them.



Ok i am probably not sooooo good in english...and i probably should talk in spanish or chinese...But could you tell me what is that kind of remark....Go after them....If i have a problem with someone...First i gonna go via pm,Second try to talk and know what is the problem etc...I am disapointed that seems that YOU want to attack me now...but well take a shot...if it is the case!!!


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

I like you. You seem like a cool guy usually fair about things. But is this about Booker? Just asking.

If this is not about one person then I APOLOGIZE for questioning it. Sometimes I also think of something because of what one person said. Then I post on that subject with no intent to criticize anyone. Some people misunderstand. A little explanation helps.




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Jul 16, 2004
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I like you. You seem like a cool guy usually fair about things. But is this about Booker? Just asking.

If this is not about one person then I APOLOGIZE for questioning it. Sometimes I also think of something because of what one person said. Then I post on that subject with no intent to criticize anyone. Some people misunderstand. A little explanation helps.



Ok seems like Tiannas did say and take the rabbit out of the bag!!!...Yes the quote was from Booker...And made me realize that some of you seems to realllyyy care about the number of their post that they are making...I do agree sometimes i jump too fast on a quote or on a phrase...That is me(I am prettyyy sure a lot of you know since lollll)!!But like i could admit my error also...But in that case i dont
Peace out

Thor Jr

Wǎnshàng hǎo tiānshǐ
Jul 24, 2008
I have been a member of MERB since 2008, and as you can see my post count is low, because of more then one reason, i stopped contributing, i didnt like the comments or the attacks, shilling and other things, my count could of been just as high as booker or panthere or even merlot, but i wasnt in it for the post count, you see like booker i use to be in the business, so i had alot to contribute, but when it became clear that people were more interested in bashing then what we wrote then to take the info and using it. I like to have fun and to meet new people, and i don't want to even bother to bash someone, ill make a fun gesture and hope that the person i jest with can see the levity in the words being written, no harm no foul. And as for the post competition, well the only competition i am in these days is how many ladies i can meet before i kick the bucket and also in competition with my health and guess what, my health is winning. I have a few more reviews to write and i will write them, because i don't want to cheat the ladies or the agencies out of their share of reviews. If the mods were to stop the post counts, wouldn't that end this whole thing? You can stop my count, i don't need it, i don't measure my life by post counts. And why is their a post count? If their is a reason, why not keep count within the site, where no one to see it, if its just to see whose accounts are active and whose not contributing and is just a lurker then let the mods sort that out, we don't need to get involved, and if we do, a private message to a mod and no one gets hurt. Just my 25 cents worth. No shots at no one here, please, i am too old to meet anyone in the school yard or by the bleachers. Oh wait i forgot i have a Good night guys.



Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere

Sorry but i had to post is one post more for me lollll...unbelivable still i am shock :confused

MY answer...

Ok it is not the place to say this...But you did that quote...So are you reallyyyyyyyyyyyyy serious :confused:..Cause this site is for yes ....entertainement..telling us your encounter etc.also veryy other different subject or idea....BUT why should it be a contest of POST!!!..WOW..that is a first for me to ear that !!!....Anyway i think it is better that i dont say much and other member will see what i am thinking...Or already did think about it for a just confirm it :rolleyes:

Sorry if i took off the name of the person and the number of post...but still i am amaze...

Hello Panthere

I do agree explanations help
The underline statement doesn't really fit your explanation
Seriously? You posted a direct quote. Removing the name did nothing to hide the identity of the poster. Maybe it's not your intention, but this thread does come across as a direct shot at Booker. Just saying...
Yes for the quote but
Its not only the quote ,I have been quoted many times before !Its the analysis of the quote




New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Panthere is entitled to his opinion just as BookerL is entitled to his as are all of us.

It is human nature for some that are new on a internet board to want credibility and respect especially if in a field that they might know a lot about but those 2 things have to be earned over time and not just given freely on the spot. Maybe posting an enormous amount of posts at first makes some feel like that can be achieved but only they know that. Maybe they just love to post and give back to the community.

Remember, anyone can be anything they want to be on the internet and internet forums especially when you are new and nobody really knows you. With that said I have nothing personal against booker and I am sure he knows stuff about the hobby and watches :lol:

I agree with the poster before who said if the mods had a way to get rid of the post counts it could be a good thing and I am all for it if possible as I never pay attention to it anymore and the only reason I even am reminded about how many posts i have is when one of my 2 or 3 adoring fans like to point it out like it is supposed to upset me or something when in fact it makes me laugh, at them. :D

I am still waiting for TinaMtl to post more tho and Tina, please find a way to enlarge your oh so wonderful avatar, s'il vous plaît :eyebrows:
Last edited:


Nov 12, 2007
Post count can come into play. I mean if everyone says an escort is crap and somebody joins up and on the first post says otherwise in glowing terms... it is only fair to wonder. However if someone has a record and says the same thing it is something to take a bit more seriously [although if it is 20-1 you might chalk it up to random number generator being random]

Other than that I doubt if anyone really gives a crap about post count. Unless it gets excessive like say a certain banned someone on terb who posted on everything and didn't even hobby and often in a hostile or facepalmy sort of way. Even then if someone is more of a mench and less of a schmuck than even a high post count is tolerable although it would be a challenge to post *that* often and keep the signal to noise ratio high. It is rather hard to post 10 or 20 + times a day and still have something worth saying each time without resorting to insults, puns, endless pointless arguements which repeats or just plain spammy posting [like starting a bunch of different photo threads every single day]

Also considering this is a review forum, unless someone is insanely rich or completely industry obessed, such a huge post count would almost require a very small percentage of it being even remotely related to the industry either in actual reviews or general industry commentary.


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Jul 16, 2004
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Also considering this is a review forum, unless someone is insanely rich or completely industry obessed, such a huge post count would almost require a very small percentage of it being even remotely related to the industry either in actual reviews or general industry commentary.

I soo much agree


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
I am pretty sure Panthere understood exactly what he was talking about on this subject as he is very good at reading between the lines of others and btw my scenario's were "maybe's" , as stated before.

My reasons for posting a lot when I first joined were to learn from those experienced ppl first and foremost, in fact I read as much (if not all lol) of the board as possible for weeks before I even joined or made one post unlike where as I feel some (tho very very very few) have a clear cut agenda when they first join and post like a bat out of hell. (note I said some, and very very VERY few, not implying anyone in particular) I think Panthere was thinking of the latter when he made this thread and not just because of you but some other new posters lately, he just happened to stumble on your "pat on the back post" and it likely triggered the thread subject he had been thinking about starting for awhile, if I know Panthere like I think I do.
Maybe that was to complicated for some to grasp that concept



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Jul 16, 2004
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I am pretty sure Panthere understood exactly what he was talking about on this subject as he is very good at reading between the lines of others and btw my scenario's were "maybe's" , as stated before.

My reasons for posting a lot when I first joined were to learn from those experienced ppl first and foremost, in fact I read as much (if not all lol) of the board as possible for weeks before I even joined or made one post unlike where as I feel some (tho very very very few) have a clear cut agenda when they first join and post like a bat out of hell. (note I said some, and very very VERY few, not implying anyone in particular) I think Panthere was thinking of the latter when he made this thread and not just because of you but some other new posters lately, he just happened to stumble on your "pat on the back post" and it likely triggered the thread subject he had been thinking about starting for awhile, if I know Panthere like I think I do.

Finallyyyyyy someone understand ...thanks mister :amen:


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
he is very good at reading between the lines of others and btw my scenario's were "maybe's" , as stated before.
Well someone forget to read between the lines because my last post is definitely not about panthere !:nod:
I am rarely angry , but I do laugh a lot :D
Compliments to you Iggy ,truly:thumb:




Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello Guys,

Well someone forget to read between the lines because my last post is definitely not about panthere !:nod:
I am rarely angry , but I do laugh a lot :D



Post counts are a very poor indicator for anything, especially credibility or being worthy of respect.

One member took almost 3 years to run up 300 posts, known for extensive reviews. Stuck only to reviews, information exchanges, and some social commentary until 2006 or so. Has now made around 7000 to 8000 posts. Often helpful, often confrontational, often exploring issues.

A now departed member with around 11000 posts made some very good contributions but often confrontational, always posing his opinion was better, numerous suspensions for flaming. Quit and selfishly took every positive contribution with him.

Talk about bats and running up post counts, two guys. One sports fan barely made any reference to sports ever, carried out a very personal battle against opposing members, stalking every post of one member. Had over 2000 posts in one year, 90 to 95% in one thread. The other fan who came in confrontationally from the first, including an avalanche of negative PMs to numerous people. Still dividing people as friend or foe.

New guy comes in, runs up almost 2500 posts in 9 months. Not one nasty word yet. Still won't take the bait from a bat (absolutely NOT referring to Panthere). Loves to encourage exploration, very entertaining, often helpful.

A couple of members came in like bats and ran up some of the fastest post counts in the shortest time ever. Endless reviews, unfailingly generous, respectful, helpful to anyone who asks. One particularly avoids and detests squabbles, won't take sides, still helps out anyone.

One member comes in. Intelligent, concerned about the board community, committed to keeping everyone informed. But immediately joined a side and very closed within it.

I remember a particular lady. Always wrote with great intelligence and was very insightful. Made every effort to stay diplomatic against attacks. Very sensitive. A terrible loss when she chose to leave.

I never ever consider post counts when looking for credibility. I look for the quality and consistency of trying to stay positive, accessible, friendly, and honest above all.




Active Member
Jul 16, 2004
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Hello Guys,

Post counts are a very poor indicator for anything, especially credibility or being worthy of respect.

One member took almost 3 years to run up 300 posts, known for extensive reviews. Stuck only to reviews, information exchanges, and some social commentary until 2006 or so. Has now made around 7000 to 8000 posts. Often helpful, often confrontational, often exploring issues.

A now departed member with around 11000 posts made some very good contributions but often confrontational, always posing his opinion was better, numerous suspensions for flaming. Quit and selfishly took every positive contribution with him.

Talk about bats and running up post counts, two guys. One sports fan barely made any reference to sports ever, carried out a very personal battle against opposing members, stalking every post of one member. Had over 2000 posts in one year, 90 to 95% in one thread. The other fan who came in confrontationally from the first, including an avalanche of negative PMs to numerous people. Still dividing people as friend or foe.

New guy comes in, runs up almost 2500 posts in 9 months. Not one nasty word yet. Still won't take the bait from a bat (absolutely NOT referring to Panthere). Loves to encourage exploration, very entertaining, often helpful.

A couple of members came in like bats and ran up some of the fastest post counts in the shortest time ever. Endless reviews, unfailingly generous, respectful, helpful to anyone who asks. One particularly avoids and detests squabbles, won't take sides, still helps out anyone.

I remember a particular lady. Always wrote with great intelligence and was very insightful. Made every effort to stay diplomatic against attacks. Very sensitive. A terrible loss when she chose to leave.

I never ever consider post counts when looking for credibility. I look for the quality and consistency of trying to stay positive, accessible, friendly, and honest above all.



Google traduction is of that quote......loll

Nouveau mec arrive, court jusqu'à près de 2500 postes dans neuf mois. Pas un mot méchant encore. Ne prendra pas l'appât d'une chauve-souris (absolument pas référence à Panthere). Aime pour encourager l'exploration, très divertissant, souvent utile.

Seems like i am not a chauve souris...lollll..oh well damn i was hoping to be BATMAN ..for once...
Sorry Merlot but i dont understand that quote!!...Seems at least it is not referering to me...Sometimes i do use google traduction when i dont understand the meaning of the quote(Because i am NOT perfect)...but that one..euhhhh i dont know llolll..Just wanted to share my laughing when i saw chauve souris lollll...


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
this thread went from a seindfeld script feel to more of a sponge bob type of episode lol.... Panthere, you are a great thread starter! More! More!!! :D
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