Wow, though I went cross-eyed after reading half of this thread (and am rather impressed that we were able to rack up such a wide range of rants in the span of two days...

), I would just like to chip in with my two cents in the ongoing "discussion" of franco-anglo politics.
First of all, Omega, I being a native Montrealer read (and for the most part understood) the intricacies of your original post. You have every right to be proud of your language, and like it or not for us native anglos, Quebec did win the right to make french the only official language long ago. I also realize the dangers of gradual erosion of french in eastern Canada if strict measures were not put in place to require french to be spoken first (if I didn't have to at my job, I would probably greet clients in english first too...) However MERB was created by anglos and does not reside in any particular province. Granted it's reviews are based here in Montreal, but the beauty of the WWW is that those Quebec language laws do not reach into the cyber domain, a fact I am grateful for.
A lot of posts have gone back and forth about people who don't speak french or english either out of ignorance or obstinance, but we are neglecting a third fraction (of which I am a member): those who were simply lousy at languages to begin with. I was born and raised in an anglophone household, yet took french immersion all throughout my primary schooling, and indeed had french courses from ages 5 to 18 (a fact I am thankful for). Despite 13 years of "advanced" french classes (that's right, I actually have my bilingual certificate in the highest level of classes), I still have an intermediate level of french at best and write at the level of an 8th grader. I mean it's just pathetic, I can solve some of the most complex mathematical, engineering, or artistic problems, yet I can't put together a well-written french sentence. However I don't let it deter me from trying: the clients I serve at my job all realize I am doing my best, and I refuse to switch into english even if I sound like a fool and they change to english to help me (and let me just state that less than 20% of them ever do).
So by all means be proud of your language and post in it if you so choose, and if the majority of posters here on MERB are francophone and feel inspired to post in french, do so as well. But to all members here please do me the favor of not bashing each other's languages or spouting tired federalist/separatist rhetorics, it is true that the french landed here first, but let us not forget the land was neither yours nor the british, it belonged to the innocent native americans you both collectively slaughtered in your grand quest for expansion. As a black man myself I am oddly thankful for slavery in a way, since without it I would be sitting in a loin cloth sharpening a spear, but nothing riles me up more than the descendants of slave-trading, arrogant and self-righteous colonists complaining about ownership of something that wasn't theirs to begin with. Be glad the penalties for past atrocities do not seem to be retroactive beyond WW2 and everyone just be thankful that we live in a continent that is wealthy enough to provide the means to gripe at each other in such a speedy fashion.
Raven out
P.S.: J'espere que MERB va continuer a demeurer un endroit libre ou les personnes avec similaire interets peuvent s'exprimer avec un peu de classe. Ca serait dommage si les politiques de la monde exterieure infecte cette nouveau monde electronique qui est encore dans son enfance. L'internet est une chance pour les personnes des quatre coins du monde a s'engager et decouvrir des esprits semblables...