I met with lawyer, and as predicted he was not particularly interested or excited about my having seen escorts. He asked some questions about whether it was likely to come out, but was more concerned about the general division of assets and liabilities (like EB said).
What really sunk in is that, once you get to the point of actually divorcing, you are going to have to accept the fact that the other person (and their entourage) are going to think all kinds of horrible things about you. Then the process is mainly about making sure the kids are looked after and dividing the assets. In our case, there has been pretty much equal contribution toward child rearing and household finances.
I learned a lot that is helpful to know going forward - I think it will help me stand up more in conflicts without an irrational fear of divorce being "the end of the world". I think she senses how scared I've been of this, and has used it to push the limits of acceptable behaviour.
Thanks again for the advice,
I met with lawyer, and as predicted he was not particularly interested or excited about my having seen escorts. He asked some questions about whether it was likely to come out, but was more concerned about the general division of assets and liabilities (like EB said).
What really sunk in is that, once you get to the point of actually divorcing, you are going to have to accept the fact that the other person (and their entourage) are going to think all kinds of horrible things about you. Then the process is mainly about making sure the kids are looked after and dividing the assets. In our case, there has been pretty much equal contribution toward child rearing and household finances.
I learned a lot that is helpful to know going forward - I think it will help me stand up more in conflicts without an irrational fear of divorce being "the end of the world". I think she senses how scared I've been of this, and has used it to push the limits of acceptable behaviour.
Thanks again for the advice,