Someone who regularly listens to the show Biden called into mentioned to me that there's a running bit on "You ain't black if". Either way, this latest Biden dustup is really more of Biden unnecessarily speaking an uncomfortable truth than a "gaffe."
The fact is that Biden isn't wrong. Between Biden and Trump, only one of the two was sued for housing discrimination against black people (and Puerto Ricans) in the 70s; amplified the rumor that the country's first black President is actually a foreigner; equivocated on the KKK; praised Neo-Nazis as "fine people"; proposed a budget that would decimate food assistance that several disadvantaged black people need etc. That person, of course, is Trump.
Biden has proposed legislation along the years that hurt black people in a systematic way, like the 1994 crime bill. But it's not even close that Biden displays specific zero animus towards black people the way Trump does.
Biden's comments were unnecessary for two reasons. The first is seeing that Trump shouldn't be President is self-evident regardless of your race. The second reason Biden's comments were unnecessary is because most black people have already figured out Trump and the Republican Party. 84% of the black vote went to Hillary in 2016. In other words, Biden already has the black vote. If Biden wants to make a difference and not be a wise guy as he put it, he should go after the roughly 60%+ of white men without a college degree who still haven't figured out that Trump is pretty much just merde in an ill-fitting suit.