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Presidential run 2020.

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Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
Some things are so wonderful they can’t be articulated.

You just bask in the warmth of the natural glow.

It has been the Revenge of the Moderates lately with Biden, Pete and Tulsi climbing, while Warren declines and Harris in now completely out.

You think Tulsi is a moderate and you think Harris is extreme left?


(I agree that "safe moderate" is gaining right now though. The "whatever will beat Trump" vote is strong and lots of people think that "this is safe" will appeal to people who just want Trump to shut up. It may even be true.)


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
Ahh. For you moderate or not is based on race issues. Got it

I mean, Tulsi was the obvious Bernie VP for her fan base. She is pro Medicare for All. Free college for all. Forgive student loans. Ban private prisons. Shut down all nuclear power. 15$ Min wage. Eliminate cash bail. Eliminate the death penalty. Twelve weeks family leave.

Yup, sounds like a moderate to me.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Trump's irrational rants

Can someone please explain to me what the fuck the orange idiot was talking about yesterday when he ranted about light bulbs, toilets, showers and that women shouldn't be allowed to give birth after 9 months?? It's starting to be pretty obvious that dementia is rapidly setting in, don't you think?


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I often think that Trump should have not given up on alcohol. He would have never make it there if he had drank all his life. And we would not be stuck with him.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^^ What is with the " we " would not be stuck with him, you are a Canadian, " we " are stuck with Trudeau. Million upon millions are glad Trump is the president. The US is still gaining jobs while Canada is losing jobs. US Nov job gains 266,000, Canada No job losses 71,000 and we lost jobs in Oct also.
Is Trump an ass, yes, who cares.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I often think that Trump should have not given up on alcohol. He would have never make it there if he had drank all his life. And we would not be stuck with him.

Considering his propensity to lie so much i'm not convinced that he has never drank alcohol. I mean...HE LIES ABOUT EVERYTHING SO WHY WOULDN'T HE LIE ABOUT THIS?

His late father died from alzheimer's after suffering from that awful illness since his early to mid-70's. I've been comparing Donald Trump's speech pattern over several decades and i'm now convinced more than ever that he now suffers from a form of dementia. Considering that the people who are left at the WH to work & advise him are the worse of the bunch it's not exactly a good idea to have a president with rapidly decreasing faculties in office. I challenge all of you to read Anonymous' recent best-selling book about him & i dare you not to be afraid of having this mentally ill person as the President of the United States.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
^^^^^^ What is with the " we " would not be stuck with him, you are a Canadian, " we " are stuck with Trudeau. Million upon millions are glad Trump is the president. The US is still gaining jobs while Canada is losing jobs. US Nov job gains 266,000, Canada No job losses 71,000 and we lost jobs in Oct also.
Is Trump an ass, yes, who cares.

Thank God we have Trudeau. But that's another story.

As for the jobs in the US most of them are crappy minimum wage jobs. Saying that the US economy is doing great is a mirage considering that their steadily increasing deficit has now reached $22 trillion.....WITH NO END IN SIGHT!!!

Trump's massive tax cuts for the rich has literally been robbing the US Treasury of much-needed revenue and it's greatly responsible for the dramatic increase in the deficit. Add to this Trump's tariffs war with China & other countries.....which are literally bankrupting American farmers. Trump's bailout to the farmers (i'm being told it's mostly the wealthiest farmers that are benefiting the most) is even greater than the bailout given to the auto industry by President Obama (and Bush previously) which was heavily criticized by Republicans at the time. It's a mess!

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^^ Bahahaha. Nothing else sticks so go with the mentally ill route. Trump is a boorish ass, well known before he was elected, he is still the same and will not change. People have jobs and the economy is good, they do not give a fuck if Trump is a dick.
Was it not you that said you vote for someone because the economy is great?


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
As for the jobs in the US most of them are crappy minimum wage jobs. Saying that the US economy is doing great is a mirage considering that their steadily increasing deficit has now reached $22 trillion.....WITH NO END IN SIGHT!!!

And who own's a majority of US's Debt? China does. Which is an amazing leverage for them as maintaining growth for their over populated country is a much harder challenge then the US.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
Where did you get that number? (Also not a majority, by the way.)

As far as I can tell, the US has a 22 trillion debt. 1.5 or so owned by the Chinese. That is 5%. (Rough numbers.)


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
Holding 27% sovereign debt of a country as big as the United States is too huge a persentage so it’s got to be just Tbills which is still s lot

But my understanding however limited is that the power that one country can have over another one because they have purchased their government debt is greatly exaggerated

They purchase it fir many reasons but the most basic being that it is a pretty safe investment ... and in this particular case because it’s backed by a “super power “who has never defaulted or gone bankrupt and therefore not seen as risky IMO

If the Chinese hadn’t bought all that US govt. backed debt I’m sure other countries governments would have , but the Chinese had the money with all their previous surpluses I’m guessing . Anyhow I’m out of my depth here because international economics can be truly complicated and therefore not easy to understand a trade relationship such as tge one between the US and China and who benefits the most and who has more leverage so to speak. I am told that China NEEDS to hold and buy US debt in order to prop up tge US$ Dollar which in return increases Chinese exports ,,, anyways something like that but I’m sure it’s much more complicated and everyone can come to their own conclusions

But recently there is a lot more talk about the amount of US debt China owns . It’s in the news more so than before because of the US/CHINA trade war that’s been going on . Are the Americans going to come out the winners in these trade negotiations that have been going on fir some time now ? Well it’s hard to know with certainty .
Of course all this is making Trump look good as he is seen by many Americans as someone who stood up to China

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
If a president won on the stock market doing good trump would be in tomorrow.
most people don't have a clue about money as most people dont have any
and i can see the ones here who can.
lots of bad things can be said about trump but anyone with money getting 20% returns is quietly laughting


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Looks like Bernie is leading the Democratic candidates for Iowa. If by some calamity the election turns out to be between Trump who I dislike as a person, and Bernie who I like as a person..... but whose politics I dispise… vote would go for Trump over Red Bernie

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
I liked Bernie more last time. I was actually trying to give him the benefit of the doubt of sorts, thinking that maybe he was pulling our collective leg. But now he definitely comes across as a cranky old fart who sincerely believes his own bullshit. Godspeed Bernie, the Hamas squad (or perhaps 75% thereof) is squarely behind you.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
bernie sanders only thing he needs is a clean diaper and a easy open jar of baby food
people get old and their minds go
i think presidents should be at the top of their mental game
so there should be a age limit
ronald regan had Alzheimer's disease at the end imagine h needed to press the ''button' and cant remember the code ......... russia 1 usa 0 (sunblock 2 million required)
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