I always said he was a despicable human being, but that has nothing to do with the economy or running the country.
You are right that most escorts hate him again not exactly a prime example of a kind or caring person.
My point was simply that all this hate against a man who fucked up on the virus and payed the price, he would have never lost if it were not for that.
There are hundreds of leaders that fucked up like him but I will always put the blame where it belongs on China.
Happy New Year/Boldog Új Évet
I always said he was a despicable human being, but that has nothing to do with the economy or running the country.
You are right that most escorts hate him again not exactly a prime example of a kind or caring person.
My point was simply that all this hate against a man who fucked up on the virus and payed the price, he would have never lost if it were not for that.
There are hundreds of leaders that fucked up like him but I will always put the blame where it belongs on China.
Happy New Year/Boldog Új Évet