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Psycho Reviews for a Purpose or just PSYCHO Reviewers?

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Nov 12, 2007

You would certainly be entitled to report in a review what happened, and how it happened.

But in no way does it justify using crude and harsh comments.

I am dumbfounded that you could think that any of this is an excuse to call a sex worker a "banged up whore" in a review.

Years ago I worked on a health-related project with, as participants, active street sex workers as well as some who had retired, who were all suffering from severe cocaine addiction. Some of them were in their 20's, but looked like they were in their 50's, because of all the abuse their body and health had taken.

And yet, it would have never occurred to anyone involved in this project to call these women, "banged up whores".

Some people on this board are in need of a serious attitude adjustment.

So we established that being ripped off via fruad and an actual mugging won't be enough.
How about if she followed you home, shot your dog and kicked your child onto on coming traffic. Would you use a mean term then?
What if you found out that the prostitute was also pimping 12 year old girls?
What if you found out that she was partly responsible for third world genocide or a member of the Justin Beiber fan club.

I mean really, if you are not willing to call someone a nasty name after they wronged you, you are a bitch.
Here is a question, what if I slapped you in the face and took your money and left you abandoned somewhere. Would you call me something mean? What about if someone fucked your wife or long term girlfriend? If so why in those situations and not otherwise . Is it because you are one of those sexists who apply different rules, or you hold the profession so far above any others.

As for the stuff in italics, it has absolutely nothing to do with what I said. if you think it did, you completely misunderstand me.

It is simple. In the real world, if somebody wrongs you it is OK to call them a donkey raping cock master. To suggest it is never ever OK to do so is just plain weird and such a person should learn to stand up for themselves.

You are right, some people on this board do need a serious attitude adjustment. I am the most meek and mild guy around but when push comes to shove [and it takes a lot of push] I see no problem with defending myself with words or action... if I can overcome general cowardness.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
I think C500 found the perfect Diagnostic for OYO since his last post in this thread demonstrate that he does not even understand that his feeling about the session is still an attack and insult to the girl.
He cannot see the harm he's doing exactly like de definition of narcicism.

Also, you're not alone in your car, expressing then your deepest feeling of the moment by swearing about a person (let say it's a woman as an analogy to the present case) that made a bad move with her car.
Merb is a community and we must behave and act respectably.
And the people that deserve the most respect here are the ladies that offers to us old pervs, intimate moments.
Sometime those moments are great sometimes they're not and this community has aslo been created to share those good and bad moment but all must be done with respect.

But Merb IS NOT the place to share YOUR PERSONAL vulgar feelings of the moment.
I'm sure we all swear and treat in our private life, but when in a community, we must behave and be careful about what we say.

Now I know that people like Merlot will still complain about the OP using strong words to describe the ppresent case but please, give us a break, you did already in every post here.
You never miss an opportunity to tickle Iggy. Yes you are a shit stirrer, a professional one.

Using Psycho and Misogyny to describe a behavior (Yes, he used these words for a behavior) are legal word to try to understand and describe the behavior of certain rough guys around here.
Using the word POS, well, could be a little strong indeed lol, but again,
IMHO, using it for ladies in this community would certainly be not tolerated. But in the present context, using it for guys that treat our ladies, I find it way more acceptable :)
Of course, it will not be acceptable for the people who have a never ending something against the person who used these terms. :p


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Hi all

In situations where a client is really npt happy about the service provided but the SP he should bring it up first to her if it doesn't work call the booker while you are still with the lady .
Harsh words definitely has no places among civilized people.
Did respect should apply not only on board posting but also in all text communication emails,pm's or verbal conversation ,vulgarity should also be removed when you are looking to book a SP ,
Has for myself I was screening the clients on how the way they talk about SP's and the respect they showed to the girls .
Sometimes the $$$$$$ is simply not a compensation if the respect is not at the rendez-vous .
A SP is first of all a human being she has feelings ,it is not a doll that you throw out after use .
Courage and the determination is required by all the ladies who do this job ,they all have limits even when they are willing to please .
Intimacy in a few minutes with guys 20 ,30 ,40 years older they them is not simple providing a GFE experience is reasons to compliment them instead of using harsh words .
On the other hand Negative reviews are sometimes necessary to make understand certain people that are not on top of the world and they are also required to improve certain parts in there service,like the attitude they have towards there clients.

Escorting being a business not only the clients should conduct themselves in a civil and courteous manner but also all the leaders of the agencies .
Fairness should also be present, many on this board should ask themselves if it is so ?
I am enjoying my new experience as a hobbyist because of this forum and all senior members and even the newbies sometimes but I am not blind I do see very well what goes on behind the curtains and close doors !
But I do agree that all the lovelies should be respected whatever agency they represent or are Indies .
Hats off to the ladies

Warmest Regards



Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

It took a regular client of XXXTase to figure out that I worked there. The facts were all there nobody caught on.

Actually, the very picky top to bottom negativity gave away an agenda. But we didn't have proof, and I don't make an accusation like that without proof. Now you complain about being attacked the same way you attacked a lady on false pretenses and biased motivations. It's all as bad as everything you are against, worse because you tried to slander and trash an innocent lady with a good reputation who gave you a very good service. It may not be psycho or misogynistic in the way the thread starter suggested, but it sure shows a sad total lack of scruples for any integrity or the feelings of an innocent person. You didn't give an opinion, it was a planned attack starting with cold-heartedly using a decent lady. Now I would agree with whoever said you deserve some kind of official board reaction.

An attack to my reputation...

Though you now admit to a bias taint.

Challenge accepted.

How about
1: Pics and ad suggest a 20 to 25 year old oriental spinner. You show up and she is a haggard 60, white and fat. You try to leave but she pulls a knife on you and demands full payment as a cancelation fee.
2: Again pics and ad are great, you get there, start to get busy and you find he has happiness... I mean a penis. Again when you try to bolt he gets beligerant about keeping all the money.
3: You show up on the promise of a wide assortment of services, she allows nothing but missionary while she lies there as a dead fish with no kissing, and the smell would kill an elephant even though your nose got nowhere near there.
4: You show up and her pimp take everything you have. [OK technically she isn't a whore there because although she fucked you, she didn't fuck you

You are talking about big extremes. I was speaking about going overboard in situations where the advertising on who she is was basically faithful but general expectations were not met, not a fountain of lies, big deceptions, robbery or threats to your life. I'm sure you don't disagree that the "review" in question was unnecessarily crude and cruel. Even if the client had been one with honest motives you don't call any lady a "banged up whore" just because she isn't to your taste.

Are you saying any of the above you listed have ever happened? I must have been extremely lucky. ;)

Now I know that people like Merlot will still complain...

About your bias protecting a very close friend? No, no...good job covering yourself. :thumb: Ooops, "people like"...not just me huh.




Feb 22, 2004
Visit site
Challenge accepted.

How about
1: Pics and ad suggest a 20 to 25 year old oriental spinner. You show up and she is a haggard 60, white and fat. You try to leave but she pulls a knife on you and demands full payment as a cancelation fee.
2: Again pics and ad are great, you get there, start to get busy and you find he has happiness... I mean a penis. Again when you try to bolt he gets beligerant about keeping all the money.
3: You show up on the promise of a wide assortment of services, she allows nothing but missionary while she lies there as a dead fish with no kissing, and the smell would kill an elephant even though your nose got nowhere near there.
4: You show up and her pimp take everything you have. [OK technically she isn't a whore there because although she fucked you, she didn't fuck you]

There are the occational horror story for which banged up whore would be way to nice. I am sure in real life you would use worse terminology to describe someone who screwed you over in a business deal or just in general.

Also I'd rather be called a banged up whore than be refered to as a psycho animal who needs to be put in a straight jacket as was done in the OP.


You rock! If I had to live only one of your story I will have put an end to this hobby thus you are still here hunting for more thrill :noidea:

Happy hunting


a.k.a. NewestGuy
Aug 24, 2013
Starting to go down the right path and Rev hit the nail on the head of what I was trying to get at. My question about how we want to proceed, no holds barred or with some sort of composure was somewhat rhetorical.

The overall point is, this is a REVIEW board, not a teenage chat room to come here and bitch about this or that and to go off our rockers about things.

The whole review could have been summarized along the lines of finding the location less than ideal, even sub-par, but a nice experience with the lady herself.

The comments about bruises, removed piercings and scrapped knees, if you want to throw it in there, fine, say it, but not sure how you think you are qualified to identify exactly what happened. Maybe it has to do with your perfect dick size, master of the universe electrician & A/V skills or your overall supremacy, I don't know. But the point is, everything beyond the removal, bruises and scrapes was pure speculation on your part and has no business in the review, let alone the sick comments tied to them. How do you know she wasn't out partying, drunk off her ass, and took a few spills? How do you know she didn't scrape her knees taking a spill just like anyone else can?

I want to be clear about the above, I'm not saying abuse isn't a possibility, but I, or you, or any of us, have no way of knowing from spending an hour with her. Should abuse be a source for concern, absolutely 100% without a doubt. The comments however have nothing to do with sorting out potential abuse, but rather targets the lady in a defamatory manner with no aim for good other than you proving to yourself that you think yourself a detective or some other form of superiority.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
How do you know she didn't scrape her knees taking a spill just like anyone else can?

Maybe she is doing crossfit or soccer with her friends ?

Best Regards



Nov 12, 2007

There is really nothing else to discuss IMHO.

Except it happens all the time with regard to non escorts. Hell it happened at the start of this thread with the suggestion that someone needed to be straight jacketed. If you were to remove such comments half of terb could have to be deleted. Yet it usually never is even considered worthy of comment.

Me thinks you are infantalizing women here. Because my views obviously don't matter to you because I have a penis, I'll have a female explain what you are doing.

You are talking about big extremes. I was speaking about going overboard in situations where the advertising on who she is was basically faithful but general expectations were not met, not a fountain of lies, big deceptions, robbery or threats to your life. I'm sure you don't disagree that the "review" in question was unnecessarily crude and cruel. Even if the client had been one with honest motives you don't call any lady a "banged up whore" just because she isn't to your taste.


I agree however that isn't the claim being made.
The claim is that it is NEVER OK to do it. She could even step on your blue suade shoes and you are supposed to be with the "yes miss, OK miss, have a nice day miss"

Look at reverdy's comments. It is clear that even in the most extreme situations he considereds it completely unaceptable to use such language.
Never mind that I in effect said he was being a bitch and he didn't bother to comment on that which tells me a lot of unfortunate things about his self esteem and sence of self worth.

I mean hell. When you are in a thread suggesting that it is unacceptable to call a genocidal criminal justin beiber fan a banged up whore and then turn around and accept similar language towards yourself and other males... he is no longer fighting for general civility but on your knees sychophantic white knightism.

That I have a problem with.


You rock! If I had to live only one of your story I will have put an end to this hobby thus you are still here hunting for more thrill :noidea:

Happy hunting

I think I mentioned further above that my hobby experiences have been all acceptable.
I've considered quitting for much much much less.

However people have been robbed. People have been extremely bait and switched. In terbland there are post op and even pre op trannies advertising as real women [and they have their defenders believe it or not]. There was even one case in Ottawa of a girl having a psychotic episode to the point where buddy had to call the police to get her to unblock the door. Sadly I don't think terb reviews are publically viewable but

If you went through the experiences that K Douglas did with "adorable Chloe" I'd say you would be justified in calling her whatever you please
So I say "so what do you do for fun" and she replied "I kill people and small animals". Normally I would say um ok but to see her expression it was a bit crazed like she was contemplating it.
It's not about the money, you're not leaving until I get dressed and escort you out. Now come with me to my bedroom." I said no I'm leaving right now and went to open the door and she again blocked it. I didn't want to push her out of the way being a gentleman so I pulled out my phone and called 911........I think this startled her. Operator answers and I say I'm at such and such place and I'm trying to leave but the girl won't let me, she's physically restraining me. All the while Chloe is wailing "don't hurt me please don't hurt me, stop hitting me...."
"I'm saying to operator that this girl is lying she's trying to grab my phone and I believe she punched me in the chest. I finally manage to push her away with one arm, phone in my other all the while talking to the 911 operator and got out of the apartment where she proceeds to chase me to elevator. I push button and she comes at me and tries to hoof me in the nuts."
As I was leaving they mentioned this wasn't the first incident they were called to with this girl.

Now as it stands he didn't go there with the language. However he was perfectly within his rights to call her whatever he wanted to. This is probably the most fucked up story I've ever read short of outright craigslist/backpage muggings.


Respect & Honour
Jul 4, 2011
On The Front lines
I just wanted to make a general comment about reviews. I am not going to get into the specific review that was the catalyst to this thread or comment on any one specific reviewer. Everything has been said by others, regarding that situation, and I think an accurate general concensus has been formed.

I know something about reviews, having been a frequent reviewer myself at one time. I still have mixed feelings about the style and detail I chose to use, but that is a different topic. I do support the freedom to review and do feel it is a very useful tool to help the community, the Independents and Agencies, as well as the girls themselves. It helps hobbyists on a limited budget find providers that suit their tastes without having to blindly manoeuver through the many Indy and Agency options out there. It keeps the Agencies and Providers honest and also is very helpful for them to gauge satisfaction level in their services provided and understand where improvement is needed.

On the other side, reviews can be very biased and inaccurate because it is coming from one perspective. Once many different perspectives come in, then a more accurate concensus can be had. A single review won't account for awkward commuication (language, age, cultural barrier) leading to bad chemistry, bad hygeine (She only LFKed), Lack of respect (pushed for BBFS, which is more common than you think) and many other factors.

I think reviews are useful if written by the right reviewer. Facts stated on appearance, services rendered and a general description on satisfaction level. When we start getting into overly emotional diatribes, whether negatively or postively, is when I think a reader should be wary. The girls are young and sensitive and 90% really want to satisfy their clients. We should remember that they are real people and just because we are paying, it doesn't mean they are objects to do whatever we want them to, the exact way we want them to. Getting into harsh descriptions, that degrade and demean a 19 or 20 year old girl is a borderline crime in my opinion and anyone that ho-hums that fact should definitely not have the privilage to see them. Money or no money.

In closing, I think reviews are great and support them 100%, but guys, let's use some discretion and remember we are talking about very young ladies with real feelings here and keep as empathetic and factual as possible without over doing it with unneeded harsh "opinions".


Active Member
Jun 17, 2010
I just wanted to make a general comment about reviews in general. I am not going to get into the specific review that was the catalyst to this thread or comment on any one specific reviewer. Everything has been said by others, regarding that situation, and I think an accurate general concensus has been formed.

I know something about reviews, having been a frequent reviewer myself at one time. I still have mixed feelings about the style and detail I chose to use, but that is a different topic. I do support the freedom to review and do feel it is a very useful tool to help the community, the Independents and Agencies, as well as the girls themselves. It helps hobbyists on a limited budget find providers that suit their tastes without having to blindly manoeuver through the many Indy and Agency options out there. It keeps the Agencies and Providers honest and also is very helpful for them to gauge satisfaction level in their services provided and understand where improvement is needed.

On the other side, reviews can be very biased and inaccurate because it is coming from one perspective. Once many different perspectives come in, then a more accurate concensus can be had. A single review won't account for awkward commuication (language barrier) leading to bad chemistry, bad hygeine (She only LFKed), Lack of respect (pushed for BBFS, which is more common than you think) and many other factors.

I think reviews are useful if written by the right reviewer. Facts stated on appearance, services rendered and a general description on satisfaction level. When we start getting into overly emotional diatribes, whether negatively or postively, is when I think a reader should be wary. The girls are young and sensitive and 90% really want to satisfy their clients. We should remember that they are real people and just because we are paying, it doesn't mean they are objects to do whatever we want them to, the exact way we want them to. Getting into harsh descriptions, that degrade and demean a 19 or 20 year old girl is a borderline crime in my opinion and anyone that ho-hums that fact should definitely not have the privilage to see them. Money or no money.

In closing, I think reviews are great and support them 100%, but guys, let's use some discretion and remember we are talking about very young ladies with real feelings here and keep as empathetic and factual as possible without over doing it with unneeded harsh "opinions".
Well said... :thumb:


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Hi all and manapart

On the other side, reviews can be very biased and inaccurate because it is coming from one perspective. Once many different perspectives come in, then a more accurate concensus can be had. A single review won't account for awkward commuication (language barrier) leading to bad chemistry, bad hygeine (She only LFKed), Lack of respect (pushed for BBFS, which is more common than you think) and many other factors.

I think reviews are useful if written by the right reviewer. Facts stated on appearance, services rendered and a general description on satisfaction level. When we start getting into overly emotional diatribes, whether negatively or postively, is when I think a reader should be wary. The girls are young and sensitive and 90% really want to satisfy their clients. We should remember that they are real people and just because we are paying, it doesn't mean they are objects to do whatever we want them to, the exact way we want them to. Getting into harsh descriptions, that degrade and demean a 19 or 20 year old girl is a borderline crime in my opinion and anyone that ho-hums that fact should definitely not have the privilage to see them. Money or no money.

In closing, I think reviews are great and support them 100%, but guys, let's use some discretion and remember we are talking about very young ladies with real feelings here and keep as empathetic and factual as possible without over doing it with unneeded harsh "opinions".

I do agree with you on this manapart before reviewing I was booking ,many respectable clients doesn't understand all the pressure those young ladies are supporting ,it is sometimes unreal the lack of respect they are confronted with !
A safe and secure environment is required ,many girls quite the job because of abusive clients ,some events really make you want to throw up!
When you see a SP you should always be aware that chemistry might not be at the rendez-vous whatever effort the SP does ,I do understand the point of view of a client that might feel robbed of his money ,but a limit must be put on attacking young ladies if they do not successfully make you reach your phantasm .
I am not talking of B&S obviously .
Reviews to me are like a Equifax credit score .Some reviewers are more credible then others .
You analyze the quantity and quality and you see sometimes that certain reviews are simply to much off track from the others .
I make choice based on the consistency the SP has been showing ,if she is not reviwed many times the booker has verbal feedbacks or private text.
Credible bookers wouldn't send a SP willingly knowing a match isn't possible ,the shit experienced that will come out of it for both parties might be to intense and uncontrollable !
We all have our opinions,but respect of the young ladies is a must .

Great hobbying to all

Warmest Regards


Clara Versailles

May 18, 2014
A Book and its Cover

I don't even know myself where these are from:

But to be bang on, I am certainly taking a stance against

Any judgemental, rude, and disrespectful comments towards both women and men.

It certainly leaves deep scars...


Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I just wanted to make a general comment about reviews...

In closing, I think reviews are great and support them 100%, but guys, let's use some discretion and remember we are talking about very young ladies with real feelings here and keep as empathetic and factual as possible without over doing it with unneeded harsh "opinions".

I will say i really agree with you man, i know more girls than the general public think actually read there reviews, and sometimes even a slightly unflaterring comment can hurt there feelings. Thats why personally if i have a very good and fun review, i leave out most of the details and do not consider it "worthy" to mention very minor things. The point is i had a very good time, i enjoyed seeing her and here you go. On the other hand, when the review is a mixed bag, i try to showcase first the positive, and i "turn my thongue 7 times" on the negative, cause i know the review may be readed by the girl herself. But sometimes there is stuff you HAVE to put it, i just think there is ways of doing so.

Thanksfully i never had an atrocious meeting, i had bad ones yeah, but nothing "horrible" , but if it would happen, and i would see its clearly a bad attitude from the girl, even tough i would remain polite, i would still make it evident how she behaved. Thats the thing, in my book attitude is the most important part, if she is willing to please and alll, but is just not "good at it" its one thing, but if she clearly don't care, thats a different thing.


a.k.a. NewestGuy
Aug 24, 2013
The review thread is back up and has been cleaned.

Edit: sorry jumped the gun, that was the outcall thread.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
Maybe Chloe's Incall thread has been deleted by the original thread poster?
I think Cruiser777 started it...


Nov 12, 2007
. Or you just don't get it.


I think it is you that doesn't get it. My comments are not at all in odds with what any of the ladies on this thread of said. I am sure they would have no problem laying down the verbal beating on a guy who was abusive towards them or a female for that matter.

I remember in an intro to psych class I did long ago. They used a lot of multiple choise tests and one rule of thumb was that always and never statements were usually not the right answer. If your mind it seems you have taken my objection to the never concept and twisted it in a knee jerk white knight way to think that I must be advocating being mean and hostile in all cases. Or at least I hope so.

BTW nice use of the crazy smiley.

So are you really that inconsistant with your standards of speech and how one should never be like that or do you differ on your standards of behavior with males and females. If someone has a penis than you feel free to slag away but if someone has a vagina you run to their defence no matter how much in the wrong they are or how much evil they have done.

I don't know about you but dismissing someone's position as a rant and calling them crazy isn't much better than calling someone a used up whore. However I won't fuck you for money so I guess my opinions on the matter mean absolutely nothing to you.

Silly me, I think standards of behavior apply regardless of gender and profession. i guess I am just some sort of **** who needs an attitude adjustment.


Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
am i the only thinking a thread creator should not be able to delete his thread? Just edit/delete the first message... especially in a review section... cause if he does, he delete the whole thing and many users reviews and we all remember when the moderator gone rogue erased the threads the girls where disapointed to see all there good reviews gone... i had some feedback on that...

So maybe the mods/fred could lock that feature...


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
What clique ?

Best Regards


The mythological clique consisting of Ares, Apollo, Zeus, Hermes, Hades, Poseidon and last, but certainly not least, Dionysus. Everyone wishes they were a part of this group. From what I heard, Aphrodite was at their last party. She is reportedly very hot, especially with her clothes off. Too bad but I was not invited. Sucks. I think I will sabotage every thread started by that fucker Dionysus.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
Well HM they used to be able to do it using the advanced edit... Might have changed.
I haven't started a thread since a while I think...
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