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Quebec to start oil and gas exploration.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I have heard that's not a problem at all with the proper cars..

Could you please post a link that states a city with only electric cars, buses, snow removal equipment etc. can drive around the city at -40 and not knock out a power grid, we have to include that the houses have only electric heat. If you use solar panels they are also an oil by product, many of the car items are an oil by product also.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Give me an economical replacement that will work?

Spoken like a true conservative. There is more to life then profits. There is no price on the environment. Greedy corporations are preventing green energy from establishing itself because profits is the only thing on their minds. I asked you this question and you never responded. Do you even care what type of planet you will be leaving to your kids and grand kids? Does it matter to you at all or are the profits of greedy corporations your priority? Have you been to Cairo, Eqypt where there is so much pollution that the sky is brownish yellowish. I remind you that everything you see on this planet including your precious fossil fuels is a byproduct of solar energy. The sun is so powerful you cannot even imagine. There is so much power that one second of the sun's energy can power the US for 9 million years. So solar energy is very feasible... The question is developing the technology to harness it. The obstacle are right-wing conservative politicians and the corporations because corporation and shareholder profits are their only concern. Conservative sheep.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
I watched the video, great power. Also to note that they had a power generator there to max out the batteries for their run, not sure of their times after a few runs down the track.

Vancouver has electric buses that have the same on/off instant acceleration.
I drive electric forklifts that weigh a few tons but accelerate instantly, much faster than gas.
We can run an eight hour shift on one charge cycle, moving heavy loads.
But the battery is approx 1100 kilos. That would not make a very sporty car.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Oil companies are promoting and funding exploration because the profit pipeline to the pockets of greedy oil company executives is threatened by the Teslas of the world.

Ultimately the technological revolution and evolution cannot be stopped. Despite these evil conspiracies by and among greedy corporations to stifle development of alternative energy programs through perpetuation of oil exploration activity, they are not going to stop investment in and development of alternative energy. Eventually, in less than 50 years maybe, history will look back and laugh at these last gasp efforts to preserve an industry that is in the early stages of dying. But the technology revolution is here, it cannot be stopped by dinosaurs, and alternative energy will ultimately flourish. Electricity and solar energy were not sufficiently researched for many years due to the oil cartel's ability to stifle funding, but ultimately they have been beaten down by technology that enables cheaper research and development. Apart from that, as a global society, we should be developing any and all resources we can to conserve and preserve energy and enable its cheap production for the masses. The oil industry for a long time was a monopolistic behemoth that was a money pit for a few wealthy executives and some Arab sheiks, but we need to put those people out to pasture and watch them wither away and die just as Tyrannosaurus Rex once did.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Eb... Oil and pipeline companies are investion billions in renewable energy, google it. Enbridge has invested over 5 billion since 2002 all the other majors are doing the same. Clean energy is not ready yet and will not be feasable for a decade or two. Alberta is shutting down 5 coal generators at a cost to tax payers of 2 billion dollars to save the planet, there are over 3350 coal generators on the planet, China has plans for 235 more same as other countries... Will the shutting down of 5 make a difference..... No. It will just cost the tax payers.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Eb... Oil and pipeline companies are investion billions in renewable energy, google it. Enbridge has invested over 5 billion since 2002 all the other majors are doing the same. Clean energy is not ready yet and will not be feasable for a decade or two. Alberta is shutting down 5 coal generators at a cost to tax payers of 2 billion dollars to save the planet, there are over 3350 coal generators on the planet, China has plans for 235 more same as other countries... Will the shutting down of 5 make a difference..... No. It will just cost the tax payers.

The coal generators are all going to be shut down sooner or later, why prolong the inevitable? At some point you have to bite on and eat the bullet. Maybe Alberta ends up being a world leader in development of renewable energy and, as a result, instead of old dinosaurs fading in the modern economy, you attract enterprising and profitable young clean energy developers.

Jobs are being lost to automation anyway, so the job markets will take hits when these jobs end no matter what. Many people working at these facilities have no skills to work in the modern world where many of their jobs are now automated. They too are dinosaurs. We can feel sorry for them on a certain level, just as the kids cry for the T Rex fossil, but the basic tenet of evolution is to adapt and survive. Either you have the skills to do it, or not. Dinosaurs did not adapt, homo sapiens did. It's a harsh modern economy out there, but it is what we all have to live with and adapt to.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Oil companies are simply being pragmatic.
They know their resource base is finite. Whether the lifespan is twenty year or a hundred they have to plan for a changeover.
From a purely financial point of view any company that comes up with a miraculously efficient solar cell will make a bunch of money.
Solar and wind are revenue streams worth investing in.

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
Could you please post a link that states a city with only electric cars, buses, snow removal equipment etc. can drive around the city at -40 and not knock out a power grid, we have to include that the houses have only electric heat. If you use solar panels they are also an oil by product, many of the car items are an oil by product also.

You know, I am not fighting at all or arguing. I just let go things because I am having no power at all on it and I really do know that money is running the world. Of course, everything is almost based on oil today, it doesn't imply that's exactly the best the humanity could do for real in the energy department, just the lobby of oil coupled with old habits are so extended and established that will be hard to think a minute that the other energies will ever having the same "power" of representation.

And there is a high probability that oil will survive us before we will be missing of oil products. (plus they are not biodegradable) There are few species that are extinct and we never saw that before, and others are in the path to become extinct too. Some are having negative projection that humanity could have only few decades more to be on Earth. I just don't know if those pronostics are realistic but at the point we are, not able to live without oil products, and not putting the huge amount of efforts it should take to change something, the present conclusion can't be full of hope for the future. Cancer is more and more happening all around us also. Humans had created a strange univers to live in it with a lots of "fake" non-natural products, transformed food and other products, and with fake desires for manifactured things. I'm saying this more as an observer, trying to paint a quick portrait of our civilisation in few lines.

I hope you are happy now, STN, I think if I have well understood that your job is oil related, so congratulations to you. Your financial security is now secured. :smile:


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Maria do not feel sorry for Sol as the changes we have discussed will not happen in his lifetime. He will keep his job and quietly retire and probably live comfortably the rest of his life.

It's his kids and theirs you and he need to worry about. The next generations. They are the ones that will need to adapt.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I am not concerned about my financial security as i plan to retire soon. It is my childrens and their kids, with all this carbon tax, cap and trade bull shit which will do nothing but pad th pockets of politicians. Our debt will be huge with the spend free Liberals in the name of climate change plus JT wanting to be man of the year and give billions of our dollars to other countries so he is likes.... Buy friends with money, unique idea.


New Member
May 14, 2016
And there is a high probability that oil will survive us before we will be missing of oil products. (plus they are not biodegradable) There are few species that are extinct and we never saw that before, and others are in the path to become extinct too.

The extinction rate due to modern man's technological and population imprint has increased extinction to all time high rates. Yet many people only think of what happens on land. The rate of damage to the oceans is worse and for one thing far more oxygen is produced by the ocean than flora on land. Also the food chain is more critical in the ocean. We are more dependent on that than people realize. It's a very dangerous eroding situation that does not seem to have resolution since the problem is human self-interest and the profit motive.

When people are much less concerned about the health of the planet than having their toys, like muscle cars, how do you convince them to change their mentality of suicidal priorities???

Most people only care about what happens in their lifespan, and whether they believe they are less likely to be hurt by the consequences of their choices rather than protecting others including the future of their progeny and the planet.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
When people are much less concerned about the health of the planet than having their toys, like muscle cars, how do you convince them to change their mentality of suicidal priorities???

People who have three or four or more kids do much more damage than one guy with a muscle car. Some guy tearing around on Sunday emits less CO than a soccer mom shuttling kids to school and after to soccer, hockey, piano, taekwondo seven days a week.

There would be a lot less problems if there were a lot less people.

Overpopulation makes everything else irrelevant. No matter how green humanity is there are not enough resources.
Organic foods? Where are you going to grow them when prime agricultural land is constantly converted into subdivisions?

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
It's his kids and theirs you and he need to worry about. The next generations. They are the ones that will need to adapt.

I am not really sure if it will be possible. Plus the fact there is a giant oil's hobby and big money involved, there will be also the people who will be recalcitrant to any change.
That's well known, there is a kind of passive energy against any change in life.

I don't know if "our" children will be more able to do something or simply if this will be too late? I would have like and deeply wish to feel more positive about the future. When I read Prime Minister of Quebec, in almost the same sentence, give a push and a go to a project that's not ecologic and said that he doesn't trust very much Trump in the environnement department, heu, what I am missing here? :pound: I think they do look to have the same interests at heart, being on the same side of the fence for sure.

Westwoody: I can tell there is a big change at the grocery: everything are now smaller than before. When you buy fresh things like fish, and it cost just double as not very far ago of that. So yes, I have the feeling that the production is not enough to product big products like before........


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I am not concerned about my financial security as i plan to retire soon. It is my childrens and their kids, with all this carbon tax, cap and trade bull shit which will do nothing but pad th pockets of politicians. Our debt will be huge with the spend free Liberals in the name of climate change plus JT wanting to be man of the year and give billions of our dollars to other countries so he is likes.... Buy friends with money, unique idea.

I figured that much... Your viewpoints were typical of Generation X in their 60's... You had the luck to grew up in an economically prosperous time when corporations were not all that powerful or as corrupt as today... Outsourcing of work being done and there was no internet. Full-time well paid jobs with full benefits were the norm now it is part-time temporary low paid jobs. This is what Generation Y and millennial have to deal with. Thanks to corporations exploiting their employees and ripping off their customers. You should be worried more about the so called hidden tax from greedy corporations. For example Wal-Mart is responsible for many employees resorting to food stamps, food donations, subsidized housing, and many other forms of assistance due to the corporation paying their employees so less so that the CEOs and their shareholders can live life in luxury.

Our current model of capitalism and the dominant ideas in policy making have led to a failure of investment by both the public and the private sector in the things that drive productivity, and which affect its distribution. Shareholder value theory is the destructive idea that companies should be run solely for the benefit of shareholders which has led to financialized businesses that do not invest in the areas that will lead to future growth or the invention of useful new products. Companies prefer to put money in the pockets of shareholders or to hoard cash rather than to raise wages or invest.

The ideology of shareholder value maximization is that the hypothetical shareholder is a functional psychopath - shortsighted, opportunistic, exploits employees, unconcerned about others and the planet (this last one describes you).

Another one of your friends is former Conservative Premier Mike Harris who are really ruined the city of Toronto. For example he removed rent control. Now rent prices are out of control. The prices are just ludicrous. Prices keep on going up but the salaries are stagnant. People are scrambling working two jobs while those owners are living a life in luxury at the expense of those people usually the younger generation... People at your age had to chance to grow up in an economically prosperous time but not those young people.

The reasons rightists say that there is income inequality is due to capital shares, skills, and technology. The real reasons for inequality is the lack of open access and market competition in elite investment and labor markets. To bring the elite down to size, we need to make them compete. However right-wing conservatives and the elites want more competition for everyone else except themselves.

Funny you talk about debt as the Canadian household debt is at an all time high. Debt is increasing exponentially. I wonder why. Salaries are stagnant while prices are constantly going up. But hey what the hell you care. You are set. The hell with the rest of the population so long as the rich and the corporations keep on getting richer and richer at the expense of the working class. You do realize that most CEOs are psychopaths.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Will the shutting down of 5 make a difference..... No. It will just cost the tax payers.

If everyone contributes the sum of it all will make a huge difference. Your kind of stupid thinking would have kept the same polluting cars from the 60's. As EagerBeaver said
Oil companies are promoting and funding exploration because the profit pipeline to the pockets of greedy oil company executives is threatened by the Teslas of the world.

This is the real reason the oil companies are investing. Conservative sheep.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
If everyone contributes the sum of it all will make a huge difference. Your kind of stupid thinking would have kept the same polluting cars from the 60's. As EagerBeaver said

This is the real reason the oil companies are investing. Conservative sheep.

Do you even have a clue what Canada produces for global pollution? 1.6%, if Canada shuts down everything and I mean revert back to the stone age it would make no difference to the environment on a global scale. You do not have a clue of what you are talikng about but run your mouth, do you use any form of transportation, heat your residence with gas or oil, buy products that are shipped? Hyprocrite that spouts green, what do you think of your beloved green Quebec about to go on a fracking rampage? All is good now? Canada shutting down its coal generators while others build three times as many is not a very bright idea as Canada is varbon neutral or even carbon negative. You have it all wrong as Liberals are the sheep and the Conservatives are the ones checking facts before we make up our minds. You are perhaps the sheep ring leader for Quebec, no common sense comes from your thought. Other countries are starting to push back on tje climate change BS but you still follow the Liberal media without a clue.
Trump has ir right, do not ruin your economy over false climate change BS.


New Member
May 14, 2016
People who have three or four or more kids do much more damage than one guy with a muscle car.

People have this illogical destructive habit of saying, well, this one is worse than that and this other one is much worse than that and end up knocking down everything that would help at all thus accelerating on the path doing more harm. The point isn't Canada with 1.6% of world pollution ( or any figure for any country ) is less destructive. The point is any damage that can be cut or blocked will keep the world from accelerating to greater damage. Talk about sheep. Stop running toward the slaughter.

It's not this versus that, it's stop piling it up and start cutting wherever it can be cut.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
People have this illogical destructive habit of saying, well, this one is worse than that and this other one is much worse than that and end up knocking down everything that would help at all thus accelerating on the path doing more harm. The point isn't Canada with 1.6% of world pollution ( or any figure for any country ) is less destructive. The point is any damage that can be cut or blocked will keep the world from accelerating to greater damage. Talk about sheep. Stop running toward the slaughter.

It's not this versus that, it's stop piling it up and start cutting wherever it can be cut.

But at what cost? Do you want to turn Canada into a third world country, new business will not open up shop with the ectra cap and trade plus carbon tax while just a little south it is more business friendly. The climate change hoax since it will change no matter how much we tax it, the federal carbon tax is not a separate tax as it should be, the money is thrown into the same pool and the government can spend it as they wish, not towards green energy projects as it is supposed to be.
The Trump post is closed so you decided to squalk over here?

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
This is the real reason the oil companies are investing. Conservative sheep.

I know you do not understand the meaning of sheep, someone who follows blindly. If you had knowledge it would know that Liberals are in the sheep zone as they do not question their leader just agree and follow, Conservatives look at better ways to improve things, think about it. Perhaps you should quit saying sheep as it proves my point about you.
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