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Sep 14, 2011
Patron, It sounds like you are talking about Leighton Meester and her drug smuggling mom, who was convicted for smuggling marijuana from Jamaica to the U.S. Anyway, Leighton's mom was pregnant while in prison and was able to be released to a halfway house for 3 months after Leighton was born. Unfortunately for the mom, she had to return to Federal prison to complete her sentence. Leighton spent her early childhood with her grandparents until the mom was released.


Jan 14, 2016
I've been searching on what happened during their court appearance on Dec 17th but no luck ... Anybody ??


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I did find this report from the Daily Mail on the Court appearance of Lagace by video link:

Says she had dark circles under her eyes- sounds like she was beaten by fellow cellmates/prisoners.

There will be a committal hearing tomorrow- December 16- on all 3 cases, so check for more news Saturday

One other note on that article: the last sentence indicates that it was Canadian border control authorities at the US border that passed a tip along to New Zealand authorities who, presumably, then shared that information with Australian authorities. These girls were suspected as drug mules even before they were caught. What this tells me is they were likely questioned as to how/why they were on that Cruise at some point in this trip and gave suspicious answers. And then their Facebooks were likely checked to see what they were posting. In the legal profession we always check Facebooks of younger persons we depose in civil matters as they almost always post stupid and detrimental things on their Facebooks that make them look idiotic in their civil cases. I recall one in which a girl was claiming a serious arm injury and her Facebook showed video of her scoring goals for her lacrosse team............a lot of people do not get that Facebook can be used as a public security video in these instances.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I wonder if it would be possible to set up conjugal visits with either of the two? You probably could get a good rate because they don't pay inmates very well to make license plates and paint etc. You would have to bring her make-up bag and heels and stockings.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
H101 you`ve already written the script of the next" it" prison drama.
I suggest you sign a deal with Netflix to write and produce a show that features a guy whose mission in life is to seduce ex-porn star party favour girls caught as blo mules.
For favours and gifts like make-up and high heels , he`d arrange conjugal visits with them in prison.
The sex scenes would be steamy so it would be R rated..... maybe MA14 on cable.
I`d love to direct it.:director:


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I don't know the law in Australia on this point but I know that New York and other US states have passed laws preventing incarcerated criminals from profiting from their notoriety. The NY law is called the Son of Sam law due to the attempt by convicted serial killer David Berkowitz to profit on book sales detailing his crimes. The money went to the victim's families.

However such laws usually only extend to those who are convicted and these girls have not been convicted of anything yet. If they are convicted profits or revenue from reality TV shows may have to be paid to substance abuse facilities or some other group that benefits the victims of their alleged crimes. I would speculate there is Aussie law on this.


Jan 14, 2016
You mean Dec 7. Can't find anything either...

Yes, correct, my bad. Dec 7th supposed to be a court appearance for a plea, then Dec. 16th, a judge will rule out if there is enough evidence for a trial. I got interested in this story because way back last year I saw them both on a Sugar Daddy site. I wouldn't be surprised that the Tamine guy is the Sugar Daddy for both and at the same time using them as mules. May be a few past successful transactions got them to this big coup now, who knows .... . Very interesting story to follow indeed.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Their Sugar Baby days appear to be over for now...........Tamine was likely sugaring with someone else's money, I see him as the middleman and fall guy shielding the principal Sugar Daddy.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I would like to ask them if it was worth it, now that they are in prison.

Ouch that hurts. I know they are young and stupid, but something tell me they do not deserve the outcome. It will be a very hard lesson learned, if they one day recover from this.



New Member
Apr 3, 2012
I asked myself that question. I actually can imagine a man do something so reckless, because by nature we are more reckless. Women don't tend to act like that, that may be why we men have this fixation. This event will change them, I actually think they will become more interesting. People who hit rock bottom tend to get rid of the superfluous around them to focus on basic stuff.

I don't think they'll be thinking about breast augmentation, tanning and dying their hair to look different anymore. Eat, sleep, provide a mystical meaning of life, find joy wherever possible, my kinda girl.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
If they were both young males, you wouldn't give a care in the world and you know it

Good point indeed. And it's true. I would not have followed much I think. You know I like woman. I like to protect them, give them gift and give them my time. I like woman who raise to power, who exercise work usualy done by men. I enjoy woman much more then men actually. I just get along with them so easily. And woman are so beautiful. Men are so ugly. Seing 2 little princess like that screw up their life because of their own innoncence and stupidity hurts me.



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I think it's true that we feel more sorrow for them because they are women. And because most of us believe they were quite likely manipulated by Tamine and Tamine's principal in a way that would not likely have happened with young male mules. These women likely were led to believe that in exchange for Sugar Baby Companionship on a luxury cruise, all they had to do was allow Tamine to put a few bags in their luggage and he would remove it from the ship when they got to port. They just didn't account for the K9s. The girls likely believed it was very low risk. Were they horrendously naive? Of course, but that is why we feel sorry for them.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I believe it was the introduction music for the Beretta show used to say "don't do the crime if you can't pay the time." I think that applies here. Even for the fat old grandma. Come on. The silly death sentence in Indonesia and Thailand for dealing drugs is well known. However, with these two, I do feel different. As a hobbyist, man, and a father, I feel for these two. As a hobbyist, this makes them more interesting....I forgot to say a lover of porn...ahmmmfff.....As a hobbyist, I have seen many girls in Montreal and I have liked most of them. I mean I have really liked these young girls and they made me feel so good during those intimate moments. These two were escorts. They may have been my girls? I want them back in the fold until they find love and they leave, carried off into the sunset...or until they find a real job. And yes, I'll admit it if they were feminist, bulldyke, anti-male, hair-clipped, wire glasses wearing lesbians that look like the lot that are always marching on Washington, I would hope for the death penalty. I think as a man and a father I feel the same way.

I just hope that the other young girls in Montreal see this and understand that they are not bullet proof.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Did this girl (Isabelle Lagace) ever work for Devlish/GoF during the days when Chris was the head honcho? Some of the older pictures ring a bell.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Could not have said it better Hungry ;)

Interesting development:

The older girl will plead guilty, the other girl and the ass hole tamine will plead not innoncent.


It's very interesting that Isabelle Lagace has elected to plead guilty while her two co-defendants have pled not guilty. They can now finger-point at the guilty party. Lagace just made the jobs of the attorneys for Tamine and Roberge a lot easier. Lagace was apparently the girl who was beaten and she appeared via video link to enter the plea because a plea cannot be entered by an attorney it must be by the defendant. Maybe she figured she is going down at trial and best chance at shorter sentence is a guilty plea. For all that we know Tamine and Roberge are really rolling the dice and could get whacked with bigger sentences. Tamine who is 63 will be in jail rest of his life and has nothing to lose. Roberge is taking the bigger risk.
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