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I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
It's very interesting that Isabelle Lagace has elected to plead guilty while her two co-defendants have pled not guilty. They can now finger-point at the guilty party. Lagace just made the jobs of the attorneys for Tamine and Roberge a lot easier. Lagace was apparently the girl who was beaten and she appeared via video link to enter the plea because a plea cannot be entered by an attorney it must be by the defendant. Maybe she figured she is going down at trial and best chance at shorter sentence is a guilty plea. For all that we know Tamine and Roberge are really rolling the dice and could get whacked with bigger sentences. Tamine who is 63 will be in jail rest of his life and has nothing to lose. Roberge is taking the bigger risk.

Do you think Lagacé was offered a deal to plaid guilty in order to have a stronger chance to get Tamine?



Active Member
Jul 6, 2008
If the ''older'' Isabelle Lagacé pled guilty and the younger Roberge not guilty, i have two theories.

First theory is the two girls disagree on how they should fight the accusations, one decided to plead guilty hoping for a short prison sentence and then come back here in Canada to restart her life.
The second one took the gamble to plead not guilty hoping the accusations will fall.

Which bring me to my second theory. Isabelle Lagacé, who at 28 is 6 year older than Roberge(22), possibly is the one who was fisrt recruited for this journey and then approched her friend Roberge to join her in this. Maybe she did not give all the details to her friend about what or how much they were going to smuggle.

She might now feel guilty about bringing her in this mess and decided to take all the blame. What's the use of being the 2 of them in jail if she can at least avoid a sentence to her younger friend.

A lot of Merb members had a tendancy to believe that Tamine was the mastermind or at least the middleman in all this operation and the 2 girls were paid like sugarbabies to accompany them.

My OPINION is that Lagacé was the leader of this trio. If Tamine was the middleman of a criminal organisation, they would tell him to plead guilty and spare the two young girls.

Tamine was 63 year old, living in a small appartment having as hard time to pay his rent. Roberge was relatively young at 22 compared to Lagacé 28.
Six years is not a big difference, but when you think about it, when Lagacé was 18 and clubbing, Roberge was 12 year old ! Lagacé who was a gutsy wowen, doing porn and working as a barmaid in clubs had a lot more life experience and met a lot more people, increasing the possibility she met bad persons in the drug business.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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All of your theories are valid and possible but your reasoning for Tamine not being the middleman I do not agree with. Your theory would make Tamine take the fall if he was middleman but for all we know he is a relative of the principal or has some other value to the organization that exceeds the value of the girls. Your theory is that they too would feel sorry for the girls and I doubt they care what happens to the girls. All 3 were viewed as sacrificial pieces. The question really is do any of them have any value to the syndicate, and the answer is probably not, but we do not really know.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Do you think Lagacé was offered a deal to plaid guilty in order to have a stronger chance to get Tamine?


She likely was offered a deal but we don't know what it is. I have speculated she was offered less time and the deal would include her testifying against the other two in which case the other two can point fingers back at her and say she is giving self serving testimony because she cut a deal. And then we are off to the races.

Years ago I watched a murder trial in which an accomplice to the murder held the pillow down on the victim's face while the other defendant strangled the victim with the pillow. The accomplice cut a deal and testified in Court "I held the pillow down and the other defendant pushed". That was a fun cross examination to watch. It's all in how the witness performs but in that case the testimony buried the other defendant and the jury convicted his ass. The defense attorney whom I know well did a great job cross examining the cops who investigated the murder scene and made them all look like assholes on cross examination, but it was not enough to overcome that eyewitness accomplice.


Jan 14, 2016
Tamine was 63 year old, living in a small appartment having as hard time to pay his rent.

Do not judge a bird by its feather. These guys chose to show this kind of life/portrait of themselves to all their entourage while having suitcases of money, real cash money over at friends place an they rotate places. I know so .... Don't ask me how i know but believe me, I know so. These suitcases contain different foreign coupons (USD, Euros, Pounds, Australian Dollars, CAD Dollars, etc ..). These guys look like beggars, dressed like beggars and act like beggars. All that is to minimize exposure vis-a-vis LE. These same beggars lookalike changes their looks while traveling abroad to either make payments, make transactions or simply to help transportation.

I strongly believe Tamine is the mastermind of these poor two girls, driven by a group of international crime syndicates.

Now, these 2 girls appeared in a SD/SB site before that I witnessed to see their faces. My theory is that Tamine is the acting SD (and yes he probably sexed them in many possible ways you can imagine) and many prior minor transactions have been done by the same group. Seeing how easy the prior transactions were, now it was time for a big coup .... May be LE have already flagged them but not moved on them yet since probably were minor transactions or perhaps they were followed for pre-transations of this magnitude. The story about collaborations with US, Canada and New Zealand border holds true to me since it was an international plot by international crime people. The same people did some prior moves that flagged these borders.
My theory ... .


Jan 14, 2016
It's very interesting that Isabelle Lagace has elected to plead guilty while her two co-defendants have pled not guilty. They can now finger-point at the guilty party. Lagace just made the jobs of the attorneys for Tamine and Roberge a lot easier. Lagace was apparently the girl who was beaten and she appeared via video link to enter the plea because a plea cannot be entered by an attorney it must be by the defendant. Maybe she figured she is going down at trial and best chance at shorter sentence is a guilty plea. For all that we know Tamine and Roberge are really rolling the dice and could get whacked with bigger sentences. Tamine who is 63 will be in jail rest of his life and has nothing to lose. Roberge is taking the bigger risk.

Agree 100% here.


New Member
Apr 3, 2012
By sooner I meant 10 years. By that time she'll be close to 40. Sexy4u might be more suitable than euphoria or xo

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
By sooner I meant 10 years. By that time she'll be close to 40. Sexy4u might be more suitable than euphoria or xo

She could always advertise herself as being 34 and a lot of suckers wouldn't be able to tell the difference. I'm sure advertising on a site like this one or indy companion could be very beneficial for her. I remember back in the day when the most popular sp was a 50-year old. Anyone here remember Jasmine a.k.a. 'Lilly Love'?? I came within a whisker to have a threesome with her and her daughter.


New Member
Aug 15, 2011
Hello all,
From a luxury cruise to prison ... what a difference ... no matter what, it must be very hard, Anyone think about it???

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
From a luxury cruise to prison ... what a difference ... no matter what, it must be very hard, Anyone think about it???

No one said life was supposed to be easy. We make both good & bad choices over our lifetimes and we have to learn to live with our decisions....good or bad.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
No one said life was supposed to be easy. We make both good & bad choices over our lifetimes and we have to learn to live with our decisions....good or bad.

True. Funny thing is I have been with people that had everything, money, girl and all. Still, they were not happy. They felt out of place everywhere and all the time. This is the worst you can be. Ask the wife of Trump. She would most probably say that she would trade it all for 1 day of happiness.



Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
She could always advertise herself as being 34 and a lot of suckers wouldn't be able to tell the difference. I'm sure advertising on a site like this one or indy companion could be very beneficial for her. I remember back in the day when the most popular sp was a 50-year old. Anyone here remember Jasmine a.k.a. 'Lilly Love'?? I came within a whisker to have a threesome with her and her daughter.

I saw her in 2009. She was older than 55 and looked like 35-40 with the service second to none. True legend.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Hello all

The father of Melina Roberge has political contacts see post 178 of this thread ,I guess will see soon where it leads too ,there's already a difference in plea between the 2 girls !



Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
True. Funny thing is I have been with people that had everything, money, girl and all. Still, they were not happy. They felt out of place everywhere and all the time. This is the worst you can be. Ask the wife of Trump. She would most probably say that she would trade it all for 1 day of happiness.


Serious, bringing Trump into this with a thought of yours? Just like the media, get it out there first, even if it is not true.
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