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Quebecois cocaine cowgirls


Active Member
Nov 29, 2012
Hope these 3 rot away in jail :) I could see drug enforcements making her girls squeal for a shorter sentence. Give up some fat cats in the cocaine game, its their only way out.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I can't imagine the cops would care much how Tamine looks to his employer and certainly doubt they would care enough to tamper with evidence. Tamine already has been written off as he didn't get the job done. He is a drug mule and mules are by design persons who can be sacrificed to protect the principal. Tamine is no different to the drug syndicate than a disposable razor blade is to you. The cops don't need to make him look bad, because if he had any value to this drug organization he wouldn't be a sacrificial mule in the first place.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Hope these 3 rot away in jail :) I could see drug enforcements making her girls squeal for a shorter sentence. Give up some fat cats in the cocaine game, its their only way out.

It's unlikely the girls know much. The so called fat cats are far above on the ladder. The most the girls can probably give the cops is dirt on Tamine and how he involved them. Which will only help the case against Tamine.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Tamine already has been written off as he didn't get the job done. .

Yes certainly Tamine did not get the job done ,but he did not have any chances to do it .
What is worst is the guy who selected Tamine for the job ,with what the public record showed before hand where raising flags and should of rejected Tamine for the job

Criminal organization has access to Police,lawyer,Judges,law makers ,retired or active ,advice ,that is if they are well organized




Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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When the drug syndicate was looking for someone to fill the positions of drug mules to Australia do you think they got a bunch of applications from Harvard and McGill graduates? The truth is we do not yet know that much about Tamine. Just because he was recently broke and needed money doesn't mean he did not have other qualifications for this job. The most important qualification is that he could be sacrificed. Tamine will never see Canadian soil again.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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Absolutely, the girls were two innocent cheer leader types just there for some suntanning and an innocent shopping spree, suckered in by this scumbag.

At least one of them was an escort. A SP I saw recently identified her as a former colleague.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Add that to the fact that the Gang will tell their mules half story, many lies, change the itinary, change the amount carried and has mentionned here before, set them up to fail (altough in this case I doubt it). Once you embark with criminals, youre screwed. Once in "tu es juste du bétail qui va un jour passer à l'abatoir"...

Since 1970 thousand of people were executed or put in life sentence (especially in asia). Vast majority were low level dealer and mules.



Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere

When the drug syndicate was looking for someone to fill the positions of drug mules to Australia do you think they got a bunch of applications from Harvard and McGill graduates? The truth is we do not yet know that much about Tamine. Just because he was recently broke and needed money doesn't mean he did not have other qualifications for this job. The most important qualification is that he could be sacrificed. Tamine will never see Canadian soil again.

Exactly he could be sacrificed .So STN theory does make a certain sense on this aspect .

As for STN's theory of this being a diversion, why would you sacrifice that much cocaine to import more somewhere else? Biggest bust in Australia history. But did anyone notice that what they seized was not exactly a great product- 49% cocaine, meaning it was highly impure. This batch surely did not come from Walter White's laboratory because it is 2 or 3 star cheapo cocaine:

Further more they where flagged as high risk travelers and you have a interesting interpretation of it

One of the articles I read said the Australian Border Services received a tip, presumably from Canada Border Services, that all 3 of these Canadians were "high risk travellers." The translation on this may be that the Australians communicated with Canada Customs about whether these passengers on a $22,000/person cruise are persons who can be expected to be on such a voyage. The only way it makes sense and doesn't arouse suspicion is if one is a Sugar Daddy and the other 2 were his young Sugar Baby escorts. That may have been the plan, but as has already been posted, it was a matter of public record that Tamine was broke and was surely not a good candidate to be impersonating a Sugar Daddy, if in fact that is what his cover was supposed to be. I would like to point out, the girls may not have known Tamine was a broke dude, they may have thought he paid for the trip!!!!!!!.




Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Absolutely, the girls were two innocent cheer leader types just there for some suntanning and an innocent shopping spree, suckered in by this scumbag.

I agree. They probably thought that they were hired to go on a good will tour as ambassadors of Quebec.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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A couple things going forward on these girls. I think they are not going to have much info for Australian investigators, meaning their Australian public defenders have little or nothing to negotiate with. Because of the size and publicity of this bust, they are likely to get life sentences or very close to maximum punishment. Australia will likely be looking to send a message to all international drug syndicates: "keep that fucking shit off our Island." Therefore these 3 are going to be made examples of. Whether the girls were semi-innocent or naively allowed themselves to be manipulated by Tamine or others doesn't give an attorney much to work with, because every young person caught with drugs makes those arguments and prosecutors don't wanna hear it. If you can't name names or give solid info, it's meaningless bullshit to the ears of a prosecutor. I have negotiated deals for very low level criminals with prosecutors and the mindset is always, "what can you do for me?" And I don't see that the attorneys for these young ladies has much to offer. Maybe they will help the case against Tamine, but Tamine's motive is already easy to establish and prove, so I also doubt they can very much bolster what is probably already an excellent case for the prosecution against Tamine.

As for Tamine, I would say it's likely he will die in an Australian prison. It doesn't seem like he left behind any family or assets in Canada. To his handlers, he is like a bad debt that has been written off and purged from the books.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
""Australia will likely be looking to send a message to all international drug syndicates: "keep that fucking shit off our Island."""

This will have absolutely no effect on the drug gang believe me. They are bandidos, if there is a demand, they will try... Hopefully this would be a message for regular ppl not to accept to act as a mule, under no circumstance! Once your in as a mule even with 1kilo whith these gang, you are fuck, they can then do anything with you. And the 1K can become 10 during the trip, what can you do?


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Good mules can make great money, you need to know your limits and keep info to yourself, best way to get busted is to run your mouth and start spending lots of money. Still sticking to my theory of a setup and much more got in elsewhere. Still curious as to how that much got that far.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Good mules can make great money, you need to know your limits and keep info to yourself, best way to get busted is to run your mouth and start spending lots of money. Still sticking to my theory of a setup and much more got in elsewhere. Still curious as to how that much got that far.

It's an interesting theory but I am not buying that anyone deliberately sacrificed cocaine which had a street value of $30 million. I can think of a thousand cheaper diversions. However there are aspects of this story that make it seem as though these mules, if not deliberately sacrificed, were thought to be good bets to get caught. In other words I suspect that someone believed somewhat recklessly that the mules might get that cocaine ashore but knew it was a huge gamble.

If the diversion theory is true the cops would know just by what's in the streets. Informants will tell them if new product just came in and how it got in. But I think if you want a diversion there are cheaper ways to distract LE than sacrifice that much inventory.


New Member
May 12, 2011
The coke is not worth $30 mill. till it is sold, it is only worth a few hundred thousand dollars.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
The coke is not worth $30 mill. till it is sold, it is only worth a few hundred thousand dollars.

The head of the gang group see it your way, but he will give shit to his gangmate to have lost a worth of 30 milllion believe me. Unless it's a whole setup plan to fail. I still doubt it but you need to consider that the mule in this case left a complete trace in their social media (a message should have given to them to lay low...) and why sending 50% quality cocaine to the country which as the highest value in the world per kilo? Anyone would have done the opposite, send the best pure cocaine as possible and have it dilute once on destination don't you think?



New Member
Apr 3, 2012
I feel bad for them, I can't imagine what they must have felt when the border patrol services opened their luggage. Their lives will be forever changed. They were obviously unconscious regarding what they were doing. They look like a pair of bimbos, but then again bimbos are unconscious.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The best defense they will get is shaving a couple of years off life imprisonment. Maybe eligibile for parole after 55 years of time. They have no money now and unless their families wire some money over they will have to settle for some Aussie public defender action and those guys have their work cut out for them.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Hello all

Was wondering of the attitude of Australian authorities versus unwittingly bringning drugs ,interesting recent article on it

Australian Federal Police manager Wayne Buchhorn warned that unwittingly bringing drugs into Australia could result in charges.
"People can expect they will be charged if they knowingly bring drugs into Australia, or are reckless or wilfully blind to the fact that there could be narcotics concealed inside their luggage or items they are carrying," Buchhorn said in a statement.

Mr Twartz's case also prompted a warning from the Australian Federal Police and Border Force, which said travellers should be aware that ignorance is not a defence.
'Claiming ignorance of drugs hidden inside your luggage does not automatically mean you will not face criminal charges,' Wayne Buchhorn, AFP Acting National Manager Aviation, said.
He warned travellers that regardless of whether a person knowingly, or unwittingly, brings drugs back into the country they will likely be charged.

When the drug syndicate was looking for someone to fill the positions of drug mules to Australia do you think they got a bunch of applications from Harvard and McGill graduates?.
Look at this a mule with at least a high school diploma !Lol
The retired oral surgeon was accused of importing up to 4.5 kilograms of cocaine encased in bars of soap into Sydney

Read more:

life imprisonment..
in Australia ,interesting recent article


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