If an unmarried person in Montreal, without children, is making $300 per week, before taxes, what is his/her takehome pay likely to be? How about if making $250?
If an unmarried person in Montreal, without children, is making $300 per week, before taxes, what is his/her takehome pay likely to be? How about if making $250?
You are aware that prostitution, personal drug use, smoking, alcohol and even the colour you paint your house (in many cities) are regulated in the USA and Canada, right?
If an unmarried person in Montreal, without children, is making $300 per week, before taxes, what is his/her takehome pay likely to be? How about if making $250?
In Québec, on a paycheck, no difference relating to marital status or age, as far as the taxman is concerned. Same deductions for pension plan, unemployment and federal/provincial taxes. Unless you get the insurance stuff factored in. Marital status, children and such will make a difference on the income tax declaration submitted at the end of the fiscal year only, not on the weekly income.
Then, if there were no tax deduction, people would not have children?!
The government's mentality assumes that people pattern their lives around the tax consequences of their actions. If there really are people who reproduce for the sole purpose of gaining a tax deduction (whilst ignoring the overwhelming total cost of raising children), are these really the people we want to be having children?