Montreal Escorts

first visit to Monteal, my expereience + review


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Terrebonne buddy,
Although the girls are very beautiful, this club is very overpriced considering it is a club out of downtown. Not sure I would consider this great, at these prices I would stick with another over priced club that is in downtown close to my home where I can just take the metro no need to drive. I live in downtown by the way but I always go to out of town stripclubs.
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Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
When it comes to Strip Clubs i think there is a double side arrow in some form. Let me explain. Strip Clubs have been "dying" for years. There used to be many in small towns and now they all gone. Montreal obviously still has its bigger ones but i wouldn't be surprise smaller ones folded. You can't open new ones in most places from what i learned not long ago due to ruling by cities. So since Montreal and Quebec are the bigger towns in South Quebec, they manage to still "survive" but by being "survivors" they also can charge more considering peoples HAVE to go there if they want to experience it.

In the late 2000s in Sherbrooke we had 2 clubs on the same street, both were owned by the same guy but i suspect "before my time" it was very prosperous to have both running together. One eventually closed but the other one for a few year seem to be still decent, but eventually it closed too. Now unless im unaware, in the core city of Sherbrooke, i think there is not even one left. Anyway those clubs you would go in free of charge beside a little 2$ to the doorman and dances were 10$. Girls attractiveness would obviously vary per night and weekends were a lot better, but sometimes i would still be "wowed" by the type of girl i would see.

But now if Strippers want to strickly "strips" they kinda have to go to Montreal or Quebec, or cities around (like Laval) because in Eastern Township its not really a thing anymore. In counter part these clubs know they can charge the big bucks because clients can also only experience it there. So who knows, maybe they charge more to manage to stay afloat and maybe overcharged will lead to their closure, thus when i say double arrow... If its not clear sorry, maybe i should had written it in french lol.

When it comes to escorts and looks. I think OP's taste are clearly "too high" or he was unlucky in his picks. There is plenty of mega babes in agencies. But when it comes to Lena and Julia comments, i think there is an important nuance to understand.

Yes tatoos have become more "normalized" these days. True. But its not the typical clients who get them. Its young SPs and gym guys in their 20s and 30s. In other words a graffiti wall type of tatooing may attract that boyfriend you seek, but it will less likely attrack the client you seek. But yes there will always be clients who go see "heavier women", or older women, or heavily tatooed women, of course. But its still a "niche" market. Its like a low budget martial arts movie, i love this personally. They still release some so obviously they still make money... But they release direct to video on demand.. Its not movies you will see in theatre or be given a bigger budget, because the general movie goer won't go see them. Its niche fans like me who keep them afloat. So can a 200 pounds mid 40s SP have clients? Absolutely. But she will not book like a 20 years old 115 pounds young SP. She will also probably have more regulars who seek especially women like her.

I can't pretend to know if the onlyfans "bubbles" will burst or not. I always saw it personally as more of a "completement". Ill pay for 1 scene or 2 of a model i find super hot, and extra points if its somebody i can meet. But i won't shred all my cash in that and replace real life meetings. I think its the same clients who enjoy camgirls or a more intimate relationship that are the whales of that type of sexwork.


Mar 29, 2019
I really enjoyed OP's post, as it read as a stream of consciousness that's both raw and honest.

It was refreshing, since he wasn't trying to suck up to an agency or SP.

OP is clearly a beginner and not a veteran hobbyist. He dipped his toe in the world of strip clubs and escorts, found out what he liked, and didn't like. Then shared his thoughts. I applaud him for doing this.

he raised several valid points - in his opinion, of course. Which I happened to mostly agree.

I think had he tried this 10 years ago, or even 5 years ago, he likely would have had a very different, and imo, more enjoyable experience. Again, for his taste, which I happen to share.

But that's life, nothing ever stays the same. Picking the right timing is crucial, just as in booking your preferred SP.

Looks like some ppl do not agree with his take, which is fine - we all have different reasons for partaking in this hobby. Each is as valid as any other.

What I find amusing, especially as a Gen X, is this incessant need for political correctness, or inclusiveness, to make sure no one is left feeling hurt or god forbid, body shamed, even in an industry that's judged mostly by physical beauty. Even if it wasn't OP's original intent.

Hey, we all like what we like. Nothing wrong with that. It's called a preference.

If you're like me, and you're into young 20-somethings who are in shape without too many tattoos, that's great. But there's some bad news for us: the supply of this type of SPs is decreasing year over year. That's a fact.

On the other hand, if you're into ladies in their 30s, with a few more pounds and inks on them, then you're in luck! You have your pick of the litter from just about any agency on any given day.

As for pricing. I've only dealt with agencies and never with indies over the years. Sure, the going agency rate has gone up, just like everything else in life. But fwiw, I certainly have met my share of DDG women from agencies, and had never felt the need to pay higher indy prices to see them. Actually, I've known several agency girls who went on to become very successful Indys. Good for them!

For my money, I view agencies as the sweet spot between backpages and indys.

But hey, to each his own.

There is no right or wrong taste in women.

Life is short, make the most of it by getting it on more in person, and turning down the volume online.


Aug 8, 2024
A little of my point of view.

I seem to fit your criteria. I am young, in shape and little tattoos barely noticeable.

Seeing how you talk about other SPs, I don't know how SPs your type will agree to see you (if they learn your merb handle). Including me.

Guess what... I am not the type of some people and it's OK. My fellow SPs are still booked, no matter their looks because their service is very good.

But for me to give a good experience, sexually or otherwise there needs to be a connection. In a way, like she said, inspiring. If I don't like you and you treat me like a body, I will not give you a good experience.

The type of girls you like may have diminished, but there are still some left for other man who likes other things.

"Not all men are interested in forming paid pseudo-relationships with providers"

Of course not, but again, you need to have a minimum of "relationship" to receive good service.

With sex you NEED a minimum of connection.

We are not sex dolls, we are still humans.

Anyways, I had a lot of thoughts about it and maybe they aren't in order but there they are.

Well said, you sound like a great lady, and expect every moment with you is worthwhile.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I'm sorry to hear about your negative experience at Chez Pare. It's true that just getting to your seat at Chez Pare can cost you a whopping $30, which I find quite ridiculous. And that's not even factoring in the prices for drinks and dances, which for the same amount, you could hire a service provider that guarantees you more. I believe Chez Pare is highly overrated, and I stopped going there a while ago. It seems like the price you pay for attending one of the most exclusive places in Montreal. I always advise people against going there because when you compare the money spent at the strip club to what you could get from a service provider, it's almost the same. Additionally, I feel that Chez Pare is overrated and overpriced. I also want to point out that most of the ladies there tend to overcharge you for their services. For example, if you only had 5 songs, they might try to convince you that you had 6. There are definitely better strip clubs out there in terms of value for money and quality compared to Chez Pare.
The experience is quiet different, but OP's experience were with the downtown ripoff joints. I am sure if he went to a out of downtown club his experience would have been very different. And I am like OP, the escort thing does not interest me much either. At first it was exciting, but a few times of that is enough for me. That one hour with a stranger just does not cut it. I have a few regulars I meet at the club I see regurlarly for some years. It is so much more fun and fullfilling. I spend a nice 4 hours each meeting and it is far more intimate. I know the girl, we know each other's real name. If I had to start from scratch, I might search at a stripclub or go to SA. But for sure an escort is not for me.
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