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Racism and The Mention of Race


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
The reason that is hard to believe is why would a hot young gorgeous girl would want to have sex with a man twice her age if not triple? At the end it is all about $$$. Nothing more nothing less. Sure they can mix business with pleasure but the main reason behind it all is the mighty dollar.

No Shit! Thats why I go to work everyday too...but i also like my job!


Jul 15, 2009
I have never seen a SP but I wouldn't be offended or become upset
that I was refused because of my race.I fully support a SP's right
to choose her clients based on race.Unlike a lot of black guys,It
doesn't bother me at all.It's her body and her choice as to who
has access to it.

The only thing that I would suggest is that in her ad...she makes it
clear that she doesn't accept blacks "Je fais pas les noirs"...something
simple like that.


A monk on the loose ;p
Jan 10, 2006
From another thread:

It is a question of context. If the mention of race is irrelevant to our understanding of the story, the inclusion is racist.

"Look at that black girl over there" when pointing at the only girl in the vicinity would be racist. "Look at that black girl over there" when she is standing in a group of girls would be descriptive, and not racist.

Mentioning a SP's ethnicity as it relates to your experience would not be racist, as it is descriptive. Mentioning you engaged a Chinese SP in China wold be redundant.

Yeah, very tricky.
Like sliding over banana peel. I do not know whether it is correct or not to mention race (I guess if the intent is to avoid confusion and conflicts, it is the way to go), but I know that when the booker asks me for my race...he has just turned me off right there!


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Yeah, very tricky.
Like sliding over banana peel. I do not know whether it is correct or not to mention race (I guess if the intent is to avoid confusion and conflicts, it is the way to go), but I know that when the booker asks me for my race...he has just turned me off right there!

Yea. I guess it depends on the person. I would not take it offensive but I guess some people would. When I call a SP i always mention my race and ask for any restrictions if any. At least the booker is taking initiative by asking up front to save both parties a very uncomfortable experience. I suppose the least offensive way to make it known would be to mention it on the website but then again there might be some people who might even take offense to that. But I think due to the nature of this business we must way the pros and cons and I think the pros would outweigh the cons by mentioning on the website the SP's racial restrictions if any.

No Shit! Thats why I go to work everyday too...but i also like my job!

Just checking to make sure we are on the same page. Yes it is possible to enjoy your job at the same time as long as we do not forget the main reason she is doing this is for the $$$ .

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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Just checking to make sure we are on the same page. Yes it is possible to enjoy your job at the same time as long as we do not forget the main reason she is doing this is for the $$$ .

Yes we are in agreement Cloud500...exactly!


Jul 16, 2006
Miami Beach
...But, the thing is that on 10 black clients, 4-5 of them will be real jerks (as an indy)...but the average is worse as a stripper (i would say 6-7/10 will be real jerks

..... when there is several other men that would be interested to make me dance...I'm sorry but i wont take the risk/chance...

The Bitchelor

Wow.. That is an informative post.
I never realized that working girls had this perception of black men. I travel to Montreal for business quite frequently and I tried the SC and SP scene without much success. I could never figure out exactly what was the problem.

I wasted so much time calling agencies trying to see if anyone on the roster would be available to me or sitting in a SC being bored. A few nights I spent hours in the hotel waiting for the agency booker to call me back to see if he found anyone who was willing to come meet me. Often, by the time I was told no, I wasted my evening. Finally, I just decided the hobby was just not for me and moved on to other fun things. Montreal is fun city with lots of other stuff to do.

If I had known that there was a perception that there was a 60-70% chance that I was a jerk and not worth a lady's effort, I could have saved myself a lot of wasted nights. I do know a couple of Indys who are happy to spend time with me, but they can not be booked on short notice... and unfortunately, my current work situation sends me to Montreal frequently, but on very short notice (1 day notice).

So now at least I know, what the heck was going on.
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