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Rant: Uncalled for negative reviews of MERB Independents

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
A thought for the white knights: They really should be happy! :nod: A few bad reviews, and it becomes a lot easier to book that favorite!! So chill the fuck out! :lol: :lol:

Totally agree.


Feb 18, 2015
Could someone please help me understand? What is a white knight? I was reading some reviews and I saw one about Jaida of Euphoria that was harsh is a post by overfiend. The guy said he wasn't sober and daty smelled bad. If it had been me I would have stopped. Maybe the guy figured he was stuck for the money and had to go on no matter what but it looked like he had made up his mind about the girl before the main event. The review didn't sound like the girl ever had a chance. Is a guy a white knight if he defends an escort from someone like that? Later in the thread other guys wrote glowing experiences defending her service. Are they white knights?

I've also seen reviews that were mostly positive with some small lightly negative criticisms. Then some other members came in and were very hard on the reviewer who gave only one or two small criticisms. Are those kinds of people who are hard on small criticisms no matter how light white knights?

When I read reviews I look for writers who are willing to make small honest criticisms. It tells me I am reading a person who has his eyes open. He's not overwhelmed by by his hormones and he's not trying to get knock the girl down for some kind of hidden purpose. This is the kind of guy I think I can trust and still some will go after him for any negative comments no matter how small.

Where do we draw line drawn for being a white knight?


Mar 14, 2009
NB, Canada
A white knight is generally someone who will defend/comes to the aid of a person no matter the scenario. Often clouded by their own personal feelings towards said person. So in these scenarios, a lot of guys will become white knights if they had good experience/are infatuated with a certain SP and feel the need to defend any negative comments towards them. Which I try to reason with a previous post I made that every SP is human and can't always provide the same level of service, also some guys have different things they look for/get turned off in SP's which can offer negative reviews.

Just pointing out someone being unreasonable (himself being drunk, expecting services not offered etc....) in their review doesn't make one a white knight.
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