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ready for your first post, read this first


Apr 20, 2003
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So you have been lurking for some time, and have received some good information about massage or strip club or sp from the board, and are ready to make your debut review.
Some tips for your first time.
1 use the search function and see if the girl you want to write about has been reviewed before, the archives go back as far as march 2003. If she has a thread already , or is part of an agency megathread then post there.
2. write in the language you are most comfortable in, for your first post it is important that you get your ideas across, don't worry ,even though this is an english board, if you write in french someone will translate.
3. write a comprehensive and detailed review. this is very important. you do not have to get into the nitty gritty details of the session but you have to give details.
the address for massage parlor
the general area for incall/private massage.

the phone number or website url where applicable.

the name of the girl
what she looks like, hair color, height, weight ( approx) , age, distinguishing characteristics/ tatoos. what does her body look like, what does her face look like.
what services were offered.
how much do they cost.

what did you like or not like about the service? what was memorable about it.
what did you like or not like about her? what was memorable about her.
did you feel it was worth the money?
would you repeat?

hope this helps you
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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2003
Visit site
Good Idea Spartacus... but I think posting the address of the girl might be too much info. A lot of girls like to "filter" calls and decide if they give their address after speaking with the client. The phone number or website URL is more then enough and won't invade the SP's privacy.

I think any info that is public (ie website or add in the papers) is ok. With regards to the address, that is rarely the case.

What do you think ?
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