@ Alyssia
How is it ironic? We are a majority of french in quebec too... And if you imply canada, to me thats pretty much just a foreign country such as USA... i am always surprise to see there aint no borders between Ontario and Quebec, cause would it be my decision, there would be... And yeah english can be usefull, never said otherwise, but do i need to speak it perfectly? No. Look at GSP, he speak with one of the worst accent i ever saw, yet he still is champ and do fine in an american compagny.
But it sound like those men who what their kids to follow their footsteps
Thats common sense, even tough i don't agree with the doctor exemple, would you like your kid to be something all opposed to you? If i have a kid someday you can be sure the first CD i will give to him is gonna be Metallica, and i will make all efforts nessary so that he loves metal and not the crap like Lady Caca and Justin Beaver that those kids love today. If i fail so be it, but i will try.
Especially since your english looks wayyy better than your french at the moment
Of course... its so simple to write english, even without trying im not doing too bad....
I don't play on PC, never will, i can't play with a keyboard and mouse... its not in my gene i guess, i have been raise with a controller, i will always use a controller and i love to just buy my games, put them in the xbox and tada ! it work. Everytime i tried to play a PC game either my PC couldn't run it because it was too recent, or it didn't work because of weird reason, or it work but there some glitch... thats just too much trouble...
Now that being said, me and my friends usually make a party chat when in the same team on a game, but that feature didn't exist in 2006 when i started playing Gears of War. When a person was dead, he couldn't speak with his teamates anymore, he was put on a deathroom chat if i can say where all dead people could speak to each other. It was an elimination kind of game, like search and destroy on COD only the goal was just to kill each other. So when we died, we didn't stoped speaking to each other, if one of us was still alive and the 3 others dead, of course we would chat among each other, and the english would always make a scene. More often than not(actually 9 games out of 10) we would kick there ass , so they would get mad and pick on us for stupid reasons like the language. Even if they where winning, they would mock us and all because we speak french(how many times i heard "i surrender" because they tough we where from france... ignorants)
In any case i won't restrain myself from speaking my language with my team of friends just to accomodate dumb ass americans who are just mad because they can't understand what we say. I made the effort of learning your language, make the effort of learning mine if you want to understand. We played team of spanish, team of germans and such and never mocked them because they where speaking there language. Xbox live is universal, i have the right to play in my language, there is nothing saying english only.