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Rent for sex in Vancouver


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Hello all

Surprisingly many are accepting ?

Vancouver’s rental market is so tight that landlords are asking for – and getting – sexual favours instead of rent, even though the practice is illegal, a CTV News hidden camera investigation has discovered.
Dozens of online ads offer the chance at free rent to female tenants willing to have sex with their landlord. One posting seeks a “a sexy slut,” while another references a “friend with benefits.”
When a CTV News employee tracked down some of these landlords by posing as someone interested in cheap rent, our cameras recorded an array of sexual propositions – and claims this wasn’t the first time these men had traded their rooms for sex.

“I’m outraged. I’m disgusted,” said Louisa Russell of Vancouver Rape Relief & Women's Shelter, who warned women against entering into such arrangements.
Vancouver is Canada’s most expensive rental market, with Padmapper estimating the median price for a one-bedroom apartment is $1,700 a month. Properties are very hard to find as well – the current rental rate is only 0.6 per cent, the lowest in the country.
It’s in that environment that rooms-for-sex ads are proliferating.
“If you clean and cook and don’t mind occasional fwb [friends with benefits] sex from time to time, rent can be very minimal,” one ad reads, warning “sometimes I will need some late night sex, so no fatties please.”
Another advertised “a free room in exchange for your time once or twice a week,” again with the acronym FWB.
The employee of CTV News, who called herself "April Lim," arranged a meeting with that advertiser near Metrotown. He picked the location, saying his mother would be shopping nearby while he discussed terms.
Rent would be free at his Burnaby basement suite, but he said to April he would have sex with her after he came home late for work. “We will spend the night together, yeah?” he said.
“Do you like to be on top?” he asked. “Do you like to be in charge?”
Later, on the phone, he is more specific, saying, “We can have rough sex in the living room, on the sofa.”
Another ad offers a “free room share for a nice, clean person.” When April meets the author in downtown Vancouver he says the room share is actually a “bed share” – and plenty of desperate renters are interested.
“You know what? A thousand e-mails. A thousand e-mails,” he says on camera, gesturing to his phone, as another email response comes in as the cameras roll.
The “bed share” he is offering is in his room in a one-bedroom condo on Burrard Street, and the tenancy will last only as long as April is willing to have sex.
“If you’re nice, OK. If you’re rude like them then I can say, ‘Sorry, please leave,’” he said.
Under Canada’s prostitution laws, selling sex is not illegal, but buying it is.
Neither of these men responded to our attempts to interview them, though one texted us to say he found a “benefit friend” for his condo, and the room was rented.
Russell of Vancouver Rape Relief said rent in Vancouver is so expensive that some women have little choice but to make alternate arrangements. The $375 rental supplement is laughably low in a city where median rents are more than $1,000 higher, she said.
“We receive calls from women phoning us complaining about predatory landlords too,” she said, adding she has met with Vancouver’s mayor in the hopes of finding new ways to ease the housing market, and that she wants police to crack down.
Const. Brian Montague of the Vancouver Police Department said the force is aware of the issue, but it’s not a priority for his investigators because the people involved are consenting adults.
However he said if they receive a complaint from anyone in that situation the officers would investigate with an eye to serious charges, including unlawful confinement and sexual assault.
Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson wasn’t available Tuesday, and staff of B.C.’s housing minister said through a spokesperson he wouldn’t comment




I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I have seen so many girls getting promoted or salary rase, or simply getting the job, because of sexual favour...

Regarding offering a rent for sex, a bit discuting to see that in the open, but not that surprising. Cannot imagine the type of girl that would say yes to that.



Sep 4, 2006
This sort of thing used to be a nice porn clip or a fantasy I play out with my ATF, but hearing about it actually happening is quite depressing.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Interesting article, but i don't know what the big deal is since it's not much different than having a sugar daddy and if you check Mlt's online ads, there are many requests for sugar daddies.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Interesting article, but i don't know what the big deal is since it's not much different than having a sugar daddy and if you check Mlt's online ads, there are many requests for sugar daddies.

I do agree with you Doc it is not different other then the presentation.
But sometimes presentation is everything !



Monsieur Clarion

New Member
Mar 25, 2011
I would rather get the rent in cash and get the sex I want. That way I get what I want, when I want at the place I want, with the type of lady I want. Less problems that way.

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
My first impression it is NOT like getting in a sugar arrangement at all because of one detail mentionned:

They say in the article that the "Vancouver’s rental market is so tight that landlords are asking for – and getting – sexual favours instead of rent, even though the practice is illegal, a CTV News hidden camera investigation has discovered."

Landlords or others who are simply having a home are just wanting to take advantage of a situation that a lots of ordinary people have to deal with and stress with.
And, I don't understand that they are not arrested with C-36, and they can advertise it so well also. This is clearly incitation to prostitution.
Not my circus, not my monkees. But girls/women that are looking to accept for that kind of agreement should have a look how an escort is asking by hour and they will see how ridiculous those offers are.

What, late at night, all nights? Or few nights a week? Pfftttttt And she has to live there full time. And be very very very sympatic, keeping smiling full time, if not, he is going to "get rid of her"?

Better become plenty a prostitute then. Tant qu'à faire.

That's miserable to be forced like that.

To makes things more clear: The idea to make those "special agreements" should always comes from the women. (by the ones who are giving access to their bodies) Incitation is still illegal, right? Or with C-36 it disappeared?

Just by a point of morality (and yes, that could look sooo funny for some that me I am talking about morality, but we are talking here about REAL morality between wanting to help someone or to take advantage of someone in a difficult situation, and THIS is just wrong.


Feb 9, 2016
Si l'arrangement convient à certaines femmes, pourquoi pas? Le vrai problème est plus le prix des logements et des maisons, à mon avis.


Sep 4, 2006
It is different. A sugar daddy is a transactional agreement, what is going on here places one side at so much risk than the others. It is a form of dominance that borders on servitude.

In a normal rental agreement there are controls in place to guarantee the rights of a tenant. In the 'bed share' scenario described the man can kick her out at any moment, there is no eviction notice or grace period to make other arrangements for herself. She will have to satisfy his appetite however it might change or perhaps new requests (e.g. my good friend will be by later I want you to sleep with him) and non compliance means she could be kicked out right away with no chance to make other arrangements.

In the case of a landlord providing a residential unit for sex, there is no money trail that establishes she is paying her rent. This places her at a continuous disadvantage as she can be evicted (albeit not immediately like in the first scenario) for non payment, and perhaps sued for the amount of back-rent she owes. Also might put her in a situation where she cannot complain when the landlord is shirking his responsibilities as far as property upkeep.

With sugardaddy or client/SP relation there is a transaction and every party receives something at the moment of that transaction. What is going on here is placing the woman in a state of perpetual debt. It's different.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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Si l'arrangement convient à certaines femmes, pourquoi pas? Le vrai problème est plus le prix des logements et des maisons, à mon avis.
Je ne suis pas d'accord. Si le loyer est élevé à Vancouver, il est parce qu'il ya plus de gens qui veulent y vivre que le logement disponible. La seule solution à loyer élevé est le contrôle des loyers qui se traduisent par certaines chanceux louer pas cher et les développeurs se décourager de créer de nouveaux appartements et de maintenir ceux qu'ils ont.

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
Yes, Rollingstone, you're pointing out exactly the problem.

Here, the person who is proposing the agreement is keeping full time authority/power over the other.

And that's not normal, it is called esclavagisme.
Or at least, domination, but real crass domination because of the weak position of the other.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
It is different. A sugar daddy is a transnational agreement, what is going on here places one side at so much risk than the others. It is a form of dominance that borders on servitude.

In a normal rental agreement there are controls in place to guarantee the rights of a tenant.

Hello all and rollingstone

What makes a tenant regulated under that law is that he has a independent cooking facility , true in Montreal also true in B.C ,it doesn't apply to boarding house's .

Does room rental fall under the Landlord and Tenant Act?
A room rental still falls under the Residential Tenancies Act unless the roomer is required to share the kitchen and/or bathroom facilities with the owner, the owner's spouse, child or parent or the spouse's child or parent. If that is the case then this type of rental would be exempt from the Residential Tenancies Act. If you are in this category you will find a Fact Sheet on our website specifically addressing this issue, here is the link,
Secondary suite removal

Once you’ve removed any secondary suite, you can request an inspection with Bylaws by calling 604-591-4516, and pressing Option 2.

Before calling for an inspection, you must first

Remove any stove(s)
Disconnect any outlets for stove(s) and cover them with drywall
Remove any hood fan
Remove the breaker for any stove from the electrical panel
- See more at:

Their is actually many legal situation that can arise from this situation ,that the article doesn't mention .




Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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The idea to make those "special agreements" should always comes from the women. (by the ones who are giving access to their bodies)

I agree completely. At the very worst, the landlord could say something along the lines of "you say you can't afford the rent, but I will give you an opportunity to make more income." They would then sign a normal lease and the tenant, if she the arrangement became intolerable for her, could find some other way to pay the rent (e.g. roommate) or sublet, but could not be forced out.

Personally, if I was a landlord in Vancouver, I would prefer to collect the rent from whoever was able to pay it and, if I didn't need the money and did need sex, hire an escort or enter into a sugarbaby - sugardaddy relationship. I wouldn't want to evict or even have disagreements with someone for not continuing to provide enough great sex.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
Surprisingly many are accepting ?

Nobody knows that.

That's a typical BS news from journalists who know nothing else then spending time on craiglist to find weird juicy things to talk about. New trend? How do they know that? Do they really know these adds were not there before they discovered them? This type of adds and arrangements have been going on for decades in Paris and probably all large cities around the world.

They build these stories. Of course, they just had to call a rape relief center. And of course, as usual, the people there will tell anybody that they get calls, which is usually total bs. And they'll say it's a new phenomenon without having a clue about it. I'm a bit surprised they are not telling it's a "growing" phenomenon, but that will be the case when they rehearse the story next year.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Hello all

Nobody knows that.

Do you include yourself in that quote ?lol

That's a typical BS news from journalists who know nothing else then spending time on craiglist to find weird juicy things to talk about. New trend? How do they know that? Do they really know these adds were not there before they discovered them? This type of adds and arrangements have been going on for decades in Paris and probably all large cities around the world.

OF course their is BS, but to qualify it typical, in this case is a bit overboard !Since it is the currant Vacancy rate or lack of, in Vancouver that permits this situation to happen .

They build these stories. Of course, they just had to call a rape relief center. And of course, as usual, the people there will tell anybody that they get calls, which is usually total bs. And they'll say it's a new phenomenon without having a clue about it. I'm a bit surprised they are not telling it's a "growing" phenomenon, but that will be the case when they rehearse the story next year.

Even if they exaggerate stories often ,where there is smoke ,fire is usually not far .
But everyone is still entitle to his/her opinion




Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
Do you include yourself in that quote ?lol

Good one. Touché!

Vacancy rate and prices are directly linked. Also, to get good comparaisons between cites, you need to take into account salaries. They are higher in Vancouver then Montreal. That said, I absolutely agree that there is a huge problem in Vancouver. Markets have no other possible effect then to drive people out of the places where it is most expensive. But geography is a huge constraint to the expansion of Vancouver.

On your last point, I disagree. I think it is made up smoke, not a true fire generated smoke.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
On your last point, I disagree. I think it is made up smoke, not a true fire generated smoke.

Well hello gugu

That is a funny one .Are you arguying that made up fires are less dangerous then real ones ?lol

And for the stats comparable between cities, the ratio of salary employed to cover rent is more important then salary itself .

I happen to be Landlord in both Provinces and greater area of Vancity and Montreal.




Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Hello all

Todays follow up
Demands for sex from some Vancouver landlords uncovered in a CTV News hidden camera investigation are a sign Vancouver’s rental housing market has slipped from expensive to dangerous, said the city's mayor.
Gregor Robertson told CTV News he is trying to increase the amount of rental housing by restricting short term rentals like Airbnb and taxing empty homes, even as observers say more needs to be done.
“For anyone to consider that extreme situation is horrifying,” the mayor said. “It speaks to how dangerous the situation has become. We have to have more rental housing so people can have a place to live.”

Robertson was one of several leaders to express shock and outrage after a hidden camera recorded two men propositioning a CTV News employee posing as a potential renter.
In two cases, ads promising free rent “for your time” or a “room share” turned out to be coded offers for a sexual relationship when the undercover renter met the landlord in person.
“Do you like to be on top? Do you like to be in charge?” one landlord said, while telling her he likes massages and wants her to wear skimpy clothing. “We can have rough sex on the living room, on the sofa.”
B.C. Premier Christy Clark said she’s put $500 million into building 3,000 more rental units in the province, which she hopes will ease the market.
But she told a media scrum in Victoria that the RCMP should crack down on “predators” who are trying to exploit women.
“That story is about vulnerable women being exploited. Vulnerable women are being exploited every day in B.C. and all around the world and terrible people are finding all kinds of ways to do that. That is the problem,” she said.
“Vulnerable women find themselves so easily harmed by predators. Because that’s what people are. They are predators. I hope that anyone who saw that story is going to keep an eye out and help the RCMP. Those predators should go to jail.”
Earlier in the day, Solicitor-General Mike Morris echoed those remarks.
“From my perspective, it’s despicable,” Morris said. “I hope that the people involved in those kinds of things are investigated and prosecuted.”
But the NDP’s David Eby said the province should recognize that its policies have helped create the high prices and low vacancy rates that allow those predators to have too much power over the women hoping to rent a suite.
He said the province waited too long to act – and now the city’s rental crisis has “hit bottom.”
“We have an incredible shortage of rental housing in Metro Vancouver. It’s something that desperately needs to be fixed, and has been allowed to go on for far too long,” he said.
He said the province could be taking other steps, including allowing universities to borrow to build student housing, and added that more money should have been invested earlier.


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