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Retired Ol'timer
Nov 19, 2006
Maria Divina said:
Et j'ai même hâte lorsque je prends quelques jours de repos de revenir...Ça doit paraître, ça aussi....!!! Et comme je suis un ptit peu perfectionniste, je veux apprendre certaines pratiques pour améliorer ce que j'ai à offrir....Je n'en parle pas trop, tu vois, en détail, car je veux être l' pense plus qu'il n'y aura pas beaucoup de Sp qui vont faire ce que je vais faire, en tout cas....Ça se peut que je doive voyager pour ça...J'en parlerai en temps et lieu...
Merci, en tout cas, de me dire que ça parait dans mes écrits, ça me fait plaisir que ça paraisse....comme ça, peut-être que les "weirdos" ne seront pas attirés?? Et que les gentils le seront, espérons-le.......
Puis je te dire que plus on vous lis, toi et Elizabeth, plus vous nous donnez le gout de vous connaître en personne! Peut-etre un de ces quatre? ;) Je sais, je sais, Elizabeth ne rencontre plus, mais quoiqu'il en soit votre attitude face à cette business est rafraichissante. Merci d'apporter ce petit air frais ici :)

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Wine, women, & song ...
Jul 6, 2004
Banlieues de Métropolis

Bien que mon français soit peu un faible, c'était un plaisir de lire (et la traduction) vos poteaux ici, aussi bien que chacun autrement...

(Although my French is a little weak, I have enjoyed reading (and translating) your posts here, as well as everyone else's.)

Now, back to the thread!! LOL :D


Agent Smith - Mr Anderson
May 16, 2007
Lies ur french is quite good especially for a american :p You dont give yourself enough credit.

Montreal Sex City

Classy, Pretty & Sexy GFE
Mar 24, 2007
stephane2002 said:
Mais bon, je ne doute pas que Jessy va nous remonter les normes du marché en la matière en étant la 1ere agence ISO 9000 !!!!

Hi hi hi hi ! Elle est super drôle celle-la ! :D :D :D

Il ne faudrait pas trop le souhaiter, il a souvent été démontré que non seulement ces systèmes écrasaient les petites entreprises mais aussi que le produit résultant en devenait plus coûteux ! ;)

Y a-t-il quelqu'un qui voudrait m'expliquer comment on fait les ''quotes'' multiples ? Ça m'a complètement sortie de la tête ! :rolleyes:

Lion Heart

Missing in action...
Jan 5, 2005
To quote or not to quote....

Jessy xxx said:
Y a-t-il quelqu'un qui voudrait m'expliquer comment on fait les ''quotes'' multiples ? Ça m'a complètement sortie de la tête ! :rolleyes:

Chère Jessy,

Pour faire de multiples citations d'un même "post", il suffit de cliquer sur le bouton "quote", de copier l'ensemble du texte (incluant les
au début et à la fin, de les coller autant de fois que l'on souhaite à la suite de la citation initiale. On efface ensuite le texte non pertinent dans chacune des copies pour ne conserver que la partie souhaitée de la citation....

Pour faire des citations de plusieurs "posts", je recommande d'ouvrir une seconde session MERB dans une fenêtre ou un onglet séparé, de générer les citations souhaitées dans cette seconde session et ensuite les copier-coller dans la session initiale où l'on veut effectuer une réponse. On peut alors éditer chacune des citations comme dans le cas précédent.

Lion Heart

Montreal Sex City

Classy, Pretty & Sexy GFE
Mar 24, 2007
Merci beaucoup cher!

Je pensais qu'il y avait une fonction ou une technique plus spécifique !

Ok, ben ... more to come then !!! :D

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
A chat with Sunny of MHG...

I woke up feeling shitty today. I was bored so I called Montreal Hot Girls to ask Sunny some questions on a few ladies that disappeared. "Where are those YMMV ladies like Melodie and Leah?", I asked. "They were not GFE so they were not getting booked."

I told Sunny I quit the SP scene and that my last dollars were spent in a private clinic testing myself. We talked openly about the state of hobbying in Montreal and surprisingly, he was very honest. He did not mind if I share his thoughts with you.

GG: "You know there have been a few hobbyists on the boards who claim they got an STD."

Sunny: "You can't believe everything on the boards but I knew from the time agencies introduced GFE that it was only going to be a matter of time. Can you imagine if you spread this to your SO?"

He added:

"Most of these ladies are in it for the money. Nobody can guarantee a thing. Do you know how expensive it would be if we forced them to undergo medical tests every month at a private clinic where they get results and service right away? And even then, you do not know with whom they're sleeping in between the medical tests."

Finally, exasperated, he stated:

"I am sick of the whole thing. I get blasted all the time on Merb. People want GFE for peanuts and then they fear STDs. I'd say 10% to 20% of the ladies have a good head on the shoulders and the do not want to know what the reality is."

"The margins on this biz are getting squeezed to ridiculous levels. You can't make the money you used to. Clients are way too demanding. You still have some excellent owners like Martin and John but even they must get tired of the bullshit."

"Trust me, the risks are too high nowadays. GFE is great but if you catch something, you'll be kicking yourself wishing you never knew about this hobby."

You see Sunny is not always full of shit. He can't write English well but he makes a lot of valid points and as an insider with experience, I think he is well placed to know the real risks of the biz.



New Member
Feb 28, 2007
BS galore

General Gonad said:
Sunny: "You can't believe everything on the boards but I knew from the time agencies introduced GFE that it was only going to be a matter of time. Can you imagine if you spread this to your SO?"
There's no data supporting the current STD scare, neither is there a confirmed date for the introduction of GFE. My very first experiences, nearly twenty years ago, were, for most, GFE compliant. Back then, the outcall biz was flourishing. Rates established at $110-120/hr., given the purchasing power at the time, were plentiful.

Yet, if my memory serves me right, there was no big STD scare related directly to the hobby back then, agency owners didn't show a sign of remorse for coaxing SP's into offering GFE.

Rates, nowadays, have a hard time to break the $160 roof. As a matter of fact, the $140 level is being tested regularly. Business volume has certainly increased over the years, thanks to the internet, but so did competition.

Looking at the last 20 years, the agency rates have increased little while the purchasing power, on the other hand, has decreased significantly. The pie certainly got bigger but there are more players to share it among. Basically, there's a whole lot less money to make in the Montreal escorting biz than two decades ago.

In this context, there is a strong incentive to breakdown the GFE into an à la carte sort of service, with price tags at the end of each item. Think of cable service: you get the basic package @ a flat rate. If one wishes a specific sport channel that is not part of the basic package, he must buy a "sport package" and extra fees apply.

The problem for agency owners is to know how they will implement such policies without pushing clients away. One solution is to give clients an incentive strong enough so they can decide for themselves to stay away from GFE, hence the STD scare.

Like that, agencies and SP's won't pass for the bad guys. The catch 22 is agency owners are aware that clients will ask for GFE regardless and pay more to obtain it. All they want to do is to work the mentalities so that some sort of safe-GFE service becomes acceptable @ the ongoing rate and charge more for extras.

General Gonad said:
Finally, exasperated, he stated:

"I am sick of the whole thing. I get blasted all the time on Merb. People want GFE for peanuts and then they fear STDs. I'd say 10% to 20% of the ladies have a good head on the shoulders and the do not want to know what the reality is."

"The margins on this biz are getting squeezed to ridiculous levels. You can't make the money you used to. Clients are way too demanding. You still have some excellent owners like Martin and John but even they must get tired of the bullshit."
Thanks, Sunny, for illustrating my point. Based on the above-quoted statement, I would ask the members what they think Sunny's preoccupation really is: SP's and clients health or return on activities?

General Gonad said:
"Trust me, the risks are too high nowadays. GFE is great but if you catch something, you'll be kicking yourself wishing you never knew about this hobby."

General Gonad said:
You see Sunny is not always full of shit.
And the campaign of fear carries on. No, really, that's FOS. As for you, my General, I regret to inform you that you're playing here an instrumental role.
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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Ziggy Montana said:
And the campaign of fear carries on. No, really, that's FOS. As for you, my General, I regret to inform you that you're playing here an instrumental role.


My purpose is not to spread fear. Most people here do not fear catching something with a GFE lady or else they wouldn't be on these boards. I was happy to find out that I caught nothing after hobbying with so many different ladies. It's just luck. I could have caught something and maybe I'd be pissed as hell. If I had to gauge public sentiment, I believe that most clients underestimate the health risks (and I include myself in that cohort).



New Member
Feb 28, 2007
General Gonad said:

My purpose is not to spread fear. Most people here do not fear catching something with a GFE lady or else they wouldn't be on these boards. I was happy to find out that I caught nothing after hobbying with so many different ladies. It's just luck. I could have caught something and maybe I'd be pissed as hell. If I had to gauge public sentiment, I believe that most clients underestimate the health risks (and I include myself in that cohort).



I'm not accusing you of spreading fear. That being said, I'm inclined to think that you're being used to pass a message that, not only Sunny, but a certain number of agency operators have good reasons to disseminate.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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There is very rarely an intelligent discussion on this topic on the Boards in terms of quantifying risks, and for that reason I have typically ignored these threads, because they are certifiable bullshit. I think it is sufficient to say that most of us know there is a risk involved in hobbying and we choose to take it.

There is a risk involved in getting killed in a car accident, but I nevertheless drive my car to work every day.

There is a risk involved in getting killed in a plane crash, but millions of people fly every day.

There is a fairly significant risk of being mauled or killed in a bear attack if you go hiking and camping. Since 2000, there have been 20 fatal bear attacks in North America, most of them in Canada. There have been hundreds of attacks and maulings that resulted in non fatal injuries during that same period of time. But people still go camping and hiking.

All of the above activities involve risk of death. In most cases, contracting an STD is not a death sentence. The most common STDs, like chlamydia, are not only treatable but curable. Others are treatable and chronic, but still not a death sentence.

Today I learned that a friend of mine who is 47 years old has terminal cancer that has spread to his lymph nodes. He did not hobby, and was in fact very happily married to one woman whom he never cheated on. Things don't look too good for him. Sadly, there was no risk that he could have avoided to avoid getting this disease.

The bottom line is that in order to fully enjoy life we must accept taking some risks. Many of us choose to do that. There are very few activities - whether it is going to an amusement park, swimming, boating, hunting, or whatever - that is risk free. And if we are not prepared to intelligently quantify those risks in relation to each other, we should shut the fuck up. Because most of the posters here engage in other, more risky behaviors without even thinking about it.
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Montreal Sex City

Classy, Pretty & Sexy GFE
Mar 24, 2007
EagerBeaver said:
The bottom line is that in order to fully enjoy life we must accept taking some risks. Many of us choose to do that. There are very few activities - whether it is going to an amusement park, swimming, boating, hunting, or whatever - that is risk free. And if we are not prepared to intelligently quantify those risks in relation to each other, we should shut the fuck up. Because most of the posters here engage in other, more risky behaviors without even thinking about it.

So I also have to consider killing my business by rising up the price ? :cool:

:eek: :D ;)


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
Elizabeth said:
Let me simplify this for you, GG :

I think Ziggy means that you are being Sunny's bitch. :D
The issue of whoever conveys the message is not as important as the message itself. Reading through Sunny's quotes, my bullshit detector alarm went off.


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
Elizabeth said:
On a more serious note : I think a lot of what Sunny said is making sense. But his opinions go along with what is in his best interest (since I believe his agency is known to have many ladies who are not GFE). So it's hard to know how sincere he really is...
When Sunny says
"Trust me, the risks are too high nowadays", referring to GFE, I trust that he's complying to his agency owner's mission statement: "make money". Other than that, the statement is under caution.

Montreal Sex City

Classy, Pretty & Sexy GFE
Mar 24, 2007
mazingerz said:
ça signifie avoir l'impression que c'est ta petite amie et non pas faire des pratiques dangereuses.

Bien ca mon cher peu de gens semble le comprendre ... ;)

Personne ne demande aux filles un FS avec pénétration sans protection à ce que je sache.

Excuse moi la-dessus mais oui ca se demande,
plus de ce qu'on croit, et ironiquement, plus par les clients locaux
que par les voyageurs !!! :eek:

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Montreal Sex City

Classy, Pretty & Sexy GFE
Mar 24, 2007
traveller_76 said:
Et le , Jessy :rolleyes: ?


Je ciblais le FS sans protection mademoiselle ! :rolleyes:

Je corrige mon quote la !:p

Et si tu veux en parler du et du tcim,
tu peux toujours retourner lire dans ce thread même ce que j`en ai dit ! ;)

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Montreal Sex City

Classy, Pretty & Sexy GFE
Mar 24, 2007
mazingerz said:
Ces personnes sont totalement inconsciente mais personne normalement constituée va inclure ça dans sa définition de ce que devrait être un GFE

J'ose espérer que non !!! :cool:


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
Jessy xxx said:
So I also have to consider killing my business by rising up the price ? :cool:

:eek: :D ;)

Well...............I think you are in a better position to determine the adjustments to pricing that need to be made, if any, based on supply, demand and extent of services rendered.;)

I think it was Ziggy that mentioned some agencies have considered "a la carte" pricing, and in the past I have posted my agreement with this concept for certain services such as CIM and Greek.

Montreal Sex City

Classy, Pretty & Sexy GFE
Mar 24, 2007
EagerBeaver said:
I think it was Ziggy that mentioned some agencies have considered "a la carte" pricing, and in the past I have posted my agreement with this concept for certain services such as CIM and Greek.

It was the principal of what use to be post # 97 ...
That became post # 89 ! Guess some people erease
some of their comments ! :D

EagerBeaver said:
Well...............I think you are in a better position to determine the adjustments to pricing that need to be made, if any, based on supply, demand and extent of services rendered.;)

Yes you are right EB, and that day, all of MSC ladies will have been informed
about all those statistiques, as the work as already started on the topic !

traveller_76 said:
Efficient marketing tool merb is :D


Ironiquely, not really as we have many of us notice when Mike from
Class xxx was posting !!!

Sorry !!! :D This one was very too easy ! :D
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