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New Member
Apr 2, 2007
LeGuy said:
J'ai ecrit un peu plus tot les avantages des bars a "gaffe": pas de motel a louer, pas de planning, pas de "bait and switch", etc. Par fast food je voulais dire est que regle generale tu seras d'accord que ca se passe vite, tres vite. C'est correct car il n'y a pas de fausses representations. De plus ma description representait l'atmosphere de certains soirs a un certain bar .... :D L'atmosphere de jour est certainement plus humaine.


Tu sais que je n'ai pas de problemes avec le terme fast food et ce fast food est rapide oui et certainement plus le soir dans certains bars a+ grande surface ou la competition est comment dire plus que feroce.Pour ces raisons jai choisi plus petit et une atmosphere plus friendly.:p


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
LeGuy said:
Encore mieux,

Si nous sommes tres gentil avec elle, comme elle le merite, Sarah va peut-etre continuer a contribuer :D .

En passant je connais Sarah depuis un bon bout de temps et pour rendre les choses claires elle fait partie des exceptions le scenario typique que je decris n'est pas le sien. Par ailleurs si c'etait le sien je ne crois pas qu'elle contribuerait a MERB

Alors, dans ce cas, Sarah, nous sommes pendus à tes mots!


Nov 6, 2005
Ziggy Montana said:
Représenter la réalité peut se faire suivant différentes stratégies - par l'exemple, l'analogie, métaphoriquement, par le mythe, mathématiquement, historiquement, par un mélange de tout cela, etc. - sauf que, dans tous les cas, "représenter" restera toujours en position de décalage par rapport à la réalité. Il y aura des gens, une multiplicité de facteurs (déjà le fait de mentionner ces dits facteurs témoignent d'une approche déterministe), des choix, etc... Mais là ou' il y a de l'humain, il y a aussi le besoin de comprendre. Comprendre se rapportant souvent à "comprendre de façon générique" (par opposition à "anecdotique"), il ne m'apparaît pas anormal que le vocabulaire glisse vers une sémantique élargie.

Huh? :D

Hmmm.... i better revert to my native tongue. The problem with the abstraction is that it is an oversimplification. If a multitude of factors leads escorts or dansers to this way of living, selecting one aspect of it and labeling it "dehmanizing" is really acadamic , moralistic , self - importance.

Take the last post of this lovely danser... sure there are a mulitude of factors result in her life style choices.. she is part of what someone else will call a theme.. but she seems quite the opposite of "dehumanized"...She seems like a pleasure to know... ( you can of course send me your contact demloiselle, if you are in love with me as a result of this post ..lol)

I would suggest that dehumanization of people occurs in many instances other than the ones we are talking about... notwithstanding the moralists who have the answer on right and wrong, i have not found an outrageous disproportiong of dehumanized escorts, dancers or hookers... many more in Serbia, Bosnia, rwanda and nazi germany.

in fact i find most of the crowd here more human than accountants, lawyers and financial analysts...lol

but I am impressed with the 8000/per week for a dancer,,,, i dont believe it


Nov 6, 2005
Elizabeth said:
emgeef, assez ironique de ta part de critiquer les "moralisateurs" après ta petite prestation (ou devrais-je dire "montée de lait") dans le thread sur Paris Hilton. ;)

You will see that I am consistent... the crowd demanding this girl be punished is the moralistically motivated monster... I would just forgive her with a spanking... yup , a spanking... that I administer...lol


Nov 6, 2005
LeGuy said:
You are wrong because in the crowd you have many accountants, lawyers, etc ... :D

Yeah, but fallen lawyers, accountants... lol

Sarah isn't a liar. And for your info, when the legendary Grand-Prix was open, some girls were make even more, much more .... like more than $10K if she was working the whole week


Amazing... but I wonder if it is like urban legends...


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
emgeef said:
Hmmm.... i better revert to my native tongue. The problem with the abstraction is that it is an oversimplification. If a multitude of factors leads escorts or dansers to this way of living, selecting one aspect of it and labeling it "dehmanizing" is really acadamic , moralistic , self - importance.
Abstraction doesn't have to be oversimplistic. Your own discreditation of abstraction, on the other hand, is oversimplistic and, furthermore, contradicting its own premises, let alone distorting my own words.

First and foremost, you have proposed, thus far, no alternative to abstraction. Understood that abstraction is only another imperfect way to knowledge, what's yours?

Corollary to that, your own statement would fit in the category of abstractions, actually in two contradicting fields of abstractions: relativism and determinism. Read your own words: "multitude of factors leads escorts or dancers to this way of living" which, in a way, contradicts the following statement: "sure there are a mulitude of factors result in her life style choices..", the operative words being "LEAD" and "CHOICES". So is she "lead" somehow by some determinant forces you haven't yet identified or is she completely free of her choices, as if there wouldn't be such things as economic, cultural, social, historical, etc. forces of influence? You left the two possibilities open without further explanation. Care to explain how things work, according to you, without resorting to abstractions?
emgeef said:
I would suggest that dehumanization of people occurs in many instances other than the ones we are talking about... notwithstanding the moralists who have the answer on right and wrong, i have not found an outrageous disproportiong of dehumanized escorts, dancers or hookers... many more in Serbia, Bosnia, rwanda and nazi germany.
This is the part of your statement that distorts my own statements beyond recognition. I don't see where I passed moralistic judgements on either escorts or strippers. Perhaps our understanding of the word "déshumanisation" migh differ according to the semantic differences between the English and the French versions of the word.
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New Member
Apr 2, 2007
LeGuy said:
Popular girls charge often more than $200 (the charge the dances extra) and your average of one customer an hour isn't correct for popular girls.


Still in big places... I can cosidere myself where I work like"popular"But overcharging for me make us loose custumers more than keeping them....
If they are satisfied they will give a tip will do the same like in the escort world.


New Member
Apr 2, 2007

There is no way a girl can do 12 hours a day... maybe 5...


I do 12 hrs shifts 2 days a week .


New Member
Apr 2, 2007
2;30 non 3 am pour la majorite du temps et je me suis fait dire que cetait 7 etant donne la fermeture le dimanche elle travaillait a un autre endroit....:eek:


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
sarahxxx said:
Still in big places... I can cosidere myself where I work like"popular"But overcharging for me make us loose custumers more than keeping them....
If they are satisfied they will give a tip will do the same like in the escort world.
I might be out in the left field with this one but my sense is that, generally speaking, strippers propose far less incentive to clients for recurrent business. My opinion stems from deduction more than it does from real life experience (i.e from stribclubs experience which I'm not particularly fond of). The "space" in which the stripper's business spreads itself being far more restricted (the "club", the "cabin") than it is for escorting (a great deal of the outcall biz happens on the internet), my sense is there are greater opportunities in stripclubs for "fast cash". Grabbing the fast cash over offering incentives for recurrent business can be tempting, first, and, two, I'm strongly enclined to believe that strippers don't work according to long term business visions, correct me if I'm wrong.


New Member
Apr 2, 2007
Ziggy Montana said:
I might be out in the left field with this one but my sense is that, generally speaking, strippers propose far less incentive to clients for recurrent business. My opinion stems from deduction more than it does from real life experience (i.e from stribclubs experience which I'm not particularly fond of). The "space" in which the stripper's business spreads itself being far more restricted (the "club", the "cabin") than it is for escorting (a great deal of the outcall biz happens on the internet), my sense is there are greater opportunities in stripclubs for "fast cash". Grabbing the fast cash over offering incentives for recurrent business can be tempting, first, and, two, I'm strongly enclined to believe that strippers don't work according to long term business visions, correct me if I'm wrong.

Ok Ziggy made me use my doctionnary. A lot of girls working in big clubs with a lot of custumers rolling dont care about them ,there always will be an other one...but I dont see it like that . I have a lot of regulars comming to see me once a week a month or whenever they can .I know what they like , friendly chat and they come back. For me the one who make me do 2 dances or whatever every week is more important . The relationship between me and a custumer is important they ask about you and care about you and vice versa.



Nov 6, 2005
sarahxxx said:
Ok Ziggy made me use my doctionnary. A lot of girls working in big clubs with a lot of custumers rolling dont care about them ,there always will be an other one...but I dont see it like that . I have a lot of regulars comming to see me once a week a month or whenever they can .I know what they like , friendly chat and they come back. For me the one who make me do 2 dances or whatever every week is more important . The relationship between me and a custumer is important they ask about you and care about you and vice versa.


I will get back to ziggy on the abstraction issue..but Sarah, dancing say 12 hours a day, you are not having sex with more than one guy during that time.. can you have sex at the dance place ? or is it when you go home..?

during the 12 hours, do you actually make 150 and hour just for the dancing part...

I ask, cause for the dance clubs, the only one i went to was chez paree, and that was a while back...


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
Ziggy Montana said:
Grabbing the fast cash over offering incentives for recurrent business can be tempting, first, and, two, I'm strongly enclined to believe that strippers don't work according to long term business visions, correct me if I'm wrong.
Deserting the abstraction to share this anecdote: July 2006, indulging in a drunken bacchanalia of girls, girls, girls, I had a hobby misfortune that I drowned in a stripclub - what was the place called? - some ugly joint with pink side walls on Côte-de-Liesse. I was by myself and ordered a drink, seconds later, lucky me :rolleyes: , the prettiest dancer greets me like epiphany: "Hadn't it been for you, I would have left", she said shortly after the customary presentations and ordering her a drink were completed tasks. I held back the first answer that came to mind, contenting myself to smile and raise my glass to her good health. She insisted: "No, really, etc...". "Oh, I believe you, I said before throwing the anathema, "Honey let's make this short and painless, I have plenty of cash, I want you and I want you now". Not a standard line for me which, at least, I had the good idea to utter without arrogant nor condescending overtones. She smiled back, her expression was quite appealing, she hinted at the cabins to which I replied: "No I don't mean that..." She reminded me that this was not a FS club, I replied, smiling, "Who's talking about a club?" and made her an offer she simply couldn't refuse.

Clearly the offer exceeded by a lot what any escort would have asked for the same amount of time and service. Looking back, my attitude was totally out of character and bordeline power freak. What's instructive, I think, about this anecdote is that my mindset changed radically in that stripclub. Another thing, I thought, is - what was her stage name? It was about 6 syllables long and sounded like she was from planet Xenia21 - with her introductory line ("I would have been gone hadn't it been for you stepping in"), saw a great occasion to catch a big fish in a one shot deal.

It was too obvious for me to fall in her game yet, I played the consenting victim, only difference being the game would be played by my rules. Power trip which cost me something like a second hand Honda Civic.
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Nov 6, 2005
Ziggy Montana said:
Abstraction doesn't have to be oversimplistic. Your own discreditation of abstraction, on the other hand, is oversimplistic and, furthermore, contradicting its own premises, let alone distorting my own words.

First and foremost, you have proposed, thus far, no alternative to abstraction. Understood that abstraction is only another imperfect way to knowledge, what's yours?

Corollary to that, your own statement would fit in the category of abstractions, actually in two contradicting fields of abstractions: relativism and determinism. Read your own words: "multitude of factors leads escorts or dancers to this way of living" which, in a way, contradicts the following statement: "sure there are a mulitude of factors result in her life style choices..", the operative words being "LEAD" and "CHOICES". So is she "lead" somehow by some determinant forces you haven't yet identified or is she completely free of her choices, as if there wouldn't be such things as economic, cultural, social, historical, etc. forces of influence? You left the two possibilities open without further explanation. Care to explain how things work, according to you, without resorting to abstractions?
This is the part of your statement that distorts my own statements beyond recognition. I don't see where I passed moralistic judgements on either escorts or strippers. Perhaps our understanding of the word "déshumanisation" migh differ according to the semantic differences between the English and the French versions of the word.

First and foremost, you have proposed, thus far, no alternative to abstraction. Understood that abstraction is only another imperfect way to knowledge, what's yours?

for me an empirical approach , taking the individual cases on hand, is where I go. I am suspicious of the reasoning that invokes these generalized abstractions...like the dehumanization of the sexual experience if you are a stripper at a dance club.. it carries with it all kinds of issues and judgements, and I have read your posts and know you are not trying to be judgemental at all. Like you, we share here the pleasures of the flesh , generally with good humor and yes, a sort of love of shared experience...
I read articles for example contending that the mp trade or sp trade is feeding the white slave market and kidnapping of young girs, forced into the sex trade. Factually, I am sure that examples can be found, but to date , not my experience...
I read about the dehumanization of women in the sex trade. You applied it to dancers or the street. Seems to me that I can find , empirically other factors that lead to the choice of lifestyles.. For example, some women are so attractive that this is the path of least resistance to big bucks. Flipping hamburgers and having boyfriends that come and go may lead to a conclusion that this lifestyle is better. After all, the guys who can afford them must be somewhat interesting... Or , some might as a result of their background , drawn to instant love and attention... Or, probably a bad thing, a way to finance a bad habit..

All that said, the abstractions ,like the dehumanizing adjective applied, when we use it , import ill- founded judgements...

now, ziggy , i must say that nowhere on the internet is this discussion , with such interesting exchanges taking place. we are experiencing a unique moment here...


Nov 6, 2005
Ziggy Montana said:
Abstraction doesn't have to be oversimplistic. Your own discreditation of abstraction, on the other hand, is oversimplistic and, furthermore, contradicting its own premises, let alone distorting my own words.

First and foremost, you have proposed, thus far, no alternative to abstraction. Understood that abstraction is only another imperfect way to knowledge, what's yours?

Corollary to that, your own statement would fit in the category of abstractions, actually in two contradicting fields of abstractions: relativism and determinism. Read your own words: "multitude of factors leads escorts or dancers to this way of living" which, in a way, contradicts the following statement: "sure there are a mulitude of factors result in her life style choices..", the operative words being "LEAD" and "CHOICES". So is she "lead" somehow by some determinant forces you haven't yet identified or is she completely free of her choices, as if there wouldn't be such things as economic, cultural, social, historical, etc. forces of influence? You left the two possibilities open without further explanation. Care to explain how things work, according to you, without resorting to abstractions?
This is the part of your statement that distorts my own statements beyond recognition. I don't see where I passed moralistic judgements on either escorts or strippers. Perhaps our understanding of the word "déshumanisation" migh differ according to the semantic differences between the English and the French versions of the word.

First and foremost, you have proposed, thus far, no alternative to abstraction. Understood that abstraction is only another imperfect way to knowledge, what's yours?

for me an empirical approach , taking the individual cases on hand, is where I go. I am suspicious of the reasoning that invokes these generalized abstractions...like the dehumanization of the sexual experience if you are a stripper at a dance club.. it carries with it all kinds of issues and judgements, and I have read your posts and know you are not trying to be judgemental at all. Like you, we share here the pleasures of the flesh , generally with good humor and yes, a sort of love of shared experience...
I read articles for example contending that the mp trade or sp trade is feeding the white slave market and kidnapping of young girs, forced into the sex trade. Factually, I am sure that examples can be found, but to date , not my experience...
I read about the dehumanization of women in the sex trade. You applied it to dancers or the street. Seems to me that I can find , empirically other factors that lead to the choice of lifestyles.. For example, some women are so attractive that this is the path of least resistance to big bucks. Flipping hamburgers and having boyfriends that come and go may lead to a conclusion that this lifestyle is better. After all, the guys who can afford them must be somewhat interesting... Or , some might as a result of their background , drawn to instant love and attention... Or, probably a bad thing, a way to finance a bad habit..

All that said, the abstractions ,like the dehumanizing adjective applied, when we use it , import ill- founded judgements... I dont think, but did not re-read , I resorted to abstractions .. and certainly not ill placed ones..lol

now, ziggy , i must say that nowhere on the internet is this discussion , with such interesting exchanges taking place. we are experiencing a unique moment here...


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
LeGuy said:
ElfGoneBad drive something like 600 kms to see one dancer he was told was at the Gentleman. She must have been really good. Want to laugh? She was not at the Gent that night.
So what did he do, fuckfaced the carburetor thinking it was Jen of Devilish?


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
emgeef said:
for me an empirical approach , taking the individual cases on hand, is where I go.
Oh I often take that road too yet I'm aware that empiricism can just as much be charged of oversimplifying matters. Oversimplification doesn't depend on how much one emphasizes the role of experience as much as it depends on the quality, the articulation, the depth and reach of the argumentation or presentation of facts. Both approaches, furthermore, are not incompatible.

emgeef said:
I am suspicious of the reasoning that invokes these generalized abstractions...like the dehumanization of the sexual experience if you are a stripper at a dance club..
I was actually thinking of the dehumanization of women, i.e. women caught in the web of fast cash.

emgeef said:
it carries with it all kinds of issues and judgements, and I have read your posts and know you are not trying to be judgemental at all.
I am judgemental towards the business model underlying the sex industry, certainly not towards escorts and strippers whom I often depict as victims.

emgeef said:
I can find , empirically other factors that lead to the choice of lifestyles.. For example, some women are so attractive that this is the path of least resistance to big bucks.
Perhaps women attractiveness is a contributing factor to "making the choice" but I would certainly not view this as a prerequisite, far from it. Fashion models, in larger U.S., European and Canadian markets (certainly not Montreal, most fashion models would starve if they'd only live off bookings), are making up to US$5,000 per one-day photo shoots, less 20% agency fees. For reasons I won't disclose here, I happen to know a few models that make up to $200,000 yearly, pocket change compared to top models quite the sum compared to the regular girl.

These models, needless to say, are usually attractive, I mean, downright gorgeous, but that's pretty much the only thing they need to be. Strippers, FS stippers, escorts, etc. require different prerequisites which, through my own experience of venal sex, were far more dominant than just physical attractiveness.
emgeef said:
now, ziggy , i must say that nowhere on the internet is this discussion , with such interesting exchanges taking place. we are experiencing a unique moment here...
Well, perhaps the Mods here have something to do with this at least they are making these discussions possible by cleaning up the usual disturbing elements.

Recess... Ziggy likes to discuss, me needs to work....:D
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